Trying to Score (54 page)

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Authors: Toni Aleo

BOOK: Trying to Score
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“He’s really rough with me. Like when we have sex, he hurts me and I tell him and he doesn’t listen. You would think I wouldn’t be so stupid to keep going back, but I do. I don’t know what to do.”

Fallon ran her hand up and down Audrey’s back as her temper rose. She swore as soon as she learned the douche’s name she was going to kill him, but right now she needed to take care of her baby sister. Audrey’s body shook with her sobs as Fallon held her close. She kissed Audrey’s temple before saying, “Audrey, you gotta let him go baby. This isn’t right. No man should call you names or hurt you.”

Audrey nodded her head, tears streaming down her face. “I know but he keeps calling me fatty, fat ass, and just fat stuff, but he does it with a grin and he acts like it’s a joke. I just don’t know. I don’t know if it’s something I’ve done or what? I haven’t gained any weight! I just don’t know.”

“Audrey,” Fallon said, still not believing what her baby sister was saying, “Honey, you are better than this. Don’t let this asshole do this to you. Leave him.”

“I can’t. I love him,” she said, looking up at Fallon with her wide, tear-filled eyes.
“No,” Fallon said shaking her head. “You don’t deserve this.”
“I know but I just love him and I don’t want to leave him.”

Fallon continued to shake her head, anger growing inside her with each passing moment. “Then what can I do but find him and kill him. That seems to be the only way I can get you away from him!”

“No, that’s why I can’t ever tell you who he is and that’s why I haven’t told you,” Audrey cried.
“This is nuts,” Fallon said, still running her hand up and down Audrey’s back.
“I know! I just wished I was strong like you. You can stand up to anyone and you don’t care. I can’t.”
“Yes you can,” Fallon stressed. “You can do anything.”

“No. I obviously have an issue when it comes to men. I couldn’t stand up to Dad, I couldn’t stand up to that douche I dated back in the day, and now I can’t stand up to the guy I’m with now.”

“Who is also a douche, and what did you not stand up to Dad about?” Fallon asked, confused.
“Don’t worry about it,” Audrey said with a wave of her hand. “Don’t worry about me.”
“Audrey Jane, really? You are a part of my heart! I will always worry about you.”

“Don’t, worry about you and Lucas. Make yourself happy. Show me how I need to do it, because I’m obviously an idiot when it comes to love.”

“You are not. Baby, you gotta listen to me, you need to leave him,” Fallon stressed again. She had to get through to Audrey. She couldn’t have her sister being abused like that.

Audrey looked up at her and Fallon could see the pain in her eyes. “I don’t know.”

“Yes you do, you know I’m right.”

A quiet moment passed as they stood staring into each other’s eyes. Fallon reached over, wiping the flour off Audrey’s beautiful cheeks. How anyone could be mean to someone so beautiful was beyond Fallon. Yes, Audrey was a little plump but it worked on her. She didn’t need to be bone skinny to pick up men. Men loved her; she was funny, sweet, caring, loving and genuinely infectious. She was perfect!

Audrey nodded her head, tears still coursing down her cheeks. “I know, and I think that you are the most amazing person in the world. I look up to everything you do and I promise that I will work at letting him go.”

“Good, you need to Audrey. Look at you, you’re a mess,” Fallon said, moving her fingers up to Audrey’s cheeks to catch her tears.

“I know, and while I’m sitting here, bawling over a man that doesn’t love me, you have a man that loves you more than anything and you’re fightin’ it. Stop fightin’ it. Please Fallon, please, show me what I need to do. Show me what it’s like to love a good man, so I’ll leave this bad one.”

The tears came hot and fast down Fallon’s cheeks as she wrapped Audrey up in her arms. She kissed Audrey’s temple before nuzzling her nose into her hair. She wanted nothing but to fix all Audrey’s problems. She didn’t know if Audrey’s request would help her leave the asshole that had a death wish, but she was going to try. Fallon had no problem loving Lucas with everything inside her and she would, as long as she didn’t think of the past. If he stayed true to his word, and he didn’t hurt her again, they could be together forever. Fallon had no doubt about that.

She also had no doubt that when she informed Lucas about the asshole with a death wish, he would be just as enraged as she was.

Fallon was sitting in the chair by the island watching a calmer Audrey frost her cupcakes when she saw Lucas and Aiden coming down the stairs. Her eyes met Lucas’ first and he smiled confidently, causing her girlie parts to scream. She returned it before looking down at her little guy. The first thing she noticed was that he had been crying. Fallon looked up at Lucas quickly but he shook his head, putting his hand on Aiden’s shoulder when they stopped in front of her. Aiden looked up at Lucas with a nervous look on his face before Lucas squeezed his shoulder and Aiden looked back up at Fallon.

“I’m sorry Momma. I love you and I’ll never hate you. I promise.”

A bright smile went across Fallon’s face before she pulled Aiden by his shirt to her, hugging him tightly against her. “I love you too, Punkin’.”

When Fallon opened her eyes, she saw that Lucas had a large smile on his face as he watched them. Fallon gave him a thankful smile before nuzzling her face into Aiden’s neck. It was so nice having a partner when it came to Aiden. She didn’t realize how much she needed Lucas until he was there giving her all the support in the world.

When she parted from Aiden, she gave him a big kiss on the cheek before pulling him into her lap and saying, “AA made some fantastic cupcakes, why don’t we all sit and eat some?”

“Daddy too?”
“Of course,” she said with a small smile for Lucas.
“Like a family! We’re a big family, huh AA?” Aiden gushed.
Audrey came over to Aiden, handing him a cupcake before nodding. “We sure are bud, we sure are.”

Fallon felt Lucas’ hand creep up her back and she glanced up at him, a small smile still on her face. He gave her a smile of his own before he kissed her temple. He then looked over at Audrey and said, “Hey, where’s my cupcake?”


Lucas walked towards his truck with his hand resting on Fallon’s lower back. After tucking in their little guy, Fallon informed him, she needed to go to bed too. Lucas tried to get an invitation into her bed but that didn’t work, so he was settling for a walk to his truck. The sky was clear with a small breeze, and Lucas still couldn’t believe how the day had played out. He started off with only having an amazing kid.

Now he had an amazing girlfriend and kid.

Fallon wrapped her arms around him, leaning against his chest as she let out a long breath. When she looked up at him, he saw the tears in her eyes.

“What’s wrong?”
Fallon swallowed loudly. “I’m worried about Audrey.”
“What about?”
Fallon shook her head, “She’s datin’ this guy that isn’t right to her. He calls her fat and he hurts her during sex.”
Lucas was surprised by the anger that took over his body. “Who is he?”
“I don’t know, she won’t tell me.”
“Okay, well she needs to.”
Fallon nodded. “I know.”

Nothing was said as the two of them held each other, both worried about Audrey. Lucas didn’t know why she wouldn’t tell Fallon, but she might tell him. He planned on asking her the next time they were alone. Audrey was like a sister to him, and he would murder the guy when he found out who it was. Not only for Fallon’s piece of mind, but because Audrey deserved a good man. She was a saint, the sweetest person he had the pleasure of knowing. “I’ll figure it out, baby girl. Don’t worry.”

Fallon smiled up at him before getting on her tippy toes, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him lightly on his lips. Lucas’ eyes fell shut as his arms came around her waist, pulling her closer. They kissed long and hot — like two 16-year-olds who couldn’t get enough of each other — against his truck. His hands roamed her body as hers messaged the back of his neck. She pulled back first but he caught her bottom lip between his teeth, bringing her back for more. Fallon ran her hands down his cheeks, along his jaw, moving her fingers back and forth along the coarse hair of his face. She pulled back again and kissed his lips softly before moving out of his arms.

“I’ll be out here all night if we keep on.”
He smiled before pulling her back to him, cupping her fine bottom. “What’s wrong with that?”
“I’m tired, and I gotta go to work tomorrow.”
She laughed. “No way, I got a lot to do with the campaign and all.”
He bit at her chin. “Can you leave early?”
She raised an eyebrow. “How early?”
“Early enough to go shopping with me. I need some stuff for the house and you are the best person to shop with.”
She smiled as he rocked them both back and forth. “I don’t know.”
“Please,” he pleaded, kissing up her jaw. “Please?”
Fallon let out a long breath before moving away from him and flashing him a pretty smile. “I’ll be done at 11.”

A cocky grin came over his face as he watched her sashay up the walkway and into the house, sending him one last grin before shutting the door. He waited for the front light to shut off before getting into the truck and starting it up. As he pulled out the driveway, he looked at the condo one last time. When he saw Fallon standing in the window, waving, he smiled as he waved back.

Man, he loved her.


Chapter 31

Oh, Green Hills, how I’ve missed you so.

Fallon stood in the middle of Green Hills Mall in complete awe. It had been a very long time since she had been there. The only time she came was when Audrey would drag her there, but it would always break her heart that she didn’t have the kind of money that Green Hills required. It honestly killed her that she wasn’t able to shop there anymore. She had grown up shopping in Green Hills, but coming home broke and pregnant changed all that. Fallon learned quickly that the mall wasn’t her friend any longer, but now it could be. Fallon wasn’t sure if the excitement that filled her was from being inside the beautiful mall or from being beside Lucas.

Either way, Fallon was in a rich girl’s paradise and she was with the man of her dreams. Thoughts of Lucas had kept her tossing and turning all night. She should have let him stay the night, but she didn’t want to rush it. She wanted to enjoy the dating part of them. That’s was why she agreed to go today. Fallon had crazy amounts of work to do, but playing hooky with Lucas seemed like a better idea. Every girl could use a day of retail therapy, and doing it with a fine specimen of man was just a bonus. As Fallon walked beside Lucas, she couldn’t help the grin that sat on her face. Fallon had budgeted a little bit of money to spend and she was ready to shop. She knew that her bank account was busting at the seams but she couldn’t spend that money. It was for other things, and she refused to let herself touch it.

Lucas walked closely beside Fallon, his arm brushing hers with every step they took. When his hand slid into hers, she glanced up at him to see that he was looking down at her as if he was waiting for her to say something.

“What? I can’t hold your hand?” he asked.
“Did I say that?’
“No, but you are giving me a look.”
“I am not!”

“Yes you are. We are dating Fallon, and if you think I’m going to let you hide it like you did before, you have another thing coming.”

Okay, so obviously he was a little sensitive about their past.
Fallon shook her head. “Lucas, I never said anything.”
“Maybe so, but I can tell when you are nervous about stuff. I doubt your dad will say anything now. I mean, we did make a baby!”

Fallon rolled her eyes. “Lucas, I’ve already disappointed my dad to the extreme. I’m not worried about him knowing I’m with you, like you said, I did get pregnant by you.”

Lucas eyed her for a minute before saying, “I always wanted to ask you about that. What’s up between you two?”
“He says I am a disappointment ‘cause I got pregnant and didn’t get rid of Aiden the way he wanted me to.”
“Really? That’s crazy! You were an adult.”

Fallon nodded. “Didn’t matter. He said that Aiden would ruin my life. He was wrong, of course, it was actually my dad that ruined my life, not Aiden. My dad took everything from me. My money, a place for me to stay, my mom, and he even tried to take Audrey from me, but she wouldn’t leave.”

“Wow, that’s insane,” Lucas said. He then glanced down at her. “So that’s where your money went. I was wondering that, too,” Lucas said, nodding his head.

“Yup, all of it gone. Depressing huh?”

Lucas smiled. “Don’t worry; I got more than enough for me, you, and Aiden.”

Fallon laughed. “I will not be taking your money!” He rolled his eyes at her before she tightly squeezed his hand. “But I do want to hold your hand, so hush.”

Lucas sent her a loving grin before bending his arm behind his back and taking her hand with him so that she would be closer to him. It was such a simple little movement that had Fallon’s heart palpitating. She loved when he would contort her in ways just to be closer to her. It made her feel special and only Lucas could make her feel like that.

As they continued to walk through the mall, Lucas would pull her tighter to him, or graze her temple with his lips. It was intoxicating and she was having a hard time enjoying the mall but in a way she didn’t care. That was until Louis Vuitton came into view.

“Oooh...” Fallon gushed, pointing to the store. Lucas smiled as he changed direction, entering the store. Fallon pulled away from him, in complete awe as she walked through the immaculate store. When she saw a Coeur coin purse and belt that matched, she bought it without question and she didn’t even regret it.

That is, for a whole five minutes.

As Fallon walked out of the store, she kicked herself for spending all the money she had budgeted in the first 10 minutes of being in the mall. What if she saw an amazing dress she had to have, or a pair of shoes! Fallon loved shoes! No shoes now, she wasted all her money on a damn coin purse and belt! Yes, the belt was fantastic and the coin purse was to die for, but darn it! She was broke now!

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