Troubled Waters (Nancy Drew (All New) Girl Detective Book 23)

BOOK: Troubled Waters (Nancy Drew (All New) Girl Detective Book 23)
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When heavy rains washed out the low-lying towns around River Heights, my friends and I knew we had to help. That’s when we hooked up with Helping Homes to build apartments. Then the two-time state champion basketball team, the Lowell University Bullets, showed up—and the waters, so to speak, turned murky.

While George couldn’t be happier about working close to J. C. Valdez, the Bullets’ star forward, not everyone around us is a fan. Take the person who is destroying our work and spray painting threats to J. C. on the walls, for starters. Is this the product of some basketball feud, or something much larger? I may be up to my elbows in sheet rock, but that won’t slow my sleuthing. . . .


Simon & Schuster, New York
Cover designed by Debra Sfetsios Cover photograph copyright © 2007 by
   Getty Images/Photodisc Green
Ages 8–12


Let me introduce myself. I’m
Nancy Drew.

My friends call me Nancy. My enemies call me a lot of other things, like “that girl who cooked my goose.” They actually sometimes speak like that, but what can you expect from criminals? See, I’m a detective. Well, not really. I mean, I don’t have a license or anything. I don’t carry a badge or a gun, in part because I wouldn’t touch a gun even if I could, and also because I’m just not old enough. But I
old enough to know when something isn’t right, when somebody’s getting an unfair deal, when someone’s done something they shouldn’t do. And I know how to stop them, catch them, and get them into the hands of the law, where they belong. I take those things seriously, and I’m almost never wrong.

My best friends, Bess and George, might not totally agree with me. They tell me I’m wrong a lot, and that they have to cover for me all of the time just to make me look good. Bess would tell you I dress badly. I call it casual. George would tell you I’m not focused. By that she’d mean that once again I forgot to fill my car with gas or bring enough money to buy lunch. But they both know I’m always focused when it comes to crime. Always.

Nancy Drew


In Deep Water . . .

“By mistake?” I repeated. “You think someone tracked down the water valve and took a wrench to it by

“You’d be surprised,” Owen said, laughing. “This isn’t the first time an overeager volunteer did something they shouldn’t have and didn’t want to admit it.”

I didn’t say anything more. I mean, the guy had a lot more experience at construction work than I did. Still, I didn’t feel nearly as sure as Owen that the valve had been opened accidentally.

“Uh-oh. I know that look.” George raised an eyebrow at me. “What are you thinking, Nancy?”


girl detective

#1 Without a Trace

#2 A Race Against Time

#3 False Notes

#4 High Risk

#5 Lights, Camera . . .

#6 Action!

#7 The Stolen Relic

#8 The Scarlet Macaw Scandal

#9 Secret of the Spa

#10 Uncivil Acts

#11 Riverboat Ruse

#12 Stop the Clock

#13 Trade Wind Danger

#14 Bad Times, Big Crimes

#15 Framed

#16 Dangerous Plays

#17 En Garde

#18 Pit of Vipers

#19 Orchid Thief

#20 Getting Burned

#21 Close Encounters

#22 Dressed to Steal

#23 Troubled Waters

Available from Aladdin Paperbacks


This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020
Copyright © 2007 by Simon & Schuster, Inc.
All rights reserved, including the right of
reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
NANCY DREW is a registered trademark of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
colophon are trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-4424-6543-5(eBook)
First Aladdin Paperbacks edition April 2007
Library of Congress Control Number 2006924387
ISBN-13: 978-1-4169-2513-2
ISBN-10: 1-4169-2513-9


Chapter 1:
After the Flood

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:
Troubled Start

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:
Getting Even

Chapter 6:
J.C. Go Home

Chapter 7:
Lies and Excuses

Chapter 8:
Night Chase

Chapter 9:
The Search for Secret Rooms

Chapter 10:
Friends—or Foes?

Chapter 11:
A Clue in the Night

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