Trust No Bitch 3: Deadly Alliance (17 page)

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“Kiam I need you,” she moaned just as his fingers pushed inside of her.

“I know. We both need this right now.” He lifted her up and laid between her legs.

They were both on fire and wanted to be free of everything that was going on around them. Their hands and tongues were all over the place. It was like they were teenagers sneaking and dry humping while their parents were away from home.

Kiam pulled out and prepared his mind to handle his business. He was ready to drill and her pussy was welcoming him with wet lips.

Lissha pulled her thong to the side and awaited his intense push. Kiam grabbed his dick firmly in his hand and put it right where she so badly wanted him.

Lissha tensed up as she felt the swollen head entering her opening. Kiam pulled back and pushed in sending heat from her toes to her eyebrows.

“Oh, baby,” she cried out in ecstasy.

Kiam pulled all the way back ready to play in her tightness but his stroke was stopped by a familiar ringtone. Lissha and Kiam's heads snapped to the side simultaneously. They looked over at the coffee table breathing heavily and feeling like they were busted.

“Hell no, I'm not answering it,” she said. She wrapped her thighs around Kiam and tried to hold him there but the moment was lost.

“This is like the third time a call has stopped us,” Kiam recollected. “It must not be meant to be.” He unwrapped her legs from around him and sat up.

“Ughhh,” Lissha screamed. She snatched the phone off of the table and hit the call button. “Hello!”

“What’s up? Is that the tone I get from you now?” Big Zo’s stern voice boomed through the speaker.

“No, Daddy.” She quickly adjusted her attitude.

“Listen closely because it's time to make our move. Do you hear me?”

“Yes, Daddy. I’m paying attention.”

Lissha looked over at Kiam and turned her head away while Big Zo gave her instructions that she had no intentions on following.

“Once we set this in motion you're going to have to fall back so you won't go down with that nigga. Do you understand?” Big Zo concluded. There was not a trace of regret in his voice and that made Lissha sick to her fuckin' stomach. She wanted to spit through the phone dead on his face but she had to play it cool.

“I understand everything perfectly well.” Sarcasm dripped off of her reply. Wanting him to face the man that he had mentored behind slimy intents Lissha said, “Daddy, Kiam is right here. Would you like to speak to him?”

“Bitch, don't play with me!” he snapped, but Lissha was already handing the phone to Kiam.

“What’s good Pop?” Kiam asked as Lissha got up off of the couch.

“I saw the city on the national news.” Big Zo remarked as thoughts of Kiam fucking Lissha caused his voice to tremble with suppressed rage.

“Yeah, but things are quiet now.”

“That's not the right move. Keep it hot and strike while those other muthafuckaz are tucking their tails. Men like us never let up.”

Kiam lifted an eyebrow and sat listening to Big Zo as he rattled off several instructions and coded directives to the way he wanted him to carry out the next phase of the mission.

Lissha pulled her shorts back up and put her breast back in place as she sat down trying to read the stone look on Kiam’s face.

“Yeah a’ight, let me give you back to Lissha.” Kiam passed the phone to her and stood up and walked down the hall to the bedroom.

Lissha put the phone to her ear. “What else, Daddy?” she asked dryly.

“What else?” he mocked. “I'll tell you what else. Kiam is not a boss. I control that pussy nigga without him even realizing it. So don't get it in your head that he can replace me. I told you a long time ago that I'm often imitated but never duplicated.” His arrogance spilled out in torrents.

Lissha couldn't say what she wanted to.
You ain't no boss, you're a bitch ass nigga that can't do your time like the true gangsta I used to think you were.

“I hear you,” she mumbled.

“Good,” Big Zo roared. “Now spit that do-boy's dick out of your mouth and handle your business or I'm gonna have a muthafucka bust something down your throat other than Kiam's nut.” Big Zo hung up the phone.

When Kiam returned Lissha was just holding the phone staring at it.

“You straight?” Kiam asked, coming from the back suited up in all black. He threw on his thick goose down.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Where you going?” Lissha asked, rising to her feet.

“I gotta make some runs,” he moved to the door. “Stay in the house and be on alert.”

“Let me go with you. You don’t need to be out there alone Kiam,” she pleaded

“I got this.” He needed time to think.

“Kiam call me when you’re on your way back,” Lissha said, sounding worried beyond reason.

“Stop tripping. I told you I got this.” He grabbed his whistle off of the table and checked the clip. It was fully loaded. “I got sixteen muthafuckaz rolling with me tonight,” he boasted.

“Just be careful,” she said as he turned to walk out the door.

“You too,” he replied as the door slammed closed.

Kiam checked the area then jumped in his truck and pulled out.

Chapter 23

Sirens In The Night


fter running through the trap spots Kiam parked a block over from Bayonna’s and stopped in on JuJu. He gave him some information and just like that he was out again.

JuJu did the same song and dance Lissha did but Kiam turned him down as well, he needed to be alone with his thoughts. Plus he knew if it was his time to go it didn’t matter if he was alone or with a crowd. His ticket would get punched.

Kiam drove in silence as he headed to see Ms. Combs. He hadn't been to check on her in close to two weeks. Riding down East 131st Kiam turned onto Benwood. The street held many memories of him and Faydrah hustling on the block. He could almost see her holding her strap down by her side, ready to clap a fool, while he served them through the window of their car.

I miss you, ma.

Kiam pulled up in Ms. Combs’ driveway and stepped down from his truck with his hand inside his coat and his eyes alert. As usual cars were parked up and down the street but he saw no danger lurking from behind them.

The sky was as dark as coffee without cream and the moon looked down on him like an one-eyed man who had seen it all. The worst of winter had passed and the snow had begun to melt. Kiam moved quickly to the door and rang the bell.

Once he was inside Ms. Combs hugged him tightly and looked up in his face with a loving stare. “How have you been?” she asked sincerely

“I’m fine, Ma,” he said as he began removing his coat.

“I saw the news. I was so worried about you,” she said, taking his coat.

“Don’t worry I am just handling my business and delivering sad hearts to the families of our enemies.” He took a seat.

“Baby, I think I may have been wrong about that,” she said, sitting down in her lounge chair. “Faydrah wouldn’t want this, Kiam,” she stated, causing a hard thump in his chest.

Kiam looked at her. “Ma, they brought this to our door. I'm just stamping it
return to sender

“I know baby. But I don’t want nothing worse to come to our door. I believe we have been paid back for our lost.” She put her hand on his knee.

“I owe her all of their pain.” He placed his hand on top of hers.

“Don’t lose your soul, Kiam. You are a beautiful man. You have a whole life ahead of you. My daughter would want you to live it.” She looked at him with pleading eyes.

Kiam internalized her words and the weight of them dropped into the pit of his stomach. “Can I have something to drink?” he asked, feeling the saliva drying on his tongue.

Ms. Combs patted his hand then got up and headed to the kitchen.

Kiam’s eyes darted around the living room and in every corner of the room were several pictures of Eyez. On every wall was a reminder of her life and her smile. Her eyes stared back at him and tore into his soul.

Kiam stood up, put on his coat then reached in his pocket.

“You leaving already?” asked Ms. Combs, returning with a glass of orange juice.

“Yes, I have something to take care of.” He accepted the juice and downed it in one gulp.

“You want more?” She took the glass out of his hand and turned back towards the kitchen.

“No, Ma, I'm good.” He pulled his hand from his pocket and handed her a stack of crisp one hundred dollar bills.

Ms. Combs clutched the money in her hand then pulled Kiam into her embrace. “I love you. Please don’t be another news article in my book.” She sobbed against him.

“I love you too. Just pray for me.” He looked down and saw Trapstar peeking out from behind the couch with his bright eyes as he pulled back from Ms. Combs and headed for the door. The whole experience was haunting.

“When will I see you again?” she asked, following him to the door.

“Soon. Lock up, Ma, and turn on the alarm. I’ll call you in the a few days.”

“Okay,” she said and then did just as she was told. She took a deep breath then felt down in her pocket for the .22 Kiam had given her weeks ago.

Ms. Combs picked up Trapstar and sat on the couch stroking his fur. She hated that her daughter was gone and she worried that Kiam would die avenging her. “Lord, please protect that boy. I can’t live with myself if he dies giving me what I wanted,” she prayed out loud.

But the universe was already in motion.


Kiam drove away from their feeling down. He had lost Faydrah and had yet to be able to move on. His crew had taken hits and all of the grand plans he had when he walked out of prison less than a year ago seemed unimportant now. Big Zo was telling him to make more noise but Kiam knew in his heart that could not possibly be the smartest move right now.

Kiam wondered.

He was lost for an answer and his head pounded from trying to come up with one.

He drove around aimlessly as he reflected on each move that he had made. Victories seemed short-lived in comparison to how long the losses remained with him. No amount of loot, expanse of drug territories or even vengeance could make up for Eyez. Not even for Isaac or the other fallen souljah's. All of their lives were loss riding for him; all of their blood was on his hands.

“Real muthafuckin’ talk,” Kiam said to himself.

Most nights he could shoulder the blame on those proverbial broad shoulders of his that made him a force to be reckoned with. But tonight that weight had him in a head lock.

Kiam decided that he wanted a drink. He needed to toss back a few shots amongst strangers and numb his mind for a minute. That or maybe some stray pussy wouldn't leave him feeling like he had betrayed Faydrah's memory.

Liquor won out over pootang and a short while later Kiam pulled up at a bar out in Mayfield Heights. He steered into a parking space and deaded the engine. After checking his mirrors he secured his weapon and got out.

The wind whipped around his head as he hurried to the entrance. Kiam located a seat back in the corner then ordered something tall and strong and headed to the unoccupied table against the back wall. Just as he settled into his seat he looked up and saw something tall and sexy walking through the door. He guzzled half his drink while watching the dark haired, light skin woman with ass for days move to the bar and place her order.

The woman took her glass by the stem and sipped slowly as she turned down a few dudes that came her way.

Kiam chuckled at the lame dudes trying to approach her just to get shot down, one by one.

Slim got up on the stool and pulled off her fur jacket then continued to enjoy her drink. Kiam waved the waitress over to his table and ordered himself another round. Then on second thought he also sent something to the woman at the bar.

When the drink was put in front of her she looked in the direction that the waitress pointed and smiled when she met eyes with Kiam. She grabbed the drink and her fur and headed to his table.

“Can I drink this and look at the sexy muthafucka that sent it?” she asked, sitting down not waiting for a response.

“You spittin’ some hot shit. Can you fuck with a real nigga?”

“Can you fuck with a real bitch?” She challenged bringing her glass to her full lips.

“You alone?” Kiam asked, taking his drink down and slamming the glass.

“I am now but I don’t want to be.” She locked gazes with his.

“I got something for a bitch that will make her pant loud, reach and grab,” he said, looking at her breast sitting high in her shirt.

“And I got something that makes a nigga dig long and deep,” she tossed back.

“Then why we're having this conversation vertical when we should be having it horizontal?” Kiam stood up. He was in an
I don’t give a fuck
mode and some pussy to go along with it would top off his evening.

“What you driving?”

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