Read Trust Me Online

Authors: Bj Wane

Trust Me (29 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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But that didn’t mean he was going to let
Brooke do something stupid like return to that sex club and pick up two men she
didn’t know to prove a point to the two who had abused her. When she had told
him of her plans last night, his first instinct was to argue with her. But he
knew Brooke, and that wasn’t the way to deter her from something she was dead
set on doing, something she had been planning for eight months and was the main
incentive for her to seek him out again. It was best he offer to assist her
with her revenge and that way he would be there to protect her if anything went
wrong. After taking a quick shower, calling Dave and enlisting his help, he
finished the coffee she had left for him and went to pick her up for the trip
back to Savannah.

The sight of Brooke walking naked out of
the ocean, her hair slicked back revealing the return of the row of earrings in
her left ear, the jewelry in her naval and the sight of her bare pussy
revealing the rose tattoo again left him breathless and reiterated what he
already knew. She was ready to move on.

Brooke had been swimming in a vain attempt
to get rid of the regret that was eating at her at the thought of leaving. She
loved her life in New York and had never had any intentions of changing it, but
she would miss Alec, more, she knew, than she had the last time she returned
home after meeting him the first time. He was the only one she hadn’t been able
to forget after leaving his bed, the only one she thought could help her
overcome the consequences of her rape, the only one who gave her that kick to
the gut upon seeing him, like spotting him standing there watching her as she
slowly approached him did now.

His eyes devoured every inch of her as she
neared, the heat in their blue depths igniting a burning heat in her. She
wanted him. One more time, she had to have him. Stopping before him, she
noticed the significant bulge in his jeans and reached out to squeeze him.

“I’m happy to see you too.”

Alec didn’t want to talk, he wanted to
fuck. Hauling her wet body against him with a hand behind her head and a hard
arm around her back, he took her cool damp lips in a hard kiss, his tongue
dueling with hers as she clung to him with as much need as he was feeling.
Running his hand down her back, he cupped her ass and pushed harder against his
raging cock. She reciprocated by grinding her mound against him, moaning into
his mouth before biting his lip as she pulled away.

“Come inside,” she demanded urgently.

“No. Here, now.” Alec turned her and bent
her over the steps to the porch until her head was down and her hips were
elevated. Shoving her feet further apart, he released his cock and slid into
her pussy with one deep plunge, her damp slickness easing his way and telling
him she was with him one hundred percent.

“Alec!” she cried out, her hips meeting
each thrust of his, her breasts bouncing with each jerk of her body. When his
hand snaked between her thighs and caressed the bare folds of her pussy, she
whimpered with the feel of every unfettered touch. Her memories of how
sensitive her skin was when it was devoid of pubic hair, of how she could feel
each caress so much sharper didn’t compare to the reality of the heightened
sensations coursing through her.

“So soft, Brooke, your folds feel like
silk against my fingers, your pussy like a wet glove keeping me warm and

“As happy as your cock is making me,
Alec,” she managed to get out even though her head was swimming with the
pleasure of her impending climax. When his finger found her clit and held it
against his cock, each stroke elicited a sharper, more intense feeling, causing
her to simply explode. The absence of the small spasms heralding her climax
went unnoticed as she splintered apart on a scream, her hips slamming back
against his as he took her hard and fast, so deep she could feel his balls
hitting her thigh and his pubic hair tickling her ass.

Alec saw stars as he shot his wad into her
grasping pussy, but then again, he always saw stars when he was inside Brooke.
He tried to temper his thrusts, but she felt too good, her cries sounded too
sweet and the thought of her leaving made him hurt too much to slow down.

Alec pulled slowly out of her sheath, her
low moan making him smile as he helped her upright. Turning her, this time he
kissed her softly, putting everything he felt for her in that kiss. “Do you
really think I’m going to let you return to that club and face those assholes

“What?” Still reeling from the hard way he
had taken her and the even harder way she had responded, she looked up at him
in bemusement. “What are you talking about?”

“Next Saturday, Dave and I will pick you
up and take you to that club. You’ll feel more comfortable and get your point
across much better if we’re the ones you’re fucking that night.”

“I notice you didn’t phrase that as a
request.” Brooke had no intention of turning him, them down. His offer gave her
relief she didn’t know she wanted or needed. Imagining a scene with him and
Dave, she knew she could go through with her little payback plan.

“It’s not up for discussion, Brooke. You
know it’s a safe, sensible solution.”

Rising up, she kissed him as softly as he
had kissed her. “Yeah, it is. Thank you. Let me take a quick shower and I’ll be
ready to leave.”

A week later, Alec was knocking on
Brooke’s apartment door, anticipation filling him as he heard her heels
clicking on the floor as she approached. They had talked almost every night
since she left the island last Sunday, but it hadn’t been enough to keep him
from missing her. Even though he had trouble believing how quickly she had
gotten under his skin, he welcomed the feeling of warmth that filled him when
he thought of her, the need for her that never seemed to abate and the way just
the sound of her voice made him smile. Now he knew how Gabe had felt this past
year and how Will was feeling now, and he agreed with them, there was no
headier feeling than that of being in love. Unfortunately, there was no lower
feeling than being without the one you love. Alec knew Brooke cared for him,
could possibly love him, but he also knew she wasn’t willing to give up her
life here anymore than he was willing to give up his on the island.

The door opened and seeing Brooke in a
body hugging, short black dress had him shoving aside the obstacles to their
relationship and concentrating on the here and now. Smiling at the return of
the blue streak in her hair, he greeted her. “Hi.” Stepping inside, he kissed
her slow and deep.

“Hi yourself. Where’s Dave?” Brooke
refused to acknowledge how much she had missed him this week, how good he
looked now and how nervous she had been until she opened the door and saw him
standing there.

“Waiting in the car. Are you ready?”

“I think so,” she replied. Grabbing her
purse, she locked the door behind them.

“You know, Brooke, you don’t have to do
this,” Alec said once they were in the elevator headed back downstairs.

I do.” She couldn’t explain why showing Richard and his friend that she wasn’t
traumatized by their actions nor was she pining away for a repeat performance
was so important. All she knew was that her goal of returning to that club and
being a willing participant in a ménage had been a goal for eight months and
the driving force behind seeking out Alec again.

“Okay. But if you change your mind at any
time, all you have to do is let us know.”

“Thanks,” she said as they stepped
outside. Her eyes widened when she saw the limo waiting at the curb, Dave
holding the door for her. “Wow, you guys know how to treat a girl.” Reaching
up, she met Dave’s mouth before slipping into the dimly lit car and settling
into luxury.

They took her to dinner first, another
unexpected surprise. When Alec held the chair for her at a corner table in the
upscale restaurant he used to own, he leaned over and asked, “What’d you
expect, a wham bam thank you ma’am?”

Dave’s knowing smirk actually made her
blush, something she rarely did. “Something like that, but considering all the
surprises you came up with for me on the island, I realize I shouldn’t be
surprised at all.”

“Just pleased?” Alec asked as he sat next
to her.

“Very pleased.”

Alec watched Brooke converse easily when
he introduced her to the new owner of the restaurant and a friend of his. It
was obvious she was in her element being out on the town on a Saturday night,
talking with strangers who were regaling her with stories of both his and
Dave’s adventures, laughing at some of the scrapes they got into along with
Gabe and Will and raising her brow at some of the more scandalous activities.

When she ordered bleu cheese dressing for
her salad, Alec realized that was just one of the things he didn’t know about
her and the fact that he hated bleu cheese was one of those little things she
didn’t know about him. Those little things that people learn about each other
as they spend time together had been missing from their relationship and what
he wanted now. The attraction of lust brought them together, and sex had
reunited them, but in between they never got the chance to see if it could be
something more, if they could be something more. On the ride to the restaurant
she had taken pride in pointing out her favorite haunts, the building where she
worked, her favorite coffee shop, the little pizzeria that delivered the best
New York pizza. He knew she wasn’t willing to give up her life here to test the
waters with him, but he knew he was going to ask her anyway. He couldn’t return
home without at least trying.

By the time Brooke slid back into the
limo, she was happier and more content than she had been all week. Tonight had
been preying on her mind, distracting her from taking pleasure in being back in
New York. But being with Alec and Dave in a relaxed atmosphere had gone a long
way towards relaxing her. She loved hearing the wild stories from their friend
and now owner of the restaurant that Alec had worked so hard to make a success.
She had been impressed with the success he had achieved in such a short time
and even more impressed that he had given it all up for a quiet, much more low
keyed life. She had to admit though, that the island resort suited him as much
as New York suited her.

“How do you know those two assholes are
going to be there tonight?” Dave asked, breaking into thoughts she didn’t want
to dwell on.

“Before I was dumb enough to drink the rum
and coke he bought me, Richard made a point of telling me he saved the last
Saturday of the month for ‘play time’. Now I’m wondering how many other women
he enticed to join him there only to betray them.” The closer they got to the
club, which was at least a forty minute drive from the restaurant, the more she
wondered how she’d react to seeing Richard again. She had no idea who his
friend was or if he would be there or not. The thought of having sex there
again didn’t particularly appeal to her, not only because of what happened last
time, but after being with Alec on his island and seeing what a difference
there was indulging in alternative sex with friends in a safe environment was
like, she had no desire to enter that club or any other like it again. But she
still felt the need to do this, the need to show them they hadn’t cowed her or
robbed her of anything but those few hours with them.

Alec saw the uncertainty on her face and
it ate at him. Taking her at that club didn’t sit well with either him or Dave.
Aside from the fact he didn’t know if he could keep from beating Richard to a
bloody pulp, sex clubs such as this one that were run by a lax, indifferent
owner, wasn’t his thing. Their parties on the island were with long-time
friends of like minds and who would never think of drugging an unwilling
participant. Alec had no doubt he could fuck Brooke there, as could Dave, but
it wasn’t something they were looking forward to.

Reaching over, he scooped Brooke onto his
lap and knew she was having second thoughts by the way she burrowed against
him. “You sure about this, sugar?” he asked, wanting to give her the chance to
back out.

“Yes,” she said quickly. She was sure
seeing Richard again wasn’t going to be as bad as she thought, after all she
barely remembered that night. And after tonight she knew she’d be able to
forget it and him without looking back. The feel of Alec’s hard body against
hers again after a week of abstinence felt good and comforting. As she felt his
cock stir against her ass, arousal replaced her uncertainty. Feeling brazen and
a bit wild, she wiggled against him and smiled when he hardened further.

BOOK: Trust Me
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