True Colors (3 page)

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Authors: Melissa Pearl

BOOK: True Colors
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It took twenty minutes to reach SkyBar at the Mondrian Hotel on Sunset Boulevard. Stella gave the car to the valet and we joined the throngs of others waiting to get the approval of the bouncer before gaining entry to the exclusive club.

"Come on, let's see if the others are ahead of us." Stella yanked my arm before we could even join the line properly, pulling me past the hyped up crowd.

I was grateful I had chosen to wear my tight tank top and leather jacket. It was smart casual, which suited me fine. I hated dressing up, but if I didn't put in some effort, I looked like a total slob next to Stella. She always looked stunning, and the hot pink number she’d squeezed her curves into tonight screamed sexy. She was turning heads and loving it. She even got a wolf whistle, which made her smirk.

I, of course, went unnoticed beside her until we reached the corner where Chase, Sean, Audi and Kurt were, in fact, waiting. Audi and Kurt were wrapped around each other as they always were. Chase looked relieved to be away from them as he approached us, pulling me aside for a private word. Stella continued her confident strut, enjoying the way Sean’s eyes travelled over her body. He was so into her. Poor guy, Stella was never going to let him have her, but it didn’t stop her from flirting up a storm whenever there were no other guys to choose from.

Chase ran his fingers over the exposed skin where my top and jeans didn’t quite meet, setting my skin on fire. “So how was the third degree?”

“Not too bad." I shrugged, not wanting to get into it.

His smile went all soft and mushy as he slid his arm around me and pulled me close. “So, I was wondering after this if you wanted to find somewhere quiet where we could finish what we started." He nibbled my ear, his warm breathing tickling the nape of my neck as he kissed my skin.

I grinned, trying to ignore my mother’s warning as I let his hands slide over my butt. He pulled me towards him, pressing his hips against mine, showing me exactly what he meant. I had to nod. What else could I say to him? His expression lit with pleasure. Grabbing my face in his hands, he planted his lips on mine as we forgot we were on a public street. 

"Come on you two love birds,” Sean hollered, but Chase ignored him, continuing to kiss me until my senses were reeling.

Finally I couldn’t take the catcalls anymore and pulled away. I pushed at Chase’s chest, put on a sexy smile and whispered, “Later.”

This seemed to appease him. He kissed me one last time, thrusting his tongue into my mouth, before grabbing my hand and pulling us back into the line in time to enter the club. My nerves were going off like fireworks as I walked through the door. I was so uncomfortable with using a fake ID. I’d already been in trouble once today and yes, it wasn’t that bad, but if Mom knew what I was up to at this moment, I’d probably be on house arrest for the foreseeable future.

My insides twitched and buzzed as we made our way through the club. The music was pulsing out a steady beat that seemed like a hammer to my skull. Stella was going on about knowing half the gorgeous guys in the place. Whether that was true or not, I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t try to correct her in front of the others. I’d done that once before and nearly lost her friendship. Pressing my lips together, I tried to tune her out, instead focussing on getting my legs to move. My brain was being fully attacked by my mother. Her words kept spinning around in my head...the fact I was changing, my decision with Chase.

Suddenly his hand felt sweaty against mine and I wanted to yank it free, but I didn’t want to upset him, so I pressed my lips even tighter together.

It didn't work. With a smile, I eased my hand free and touched my lips to his ear. "I just have to duck out for a sec."

"You okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm great, just um...give me a minute."

I left his confused side and yanked on Stella's wrist, pulling her towards the nearest exit sign on the edge of the room.

"What the hell is your problem?" She shook me off her once we made it out to the empty side street.

"Sorry." I rubbed my forehead. "I just needed a sec."


"Because..." I flicked my hands in the air. "Chase and I are going know...after and I'm suddenly freaking out."

"Caity, weren't you going to this afternoon anyway?"

"Yeah, but that was spontaneous. This is all planned and pressure central! I don't know, what if I suddenly chicken out? Do you think he'll hate me?"

Stella's irritation eased, her look softening to one of pity. She squeezed my shoulder with her jewelled fingers. "He'd be a jerk to hate you...and Chase isn't a jerk. I never would have set you up with him if he were like that. It'll be fine. You don't have to freak out. Yes, the first time hurts a little, but he'll be gentle."

Why that sounded gross, I wasn't sure, but I grimaced anyway.

Stella rolled her eyes. "Don't be so pathetic. You can't stay a virgin forever, just—"

“Can you help me?” We barely heard the feeble voice that came from the alley behind the club. I glanced down and spotted an old man huddled against the edge of the building. His torn, dirty clothing looked more like rags than actual attire. They hung off his skinny muscles, making him look weak and pathetic. His matted beard was unkempt and infested with who knew what. I tried not to make a face as I caught a whiff of his unwashed body.

“Ewww, you smell.” Stella looked disgusted, covering her mouth with her hand. “Let’s go, Caity.”

“Please!” His feeble voice was desperate. “Just a little money for food. Please.”

My heart spasmed. The poor man looked tired and ready to give up. Without thinking, I reached into my back pocket, ready to pull out a twenty. Would that be enough?

“Don’t you dare.” Stella snatched my hand. “He’ll probably just use it to buy alcohol or drugs.”

“Come on, Stella,” I whispered. “He looks hungry.”

“He’s not our problem, Caitlyn. Now, let’s go back in.” She yanked on my arm, pulling me away from the old man’s pleas. He sounded so wretched, I couldn’t help looking back and watching him rise from the pavement. His legs wobbled as he shuffled after us, still begging for something to eat.

Stella let out a huff and spun around to face him. “Look old man, we’ve got nothing for you. Now just leave us the hell alone.” Stepping forward, she gave the man a shove. With no energy to spare, he tumbled backwards, landing with a soft cry.

My eyes rounded and I covered my mouth. "Stella."

“Come on.” She straightened her shoulders as if she'd been completely justified in her actions and grabbed my elbow. It took me a moment to respond. I couldn’t take my eyes off the man as he slowly rose from the pavement. A graze, red with fresh blood, ran from his elbow down to his wrist. He nursed his arm against his stomach, giving me one last look before shuffling back to his spot in the darkness.

Chapter 3

I couldn’t get the man, or his plight, out of my head. I wanted to have fun with my friends, but I knew I couldn’t, not after what I'd just witnessed and then done nothing to help.

Stella pulled me to the dance floor and we found the others shuffling in a circle.

Chase's arm wrapped around me the second I stood beside him.

"Where'd you go?" he yelled above the music.

"Caity just needed some air." Stella shot me a droll glare then rolled her eyes. "We bumped into this homeless jerk who tried to steal money off us."

"That wasn't—" I wished I was more assertive. I wanted to trample all over Stella's lame ass story, but she'd never forgive me, especially when Sean was dishing out sympathy cards.

"No way! Are you alright?" He ran his hand down Stella's back. Any opportunity.

I rolled my eyes and turned into Chase's shoulder.

"I'm glad you're okay," he spoke into my ear.

"It wasn't—"

But Chase was already trailing kisses down my jawline and attacking my neck. He wasn't interested in the truth. None of these people were.

Chase's hips ground against me as he turned me in his arms and moved to the blaring music. I put my arms around his neck, trying to get into it, but I couldn't. My mind was being assaulted by that man's face. I wouldn't be able to enjoy this until I'd wiped my conscience clean.

“I have to go to the bathroom,” I yelled in Chase’s ear. He reluctantly let me go and after a quick apology, I worked my way through the crowd towards the bathrooms. It felt weird not having Stella beside me. I usually never took off to the bathroom on my own, but this time was different. She would not appreciate what I was about to do.

I glanced over my shoulder when I reached the bathroom door, making sure my friends were all distracted on the dance floor, before ducking down and sneaking out the closest exit where I could work my way back to the alley. It was a mission getting through the pressing crowd, but I finally made it, bursting into the fresh night air and feeling a sweet moment of release. In the end, it felt good not having Stella beside me, making me feel bad for needing her.

Clubbing really wasn’t my scene. I knew that before, but this was just confirming it. All my friends had beers in their hands and were gyrating on the dance floor before I’d even had a chance to find my equilibrium. I knew they all expected me to order one when I got back, but after this afternoon, there was no way I was going home smelling of alcohol. I'd deal with that when I returned. For now, I had a conscience to clean.

My heels clicked on the pavement as I made my way back around the building and into the alley, hoping I would find the man again. The guilt swirling through my system was so overpowering, my night would be totally ruined if I didn’t help him. I reached into my back pocket, pulling out all the cash I had. Sixty bucks, it was hardly much, but hopefully it would feed the guy for a few days. I nervously clutched it in my hand as I approached the dark patch where he’d first called out to us.

I smelt him before I saw him. He was laying on his side on the hard concrete, facing away from the passing traffic, his head resting on his arm.

“Excuse me.” I cleared my throat.


“Um...” I crouched down, not really wanting to touch him, and used a louder voice. “Hello, sir?”

Still nothing.

Biting my lower lip, I held my breath and poked my finger into his shoulder. “Hello?”

He jerked and spun to face me. At first I thought he was going to yell at me, his eyes were so wild, but then he paused. His nose wrinkled, his forehead creased and his expression relaxed. The eyes that had been so full of desperation earlier that evening were now watching me with a deep fascination. Although it was dim and I couldn’t really see the details of his face, I sensed the depth of his gaze.

Goosebumps rippled over my flesh, an uneasy feeling creeping up my spine.

I swallowed and held out the money. “I thought you might need this.”

He looked at it as if trying to figure out what it was before turning his silent stare back to me.

“Take it.” I jiggled my hand, encouraging him to take my meager offering.

Moving in slow motion, he adjusted his body, perching on his hip and reaching out for the cash. He didn’t take it straight away, just kept staring at me as if trying to figure out if I were tricking him or something.

“I’m friend doesn't know I’m out here, okay? You’re safe.”

The corner of his mouth twitched with what could have been a grin. He pulled the money from my grasp and unrolled it, counting the three twenties.

I wanted to get up and bolt from the spot, but I didn’t want to appear callous. So I stayed squatting down until he scrunched the money into his pocket.

“I know it’s not much.” I cleared my throat when he pierced me with his pale eyes again. “Is your arm okay?”

He nodded.

I nodded back and went to stand, but he grabbed me before I could, wrapping both his warm palms around my left hand. I should have been grossed out by his greasy touch, but I wasn’t. There was something about the gratitude in his gaze that made me feel safe.

“You are a good soul,” he said.

"Oh no, it's really no big deal. I should probably do more for you, but my friends..." I pointed back to the club with my free hand, feeling ashamed for even associating with my heartless companions.

His smile was tender as he squeezed my hand. "Your kindness will not go unnoticed."

“Uh, thanks.” I tried to pull my hand free, but he held it tightly. It was only then that I noticed how warm his hands really were. It wasn’t a sweaty warmth, more like a dry heat that soaked into my skin. And then came a spark. I jerked my hand away and rubbed my thumb and forefinger together.

He looked completely unfazed as if he hadn’t even felt it. I gazed at my fingers. They didn’t hurt or anything. All I could guess was static electricity. I frowned and stood before he could touch me again.

“Well, take care of yourself.” I shoved my hands into my back pockets and took another step away from him.

He nodded, a serene smile stretching his mouth wide. “You are a good soul. Your kindness will not go unnoticed.”

“Okay.” I stepped away, hoping I wasn’t being rude.

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