Trusting A Tiger (Alaskan Tigers) (7 page)

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in her studio, he thought he’d finally get to claim his mate, but she pushed
him away, claiming she was tired. She knew then she was going after Henry, and
he didn’t even suspect it. How could he be so blind to his mate?

pain is going to set in soon if you don’t. She might already be suffering from
it.” Taber whispered, keeping his voice low so Robin didn’t hear him even
though she was right behind them.

going on? Something wrong?” Robin inquired, scanning the woods.

fine. Let’s go.” Felix stepped over the log he almost tripped over,
double-timing it in the direction of his mate. He wasn’t sure he could even
slow down if he had to. The beast within him controlled him more then he should
have allowed.

Chapter Nine


Pain had
tingled along each of her nerve endings since Felix left her apartment that
night. If that wasn’t bad enough, waves of horrific agony now coursed through
her, doubling her over with each hit. Chills shook her body, making it hard to
walk. The mating desire hit her full force, and there was no end in sight.
She’d never make it back to the compound like this, nor did she suspect she
could make the last few miles to Fairbanks. She’d suffer until her beast turned
on her, driving her insane with need in the middle of the woods miles from her

can I do nothing right?” She collapsed onto a fallen tree, resting her back and
head against a second tree covering it. Her heart beat so loudly in her ears that
she couldn’t even focus on where the wolf that was stalking her was. He had
kept on her trail for the last few miles, watching her from a distance as if to
make sure she left his territory.

stick crunched twenty yards to her left, and she turned toward it, trying to
get her eyes to focus. She also tried to smell whatever lingered in the
shadows, but she couldn’t get herself together enough. Pushing away from the
tree, she tried to get her legs to hold her weight. Not knowing what was there,
she had no choice but to continue.

pain stole her breath, but she wouldn’t sit and die without at least trying. If
she couldn’t run, she at least had a weapon. She pulled the gun, trying to calm
herself enough so that she wasn’t shaking, and pointed it where the sound came
from. “Don’t come any closer or I’ll put a hole in your ass!” She pulled the
trigger, aiming just to the left of the noise to let whoever was there know that
she was serious.

it’s Felix.” He stepped out of the clearing, his hands held out before him.

The sight
of him stole her breath. She wanted to run to him, to feel his arms around her.
More importantly, her tigress wanted to feel his hands on her body and his
shaft buried deep within her. She might have gone to him if she didn’t hear
more leaves rustling as someone came up behind him. “Who’s with you?” She aimed
the gun slighting to the right of him, ready to take out whoever was behind

and Taber. We’ve come to find you,” he explained as Robin stepped up next to
him. Taber stayed a step in front of her, but Harmony could see his hand was
still resting on his gun.

up the gun, sweetie. No one is here to harm you. We came to find you, to bring
you home.” Robin tried to sooth her.

let out a sarcastic laugh, unable to stop it. “Then why’s his hand on his gun?”

Robin whispered.

is cautious. There’s no telling what’s in the woods with us. There’s a wolf not
thirty feet behind you, but he means you no harm. Now put the gun up, love.”
Felix stepped closer to her.

each step her desire rose, and her hands shook. She took her finger away from
the trigger, not wanting to shoot someone because she was shaking
uncontrollably. “Felix.” Even to her own ears, her voice held desire and need.

okay, sweetie. I’m here now.” He went to her, wrapping his arms around her.

wanted to go after him myself to keep you and everyone safe.” She buried her
face into his chest, breathing him in. “I’m sorry.”

love. It’s the mating desire. We have to get you back to the compound.” He
lifted her into his arms and nodded back to Taber and Robin.

in too much pain.” His touch pushed the pain back, but it wasn’t enough.

know. Just hang in there a few more minutes. We waited too long, that’s why
you’re suffering now.” He pressed his lips to her forehead. “We’ll be back at
the compound in a few minutes.”

wasn’t sure she could last another second, let alone minutes to get back to the
cabin. “Why am I in pain but you’re not.”

feel it as well, maybe not as strongly yet, but I was able to push mine down to
focus it on finding you.” Felix pressed her against his chest tighter before
looking to Taber. “It’s going to take longer then she has for us to get out of
here unless you carry Robin.”

Robin’s eyes grew large as she looked at Felix and Harmony.

your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. We’ll get out of here
quick.” When she stared at him in shock, he added. “It’s either that or I claim
Harmony here. It took us nearly ten minutes to get this deep into the woods,
she doesn’t have that long. Not unless you want her to go through agony. Your

right. We can make it out of here within a minute without having to keep our
pace slow for you,” Taber agreed drawing the attention to him.

Robin. I wouldn’t ask if…” Pain tore through her, stealing her words.

grabbed her stomach and nodded. “Fine. Just don’t drop me.”

feeling her pain, too.” Taber knelt before her so she could wrap her arms
around his neck.

but not as bad as before. The tricks Ty taught me must be working some.” The
pain was still clear in Robin’s voice as she wrapped her arms around Taber’s
neck. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold on if the pain gets worse.”

be back to the SUV before then.” Felix took off with Taber falling into pace
next to him.

sorry I’ve caused so many problems,” Harmony whispered, placing her face
against his neck.

haven’t. Everything is going to be fine.”

words did very little to comfort her. She wanted to be a part of the Alaskan
Tigers, yet all she was doing was causing more problems. Poor Robin suffered
with Harmony’s emotions, nightmares, and pain. It seemed like all her life
things had always gone wrong and that she had always made things worse when she
tried to fix something. Would she ever be able to do something right?

* * *

cuddled Harmony against him, his other hand resting on Robin’s shoulder, trying
to ease the women’s pain while Taber drove like a mad man to get them back to
the compound. It was all becoming too much, as they careened through the front
gates. The moans of pain were quickly becoming screams of agony.

care of your mate,” Taber said as he skidded the SUV to a halt in front of
Harmony’s studio apartment. “I’ll get Robin home to Adam.”

Ty.” Felix flung the rear door open, slipping out of the SUV before reaching
back in to grab Harmony. “Thank you both.” He slammed the door shut just in
time as Taber sped away.

Harmony cried out, her nails biting through his shirt.

His desire practically buckled his knees. He wanted to take her right then.
steps, then you can claim her.
He took a deep breath and forced himself
forward. Fumbling with the door handle, he cursed and finally managed to push
it open.

kicked the door shut, his lips finding hers. He backed her against the wall,
turning her so that she was straddling his body with her back against the wall.
His fingers wandered her body, and his mouth never left hers. Their tongues
danced in each other’s mouths, their beasts mixing growls with moans of desire.
He trailed kisses down the length of her neck, his teeth nipping the soft skin
where her neck and shoulder met.

* * *

warmth of her place eased the chill and meant she could have Felix and the agony
would finally be gone. “Felix, I need you.”
The mating desire was nearing
its breaking point. She needed him now.

know, love.” An arm wrapped around her waist, keeping her pressed against his
body as he stepped away from the wall.

now.” She reached up for him, her fingers closing around the buttons of his

tugged his shoulder holster off and sat it on the nightstand, placing his cell
phone with it. “Give me your gun.”

She slid
her hip holster off, handing it to him with the gun still nestled safely inside
it before turning her attention back to his jeans.

pulled off his shirt, tossing it to the floor while she tugged down his zipper and
slipped her hand inside the rough material. Her fingers wrapped around his
shaft tearing, a growl from deep within him.

these off.” She slid his jeans down his hips.

if you get naked.” His fingers twisted around the material of her shirt, pulling
it up and over her head. His beast was growing tired of waiting, wanting her
body pressed against him. Yet he kept suppressing it, not wanting to rush the
first time they’d make love.

thought you’d never ask.” She teased, rising up enough to unbutton her jeans
before sliding them down her legs. Suddenly, all her apprehensions were gone—thanks
to the mating desire. Hopefully they didn’t return with a vengeance later.

By the
time she reached behind her to unhook her bra, Felix was out of his clothes. He
pushed her down onto the bed, unhooking the bra himself as they fell back on
the bed. In one quick movement it was unsnapped and off her body. His lips circled
her nipple, grazing his teeth over it until her back arched into him.

please,” she moaned.

tore his lips away from her breast, leaning up to look at her. “Please what? Do
you want more? Less maybe?” Watching her, he waited for an answer.

His mouth on her breast felt so gentle and loving but suddenly sent horrific
images through her mind of Henry’s torture. She pushed against his chest. She
couldn’t do it. Not now, no matter how much agony she’d be in.

moonlight peeked through the curtains, giving her the perfect glimpse of Felix,
and her fears dissipated. All she could see was the man Felix was, not the man
he reminded her of. Felix was her mate, completely different from his twin.
This was her destiny, and she was going to claim it with both hands. She pushed
the memories of her past away and pulled him to her. “Give me what I want, or
I’ll roll you over and take it.”

just like to see that.” He leaned over her, pressing his lips to hers for a
soft kiss. When he pulled back, he let his lips hover just above hers. “Stop
rushing me, I plan to enjoy this.” He kissed her again, this time deeper, more
passionately, stealing the breath from her.

pulled his mouth from hers and kissed a path down her neck, breathing in the
scent of his mate. Sensations collided and threatened to overwhelm him, but he
pushed his beast away, trying to savor the moment.

nodded, pressing his lips to hers. “You’re mine for now and always.” Laying her
back, he kissed down her neck until he got to her breasts. Dragging his tongue
in lazy circles around her nipples, he wanted her intently. Teasing her nipples
gently, pulling them between his teeth until they stood to attention, he rested
his weight on an elbow and used the other hand to explore the length of her
body. Memorizing every curve.

blazed a hot, wet trail of kisses across her stomach, stroking her thighs with
his fingertips. With every touch, she arched her hips into him, demanding more.
Desire coursing through him, he could wait no longer to claim her. His mind was
in a sexual haze, and his beast was just below the surface, speeding the pace.

spread her legs further, giving him the access he needed. With his control
nearly maxed out, he was thankful she was wet because he had nothing left in
him to go slow. He slid his shaft into her warm, wet core before pulling it
back out and thrusting in again, his manhood filling her completely. He went as
slow as he could the first few strokes so as not to hurt her, but with each
stroke, the tempo intensified another level until his hips where slamming off
her, driving the force with each pump. The thrusts became deeper and faster,
falling into a perfect rhythm. Their bodies rocked back and forth, tension strained
his muscles as he fought for the release he longed for.

Screaming his name, she arched her body into his as her release coursed through
her, her nails digging into his chest and leaving deep welts and angry red
scratches. He pumped once more and growled her name as his released followed.

stayed perched over her with his shaft still buried deep inside of her,
watching the afterglow fill her face. Her eyes were glossed over in ecstasy.
The connection between them fully alive, her emotions were mixing with his,
bringing a smile to his face. He collapsed onto the bed beside her and cradled her
body tight against his, his fingers caressing her side in lazy strokes.

“I can
feel your emotions.” Her fingers trailed along his chest, brushing over the
cuts from her nails. “Sorry about these, I didn’t think I was that rough.”

* * *

heavenly to finally have that connection.” He didn’t add that if Henry hadn’t
tried to make her his that they would have had it before. “As for the scratches,
don’t be. I enjoyed the feeling of your nails digging into my chest.”

buried his face in her hair, the sweet honey scent from her shampoo teasing
along his senses. “You’re mine, and I love you.” Pressing his lips to her
forehead, he kissed her tenderly.

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