Trusting Love (3 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Trusting Love
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“I’m having a hard time dealing with trusting anyone in law enforcement. There were things, Antonia, that I didn’t share,” Carina told her and Antonia could tell she was getting upset. Carina was twisting her fingers in her lap and then looked up.

“What things?” Antonia pushed.

“Just a different way the town did things.”

“You said you had to escape, to run away, and that your grandparents helped you. Were the police corrupt?”

“And then some. Listen, it doesn’t matter. I just need to secure the car so I have a way of maintaining independence and not drawing more unnecessary attention to me. It will work out fine.”

“What do you need me to do?”

“Sign a bunch of papers. I can bring them by in a few days.”

“Great. We’ll handle this together. Remember, you’re not alone.”


* * * *


Antonia walked Carina out and then headed back into the living room.

“What’s going on with Carina?” Fox asked her.

She gave him a smile and felt her chest tighten. She didn’t want to lie to him. She loved him and his brothers so much, but she understood Carina’s fears.

“What do you mean?” she asked, tidying up the magazines on the table. He stood in the doorway with his arms crossed, just staring at her.

“Cesar mentioned something about her not having insurance under her own name and that her car was registered under a different name.”

“A simple mix-up.”

“Then why are you offering to put her car under your name and insurance?” he asked.

She looked up at him, shocked that he had overheard their conversation—or had he been listening in on purpose? Did Cesar hear as well?

“Don’t even say it. I was walking by and the two of you were talking a mile a minute, as usual. It doesn’t take a detective to figure out that Carina is running from someone. If there’s even the slightest chance that she’s in danger, then Cesar needs to know about it. I don’t want you placed in any more danger, either.”

“That’s not fair, Fox. None of this is Carina’s fault, just like none of what happened to me was mine.”

“Ray manipulated a situation and made you question my love and commitment to you, as well as Gino’s love and commitment to you. So don’t stand here and try to minimize the potential danger Carina could be in.” He walked closer to her and then caressed her arms.

“You were once scared and unwilling to accept our attraction and our commitment to you. We worked through that. You mean everything to us, baby.”

“You mean everything to me, too.”

“I won’t ask you to break that trust you have with Carina, but know this—if she is in danger, then Cesar as well as her guardians need to know.”

“I’ll talk to her again about telling Cesar. I’m still going to protect her as much as I can and take care of the car situation. She was nearly killed because of Ray.”

“I understand, and we’ll help any way we can. You’re a good friend.” He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. She thought about what Fox had said to her about overhearing their conversation and how she and Carina were talking a mile a minute.

“Fox?” she whispered and ran her palms up his chest and leaned closer. She kissed his chin and he caressed her back. “Did you hear anything else when we were talking?”

He was silent a moment.

“Enough to know she needs to talk to Cesar, and that maybe accepting the Cortland men’s guardianship could give her the peace of mind and freedom she so desperately needs.”


* * * *


Nevin had just finished lunch and was heading back to his office when he spotted Carina. She wore a pretty blue T-shirt and jean shorts and was trying to place some groceries into side baskets on her bike. He wondered why she was riding her bike and not driving and hoped that she wasn’t feeling scared because of the car accident. Maybe she needed someone to talk to.

“Carina,” he said, and when she turned to look at him, she dropped some things on the ground. He hurried over to help her, instantly inhaling the sweet scent of her perfume. “How are you?”

“Oh, good, thank you.”

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said to her and placed the bags of vegetables into the basket as she held it open.

“That’s okay. I was just trying to figure out how to fit all the stuff. I guess I thought the basket was bigger,” she said and slightly smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

He stared at her, noticing her perfect figure and how petite she was. She also stepped back from him, seeming scared.

“How are you feeling?” he asked her.

“I’m feeling great, thank you.” She moved the bike and he held on to the handlebars, covering one of her hands with his. She was slightly bent over, and it gave him a clear view of her abundant breasts and a small gold heart she always wore. It was delicate and feminine, just like her.

“You never came in for your checkup. I can squeeze you in right now.”

Her cheeks reddened and she worried her bottom lip.

“No need, Dr. Cortland, I’m perfectly fine. The bruises are just about all gone, too,” she said.

He stepped around the bike, keeping his one hand over hers. She was tense, and seemed to shiver. He did tower over her. He had this immense need to protect her and pull her close, but she was scared of him and he didn’t like that one bit.

“I really should take a close look and be sure. I think you minimized your injuries because you didn’t want to go to the hospital.”

Her eyes widened and it confirmed his and his brothers’ suspicions about her desperate need to avoid going in the ambulance the day of the accident. His brother, Jack, was in police mode over it and wanted to question her further, but Cesar warned him off.

She swallowed hard and he placed his hand on her hip and slowly stroked her side. She stepped back, but he held firm.

“Sweetie, are you sure you’re feeling better? It would make me feel a lot better if I examined you.”

She shook her head. “I’m good, Dr. Cortland.”

He bit the inside of his cheek. Why was she calling him Dr. Cortland? She damn well felt this attraction and was fighting it.

“Is there any reason why you’re riding this bike and not driving your car? I heard it’s all fixed.”

Her eyes widened and then she kicked up the kickstand and pulled back.

“I could use the exercise, and it’s a beautiful day out.”

He stopped her from backing up with the bike.

“Carina, listen, it’s normal to feel a bit of anxiety about getting into your car again after the accident. If you need to talk about it, or want someone to come along with you, I can make myself or one of my brothers available. Maybe Jack, since he was there for you when it initially happened.”

“No, no, that isn’t necessary. I don’t need any help. I don’t need to be rechecked, and I certainly don’t need someone to hold my hand to drive again.”

Her temper flared and she looked so damn sexy it took every ounce of discipline not to pull her into his arms and kiss her breathless. Holy shit, he was incredibly attracted to her. Why was she fighting him on this?

“Listen, I’ve helped a lot of individuals in all different circumstances get over their fears. I’ve helped a lot of men who come back from their military service and they have a hard time handling certain things. You know, maybe sounds, places, situations spark some bad memory or something.”

Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth and then closed it. So he was right, she had some sort of fears and it was beyond that accident.
Damn it, how can I get her to open up to me?

He reached up and stroked her jaw and chin.

“You’re safe in Repose, and you will be safe with my brothers and me as your guardians.”

She shook her head.

“I don’t need guardians.”

“Friends first, sweetie. I’m trustworthy.”

“Sorry, but I can’t.”

She pulled back and he watched her, placed his hands on his hips, and stared at her. She sure was scared.

“Please don’t bother me again,” she said, shocking him before she got on her bike and took off down the road.


* * * *


“Cesar, it’s not my place to discuss it with you.”

“Antonia, you know I run a safe town and every resident is my responsibility. I should have pushed for more answers sooner with you and look what nearly happened. My brothers and I nearly lost you. So if Carina is in some sort of danger, I need to know. She can trust me.”

“I talked to her, Cesar. I asked her to speak with you and she’ll think about it. When she’s ready, she’ll come to you.”

“I get the feeling that she’s afraid of me because of the badge. Is she wanted by the law?”

“God, no. Why would you ask that?”

“I can tell by the way she avoids me. She hadn’t expected me to be home when she stopped by and she looked ready to bolt.”

“You’re a big, intimidating man and the chief of police. There was a time when I was intimidated by you, too.”

“Oh, and you’re not anymore?”

“Not really, because I know you would never hurt me in any way. She needs time to learn to trust you.”

“She lied about her car insurance and registration. Under normal circumstances, Jack would have processed it and contacted the name on the insurance and registration.”

“Please tell me he didn’t?”

“You know more than you’re letting on. She’s in danger, isn’t she, Antonia? Antonia?” he pushed when she didn’t answer.

“I made a promise, Cesar. Please give her a few days and she’ll come talk to you.”

He exhaled.

“I’m not the only concerned citizen.”

“I know the Cortland men are, too. She isn’t ready for that. Just like I wasn’t ready for you and your brothers. To be honest, what has me most worried is that if we push too much, she’ll leave Repose and then none of us will be able to protect her.”



“I’ll see you in a few hours. Love you, babe.”

“Love ya, Chief.”


* * * *


“I’m a doctor, Carina. Let me do my job and make sure that you’re okay and not injured more than you’re telling me,” Dr. Nevin Cortland said to her.

She held her blouse tightly, still shaking from the circumstances of the car accident. She glanced at Jack, who stood there in the examining room like he had every right to be there. He rescued her, was the first on the scene, and broke the glass to get to her to ensure she wasn’t injured worse. She was relieved and then scared. She tried to tell him to leave, that she was okay, but he was insistent that he would watch over her. She wasn’t sure how to react to them. She didn’t have much of a choice. If she denied Nevin’s examination, then he would insist she go to the hospital to get looked at. That was something she couldn’t risk.

She eased her blouse lower and he exhaled.

“Damn, Carina,” he said softly. She gulped, thinking he was referring to her very large breasts, but in fact, it was the long, bruised mark over her left breast and cleavage, to her shoulder.

She stared up at his dark blue eyes and light brown hair. He was very good-looking. Had a firm jaw and hands—oh, God, his hands were exceptional. They were large and yet soothing. Her heart ached. She heard through gossip in town that he was a soldier, too, and worked as a doctor in the military for several years. Behind the blue button-down shirt and white medical coat, she couldn’t see his tattoos, but heard he had them. His brothers had tattoos as well.

“It’s from the seatbelt. It’s going to need ice and a bit of ointment, too. Looks like it chafed the skin a little toward your collarbone,” he said and then began to unbutton another button on her blouse.

She glanced at Jack, who stepped closer. His dark eyes zeroed in on her breasts and she felt her cheeks warm as she looked down. He reached over to caress her bare shoulder. She shivered from his touch.

Her lips parted, and she nearly moaned with need for more. She liked how it felt to have them this close to her, focused on her, caring for her.

“Will she be okay, Nevin? Is there more you can do to help ease the pain?” he asked and she felt his warm breath caress her cheek.

She looked at Jack. “I’ll be just fine. This is nothing.” She pulled the shirt tight and began re-buttoning it. She didn’t dare mention that her side and left shoulder hurt from slamming against the driver’s side door.


Nevin stopped her by gently taking her hand.

“What’s this?” he asked, lifting her shirt from her waist.

“Nothing. It’s just more bruising. I’m sure nothing is broken,” she protested, and he placed his hand on her knee. She tightened up. Carina had never felt so turned on by a man’s touch. It seemed Nevin and Jack had the ability to affect her.

She didn’t want to accept this. She couldn’t. They were soldiers. All the brothers were, and Jack was a cop. Milton was Special Forces and an instructor at the dojo.

She wasn’t stupid about how things worked around Repose. If she liked one, gave in to one, then she was giving in to all of them. It was so crazy how mixed up her emotions were. That instant fear having these men so close right now and touching her, seeing her exposed skin, and fearing their capabilities. On the other hand, with every touch, with every whisper or warm breath, inhale of their cologne, or gentle touch, she eased closer, wanting more, needing a connection of some sort. Was she a glutton for punishment? Was she making matters worse by pretending her past didn’t exist and that Steven and Collin wouldn’t find her?

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