Tunnel Vision (31 page)

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Authors: Brenda Adcock

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Detective, #Mystery, #Crime & mystery, #Gay, #Mystery & Detective, #Fiction - Mystery, #Mystery & Detective - General, #Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945), #Suspense, #Fiction : Lesbian, #Crime & Thriller, #Lesbian

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understand why I’d be a little upset. I don’t trust Brodie now any more than I did eight years ago.”

“I suppose that means you don’t trust me then,”

Maggie said as she rubbed her forehead.

“I do trust you, baby. I just don’t trust her.”

“Look, can we talk about this later? I have to pack a few things before we leave.”

“What if I told you not to go? I can stay at your place with you.”

“We’re dating, Carrie, we’re not married. Get a grip, for Christ’s sake. There’s nohting going on between me and Brodie. You can’t give me orders. You sound like my fucking father.”

“He was right the last time, or don’t you

remember that?”

“Of course I remember it. I’ll tell you, just like I told my father. What happened eight years ago was an accident. An avoidable one, but still an accident. I have to go,” she said quickly and disconnected. Maggie was fuming as she threw clothing and toiletries into a small rolling suitcase. Who the hell did Carrie think she was? Sure, they had been dating a while, but no matter how hard she tried, Maggie couldn’t see them as a couple. The sex was good, but not enough to build a relationship on. They didn’t have the kind of relationship Maggie wanted. She knew what she wanted. She looked in the mirror over her dresser and ran her hands through her hair. She knew exactly what she wanted.

ROYCE AND MAGGIE spent the remainder of the day together. Before dark Brodie grilled steaks on the barbecue and they spent a relaxing evening talking, laughing and getting reacquainted. After dinner Maggie volunteered to wash their dishes and ran Brodie out of the kitchen.

She lit a cigarette and filled her lungs with the welcome rush of nicotine as she rested her forearms on the deck railing. It was a beautiful early spring evening. She hated the idea of it ending. She felt surprisingly at peace for the first time in a long time.

“You really should stop smoking, you know?”

Maggie said as she stepped up to the railing next to Brodie.

“Yeah. I know.”

“I want to run by the university before I go to work in the morning.”


“I want see if there’s an entrance to the tunnels in the Biology Building we missed.”

“I’ll agree only if you take another officer with you.”

“I don’t think Chambers would be stupid enough to return to the university. He knows we’re looking for him.”

“Promise you’ll take a campus security guard with you or I’ll go over there myself.”

“All right. I promise. Thanks.”

“It’s been a long day. Ready to call it a night?”

“Royce…” Maggie started. She stopped and

looked out over the back yard.


“Nothing really,” Maggie chuckled. “Today just reminded me of old times. Good times.”

Brodie looked at Maggie’s profile in the

moonlight. It had been like old times. Having Maggie with her at the end of the day was something she had never gotten over. She probably never would. She wanted that feeling back in her life. Without Maggie she was only living half a life. She blinked hard when she discovered Maggie staring back at her. Not sure what she saw in her eyes, she reached out tentatively and stroked her hair. Maggie leaned into the touch for a moment before straightening and stepping into Brodie’s arms. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Brodie’s neck.

“I’ve missed you so much,” Maggie said, her voice a soft sigh against Brodie’s neck.

Slipping her hands under Maggie’s shirt, enjoying the feel of her skin, warm and smooth beneath her fingers, Brodie felt her stomach clench. “I’ve missed touching you.”

She kissed Maggie tenderly and without hurry, content with the intimacy of the moment. Slowly pulling Maggie’s shirt over her head, Brodie could sense Maggie’s growing arousal as her eyes took in her body and her hands continued to explore the once familiar and sensitive areas of Maggie’s body.

“Maggie...,” Brodie began softly.

Maggie kissed her again before she could finish what she was going to say. Her lips parted, allowing Brodie’s tongue to probe her mouth. Maggie knew she could not get enough of that touch. Her need for Brodie to make love to her again became unbearable and she felt herself being lowered onto the chaise lounge on the deck, Brodie’s thigh pressing between her legs. Brodie had never spoken much when they made love, letting her hands and mouth tell Maggie everything she felt.

With her mind numbed by the delicious feel of Brodie’s mouth taking her, Maggie pressed against her, seeking more, awed by the gentleness their foreplay.

“Please, Royce…I…,” Maggie managed as her hips fell into the rhythm of Brodie’s mouth moving against her, pushing her body closer and closer to the edge of explosive pleasure. Maggie’s thoughts were brief as Brodie thrust into her, suddenly hard and demanding. The feeling was so unexpectedly intense that Maggie bucked violently toward the inevitable release her body demanded. Their kisses became passionate and frantic.

“I’ve been waiting for you….so long,” Maggie gasped. Finally overtaken by the pleasurable feelings, Maggie could hold back no longer, her body exploding with the orgasm that took control of her body. Brodie pulled Maggie into her arms and held her tightly as a series of smaller shudders coursed through her until her body relaxed. They were both physically exhausted.

“That was...incredible, Royce,” Maggie said as she began to regain control of her breathing.

“We should talk, Mag.”

“I couldn’t think straight if I had to right now. Can we just go to bed?”

Brodie pulled Maggie up and led her into her bedroom where she continued to hold her until they both fell asleep. A few hours later Brodie was awakened by Maggie’s lips on her back and they continued their lovemaking through the night. Neither could get enough of the other and Maggie seemed to never run out of ways to excite and satisfy her.When Maggie awoke the next morning, Brodie was dressed and holding two mugs of coffee. She leaned down and kissed her lightly before handing her a cup.

“I hope it’s all right,” Brodie smiled as she handed her a mug and sat on the edge of the bed.

Maggie smiled back as she took a sip. “Have you been up long?

Brodie sat down on the edge of the bed next to her.“About an hour,” Brodie said as she reached over and smoothed Maggie’s hair. “How are you feeling?”

Maggie smiled at her and set the cup down on the nightstand. Turning to face Brodie, she took her face in her hands and kissed her deeply.

“Maggie...,” Brodie began.

Maggie silenced her by placing her fingers on Brodie’s lips. Brodie took her hand and kissed the fingertips. “Did we make a mistake, Maggie?”

“I made a mistake eight years ago, but not now. I’m in love with you, Royce,” Maggie finally managed to get out as she leaned toward her and took her in her arms. “I always have been. I always will be.”

Brodie glanced at the clock on the nightstand.

“Once we have our guy in custody, we have a lot to talk about,” she said as she kissed Maggie lightly.

Chapter Twelve

SOMETHING NAGGED AT the back of Maggie’s

brain, but she couldn’t quite come up with what it was. She smiled as she stepped out of the shower, remembering the feel of Royce’s body against hers the night before. She’d given Royce up once and was determined not to lose her again. She had finally taken control of her life and while she might go to hell the way her father predicted, she would enjoy every step along the path. She should have left Austin when Royce did. She had been a coward and didn’t realize what she had lost until it was gone. Not this time. She would prove to Royce she loved her and to her father that she deserved to be a detective. She picked up her cell phone and punched in a number.

“Brodie,” a voice answered.

“Good morning,” Maggie said.

“We already said that about fifteen minutes ago,”

Brodie laughed.

“Just wanted you to know I meant it. I just got out of the shower.”

“Wish I’d been there for that,” Brodie said.

“Next time. Now I’m going to get dressed and head to the university.”

“Call me if you find anything and remember your promise. And hey, Maggie?”


“In case I didn’t say it last night, I love you.”

“You told me in several ways,” Maggie said with a smile. “I love you too, Royce.”

BRODIE WAS IN a good mood when she arrived at the squad room. For the first time in longer than she cared to think about, she had something to look forward to when she returned home at night.

“Anything new?” she asked cheerfully as she sat down at her desk.

“No one else has been killed...yet,” Nicholls said, not quite as cheerfully. “Maggie’s late.”

“She’ll be here later,” Brodie shrugged. “She wanted to take another look at something at the university. Anything from the APB?”

“Well, we know he’s in the area,” Nicholls said.

“It’s not like he’s the Invisible Man, for God’s sake. We’ve put campus security on alert and I asked Romero and a couple of others to stroll around the campus in plain clothes. We have an unmarked unit keeping an eye on his house.”

“It sounds like we’ve done all we can for now unless we want to spend the day driving around hoping to trip over him,” Brodie shrugged. “Let’s put together everything we know so far and see if we can get a feel for what he might do next.”

“Do you think it’s possible he might have other victims in mind?” Nicholls asked.

“Well, so far everyone he’s killed has been for a purpose,” Brodie said. “He needed Garcia’s keys, Brauner showed up unexpectedly, Maggie saw the key ring and so did the girlfriend who probably also doctored his academic records. Maggie’s the only one who survived. I don’t think he’d really planned on that one,” Brodie said. “If she hadn’t seen the key ring it wouldn’t have happened. And maybe he just didn’t want to take the chance that the girlfriend would put it all together. One thing for sure, though, is that his whole game plan has gone out the window. He could easily move on to another job or another college, cozy up to another unsuspecting woman and continue on his merry way. Once he knew we were on his trail, he should have

disappeared to parts unknown.”

“Could be he’s pissed at us for ruining his little scam,” Nicholls said. “If he’s back here to seek revenge against any of us, then he’s probably gone completely around the bend.”

“Don’t worry. He can’t stay hidden for long. He needs the attention,” Brodie stated.

“What do you mean?” Nicholls asked.

“Everything he’s done in the past and his most recent actions seem to indicate that he’s seeking attention and apparently trying to prove to us and himself that his intelligence is greater than ours.”

“A giant in his own mind,” Nicholls said.


MAGGIE WALKED DOWN the steps to the

basement of the Biology Building. She had searched the interior of the building again and found nothing that would pass as an entrance into the old tunnel system. She looked through a set of keys she had picked up from the University Police. She tried two or three before finding one that unlocked the padlock on the outside door into the basement. She looked around the area nearest the building as she removed the padlock and opened the door. Now that it was officially spring, the grounds crews were busy making the large gardens that dotted the campus ready to receive new plants. The fresh scent of newly turned earth made her smile. Spring was a time for new beginnings.

She entered the basement and switched on the weak overhead light. She had promised Royce she’d take a security guard with her, but would prove she could handle it alone. “There’s another door into the tunnels behind these old file cabinets,” she muttered to herself as she walked across the room. She peered over the top of the cabinets and located the door. She heard a muffled sound and glanced over her shoulder. She spun quickly around and reached for her service revolver. A fist to her jaw stopped her immediately and she fell to the floor.

OVER THE NEXT two or three hours, the two

detectives put together a detailed timeline of Chambers’ actions and movements along with a timeline of their responses. It was nearly noon by the time Brodie rubbed her eyes and stretched.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking I need to rejuvenate with a little chicken fried steak. How about it?”

“Sounds like a winner to me,” Nicholls said. “Give Maggie a shout and have her join us.”

Brodie stood up and began pulling her jacket on. As she was waiting for Nicholls to return from the men’s room, she called Maggie’s cell number. The phone switched over to voicemail as the desk officer came into the squad room.

“This came for you a little while ago, Lieutenant,”

he said as he handed Brodie a small manila envelope.

“Thanks,” Brodie said with a smile and flipped her cell closed. Looking down the hall, she muttered to herself, “What’s taking him so long? And where the hell is Maggie?” Absently, she tore open the end of the envelope and looked inside.

“Oh, fuck,” she breathed as Nicholls finally walked up beside her.

“What is it, RB?” he asked.

Brodie looked at him as she dumped the contents of the envelope onto her desk.

“Where the hell did that come from?” Nicholls asked as he stared at the religious medallion.

“Someone left it here for me. The fucker was right here in the station!” Brodie exclaimed, moving quickly to the front desk and trying to remain calm. When the desk officer saw her, he smiled,” What’s up, Loo?”

“Were you at the desk when this envelope was left for me?” Brodie asked.

“Yeah. I would have gotten it to you sooner, but it was left at the same time a patrol unit brought a guy in for booking,” the officer answered.

“Can you describe the person who left it?”

“I think so, but I wasn’t paying total attention. It was a man, probably in his late twenties or early thirties,” the officer started.

“Five ten, around 180 pounds with blue eyes and short black hair?” Brodie continued for him.

“Yeah,” the officer smiled, “that sounds about right.”

“Then I guess,” Brodie seethed as she reached onto the counter and grabbed a copy of their APB,

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