TroubleinParadise (7 page)

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Authors: Cindy Jacks

BOOK: TroubleinParadise
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Clarissa jumped up and threw her arms around his neck. “Oh
my God. That’s awesome. I knew you were a shoe-in.”

He kissed her, cradling her face in his hands. “We have to

“First things first. You need a shower, fish-boy.”

“Maybe you can help me out with that?” He tugged at the
waistband of her shorts.


Shedding clothes along the way, they scurried through their
bedroom into the bathroom. Mika started the water, climbed into the shower
ahead of Clarissa and started to soap up.

“So when do you start?” she asked, letting her hair down.

“In about a month. I’ve got to train my replacement and go
through a couple weeks of management classes.”

“That’s awesome. Is it safe to get in?” she asked.

“Yeah. All fish has been eliminated. Get your pretty little
ass in here.”

She climbed in and took a moment to admire her husband’s
wet, naked form. Water surged over her body and she relaxed into the hot
stream. His hands slid down her body and he dropped to his knees, burying his
face between her legs.

“Whatcha doing?” she asked.

“Thought you’d like a little attention, just for you.”

“Mmm, I love the idea.”

Using long strokes of his tongue, he swiped at her soft folds.
She shivered, latching on to the back of his head and leaning against one
shower wall. The heat of the water and his mouth against her pussy set her body
on fire. Immediate need blossomed in her core, the tension spreading through
her body.

Mika put one of her legs over his shoulders. His tongue
slipped inside her and back over her clit, taking advantage of the greater
access. She flexed her thighs, each little squeeze tugging at her mound.
Ripples of pleasure moved out from her cunt. Her breath quickened and caught in
her throat. She gave herself over to the ecstasy of each pass of his tongue.
The soft lapping sound filled the shower. Little by little, he edged her closer
to coming.

She moaned and arched against him, a wordless plea for
release, but he teased her, easing the pressure.

Hands tangled in his hair, she pulled gently. “Don’t stop.”

A chuckle vibrated her clit. He was having fun. Pushing her
mound against his face, she held him firmly in place. He laved with renewed
ardor, clearly taking her not-so-subtle hint. When he finally brought her to
climax, he continued to lick and suck until the powerful sensations buckled her

Getting to his feet, he embraced her, his strong arms
encircled her and she rested against him. She could tell by his quick breathing
he wasn’t finished with her. Not by a long shot.

Hand trailing down her torso, he slid his fingers between
her wet folds. Her swollen clit throbbed. He turned her around, his cock
nestled between her ass cheeks. Arching her back, she pressed her opening
against the velvety head.

Slowly he eased inside her. She sighed. Though she loved
when he gave her head, nothing compared to the way he filled her.

Leaning her forward, he settled his torso against her back.
His slick skin slid over hers with each thrust. Their bodies united, she
trembled not only with pleasure but with emotion. This was what she
needed—tenderness, passion, affection, intimacy. Mika loved her and she loved
him. Why couldn’t every minute together be this simple, this clear?

Pussy clenched around his cock, she panted, trying to manage
the sensations racking her body. As he held her close, he pumped harder,
faster, his cock passing over her most sensitive spots.

So perfect, so right, she let the pleasure sweep her along.
Cunt tight with the need to come, emotion pressed at the walls of her chest.
Tears sprang into her eyes. This was all she ever wanted, ever needed. Just
like the first time they’d been together.

As tremors pulled her closer to orgasm she cried out. Her
body belonged to Mika, he owned her. He always had. More tears leaked down her
cheeks. Grateful for the camouflage of the shower, she planted her hands
against the tile wall. Bracing herself, she gasped for air. It was all too
much, her love for Mika and the pleasure he gave.

Pushing into her, he held her fast. As his cock twitched,
another wave of pleasure hit her. She came with him, hiding her sobs with

Little by little the world returned to her. She noticed his
smooth skin against hers, the water running over them both. She blinked away
the guilt and pain, embracing the affection blossoming in her core.

Lips to her ear, he murmured, “Where would you like to go

A lazy shrug on her part. Dinner was the furthest thing from
her mind.

They finished showering and continued to throw out ideas
about where to eat. At first they thought to paint the town red at a fancy
restaurant, but then again maybe not. Since Mika dealt with gourmet cuisine
every night, they decided to go to their favorite Mongolian barbeque joint to
celebrate. He pulled on a pair of Jams and a t-shirt. Clarissa wore jeans
shorts and a spaghetti-strap tank top. Casual fun, like the old days.

Laughing and full of good humor, they made their way to the
restaurant and seated themselves in an empty booth. Red vinyl seats, checkered
vinyl tablecloth, but what the décor lacked, the smell of beef and chicken
seared in sesame oil more than made up for. Their usual waitress greeted them
with two beers.

“To you, sweetheart. I knew you could do it.” Clarissa
raised her glass to her husband.

Mika clinked his mug to hers. “Thanks, baby. You make me
feel like I can do anything.”

“You do great all on your own.”

“Speaking of greatness, how goes the project for the
Performing Arts Center?”

“Good. Hector loved the model. I’ve collected about
two-thirds of the bronze I need from scraps and by bartering with my friends
and professors. I’m going to be chained to the TIG welder next semester.”

“Hmm…you in leather all day. I like that idea.”

“Yeah, all sweaty and stinky. Very sexy.”

“Well, if it brings down the out-of-pocket expenditure, you
can be as sweaty and stinky as you want to be.”

“Yep. Now I just have to figure out where to get all those
keys.” She gave him her best puppy dog eyes.

“My hours will be changing soon,” he said, clearly eager to
change the topic of conversation. “I’ll be running the swing shift from ten to
six so I’ll be home for dinner every night.”

“That’ll be cool.”

He covered her hands with his. “Everything’s coming
together. You finish your thesis this spring. By then we’ll have saved for a
down payment.” Pausing, he continued to stroke her palms. Clarissa knew what
would come next. Lips pressed together, she braced herself.

Just stay calm, stay noncommittal.

Mika went on, “Do you think then we’ll be ready to start

“Maybe. I mean, let’s see what kind of job offers I get.”

He cleared his throat. “You know, you won’t have to work
once my raise kicks in and the stock options and everything.”

“I know, but I want to. I love teaching.”

Releasing her hands, he slumped back against the booth and
took a drink of beer. Irritation tugged at the corners of his mouth.

“Why don’t we talk about something else? We’re supposed to
be celebrating, not fighting,” she said.


The waitress appeared with their soup. Clarissa crumbled
fried lumpia into hers and added two dashes of shoyu. With a blank expression,
Mika did the same.

“You’re mad at me.” She sighed.

He shook his head. “No. Just frustrated.”

“I promise in the spring we can talk about all this, okay?”

“Yeah. And I know how that conversation will go. I’ll say I
want to try, then you’ll come up with another excuse to put it off. You’ll have
just started a new job or there will be another big project or whatever.”

She dropped her soup spoon into the bowl. “I don’t see what
the rush is.”

“Because I’d like to have kids before I’m fifty years old.”

“You knew when we got married I didn’t want to start a
family right away.”

“Three years later isn’t right away.”

“Can’t you try to see it my way?” She rubbed her temples, a
headache developing over her brow. “A child doesn’t change much for you. Sure,
you’ll lose some sleep making a token effort to get up in the middle of the
night once in a while. You won’t be able to go out with the guys as often, but
that’s it. You’ll still exist outside the house. But it doesn’t work like that
for me. You expect me to give up my job, my artwork, everything that makes me
who I am so I can sit home all day vacuuming and breastfeeding.”

“Are you kidding? You really think I don’t have to make any
sacrifices? I was perfectly happy working at that dive on the North Shore,
surfing every day and partying every night. But when we got engaged, I took the
job at the steakhouse so we’d have health insurance and a 401(k). I hated working
there, but I never complained about it. Then I transferred to the resort—to a
job beneath my skills—so I’d be able to make more money in the long run. That
plan is finally coming to fruition. I’m tired of hearing what you’ll have to
give up if we take the next logical step in our marriage.”

“Do you hear yourself? ‘The next logical step’. Is that the
only reason you want children?”

“Of course not. I love you, Kala. I can’t think of anything
better than a little person who’s half me and half you.”

When he put it that way, she felt like an ass for not being
ready to take the plunge. But they were still in their twenties, granted late
twenties, but her eggs had plenty of time to sit unused on the shelf.

Sione wouldn’t pressure me like this.
The thought alarmed
her. Wrangling her emotions, she did her best to stay on track with the issue
at hand.

“Baby, I’m not saying I want you barefoot and pregnant. And
I wouldn’t mind if you want to work part-time,” Mika said.

Did he… Did he really just say what she thought he said?
“Gee, thanks for the permission, boss.”

“That’s not how I meant it.”

“I think it’s exactly what you meant. Well, I’ve got news
for you—I don’t need your permission to work. You’re not my father, and even he
doesn’t get to tell me what to do anymore.”

“Yeah, and if you have it your way, I’ll never be anyone’s

At this she took her napkin from her lap, wiped her mouth
and stood. She collected her purse and started to walk away.

“Kala, where are you going?” he asked.

An eye roll her only response, she stormed out of the
restaurant. At first she considered stopping by home to get the van, but she
didn’t want to run into Mika. Too tired and angry to rehash this argument, she
found a bus stop two blocks away from the restaurant.

The bus that would take her near Michelle’s grad student
housing pulled up. Its door opened with a heavy whoosh of air, but she shook
her head and told the driver she was waiting on the number fifty-two line. He
shrugged and gave her an apathetic wave.

Fifteen minutes later, the right bus showed up. Or perhaps
the wrong bus. The number nine ran through Palolo Valley, one stop along its
route sat dangerously close to the duplex Sione shared with two roommates.
Ignoring her trepidation, Clarissa climbed aboard and paid her fare.

She’d managed to put Sione from her mind for the last week.
Michelle’s outburst had struck a chord, but now too many conflicting urges
swirled around her brain. Thus far, devotion to Mika and reason had prevailed,
but what had that gotten her? What if she acted on impulse? What if the sun
didn’t rise and set by Mika? What if she pretended for just one night that Mika
didn’t exist? Her words to Sione echoed in her mind—
That’s an awful lot of

* * * * *

Three knocks. Clarissa had banged on the door three times
and no one answered. Figured Sione would be out the one night she wanted to see
him. Deflated, she turned and walked down the steps.

The creak of a screen door caught her attention. She looked
up to see Sione on the upper deck. He wore only a pair of cutoffs, his hair a
tousled mess.

“Kala, you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, I just wanted to talk. Did I wake you?”

“Nah. What’s up?”

She walked upstairs and joined him on the stoop. “Mika and I
had a huge argument.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” He picked at the skin around his

A tense pause hung heavily in the night air, but not born of
the usual sexual tension. Something else. His words terse, his body turned
toward the door, Sione gave off impatience in waves.

“Did I catch you at a bad time?” she asked.

He rubbed his neck. “Yeah, kinda.”

“I’m sorry. I just don’t feel like going home. Can I come
in? I’ll stay out of your way. You won’t even know I’m here.”

“That’s the thing.” He scrunched up his nose. “I wouldn’t
mind you hanging out, but I’m…I’m not alone.”

“Oh.” The full meaning of what he’d said took a moment to
sink in. “
God, I’m an idiot. Serves me right for popping in
on you. Sorry. Good night.”

Clarissa couldn’t hurry down the steps fast enough. She
ignored his calls after her. Her cheeks burned with humiliation. Earlier, when
she made the decision to see Sione, she’d imagined him home, forlorn and
brokenhearted, pining for her. And all his crap about wanting her. If she were
free—if he were free… Embarrassment at her gullibility turned her stomach.

He jogged up beside her as she hurried across the street.
“Kala, don’t leave mad.”

“I’m not mad. I feel stupid. I bought the bullshit you were
slinging the other night. But thank you. Really, I’m glad you were otherwise
occupied tonight. At least I never actually slept with you, right?”

“What? You came over here tonight to sleep with me?”

“No.” Though the thought had crossed her mind on the way
here. A lot. Exhausted, she flopped onto the bus stop bench and sank her head
into her hands. Her eyes stung as she blinked away teardrops. What a mess.

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