TTYL (25 page)

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Authors: Lauren Myracle

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Mon, Nov 1
, 1:05

mad maddie:

angela? u awake?


wtf, maddie? it's one in the morningl WHERE THE HELL WERE U TONIGHT?!!

mad maddie:

thank god ur awake. oh, praise jesus, thank god!


yeah, cuz i've been sitting here WORRYING about you. i called you three different times and you never answered. plus all those texts. i was afraid u'd gotten into an accident or something!

mad maddie:

i didn't, so relax, ok?

mad maddie:

whoa. i can hardly keep my ffinre on the keys.


your what?

mad maddie:

my fingers. that's what i mean

mad maddie:

god, they're fat


your fingers? what r u talking about?

mad maddie:

i hate myself. i know u do too. eveyroen does, so u can just admit it.


maddie, what is going on? ur acting REALLY weird.

mad maddie:

well, u would be 2 if u were me. whihc u should be glad ur not, and i'm so not kidding.

mad maddie:

anyeay, it's not my fault. someone said it was spiekd with everclear. whatever it was, it was nasty, like nasty red kool-aid.


omg. r u DRUNK?

mad maddie:

i had three galsess. it was nasty.


where the hell were u that u were drinking everclear punch? and why was that so much more important than hanging out with us like u'd promised? i showed up, zoe showed up, doug and steve showed up, even ian showed up.


where WERE u?

mad maddie:

don't be mean to me, ok?

mad maddie:

sonething bad happened


what do u mean?


shit. WERE u in an accident?

mad maddie:

i went to a party with jana. it was at her brother's frat house.



mad maddie:

and there was punch, and jana was being really funny and mkating me drink it, but really i think she was mad at me cuz

mad maddie:



cuz what?

mad maddie:

cuz of something i said which was a joke but she got mad anyway. and then i must have really been out of it cuz i ended up dancing on this table and jana was laughing and i wsa laughing only now i don't think it was so hilarius.

mad maddie:

cuz, angela?


what happened, mads?

mad maddie:

my shirt says “x-men two, the time has come.”




u don't have an x-men shirt


u wouldn't be caught dead in an x-men shirt.

mad maddie:

i know


so where's YOUR shirt?

mad maddie:

gone, i guess, cuz i'm sure as hell not going back to the frat house to get it.


yr shirt is at the frat house?

mad maddie:

and my bra. adios! sayonara!


wait a minute. are u saying what i think ur saying? did u, like, take your shirt off on purpose? AND your bra?

mad maddie:

ppl threw money at me, angela. i remember ppl thwoing, like, dimes and quarters and shit.


holy fuck


where was jana during all of this? why didn't she do something to stop it?

mad maddie:

gee, i dunno, cuz i was embarraasing the hell out of her? she must HATE me now.


no. this makes no sense.


why didn't she just pull u away? or get u to go to the bathroom with her or something?

mad maddie:

she was drunk too. it wasn't her fault.


u sure? cuz i'm thinking about what u said, about how she was mad at u. and i'm thinking that it sounds incredibly unlikely that she was just, like, an innocent bystander in all this.

mad maddie:


mad maddie:

no understand.

mad maddie:

i thought talking to u would make me feel bettre, but it's just mkaing me feel worse.


maddie, hold on. i'm sorry for making u feel bad, it's just that the whole situation sounds really strange.

mad maddie:

AND DON'T TELL ZOE. that's the last thing i need, having her get all holy on me.


she wouldn't do that.

mad maddie:

don't tell. i mean it.


i won't, i won't. but r u gonna be ok?


and what about your parents?!! did they freak when u came in?

mad maddie:

they're at some paarty. i'm all alone.


at least u didn't get busted. THAT'S good.

mad maddie:



ur worrying me, maddie. do u want me to come over?

mad maddie:

how wld u do that?


i dunno. i'd find a way.

mad maddie:

thx, but no thx


r u sure?

mad maddie:

i'm positive. i just wannt go to bed.


all right, well, we'll talk more tomorrow.

mad maddie:



*hug hug hug* good night! i luv u! EVERYTHING'S GONNA BE OK!!!

Mon, Nov 1
, 6:21


hey there, mads. how are you doing?

mad maddie:

if ur txting just to yell at me some more, i don't wanna hear it.


what? i never yelled at u.

mad maddie:

in homeroom u did. maybe u didn't yell, but close enough.


because i was mad that you blew us off. but now i'm just worried about you. you seemed so down today.

mad maddie:



is something going on? did something happen at that stupid frat party?

mad maddie:

no. god.


then why are you acting this way?


if anyone has the right to be upset, it's me and angela, not you.

mad maddie:

oh, now that's supportive. if something HAD happened, i'd really wanna tell u now.


so something DID happen! i saw u talking to jana at lunch, and she didn't look happy either. did you two have a fight?

mad maddie:

what do u mean she didn't look happy?


i don't know. she looked like she didn't want to be there. she kept glancing around like she was really bored.

mad maddie:

she was distracted. she had to find terri to get the english assignment.


if you say so

mad maddie:

ppl do get distracted, zoe. not everybody is as perfect as u r.


ok, fine

mad maddie:

u act like u don't believe me. why? is there something ur not telling me?


hey, i've told u everything i know, which is nothing. is there something YOU'RE not telling ME?


well, is there???

mad maddie:

i don't want you flipping out.


i'm your FRIEND. just tell me.

mad maddie:

maybe we r having a fight, me and jana. i dunno. it's all so screwed up.


did she do something?

mad maddie:

u said u weren't gonna flip out!


what, i can't even ask questions?

mad maddie:

this is exactly why i didn't wanna talk to u!


just tell me what's going on!!!

mad maddie:

fine. yes, jana's pissed at me, which i totally don't get. i had a few cups of punch, that's all. anywayz, so did she. and the punch was spiked, apparently.


wait—did you get drunk? as in, DRUNK drunk?


i thought you knew better than that.

mad maddie:

oh, that's great. what are you saying, like father like daughter?


NO! i didn't mean it like that, i swear.


but is that why jana got mad?

mad maddie:



then WHY?

mad maddie:

cuz according to her, i made her look bad.


what?! how?

mad maddie:

she said i was out of control and that i made a complete fool out of myself. but SHE was the one
egging me on the whole time! anywayz, i don't think it's really about that.


egging you on to do what, drink the punch?

mad maddie:

i think it's about something i said earlier that afternoon.

mad maddie:

she called and asked if i could give her a ride to her brother's frat house, and i said sure. so i drove over and picked her up, and as we were driving to georgia tech, she told me this really funny story about terri.


what was the story?

mad maddie:

well, terri has this thing about other ppl's spit, right? and she never wants to share her food or her water bottle or anything. she's totally anal about it. so at lunch on friday when terri got up to get a napkin, jana took terri's fork and licked it. then everyone else at the table licked it too.

mad maddie:

jana waited till terri came back and started eating, and then she told her what they'd done. isn't that hysterical?


no, it's mean and it's disgusting. what did terri do?

mad maddie:

she freaked, obviously. and she must have really cussed jana out, cuz in the car jana was talking about what a bitch terri was for getting so bent out of shape.

mad maddie:

and i guess i said, “oh, like u wouldn't? what about when margaret called u a lesbo?”


margaret called jana a lesbo? such a dumb word. such a STUPID word.

mad maddie:

apparently it was after PE one day last week. i wasn't there, i just heard about it.

mad maddie:

jana was strutting around in the locker room, and i guess she was naked, and margaret asked if she
was a lesbo. supposedly she did it in this super-concerned way, like, “it's ok, u can tell US,” and it made everyone crack up.


so now we know they're homophobic jerks, maddie…

mad maddie:

but when i brought it up in the car, i was completely joking. i was just teasing her, like how u and me and angela do with each other.


what did jana say?

mad maddie:

her face got hard and she said, “oh, sweet, coming from u. ur the biggest lesbo around, always staring at me and laughing at everything i say!”


okay, what you're telling me is wrong in so many different ways. you know that, right?

mad maddie:

i know. i was like, SHIT.

mad maddie:

so i totally backed off, and time passed and i thought everything was ok.

mad maddie:

i mean, i went inside with her when we got to her brother's frat house, and it seemed like things were fine b/w us. she kept introducing me to ppl and getting me to help pick music and stuff.


did you forget that you were supposed to be meeting us?

mad maddie:

no! at eight i was like, “i have GOT to go,” but jana said, “stay.” and i was afraid she'd get pissed again if i didn't. and then she said, “yr friends have probably left by now anyway.”


we hadn't. we waited until 8:30. we waited for YOU, maddie.

mad maddie:

i SAID i was sorry. anyway, the party didn't even turn out to be fun, so u can be happy about that. in fact, it was worse than un-fun.


what do you mean?

mad maddie:

god. i just wish jana would start acting normal
again, cuz she, like, wouldn't even talk to me in study hall. is it really over that stupid lesbo remark?


jana's a bitch, maddie. and you know i don't use that word.

mad maddie:


mad maddie:

so… angela said ian showed up at your house. was he mad?


that you weren't there? more like hurt, i'd say.

mad maddie:



he kept


never mind

mad maddie:



he kept asking questions, like “do you think she's ok? do you think she got lost?” like there's any way you could get lost driving to my house.

mad maddie:



don't worry. you can call and straighten things out.

mad maddie:

no thx, i'll just wait till i see him. i don't think i can handle another guilt trip right now.

mad maddie:

god, this sucks


look, maddie. it's over. ian will understand when u explain what happened.


as for jana, i don't like any of it.


i know you're upset, but maybe it's for the best. maybe it just goes to show what kind of friend she really is.

mad maddie:

cld she really hate me so much that she wouldn't want to be my friend anymore?

mad maddie:

no. i'm overreacting. she'll come around.

mad maddie:

anywayz, DON'T tell angela any of what i told u. i don't want the two of u talking about this behind my back.


maddie! we would never do that.

mad maddie:

still, i want you to promise.


i promise, i promise

mad maddie:

cuz like u said, it's over. and now i'm gonna go crash, maybe take a nap.


be easy on yourself!

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