Truth (73 page)

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Authors: Aleatha Romig

BOOK: Truth
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The tenseness in Tony’s strong shoulders
eased. “I suppose that’s correct.” In a moonlit glow, the
countryside continued to pass outside the windows. Tony confessed,
“I did not harm my parents.”

Claire reached for him, covering his hand
with the warmth of hers, “I know that now. I’ve known for a while
it wasn’t you; it was a woman in a blue Honda.” Claire felt the
atmosphere within the car tighten. She went on, “Whoever that woman
is -- you have been protecting her for years.”


Yes, whoever she is,
you’ve kept her secret secure.”

It felt as if Tony were wrestling with
himself, wanting to ask more questions, yet not wanting to divulge
more information. After a moment he asked, “So all of this is on
your laptop?”

Claire nodded, “Yes.”

They drove in silence until Tony said, “I
want you to seriously reconsider your return flight. The estate is
much safer and more secure than a condominium which has already
been broken into.”

Claire squeezed his knee. “I’ve had a
wonderful time. Please don’t ruin it. Let’s please take all of this
one day at a time? I’d like to think about tonight now and tomorrow

His grip loosened upon the innocent wheel as
he contemplated her words.

When they reached Tony’s estate, he left the
Mercedes sitting in front of the steps, gallantly opened Claire’s
door, and kissed her hand. Earlier, in the dashboard light she’d
watched the man she’d once loved fight his emotions. The intensity
in his black eyes and grip upon the soft leather steering wheel no
longer frightened her. Hadn’t Catherine asked her to see how hard
he is trying? Claire did. And now, that same gorgeous man had her
hand at his lips with an equal but different intensity in his gaze.
The aura surrounding them wasn’t about laptops or airplane tickets
but about pure and simple desire. She could over analyze; however,
the way his lips electrified her skin and melted her insides,
nullified any arguments she could form.

They walked hand in hand into the house. At
the base of the grand staircase, Tony hesitantly whispered, “I
suppose this is good-night?”

She stretched her toes allowing her lips to
linger on his. When she pulled away, she suckled his neck, just
above his perfectly starched collar. Tony’s grasp of her small
waist tightened as a low groan escaped his clenched teeth. “That’s
up to you.” Claire purred, “I don’t plan on using that lock.”

With their fingers entwined, they made their
way toward her suite. At the door, Tony stopped to kiss the woman
before him. “There is more for us to discuss....”

Claire’s finger touched his lips. She
watched as the pressed straight line below her touch slowly formed
a sensual grin. With her face tilted upward she whispered, “Tonight
is about us... non-charade, non-performance. If you want something
different, go downstairs.”

The copper walls and satin drapes were
different, but the suite was the same. It held so many memories.
Their history was made within these walls. Yet, as they came
together it didn’t feel like the past. It felt new, rejuvenated,
consensual, and real.

Their bodies united like they’d never been
apart, but their roles were different.

Prison and being away hardened Claire. No
longer could she trust without question or believe without
confirmation. That didn’t mean she couldn’t trust or believe – it
meant she needed the ability to question without fear and confirm
on her own terms. As she surrendered to his erotic caresses, Claire
pushed the questions away. Right now their carnal needs demanded
attention. She craved what only he could give.


With all his entrepreneurial success, Tony’s
private life had been anything but. He never wanted love. Why would
he? He wasn’t even sure it existed, until her -- the woman now
willingly beneath him. Her beautiful eyes saw into his soul. And
her petite body dominated his mind. Somehow despite all of his
mistakes and manipulation, Tony was once again where he longed to
be. He wanted to control her and limit her access to his past and
his heart. However, he knew it was too late. She’d managed to open
places he didn’t know existed. And now they had a child coming. He
felt his power slipping through his fingers. Nevertheless, as her
eyes opened and Tony watched the shimmering emerald irises glow and
her lips form a smile, he no longer cared.






Hope is the dream of a
waking man.
- Aristotle




Claire didn’t knock, and she didn’t enter
reverently. The sudden rush of his office door made Tony turn
toward the commotion. His emails could wait. Her displeasure
radiated throughout the room before she uttered a word.

Tony, what the hell have
you done?”

What are you talking

After I got dressed, I
checked my emails. One is a confirmation of my airline
.” She stood defiantly
before him, “I did not cancel my reservation. I called the airline.
They informed me my seat was sold. They have no open seats for my
original flight or any others until tomorrow. I told you -- I was
going back to California today; you promised me!”

He smirked, taking her tirade too well and
fueling Claire’s anger. “I promised you,” he said with a smooth
calm voice, “a return ticket. I am a man of my word; you have a

A voided ticket
--semantics! I want to be on that flight!”

Claire, listen to
reason.” He gestured toward the chairs, “Have a seat.”

She looked at the straight backed chairs
near his desk. How many times had she sat in those seats while he
rattled off rules or perimeters for her behavior?

No.” As the word left her
lips, she watched the muscles in his neck tighten and his eyebrow

Very well, stand if you
prefer. How are you feeling today?”

Claire glared. “You’re not changing the
subject. I’m going home.”

I hoped you would
consider yourself home.”

Claire exhaled, paced the length of the desk
and back, and collapsed into one of the chairs she’d just refused.
“Tony, why do you have to push and push?” Exasperation came through
her tone, “I truly have had a wonderful weekend, and I’ve
surprisingly enjoyed being on your estate. But I have a life. I
have plans. Amber is leaving for a conference, and I want to see
her before she leaves. John and Emily will be in Palo Alto Monday.
They’re spending four days looking for housing. I need to be

Amber is leaving? You
will be alone?”

She misinterpreted his question, “I will not
be with anyone in public, if that’s what you’re asking.”

His voice hardened, “That goes without
saying. I’m asking -- will you be alone?” His volume rose, “Christ,
Claire! Your condominium was broken into. It isn’t safe!”

You are trying to scare
me into staying. I’m not falling for it. My building has top notch
security, Harry is utilizing more SiJo resources, and then there
are always your people watching me. I lead a damn

Your laptop was

Stuff happens – it isn’t
cause to stop living.”

He tried to reason, “We
have plans beginning Friday in Chicago.
your condition
, you shouldn’t be flying
all over the country.” She pressed her lips tightly together. The
words forming in her head were not appropriate and would not add
positively to their conversation. He exhaled and added, “In a
commercial plane. Do you know how many people get ill after
breathing that recycled air?”

You’re really stretching
here. Tell me, how I’m getting back to California

He sighed, “I want to take
you back upstairs and lock that door,” his eyes glared as he added
with excessive emphasis, “from the

Claire stood and walked toward him. Her
closed lips formed a soft smile as she peered deep into his dark
eyes. There was a time the expression before her would have
frightened her, that was no longer the case. Framing his freshly
shaven face between her petite hands, she bent toward him. Their
noses touched, and she brushed her lips to his. “Tony, I believe
you. I know that’s what you want. I drove to town yesterday, and I
came back.” She kissed him again. “I will go to California today,
and I will be back to Chicago on Friday. Remember what we said the
other night?” She didn’t wait for his answer, “We said we needed to
trust each other.”

He closed his eyes and nodded; his face
still in her hands.

She continued in her soft and steady voice,
“I trust you not to lock my suite from the outside. You need to
trust me to return.”

He reached out and
encircled her waist, caressing the small of her back, above her
slacks and beneath her blouse. She allowed herself to be pulled
onto his lap. In response, she embraced his neck and listened to
his gentler tone. “You don’t need to believe me. I know I need to
earn that right. But I
did not
have anything to do with the break-in. It wasn’t
a plan to scare you into staying here. I’m concerned,” he kissed
her lips and moved his hands to her stomach. “And not just for

Claire lowered her face to his broad
shoulder as tears formed, “Thank you. From the moment I saw the
little blue plus, I’ve been concerned, too. You have to know, I
will do anything necessary to keep me and our baby safe. I just
need to be in California, especially this week. I have a lot going

What if I told you, you
shouldn’t have a lot going on? You deserve to rest and allow others
to do for you. If Catherine knew about the baby, you’d never lift
another finger.”

Claire suddenly remembered the two
computerized pictures she had in the pocket of her slacks. “I have
something to show you.”

He raised his brow, “Oh?”

She ignored his reference and removed the
ultrasound picture from the pocket of her slacks. Tony’s eyes
widened with wonder. “Is this what I think it is?”

Claire nodded, barely able to contain her
emotion. “Yes, it’s our little one’s first picture.”

I want her to have your
eyes.” He declared.

Claire smiled. “I know you are used to
getting your way, but sex and eye color are non-negotiable.”

I don’t know ... sex
sounds great and I love your eyes.” His twinkled, “Would you like
to negotiate?”

Claire shook her head,
feeling the blush on her cheeks. “How am I getting...” she almost
, but
rephrased, “back to California.”

The same way you’re
getting to Chicago -- in a private plane. It’s a safer mode of
transportation, with no public record of your

She exhaled with relief and thanked him.
Tony explained the time of departure was negotiable, but asked that
she stay in Iowa until after they share an early dinner. Claire
chose not to argue. She was leaving; time was inconsequential.

Claire went back to her suite, finished
packing, and called Amber and Harry, telling them her change in
plans. Unfortunately, she would miss Amber. Her roommate promised
to return on Thursday, before Claire needed to leave again. Another
problem created by her new itinerary was her car. It was parked at
San Francisco International Airport. She would now be flying into
the private commuter airport in Palo Alto.

I can take a SiJo car
into San Francisco and bring your car back,” Harry offered as they
spoke on the phone.

Thank you, but I’ll just
take a taxi home and get my car tomorrow when I pick John and Emily
up from the airport.”

No, Claire, I’ll be glad
to get you. Just text me with the time of your

She inhaled. Claire knew she and Harry
needed to talk. Nevertheless, she didn’t want to face him, yet. “I
don’t want to put you out.”

He hesitated; Claire heard his heavy sigh.
Finally he asked, “Will you text?”

Yes, thank you.” After
customary and polite good-byes, they both disconnected. Her
recently settled stomach tied in knots, in anticipation of their

Claire walked onto her balcony and leaned
against the concrete and stone ledge. She had a few hours before
their afternoon dinner and the air was warming nicely. Her clothes
were packed, but she knew there were bathing suits in the dressing
room. Watching the gentle rustling of the leaves in the vast sea of
green, she lifted her face to the sun and felt the warm breeze
against her skin. While she debated a swim, she heard a knock on
the door.

Claire called into her suite, “Come in.”

Catherine entered. “You are leaving?”

Catherine’s sad grey eyes tugged at Claire’s
heart. She reached for the kind woman’s hands. “Yes, and I’ll be
back. Thank you, for all you’ve done to make my visit special.”

Claire saw a spark of hope as Catherine
asked, “You’ll be back?”

I will... I believe you.
He is trying.”

Catherine smiled a satisfied smile, until
they both turned toward the opening of Claire’s door. Tony
performed a perfunctory knock as he pushed the door further open.
“Oh, am I interrupting?”

Claire walked to Tony and took his hand.
“No,” her emerald eyes gleamed toward him, “but since you’re

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