Tuesday (Timeless Series #2) (22 page)

BOOK: Tuesday (Timeless Series #2)
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Hawke kept kissing me as I winded down. My body slowly relaxed as the high disappeared. His hands gripped my hips as he lavished me down below.


He moved back onto the balls of his feet. “Francesca.”

I sat up and undid his slacks, knocking my knuckles against the hard definition of his abs. The fabric started to slide down, and I yanked on his boxers. Once he was naked, I leaned down to press my lips against his tip.

But he stopped me. He threw me back then guided me up the bed. “I’d rather kiss you.”


“Because I love it.” He pulled my naked body against his and leaned toward me.

“I’d rather please you the way you like.”

“There will be time for that later.” He tucked my hair behind my ear. “I’d rather kiss you like a teenager in high school. It’s amateurish and anti-climactic, but I love it. I want to do it for the rest of the night, and as soon as you shut up, I’ll get started.”

I zipped my lips.

New Look


Want to play ball after work?
Axel texted me at the end of the workday.

Can’t. Have a hot date.

He texted back quicker than I could put my phone down.
With who?

Who do you think?

He stopped texting me and called me instead. “You guys are back together?”

“You know, you don’t look like a girl but you sure act like one.”

Axel ignored the jab. “Answer the question.”

I smiled and felt odd doing it. Smiling wasn’t in my nature—unless Francesca was involved. “Yeah.”

“Why did she take you back?”

“I think I proved how sorry I was.” And I showed her I would never leave her again.

“Can I tell Marie?”

I laughed into the phone. “I’m sure she already knows.”

“If she does, she hasn’t told me yet,” he said. “Can you do me a favor and not fuck it up this time?” His tone was teasing, but it was clear he was being serious.

“I won’t.”

“Good. So, basketball?”

“I told you I’m going out with Francesca.”

“Oh yeah. I forgot. Looks like you’ll be busy from this point onward…”

“I’m sure I can squeeze you in if you don’t piss me off.”

“What are you guys doing?”

“I’m taking her out to a fancy dinner.”

“And then?”

Axel was a little slow sometimes. “I have a surprise for her at my apartment.”

Axel steered clear of the topic once he understood what I meant. “Well, I’m happy for you. You guys are the most complicated people I know, which is why I think you should stick together.”

“I think we should stick together for a lot of reasons.”

“Well, I’ll see you later.”



When I picked her up, she was wearing a tight navy blue dress that pushed her tits together and made a noticeable cleavage line.

Lucky me.

I whistled quietly. “You look nice.”

“Thanks.” She placed her clutch under her arm. “You look nice too.” She pressed her body to mine and gave me a long kiss. When her tits were pressed against me like that, my mind thought of things I shouldn’t. I suspected that was her goal, and she succeeded.

I ended the touch and put my arm around her waist. “Hungry?”

“Always. You know me.”

I pulled her to my side and felt the happiness wash over me. I had the girl of my dreams on my arm, and everything in the world was right again. When I had her, nothing could bring me down. I was exactly where I should be, and I could be myself when I was with her.

“I missed you today.”

“Yeah?” I asked. “I always miss you.”

“Always?” she pressed.

“Yeah.” I was being dead serious. The entire time I was without her, she was all I ever thought about.

“So, when you went home this morning, did you miss me then?” She walked beside me, her heels clanking against the ground.

I knew what she was referring to. I went down on her and made her come in my mouth, but I hadn’t let her do the same to me. I was so hard up for her but couldn’t find a release. “I did.”

“Did you jerk off in the shower?”

That statement brought me back to our time together in the past. She said it turned her on when I touched myself in the shower, and hearing her say that made my dick hard. “Yeah.”

“Did you think about me?”

“I always think about you.” I placed a kiss on the shell of her ear.

“I would have loved to see that.”

She was flirting with me, and she was doing a good job. My dick was hard in my jeans, and I kept thinking about how sweet her pussy tasted. “I’ll show you sometime.”

“Yeah? I’ll hold you to it.”

“I hope you do.”

We reached the restaurant and took our seats. I ordered a bottle of wine for the table, and after I glanced at my menu and decided what I wanted, I stared at her. It was a favorite pastime of mine. She had the most beautiful features but she was never vain about them. But she wasn’t oblivious to her charms either.

She rubbed her leg against mine under the table.

I grabbed her hand and interlocked our fingers together. I didn’t mind going out in public and taking her to a nice dinner, but I preferred to be home. When it was just she and I, I could touch her all I wanted. If I had it my way, she’d be in my lap right now. But I would be a shitty boyfriend if I didn’t take her out on the town and show her off. We hardly went out together before, but things were different now.

After we ordered, we made small talk about work. She asked me about my investment strategy and seemed genuinely interested in it. Most women didn’t care about my line of work—just how much money was in my wallet. I asked her about the bakery, and her response was the same as it usually was.

When the food arrived, we ate it quietly. Neither one of us ate much, probably because we would rather be eating each other. Francesca was eager to jump back into bed, and I was too. But I wanted to do things right. I really hurt her, and I had a lot of making up to do even though she already forgave me.

“Coming back to my place?” she asked after I paid the check.

“Actually, let’s go to mine.” She hated the fact my bed had many visitors before she came back into my life. It was understandable to a certain extent, but she didn’t truly understand how meaningless they were. She was with Kyle for six months in her bed, and I thought that was completely different. But since I’d dragged her through the mud for so long, I gave her leeway in a lot of things.

She immediately tensed like that didn’t sound the least bit appealing to her.

“There’s something I want to show you.”

“At your apartment?” she asked incredulously.

“Yeah.” She’ll understand it when she sees it.

“You better let me watch you beat off.”

“Actually, I have something better in mind.”


We walked into the apartment, and I didn’t bother turning on the lights. It was dark, but you could still see inside the apartment. A distant glow came from down the hallway, the surprise I’d made for Francesca.

I took her hand. “Come with me.”

She didn’t object as I pulled her away.

I guided her into my bedroom, and on the nightstands and dressers were white candles flickering in the dark. They glowed dimly, and the shadows they made stretched across the walls.

Francesca took it in then eyed my bed. White rose petals were sprinkled on the brand-new comforter. New sheets were on the bed, as well as pillows. In fact, everything in the room was new. I’d replaced the bed frame, the mattress, and the remaining furniture.

“You’re the only woman who will ever sleep in this bed.” I came behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I kissed her neck then the shell of her ear. I tightened her against my chest and felt her breathing increase.

Her objection to my old furniture, the stuff the others had been on, was childish. But Francesca didn’t ask for much, so I would give her whatever she wanted. I felt her body tremble in my arms at the gesture, and it picked up a few degrees. She and I were starting over, getting the future we should have had two years ago.

My lips found her hairline, and I pressed a gentle kiss there. I was a very sexual person, needing good sex on a regular basis. Perhaps it was just my nature, but it was the one thing that subdued my anger. I liked it dirty and kinky, and I liked it hard and fast.

But I never wanted that with Francesca.

What we had was so much better than that. When we touched, so did everything else. Without the use of words, we communicated. She made me feel whole—deep inside, in places I never thought I could reach. With her, it was about a lot more than sex.

I continued to kiss her neck as I slowly unzipped the back of her dress. Her breathing hitched slightly as I pulled it all the way down. When I reached the small of her back, my fingers grazed the skin, just inches from her ass. Then I pulled the top of the dress down, revealing her body in just her black bra. My fingers pulled her hair over one shoulder, and I kissed the area between her shoulder blades. Her skin tasted like honey, and her hair smelled like vanilla. My lips were drawn to her like a moth to a flame. I loved kissing her everywhere. It was my favorite thing in the world.

My hands pulled the dress the rest of the way, and it slid to her ankles. She remained absolutely still, letting me worship her body with just her lips. With a single hand, I unclasped her bra. The straps came loose and I pushed them off her shoulders and watched it fall.

The only thing left was the black thong. My fingers played with the lace, and I stared at the definition of her tight ass. She had a beautiful body with endless curves. I wasn’t sure why Cassandra intimated her. In actuality, all women should be intimidated by Francesca.

“You’re beautiful.” I pulled the lace off her hips.

She took a deep breath, showing her excitement.

I pulled it down to her ankles then helped her step out of them. When we were fooling around the other night, I didn’t want to keep my guard up and wait. But I didn’t want to give in to my physical desires when Francesca deserved something more. She deserved a perfect night, not a hook up. I wanted her to know, without a doubt, that she was different than all the others.

She was the one.

Francesca turned around and faced me. Her features were cast in shadow, but they could still be distinguished. Her perfect tits were just below my chest, and her tight little stomach had an hourglass shape. She grabbed the bottom of my shirt then slowly pulled it over my head, revealing my naked chest. When it was off, she stared at it lovingly, desire and appreciation in her eyes. Then she leaned in and pressed a kiss to the center of my chest. It wasn’t sexual, but intimate.

And it made me come alive.

She undid my belt and zipper then pulled down my jeans. When she got to her knees in front of me, I pictured her sucking me off. But I shook the thoughts away because I knew there would be time for that later. Francesca and I had a strong physical relationship when we used to be together but that developed later on.

When she pulled my boxers down, my cock popped out. I was proud of my size, and I knew every woman I’d been with was impressed by it. Whoever said size didn’t matter was full of it.

She licked her lips as she stared at it.


I wrapped my hand around her neck then pulled her lips to mine. I kissed her fiercely, savoring every moment because I wanted it to last forever. When we made out for hours the other night, I loved every second of it. Most guys wouldn’t, but then again, most guys weren’t head-over-heels in love like I was.

I guided her to the bed then lay her down on it. The rose petals were soft against her skin, and they smelled like a garden. I lay my body on top of hers, holding myself up by my arms. Francesca’s legs wrapped around my waist, and she held me against her, like she was eager for the connection we were about to feel.

I was too.

There wasn’t any hesitation in her eyes like there used to be. After she opened up to me, she seemed to have forgotten all her reservations. Like steam, it evaporated. Now she looked at me just the way she used to, like I was the single most important thing to her. Trust was in her eyes, and she was in love with me.

I didn’t ask her if she was on the pill. I didn’t ask if it was okay if I went bareback. She didn’t ask if I was clean. We didn’t have that conversation. Even if she wasn’t on the pill and became pregnant, I wouldn’t care. That was bound to happen someday anyway. And she knew I would never be with someone without protection, besides her.

My lips were desperate to kiss her but I restrained myself. My gaze was focused on hers, and my heart hammered in my chest. I pointed myself at her entrance, and the second my tip felt her warm skin, I wanted to moan. When I pushed slightly against her, I felt the moisture between her lips. The sensation wasn’t just pleasurable. It was so much more—because it was Francesca.

I pushed against her gently, forcing myself between her legs. When I was barely inside her, Francesca bit her bottom lip then gripped my arms. Her eyes were bright with fire and her nipples were harder than the tip of a diamond.

I kept going and felt her familiar tightness. She constricted me like a python, and to say it felt good was an understatement. Just the knowledge that I was inside her, feeling her, made my muscles tense in satisfaction.

“Hawke…” Her hair was scattered around her on the pillow, and she had a dreamy look in her eyes. Her lips were parted like she wanted my tongue, and her tits shook with every move I made.

When I sheathed myself completely inside her, I didn’t want to move. I wanted to stay just like that, buried deep within her. I breathed harder than I wished and felt my restraints give way. Whenever I was with her, my cold exterior melted. I was in a different universe, one where just she and I existed.

Francesca ran her fingers through my hair and tightened her legs around my hips. Then she kissed me slowly, not rushing the embrace. She took her time, savoring every caress of my tongue.

BOOK: Tuesday (Timeless Series #2)
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