Truth and Sparta (20 page)

Read Truth and Sparta Online

Authors: Camille Oster

Tags: #romance, #love, #ancient, #historical, #greek, #slave, #soldier, #greece, #sparta, #spartan, #athens, #athenian

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East,” the boy said.

You leave too,” she said to the boys. “Hide in the fields
until it’s over.”


Chara ran
across the fields in the direction of her house. She could see the
Spartans coming—they were riding into the village fast. There were
more of them than the groups she’d seen before. Fear and
anticipation hung in the air—they were there to cause trouble. She
just hoped they didn’t kill anyone. She wondered at the courage of
Panos; he would stay in the village and face them. Courage drew
their attention like nothing else and it was the thing they
despised seeing in the Helot population.

She could see
Nicias riding with them. She felt a stab of disappointment, but she
knew she shouldn’t, he was one of them and it did her no good
thinking otherwise.

She felt bad
sneaking away, but she also knew that it was her they were looking
for. She stayed out of sight and watched. She should return home,
but she couldn’t help it. She watched as they searched the whole
village, dragging people out of their houses—bashing and
terrorising. This is what they did. The fact that she had developed
tenderness for one of them was incidental and unimportant. She
anger reasserted itself as she watched the scene down in the
village—terrified children clinging to their mothers as the
Spartans inflicting their violence. There weren’t killing which was
the most important thing, but every short of.

She had to get
these people out. She couldn’t imagine anyone choosing to stay in
the village after this. The Spartans were really doing her job for
her. If anyone was ambivalent about leaving, they would be more
than eager after the Spartans were done.

She finally
turned and left.


He calls for you”, the Menares servant said standing at her
door. Chara nodded and he turned to leave, expecting her to follow
like she always did. She checked her emotions, tried to push them
down. She couldn’t define them even if she wanted to. Having seen
him ride into the village this morning had quelled some of her
concern about deceiving him. She had to do what she must and she
was not going to be concerned with her tactics. If he got hurt,
that was incidental as well.


He smiled when
she entered the room, strode over to her and kissed her. The
familiar touches soothing her as it always did.

It is good to see you; it’s been a terrible day. One I wish to
forget,” he said. “You will make me forget.”

Chara let him
embrace her, but she frowned away from his gaze. It would make
things easier if she knew he had no remorse or regrets about the
things he did in the village, but if that had been the kind of man
he was, she would never have developed any feelings for him.

I heard you were in the village today,” she said. She
shouldn’t have, but she needed to know. She regretted this thing in
her that always had to push then it came to him, the thing that
kept hope alive. Just when she was ready to dismiss him entirely
from her thoughts and regard, he did something, or said something
to claw back.

He stepped
away and poured two cups of wine. “It was necessary. We are
searching for someone by the name of Lynx. Have you heard of

She noted that
they thought it was a man. It was a natural assumption on their
part and one that worked in her favor. There was a part of her that
wanted to know what he would do if she told him it was her—a
perverse desire that would for once and all prove his feelings for
her. But her head knew better even if her heart was prone to stupid
inclinations. She shook her head.

He is convincing people to desert,” he said and took a sip
from his cup.

Perhaps he only provides the means. Perhaps the Crypteia is
all the encouragement people need.”

considered her. He placed his cup on the table and crossed his

Surely you must see that,” she said.

You support this man.”

How could I not? Would you do any different if you were in my

Perhaps,” he said. “Then why are you still here?”

I have things that keep me here.”

But not your father?”

I don’t know,” she responded after hiding a panic that rose
from her stomach. “He left to seek his brother and he hasn’t

He would not leave you—a sentiment I saw in his

His perspective changed with Doros’ death. Perhaps they took
him, I don’t know. I don’t know where he is.”

Did you discuss leaving with him,” Nicias said softly. “Please
don’t lie to me, Chara.” He closed his eyes waiting for her answer.
She knew he would think it a lie if she said no.


He moved like
he had been prodded, like something had stung him.

How? How did you hear of it?”

A man came to the village. I didn’t see him, but my father
heard of it. Messinians first, then this other man.”

And where are you to meet him?”

It changes constantly. I don’t know where they are meeting,
they are very careful. They don’t tell everyone, they certainly
don’t tell anyone affiliated with Spartans.”

He was quiet
for a moment considering her words. She was not going to let
something important slip, but it also felt good discussing things
with him. “As you are,” he said.


And they know this?”

Everyone knows,” she confirmed.

Why didn’t you tell me this was happening?”

What should I have said? These are my people, if they wish to
escape the violence inflicted on them, who am I to stand in the
way? You have to recognize the position I am in.”

Don’t they understand that there is just more of the same or
worse when they leave,” Nicias said with exasperation. “It will be
even worse for them. At least here you have your own villages, your
own community.”

Chara chose
not to argue that point. He obviously believed it, which was
interesting. Although from everything he’d seen, people who lost
the protection of their state ended up slaves. There was a
distinction between slaves and Helots, with Helots being slaves in
everything but name. Slaves were property of an individual while
Helots were owned by the state and not controlled by any particular
person. He was right, being a Helot was better than a slave, but
the solution she’d found made them free. A loop hole she had
ferreted out due to exceptional circumstances brought by war,
famine and disease—a perfect storm of conditions that have opened a
slight opportunity—one that the Athenians only allowed because it
hurt their enemy.

Don’t be stupid and leave, Chara,” he said softly after a
while. “The life I can provide you will be much better. You will
have anything you could want.”

Rest assured, they do not trust me even if I wanted to

Do you want to leave?” He waited for her answer.

No,” she answered. “I want to be with you.” Partially it was
true, there was still that annoying and useless hope that they
could be together that reasserted itself again and again. That
foolish hope.

He walked over
to her and pulled her into his arms. “Don’t leave—I will protect
you from everything.”




Chara woke up
in Nicias’ bed as she had grown accustomed to. She spent every
night at the Menares house, in his bed. She’d gotten used to it and
she preferred it to staying in her own empty little house.

Nicias wasn’t
awake yet. She watched him for a while as he slept. He slept on his
stomach with his arms under his head. She still could not
completely fathom how beautiful he was. His was the perfect Spartan
man—strong and handsome. He was deliciously warm under the blanket
and she snuggled into his body. The mornings grew colder now,
making the warm cocoon in their bed even more appealing.

She knew he’d
want her as soon as he woke up and she didn’t mind; in fact, she
wanted to wake him. He would pull her to him even before he opened
his eyes. Chara loved their intimacy in the morning, it was gentle
and unhurried. She felt the dull ache inside her that waited for
him to wake. She wanted him constantly now and her body would crave
him all day when they were apart.

He stirred and
as she expected and he sought her, pulling her underneath him and
he settled his weight on her for a moment, then gently sought out
the tender spots under her jaw. Goosebumps followed the path of his
kisses. Neither of them needed much encouragement in the mornings
and he came inside her without much delay. Long, steady strokes
found her release quickly and his followed.

What are your plans today?” he asked after he’d settled down
with his head on her chest again. He teased her sensitized skin,
and even his breath made her skin respond.

I am going to help one of the neighbors with their

The season is growing late.”

Yes, but there is still much to do. What are your plans?” she
asked as she twisted her fingers into his golden curls and kissed
the top of his head.

I am riding north today. I won’t be gone long.”

He didn’t
really discuss what he did during the days. He was carrying out
orders, searching for...her. Chara dismissed the intruding

Let’s eat,” he said and got out of bed. Chara missed his
warmth immediately, but the day was starting and she had to get up
as well.

One of the
servants brought in a tray. Chara had gotten used to the servants
now, whereas it used to make her feel very uncomfortable. But she
had settled to an acceptance of their presence even if she disliked
it. She dressed quickly before joining him for the morning

When the war is finished, I think I will get a dog,” he said.
“I had one as a boy and I miss him.”

We had a dog,” Chara said with a smile. “He used to follow
father to the fields every day, then he would get bored and run off
for a while. He knew exactly when mealtimes and home time was and
he would always be back in time. We never knew where he went.”
Technically she still had a dog, just not here.

Nicias!” they heard Nicias’ father call from outside of the
room. Nicias stood to see to his father but the man that Chara
rarely saw came in the room followed by others. The room filled
with Spartan soldiers.

Why are you here?” he asked, but Chara suspected that she
knew—she could see it in their eyes. They were watching her and
Nicias’ eyes followed them to her. She could see incredulity in his
eyes, which turned to shock.

No, you must be mistaken,” Nicias said turning back to the

We are not,” the man said. “We’ve had exact information that
points to her.”

What is her purpose here?” one of the men asked. He stood with
his legs firmly apart and a scowl on his face. He didn’t think she
would fight did he? There were five of them, not counting the two
residents here; she wasn’t stupid enough to think she could fight
her way out. One of them had his sword drawn, she noted.

She’s just a whore,” Nicias said after a while in a distant
voice. She could see that Nicias was trying to make sense of the
information and the thoughts in his own head.

Nicias...” she said, but he looked away from her.

Take her.” She could hear the cold anger in his

The leader
gave Nicias a pointed look while two of the others came for her.
She held back her instincts to fight because she knew there was no
point; although there was something in her mind that wondered if
she’d be better off fighting and dying now, but he couldn’t quite
bring herself to do it. They marched her outside and she didn’t
resist. She was tiny compared to the group of large men that
surrounded her. The sun was bright in the courtyard where their
horses were being held and Chara had to blink at the harshness of
the light.

They placed
chains around her wrists and mounted their horses. The servants
stepped back and she could see the shock on their faces as well.
They’d had no idea she was the one causing all the trouble for the
Spartans. She looked around only to see Menares’ stark disapproval.
Nicias was standing further away in the shadows. She wanted to say
something to him, but she didn’t know what she could say. She
dreaded to think was he was thinking. He’d called her a whore and
that stung, but didn’t matter now, she said to herself—nothing did.
She was dead, it just hadn’t happened just yet.

Her chains
yanked hard as the horses started moving and she almost fell over.
They weren’t riding at a quick pace, so she could walk behind them
provided she kept a reasonable pace. They didn’t say anything to
her as they rode through the village. All the people from the
village came out and lined the road they were taking her

Get back in your houses,” the leader yelled and they
reluctantly did. She silently said goodbye to the people, nodding
at them as she passed. She could see the anguish on their faces as
they reluctantly turned to retreat. She saw more anguish in them
than she actually felt herself. Whether they regretted her fate or
the collapse of the escape she provided, she didn’t know. Probably
both when it came to the people who knew her. There was a part of
her that felt incredibly sad—her life was over and she wouldn’t get
the chance to see her daughter again. It was the latter what she
truly mourned. But she also knew her daughter was safe and well,
and she would grow up happy with two doting grandparents—not to
mention that she would grow up free, as would lots of other
children that she had taken away from here.

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