Trueblood 01-The-Consolation-Prize (14 page)

BOOK: Trueblood 01-The-Consolation-Prize
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She licked the drop of liquid gathering at the head of his dick and rolled it around the top with her tongue before teasing the ridge below with the edge of her teeth. Luka wanted to tell her how good that felt but was afraid he’d be incomprehensible. Better to keep quiet except --

“Oh God, Chloe, what the -- did -- how --”

She’d sucked him so far into her mouth, he felt his cock hit the back of her throat. Her fingers tightened around his base as she worked him backwards and forwards. How could she do so many different things at the same time? Sucking, swirling, nipping, licking. Luka arched his back, levering his hips up, knowing he shouldn’t force her to take more, even as he silently begged her to do just that.

“That feels so good.”

He was pleased that came out right. Should he try for something more romantic? Suck harder.

Grip tighter. Bite me. Maybe not. He didn’t want her to bite him there -- oh, her mouth on his balls.
Jesus wept and went to heaven

While he still had a brain cell left and they hadn’t all disappeared into her mouth, he pulled her off.

“Chloe, I want to be inside you.”

He rolled her on to her back and nestled between her legs, pulling her thighs on his shoulders so her pussy was open to him. He’d thought this time he’d last longer, but even on the first slide of his cock against her, he realized he was a fool. Luka watched her eyes change color, grow darker as he rubbed himself along her wet lips. He tormented her clit with the head of his cock and she hissed at him.

Chloe looped her arms around his neck and lifted herself up so she could slide down on his cock and Luka’s desire grew like a hungry animal. He was incapable of resisting her; he had to fuck her until he could stop thinking about her. Fuck her out of his system. That was the only way he’d ever be able to let her go.

Luka grasped her legs behind her knees and began to pound into her. He could see her clit each time he withdrew, the hood pulled back to reveal the hard pearl within. She worried her bottom lip, breathing through her nose as she concentrated. Luka could smell her arousal, smell his own arousal, whipping the air into a hormonal frenzy. He almost expected to see objects twirling around them.

Every time he thrust into her, she groaned and Luka felt the echo in his balls. He was coming and he wanted to bite her.
. Even in the powerful thrall of lust, Luka knew he shouldn’t. He’d taken enough blood from Chloe, and although the bloodlust was rising inside him as he fucked her, he didn’t need to bite her.
He didn’t
. To touch her and make love to her was enough.
But it

Chloe moved with him, their bodies working in perfect harmony. She tightened around him, the soft lips of her sex like oiled satin clenching and releasing his cock as he thrust and retreated, speeds exactly matched until they were so in sync Luka no longer knew where she began and he ended. His fingers moved to her clit and he rubbed her cream over the bare nub. She was so wet.

Luka moaned. His orgasm was on the rise all over his body, each cell tuned to the event that was to come. Chloe was in his head, part of his body. He had no concept of where they lay, only that they were together, one being, one life force. He powered his cock into her -- harder, faster, deeper -- and felt her contract powerfully around him. Her nails raked his back and she screamed.

Incapable of stopping when he knew he should, this time Luka was compelled to complete the union. Drenched in sweat, he continued to pound into her, his mouth dropping towards her neck.

A tiny part of him urged restraint. Impossible. He couldn’t resist and that terrified and thrilled him. Her blood sang the sweetest song imaginable. It pulsed in rhythm with his, called to his, thundered in his ears, held him in its thrall. Her blood would feed him in a way no other could.

Luka murmured her name as his mouth wandered over her throat. “Chloe, Chloe.”

His fangs already elongated, he licked the perfect place over the throbbing vein; one bite and he was in her. He heard her give a quiet cry as she stiffened. Chloe clutched at him for a moment, then relaxed and moaned in his arms. As Luka drew her smooth, warm blood down his throat, his cock swelled inside her and his orgasm seized him. His body convulsed into hers and he jettisoned hot bursts of cum deep into her body.

“Luka, don’t bite…” she whispered.

He sealed the marks on her neck and slid his mouth over hers to capture her sob. Then rolled so she lay on top of him, his cock still inside her.

“You’re mine,” he said and in one swift movement he sliced a line in his chest and brought her face down against him. He pressed the back of her head to keep her still and made her drink.

As his blood entered her mouth, Luka’s world fell away beneath him. This was wrong. This was right. He groaned in ecstasy. How could he have thought she was not his mate? They were one.

He’d waited so long but it was she who’d found him. Now the rest of his life would be spent protecting and loving her. Their shared blood ensured it. The rest of
life, Luka thought with a moment’s pain. Fifty years or however long they had must be enough. He wouldn’t turn her, couldn’t without permission even if she wanted it, and Luka wasn’t sure he wanted it for her.

He pulled her away, sealed the cut, and held her tight in his arms, not willing to ever let her go.

Why was he still awake? He didn’t understand.

“What did you do?” Chloe gasped. “Have you made me a vampire?”

He sucked in his cheeks. “No, angel. I haven’t.”

“I’m glad I rescued you before they got what they wanted,” she mumbled.

Luka tensed and then winced when he realized she’d noticed.

“Didn’t I?” She lifted her head to look at him.

He wondered how much to tell her. She was the one who was tense now, trying to pull back.

“Who was it?” Chloe asked, her voice small. Luka could feel her shrinking from him. “Krista or Eve?”

“Another. The one in control. Curly blonde hair, tall, dangerous. She --” His tongue was thick in his mouth. Should he tell her?

“Tell me,” Chloe whispered.

Luka gave a deep sigh. “Krista used a pump, got me hard. The new one impaled herself on me. I didn’t come, but she did.”

Chloe stroked Luka’s arm with her fingers, her heart stuttering. Selena had raped him.

She’d raped him
! Chloe couldn’t tell Luka she knew Selena.

“Tell him.”

Chloe had no intention of listening to her extra sense. If Luka found out Chloe was Selena’s granddaughter, what would he think? She felt sick at the idea of Selena doing that to him, of anyone touching him. Anyone other than her.

“Tell him.”

“I’m sorry,” he said.

Chloe looked into his eyes. “You’ve nothing to be sorry for. It wasn’t your fault.”

“She’ll pay for what she’s done.”

The sudden coldness in his voice scared her and made her even more determined to say nothing despite three nagging voices in her head. Maybe they were losing their power. Or maybe they couldn’t make her
things she didn’t want to. Chloe felt guilty because Luka had been open with her in a way she hadn’t been with him. But if she told him about Selena, he might think she was involved. Chloe had put her mind wall in place the moment she heard Selena’s name. She didn’t want Luka looking inside her head. She might never have met a vampire before, but she’d read plenty about them. And he’d given her some of his blood. That made it worse. She’d tried to say no, yet he’d done it anyway.

“Luka, why did --”

“You’re mine now, Chloe. I want no other. You belong to me,” he said, kissing her forehead.

Chloe bristled. She was no one’s possession. “Maybe I already have a boyfriend.”

She knew the moment the words came out she’d made a mistake. His muscles turned to granite under her fingers. She was suddenly lying next to a powerful predator. His grip tightened, he seemed twice the size, his presence so overbearing she found it hard to breathe.

“How many men have you slept with?” he demanded.


Luka rolled on top of her. “Tell me.”

“What difference does it make? Luka, stop it, you’re hurting me.”

“Tell me.”

“Two and one was a mistake. Well, they were both mistakes.”

He moved to her side and loosened his grip. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m not like that,” Chloe whispered. “I haven’t slept around. I’m a good person, but I don’t belong to you. I don’t belong to anyone. I’m not a possession. I’ve had to stand up for myself all my life and I don’t need to be owned and controlled.”

“I’m sorry,” he repeated and stroked her arm. “It’s just that I’ve been alone so long.”

“No family?” she asked, her heart already beginning to break for him.

“No. What about you?”

She shook her head.
Don’t think about you-know-who

“You were alone like me. But not now,” Luka said. “Now you have me.”

Chloe had no idea how serious he was. She’d helped him and he was grateful, but he was a vampire.
A vampire
. He’d given her his blood. Did that mean she was one too? He’d said no, but…

“I’m not a vampire now, am I?”


“Are you sure?”

Luka smiled. “I’m sure.”

Fortunately, she didn’t remember what the blood tasted like, but the sensation of drinking had been soothing, like floating on a lazy river. Chloe began to drift away.

“What am I to do with you, sweetling?”


“Do you understand what we have between us?”

Chloe mumbled and snuggled deeper into the space between his arm and chest.

“I want to know everything about you,” he whispered. “What you like, what you hate.”

“I love taking photographs. Black-and-white ones. I’ve got my own dark room.”

“Is that what you do for a living?”

“No, I cut my nose off to spite my face,” she muttered.


“Digital cameras make everyone an expert.”

Chloe knew she was rambling. Luka chuckled.

“Like some chocolate?”

Chloe turned over. “What?”

“Just checking you were listening.”

“You’ve exhausted me,” she mumbled.

“Then sleep, my love.”

“Supposed to be protecting you.” Chloe curled her hand over his chest. “I’ll look after you.”

Luka was awash with joy. It had been so long since anyone wanted to look after him. He watched her as she slept. Her hair was short and spiky and looked as though she’d attacked it with scissors. Her ears stuck out like a pixie’s and the skin under her eyes was smattered with freckles. She looked…sun-kissed. Luka struggled to concentrate as the sun continued to rise and the light in his mind faded. He loved her.
Loved her. Loved. Her

“He loves her.”

“Shut up, Phoebe. She should have told him about Selena.”

“Don’t worry, Angel. Everything will be fine.”

“The last time you said that, we ended up as stuffed toys.”

Chapter Fifteen

Awake in an instant, Luka opened his eyes, afraid chains still bound him before he felt the lush curves of Chloe’s warm, naked body curled into him. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d fallen asleep next to someone. Luka swallowed. His mother. He had to be careful where he spent the daylight hours. It was safer to be alone, though now Luka appreciated what he’d been missing. The warmth from another’s body, their sweet scent, soft hair against his chest, the touch of a hand on his. He slid his fingers over Chloe’s hip.

Luka wanted to wake her, make love to her again, bring her pleasure after pleasure, but in the small amount of time they had until sunset and the vampires who’d captured him began to stir, he needed to go exploring. Then he’d get the pair of them out of here.

The dominant female, Selena, had used the word “we” and Luka intended to find out who else was behind this. Chloe’s comments about the possibility of others being in chains had shaken him. He could at least check that wasn’t the case.

He had no knowledge of how many Truebloods had survived after the Council turned against them, but Luka thought he’d have felt some awareness if his parents and siblings had ceased to exist. There was irony in the fact that in order to protect his clan, he might have to tell the Council what had happened to him. As much as he distrusted the Vampire High Council, Luka knew they would be obliged to take action against his aggressors. Unless, of course, the Council was behind it. He sighed. He’d be cautious. The first step was to question Selena, discover who organized his kidnapping, and how he’d been identified as a Trueblood.

Luka pulled the covers over Chloe, his fingers lingering on her flushed cheeks. Her tousled hair made her look even more appealing and his cock swelled as he stared at her. She stirred at his touch and Luka send a command to sleep into her mind.

“Later, my love.”

He dressed and slipped out of the room. The last remnants of the day were fading away, but the sun had not yet disappeared. Luka expected to see no vampires. Only Truebloods and mortals would be afoot at this hour. Luka moved quickly, seeking information with his mind as well as his eyes. He could sense only one other male vampire in the building, no one of importance and he was sleeping, unchained, but he detected many females on the cusp of consciousness. The doors to the bedrooms were locked and warded which prevented him from entering to find the one he was looking for.

Frustrated by his failure to locate Selena, Luka returned to Chloe’s room. She slept on, sprawled facedown across the bed, her bitable backside now uncovered, begging for his fangs. Her camera sat on the table and he took a photograph of her butt, smiling at the thought of what she’d say when she saw it. He wondered if she’d taken any shots of him. None would come out. He wanted her again, felt the stirring in his groin and told himself to wait. Once he took her from this place, there would be time to show her just how good vampires were at sex. It took a moment to work out how to move the fireplace and then Luka was inside the secret passageway. Those in the hall might have warded their doors but not the walls.

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