Trust Me II (3 page)

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Authors: D. T. Jones

BOOK: Trust Me II
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“Go lay down,” he kissed her lips softly, then moved to her cheek, pulling her tighter against the length of him. “Would you like something to drink?” Sandra shook her head as she tipped her chin up, accepting the trail of warm kisses he planted across her throat and down to her collar bone.

“Then get some rest,” he said in a husky tone as he reluctantly let her out of his arms and pulled on his discarded pants. “I’ll wake you when the food is ready.” He left the room as she yawned again, chuckling under his breath.

Sandra stepped into the dimly lit room, illuminated only by the soft glow of the bedside lamp. She felt like all of the anxiety, fears and excitement of the past two weeks had caught up to her all at once. She was exhausted, and the idea of sleep made the large bed look all the more inviting. She tossed the damp towel to the back of the nearby chair and crawled beneath the pile of blankets, sinking her head into the pillow, closing her eyes as another yawn overtook her. Within seconds, she found the lull of slumber embracing her and she fell into the warm, inviting arms of sleep.


Creighton’s housekeeper had made an odd dish he called
Toad in the hole;
which consisted of a battered sausage casserole and onion gravy, complete with a side dish of roast potatoes, sliced carrots,
bread and butter pudding
for dessert and champagne to toast their marriage. Sandra slept for over an hour until the aroma of the food woke her and she reluctantly crawled out of bed. She did feel better, more rested, but felt certain she could easily have slept the rest of the night without a problem, but it was their wedding night and she was just as eager to
as she was to eat.

The food had been cooked as per Bess’s instructions and Creighton was setting it on the dining table when she joined him; wearing only a pair of silk white panties and nothing else. She smiled at him sheepishly when he turned from pouring their drinks and batted her eyes.

“Nice outfit,” he said with a raised brow.

“You seemed to disapprove of my not wearing them earlier, so I thought I would appease you now.” Creighton narrowed his gaze in warning, his lips curling upward in a wicked grin, but he said nothing more. He held the chair out for her to sit before moving to one next to her.

Sandra was feeling much braver than she had ever thought possible as they ate their meal over small talk; the weather, football and politics being the main focus of conversation. She deliberately dripped champagne onto her chest, wiping it off with her finger and sucking the moisture from her digit. Then she
spilled a small amount of gravy onto her breast and did the same, sucking her finger clean with a soft moan. It wasn’t until her spoon fell to her lap that Creighton stood suddenly picking up her hand and pulling her to her feet.

“No more teasing, wench,” he growled, a seductive smile crossing his handsome face. “I think you need to know what happens when you play with fire.” Creighton lifted her hand to his lips, his eyes holding her green gaze prisoner.

He walked her to the sofa and pulled her into his strong embrace, kissing her hard and passionate, their tongues battling; their breath mingling with the sweet scent of the champagne. Creighton’s large hands began caressing her buttocks and Sandra sighed; she loved how he touched her and the erotic tingling he brought to life that traveled to all the right places. The familiar excitement began to grip her stomach and she smiled against his mouth as he squeezed her firm cheeks.

“Still tired?” he asked against her ear, his lips moving down her neck again, sending waves of heat across her flesh. Sandra shook her head; she wasn’t
tired, she thought.

“Liar,” he said grinning, but said no more as his head bent and his mouth captured her erect nipple. His tongue caressed the hard pebble like tip, his teeth capturing it and holding it prisoner. Sandra moaned; the feeling was slightly painful but erotic and very sensitive and she felt weak in the knees. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and as if reading her mind, he sat down on the sofa, cradling her on his lap.

“I won’t keep you awake much longer,” he told her at last. “But I can’t let you tease me without a little retribution.” Sandra felt the sting of her blush coloring her cheeks and bit her lip to keep from giggling.

“What evil plans do you have in mind this time, Lord Vader?” she asked him, watching his moist lips widen to a smile that seemed to encompass his eyes.

“I thought I’d shag you down here and then take you to bed. If you fall asleep on me, at least you’ll be comfortably tucked in.”

“When have I ever fallen asleep on you?” she asked with a frown, listening to his deep laughter echo around the room.

“When haven’t you? What about when you played dominatrix? You passed out and left me to unfasten myself. Very impolite of you, but flattering that I could wear you out so easily without even touching you.”

“That wasn’t my fault,” she insisted; feigning anger and irritation. “You push me past my point of exhaustion.”

“So maybe I should just put you to bed now instead of making you suffer further?” Sandra gasped, slapping the heart tattoo on his shoulder.

“Don’t you dare!” He laughed again, turning and laying her beneath him on the sofa.

“Are you sure?” Creighton slipped his fingers into the front of her panties and pulled, causing them to tighten across her clitoris.

“Positive,” she whispered, closing her eyes as his fingers began playing with her, caressing her labia. He grinned wickedly, taking her breast into his warm mouth and suckling on the nipple once again. She had no choice but to relent to his onslaught of passion, her legs bending to bring him closer to her.

Creighton’s lips slowly moved from one breast to the other before trailing a hot path down her sternum to her navel, where he played with the delicate ring, his tongue teasing the tender flesh and smiling at the goose bumps that erupted across her flesh.

Sandra closed her eyes as he removed her panties and sighed when his tongue traced his initials across her pubic area; it seemed to be a favorite act of his and one she relished immensely. His tongue teased and caressed her until she moaned; his long fingers parting her labia so he could explore her hidden treasure more thoroughly. She began feeling the welcoming embrace of the familiar dizziness she so long desired and moaned her acceptance; the tight contraction of her stomach sent a wave of heat along her thighs and when he slipped his long finger into her wet body, she cried out. Her back arched off the sofa, her hands wound in his thick hair, pulling him closer as the onslaught
of his torture deepened; his tongue licking and playing with her clitoris as two fingers slipped into her, thrusting and circling around the upper wall of her vagina.

She felt like there was no end to her climax and she cried out again, calling him by name. He rose above her suddenly, replacing his fingers with the engorged tip of his penis and pushed through, hard and deep. Her legs were lifted higher as his hands locked behind her knees, taking him in deeper and she growled, spurring him onward. His actions became more demanding, more urgent and within a few heated moments he was joining her, his body tensing as he spilled his seed into her, growling out her name.

Seconds turned to minutes as they lay together on the sofa, their breaths expelled in deep pants, their skin moist with sweat. Sandra found her muscles quivering around his erection, tightening and releasing on their own accord as he groaned, turning his head into her neck.

“You are going to kill me,” he whispered; his tongue tracing a hot moist path up her neck, his teeth pulling at her earlobe. “I love how your body reacts to me.”

“That’s because my body loves what you do to it.”

“And what about you?” he asked, rising up on his elbows. “Do you love what I do to you?”

“More than words will ever say.” Sandra smiled at the dark eyes that stared at her.

“Let’s go to bed and see if I can persuade you to stay awake a little longer,” he teased, kissing the tip of her nose before standing up and pulling her gently to her feet.

He stepped to the fridge before following her up the stairs, bringing with him two bottles of chilled water. The room was pitch black and she tried to peer around her as Creighton kicked the door closed. She listened to him walk across the carpet, amazed that he knew his way around so easily, then jumped when his cool hands wrapped around her stomach and pulled her back against his chest, his lips once again claiming her neck. They stood somewhere in the middle of the bedroom; his fingers slipping between her legs, playing once again with her wet clitoris. He caressed her labia, pressing his erection into her bottom, his lips and tongue traveling across her shoulder, over the back of her neck and onto the opposite side and leisurely up to her ear. Sandra didn’t move, she didn’t know how or where to go; the room was so dark there were no outlines of furniture or walls and she felt suddenly claustrophobic.

“Trust me?” he asked her in a whisper barely more than a breath and Sandra instantly relaxed. He turned her in his arms and walked her backward toward the bed until she felt the edge of the mattress against her knees; slowly being lowered to the soft covers. He braced his knees between her legs and moved her further onto the bed, pushing upward against her buttocks and then stretched out across her.

“All the time I spent watching you over the last two years, all the dreams and plans I made to get you into my life, could never compare to how incredible it feels to have you with me. You have exceeded everything I ever hoped for; I feel like a newborn babe, experiencing every day with you as though it were my first.”

“Are you sure you’re not a romantic at heart?” Creighton laughed, pressing his lips against hers; his tongue thrusting into her mouth as he eagerly explored the dark recesses beyond. Their mouths molded together, their tongues battling and sparring against the other. He moaned deep in his throat then reluctantly pulled away, touching his forehead against hers.

“This is why I never fully recover from our love making,” he told her, his voice echoing through the darkness. “You never give me a chance to regain my strength before you have me begging for more.”

“You kissed me,” she demanded. “I had nothing to do with that.”

“Really, and where exactly may I ask, are your legs?” Sandra gasped; somewhere in the midst of that kiss – that passionate, incredible kiss, she had lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, holding him against her body. Creighton smiled as he moved his lips across her neck, nipping at the tender flesh, his tongue trekking out a path in the dark.

“Do you want to sleep or can I attempt to keep you awake a bit longer?”

“Bring it on,” Sandra said, feeling the heat rise between then again.

“Would you like to continue experiencing the vanilla variety of sex, or would you like to spice things up a bit?”

“What did you have in mind?” Creighton laughed, sitting up between her legs, his warm hands caressing her torso and breasts.

“What would you like?” he asked softly. “I can tie you up and use your favorite toys or I could just ride you a bit longer until you can’t walk come morning.”

“I’m not sure.” She could feel the blush creeping up her neck as she thought about what he was asking her.

“Tell me,” he insisted, pinching her nipples between his forefinger and thumb. “It’s dark, private and your inhibitions are hidden. Do you want your kit or sleep?” Sandra sighed. She may feel invincible with her new title of wife, but she was still very much the shy country girl who left Kansas two weeks ago.

“Tell me,” he urged again. Sandra drew a deep breath to steady her nerves.

“Your kinky kit,” she whispered.

“It’s your kinky kit my love, not mine. Ask for it again.”

“I can’t,” she said barely above a whisper.

“I thought you liked how you felt when we used them?”

“I do, but I don’t know how to say what I want.”

“You pretend to be so proper and innocent, but you love playing as much as I do. Just tell me what you want me to do to you?”

“The cuffs,” she said, feeling her blush burn her skin.”

“And?” he urged further.

“The wand.”

“Is that all?” Sandra sighed; he was not letting her off the hook until she told him exactly what she wanted.

“You can use the damn clamps too,” she growled louder than she had wanted, causing him to laugh again.

“I believe I have created a monster,” he teased kissing her neck. “An orgasm crazed monster, if I recall.”

“You brought me up here to demonstrate your manliness, not to spend the evening taking.” Sandra felt irritated with his teasing, though her ire was slowly diminishing.

“So impatient,” he told her. “So, my beloved, do you want the usual heat or shall we enjoy our evening and take it slow.”

“I don’t think you know how to take it slow,” she teased as he began caressing her hips.

“I can if you want, but I know how much you really enjoy it hard and fast. Tell me what you want and I’ll make it happen.” Sandra smiled, biting her lower lip.

“I love everything you do, everything you make me feel. I put my trust and my love in your capable hands.” He leaned into her and kissed her passionately for a few very brief moments then
stood up off the bed once again and flipped on the side table lamp. He untucked the blanket at the foot of the bed and tugged sharply; laughing at the unexpected screech she gave as she nearly tumbled off the side. Sandra secured her position on the clean blue sheets, feeling the anxiety and nerves begin to mount inside her again, sending tingles down her stomach to her lower regions.

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