Trove (The Katie Walsh Mysteries) (12 page)

BOOK: Trove (The Katie Walsh Mysteries)
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She went to retrieve her coffee before heading to the living room but it wasn’t where she’d left it. She looked around, not sure she wasn’t losing her mind. Finally, in exasperation, she asked, “Has anyone seen my coffee? It was in a black mug.”

“Might this be it?” Alec asked sheepishly as he held up a mug, her mug.

“Why don’t you just make yourself at home, what’s mine is yours.” She huffed under her breath, only Alec and Willie heard her.

Willie leaned over to Alec, and in a conspiratorial whisper, said, “You’re in for it now. Ya pissed the little lady off.”

Alec replied, “Yeah, I can see the fire shooting out of her eyes.”

They laughed as she poured herself another cup of coffee.

She came in from the kitchen and stopped, hand on her hip, and said, “What’s so amusing?”

In unison they replied, “Nothing,”

She just glared at them, shook her head and strode to her leather chair. She put her feet up on the matching ottoman.
I don’t believe in coincidences. This whole thing is beginning to seem deliberate.
Did he find out who she was and track her down? It didn’t make sense. It had been five years. Add to that the fact that Lucy brought him to the attention of Dr. Austin, Why?
While I’m at it, I forget that Robert somehow never bothered to tell me he had a brother.
There had to be something else, some other reason…

“So, Willie,” Alec said, “how did you and Katie meet? No offense, but you do make an odd couple.”

“None taken. We actually met as I was comin’ out of Johnny’s bar down on Third. I was callin’ it a night, and headed out the door when I heard a woman yellin’ ‘let me go, you’re not gettin’ my purse.’ I looked over and saw this punk tryin’ to pull a purse off of this tiny—”

Alec interrupted. “I think the correct word is ‘petite.’”

Willie looked at her contritely. “Sorry, not tiny, petite lady. But the lady wasn’t givin’ up. She was inflictin’ a few well-placed smacks and scratches on the punk’s face. Enough so that he stops for a moment. I reached over and hauled the punk off her by the neck. There he was, feet off the ground, and then I hear the lady, calmly mind ya, say, ‘I’ll teach you to try and rip me off’ and then before I could do anythin’ the guy went flyin’ out of my grip and lands flat on his ass. She inflicted a high kick to the stomach. Come to find out Katie is quite good at kickboxin’.”

Alec looked from Willie to her. “Is he telling the truth? I mean, really?” He laughed. “I would love to have seen that.”

Her eyes narrowed, her lips tightened. “Go ahead, laugh, but my guess is that guy had at least one if not two broken ribs.”

“At the very least,” Willie confirmed.

“You are a wildcat, but I’m thoroughly impressed.”

Her eyes focused directly on Alec. “So glad I could entertain you,” she said quietly.

“She took me out to dinner a week later to say thank you. Found out we held common views on a lot of issues. The rest is, as they say, history.”

“Yeah,” she said, “come to find out Willie was Special Ops in the first Gulf War. I think all military personnel are overlooked, but especially his group. So much of it’s covert, people tend to think because what they do is secret that they must be monsters.”

“Special Ops, huh? We should talk, Willie, but not here. After our sports talk, I think Katie would toss us over the railing.”

The men looked at her for confirmation. She didn’t disappoint them. “If you want to talk ‘guy talk’, take it out on my balcony.”

“Actually,” Willie said, “I’d like to talk to ya, but I gotta run. Gotta get up early tomorrow.” He rose and bent over her and gave her a quick kiss. “Thanks, kiddo. See you in two weeks?”

“Night, Willie. Thanks for dinner. See you two weeks from tonight.”

“Alec, very nice to meet ya. I’m sure I’ll see ya again.”

“Nice meeting you too, Willie. I’ll be in touch soon.”

With Willie gone, she followed Alec into the kitchen where he was standing near the coffee machine pouring a refill.

She stood in front of him, her feet apart, hands on her hips. “What the hell are you trying to pull? You damn well knew I was having dinner with someone. You deliberately crashed my dinner with Willie. Why? And you better make it good.”

Alec shrugged and looked down at her, an amused smile spread across his face. “I was curious about Willie. I asked about him earlier and, as you recall, you said Willie was your friend. I wanted to see what kind of friends you have. It’s not much different than you checking out my pictures.”

“My personal life is none of your business. It is
off limits. Period. End of discussion. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you were stalking me. First out on the wharf at lunch and now here.” She cast a sideways glance at him. “And just how did you know where I live? I certainly never told you.” She reached for her coffee mug. His eyes followed her hands, and landed on the letter. He picked it up before she could snatch it away.

“What is this?” he asked as he read the letter. “Who sent this to you?” He turned the letter over.

“A fan letter.”

“Cut it out, Katie. This is serious,” he said, waving the letter in front of her. “Where did this come from?”

“I don’t know.”

“Katie, so help me,” he said, leaning forward, his forehead inches from hers. “Tell me.”

“I truly don’t know,” she said, leaning her head back. “I ran out to get the bread and cannoli while Willie cooked dinner. When I got back, it was propped against the door knob.”

“No sign of anyone in the lobby or hall?”

“None and Willie said no one knocked on the door.”

Alec frowned. “So whoever left it might have seen you run out and knew you’d be back soon.”

She laughed. “You mean someone’s watching me? That’s ridiculous.”

“That’s exactly what I mean.”

“But I’ve had no contact from anyone, no phone call, no email. Why the secrecy and more importantly,” she asked as she poked her index finger in his chest, “is there any truth to it?” She stepped back, her hands back on her hips, trying to stake her territory, claim her personal space. Her eyes narrowed, her head tilted. “What’s really going on?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” Alec answered, his arms crossed.

“I may be slow on the uptake, Alec, but I’m not stupid. I know that for some reason, Lucy Millar had a hand in your being hired. What’s your connection to her?” When he didn’t answer, she continued. “Why did you accept the position? You’re a digger, not a desk jockey. I think,” she continued, tapping her finger against her lips, “that you were after someone with my expertise, only you didn’t know I was Dr. Walsh. And now, it, whatever ‘it’ is, has become much more complicated. Am I right?”

He cocked an eyebrow and shrugged.

She headed into the living room. He followed, stepped ahead of her and claimed her leather armchair. She frowned. “That’s my chair. You can sit anywhere you like but not there.”

He answered by putting his feet up on the matching ottoman, his posture challenging her to lay claim to the chair.

She shook her head and exhaled. “Why does everything have to be a struggle with you?”

“I can remember a night when you gladly stopped struggling and surrendered control to me.” A seductive grin spread across his face. “And I don’t recall hearing any complaints. As a matter of fact, I clearly recall sounds of pleasure from you, KitKat, all night long.”

, she thought as her face grew warm as the memories of the night surfaced again, flooding her body with delicious sensations. He was right. She had surrendered to him completely. A total stranger, and yet she let him take control of her life. That was so out of character and now she feared she could very possibly head down that same path with disastrous results.

“So, maybe you should ask yourself why you fight
on everything Katie.”

“You’re not going to answer me, are you?” She plopped down on the sofa, tucking her feet up beside her. She propped her elbow on the armrest and leaned her head into her hand.

“You look tired,” he said.

“I am. I don’t generally sleep well.”

“How come?”

She shrugged, her head still in her hand. “I don’t know. I can’t seem to quiet my mind, and on the rare nights when I seem to fall into a deep sleep, I have nightmares. That might have something to do with it.”

“Nightmares? About what?” Alec laughed. “Ghosts, goblins, haunted houses? Lucy Millar?”

“About my parents’ deaths and other things.” She stared straight ahead, her eyes avoiding his.

He dropped his feet to the floor and leaned forward, his forearms on his knees. “I’m sorry. Do you want to talk about it?”

“No. I don’t talk about it with anyone. I’d just rather forget it only…” She looked at him. “Only I don’t seem to be able to.”

He rose and walked to her. He lifted her legs and sat down, pulling her feet across his lap. She stretched out on her back, resting her head against the armrest. She draped her arm across her eyes.

“Alec, I’m tired. I don’t think it’s a good idea that you’re here… this close. You’re pushing my boundaries.”

“Talk to me, Katie. Tell me why the nightmares.”

Her breath hitched. “I-I can’t. Maybe when you answer my questions, I’ll consider it.” She felt safe that she wouldn’t have to make good on the offer, seeing how he refused to provide any insight into why he was here.

He ran his hands slowly down her calves and gently lifted her foot, bending her knee. He pressed his fingers into the sole of her foot, alternating deep massages with light caresses.

“Mm,” she moaned. “That’s wonderful.” She dropped her arm from her face. Her toes curled and flexed under his sensuous ministrations.
Who would have ever thought that my feet were such an erogenous zone?
She arched her back slightly, pushing her shoulders into the leather cushion.

“Just relax, KitKat.”

Her breathing had slowed and deepened by the time he’d finished with her other foot. She was finding it difficult to keep her eyes open. She offered a smile. “I think I’m about to fall asleep, though don’t for a moment think that I won’t continue trying to figure out your secret.” She yawned, as if punctuating her promise.

He carefully slid out from under her legs. Standing, he reached for the afghan that was splayed over the back of the sofa. He opened it and laid it over her, tucking it around her shoulders and her feet. He grabbed a throw pillow and tenderly lifted her head by cupping the back of it, taking the strain off her neck. He
slipped the pillow beneath, gently laying her head back down. He removed her glasses and set them on the coffee table. He pushed her hair off her face before he bent down and brushed his lips across hers. “Sweet dreams, my Katie.”



Alec sat in Robert’s penthouse living room after telling his brother about the mysterious letter left at Katie’s door. Alec’s face was a twin image of Robert’s, both taut and frustrated. He worried about what he’d unleashed and how someone else, Josh’s murderer maybe, was aware of Katie’s involvement. That wasn’t supposed to happen. He was supposed to find out what Josh was working on, and then he’d be gone, seeking a way to connect with Josh’s partner if not the murderer.

Robert poured a couple of whiskeys before handing one to Alec. Alec savored the first taste then said, “Good news, Robert. I’ve leased a place so I’ll be moving out tomorrow.”

“Not that I don’t love you but I look forward to having my place all to myself again. Where will you be calling home?” Robert asked as he headed to the sofa.

“Not as grand as your penthouse suite but it’ll do. I actually found a nice condo for lease down on the waterfront.”

“No. Don’t tell me,” Robert said, bolting upright.

Alec grinned. “Yep. The condo is in Katie’s building. Three doors down to be exact.”

God, Alec
, are you out of your mind? Does she know?”

Alec shrugged. “No. I haven’t told her.” He chuckled. “Thought I’d just ‘pop’ over one night and see if I can borrow some sugar.”

“You like playing with fire, don’t you? Lord only knows how she’ll react. At the very least she might think you’re stalking her,” Robert said.

“She already does. She questioned me tonight. She’s putting the pieces together. I don’t think it’ll be long before she
figures out what’s really behind this whole”—he grimaced—“this subterfuge.” He sipped his whiskey. “That’s why I haven’t told her yet. I’m afraid she’ll boot my ass to the curb and raise holy hell at the Institute. But it makes it much easier to keep an eye on her, especially now since someone else is aware that she has a copy of Josh’s notes.”

“Shit, I don’t like it, Alec. You’re putting her in danger and she’s not aware of the stakes. I’m almost sorry I told you about her and the position at the Institute.” Robert slumped deeper into the sofa. “You need to enlighten her. She’s not a helpless female. I think she’d appreciate it more if you came clean and told her the truth.”

“I will, but not yet. The more she’s invested in this, the more likely she’ll see it through to the end. Need I remind you that she’s our last hope at translating those damn runes? Without her, I’ve got no way to draw out Josh’s murderer,” Alec said. “I can’t let the bastard go free, regardless of Josh’s less than stellar past.”

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