Twelve Truths and a Lie (10 page)

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Authors: Christina Lee

BOOK: Twelve Truths and a Lie
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Cameron would crush his lips against mine, we were so wound up. Instead, he painstakingly eased forward, eyes pinned to mine, his breath shallow against my lips.

He kissed me with an unbearable tenderness that I didn’t think I could handle in that moment. Soft, sexy, shuddery. My chest was so achy and tight; I thought it might shatter into a thousand pieces right then.

His kiss felt so good that I moaned into his mouth, and his fingers tightened their hold on the nape of my neck, sealing our connection.

Our lips were fused together and his tongue stole inside my mouth and God, feeling those soft and velvety flicks was pure bliss.

The tip of his tongue traced my lips, sneaking in and out of my mouth, but then drew deep and long as he pinned me to the door.

We stayed that way for an eternity it seemed, but then no time at all, with his body flush against mine, my face in his hands, his biting, nipping, licking into my mouth, over my teeth and gums, dragging noises from my throat.

My fingers clawed at his shirt, drawing him closer, closer still, until there couldn’t possibly be any space at all left between us.

Eventually we shifted sideways and he tugged me to his bed. Barely breaking contact, he sat down and in one fluid motion, pulled me onto his lap. As I straddled him, our centers colliding, my entire body lit on fire like a live wire. I could feel his hardness against me, and I wanted to grind down and experience more of him, I was that turned on.

My tongue lapped softly at his lips and then we were devouring each other again. Hot and heavy, light and sensual, and everything in between.

“I’m not exchanging one hookup for another,” I said in gasps, breaking away from the kiss. “I couldn’t do it with a stranger and I can’t do it with my friend. Not here, not now, no matter how much I want to.”

“Agree,” he said, sliding his hands up and down my back. “This is just making out.”

And make out we did, practically all night long—our bodies sliding, grinding, rubbing, and resting in various positions—while our lips were rarely left unattended.

As the evening wore on, we lay side by side on top of the comforter in his hotel bed, our hearts hammering in unison, our lips bruised. Fingers gliding over clothes in places they longed to be.

He sucked on my nipples through my shirt while I squirmed and moaned unabashedly.

“Just let me make you feel good,” he said in a rough voice, as if only skating along the precipice of his own control.

“Only if I can do the same to you,” I replied, just as breathless and hoarse.

Without responding, his hand slipped beneath the edge of my shirt to my stomach and I felt my muscles contract.

“So smooth,” he said, bending down to place a wet kiss on my abdomen.

“Oh, God,” I moaned as my muscles practically seized up at the hot and damp contact from his mouth.

In turn, my fingers tunneled beneath his shirt to rip it over his head, and the cotton material slinked off the side of the bed to the floor.

My hands roamed over his beautiful russet skin, admiring its smooth texture. My mouth dragged across his collarbone, his firm pecs, and down the center of his stomach as far as I could reach. Cameron arched his head and groaned in such a throaty alto that I felt it reverberate thought my bones, all the way down to my toes.

Cameron’s fingers worked their way to my bra, pushing it up, and exposing my breasts to him, as his gaze raked me up and down appreciatively. The cool air hit my nipples and along with his perusal, helped them stiffen into peaks.

“Fuck, Aurora,” he whispered as he traced his thumbs around my nipples. My fingers fisted the bedspread so forcefully I thought they might gash holes. “You are so sexy.”

He nudged me flat on my back, swung his knee over my stomach, and straddled my torso. His fingers entwined with mine, lifting them over my head, as his mouth played with my swollen lips, drawing them between his teeth and sucking on them.

I writhed beneath him, feeling his stiff erection against my belly. He caressed the length of me with his eyes while my chest heaved. I felt trapped but also free, and I didn’t want to be anywhere else in the world right then.

He let go of my hands and lay down on his side next to me. His fingers lightly stroked my breasts and stomach, driving me insane.

I twisted my body toward him, my fingers smoothing over his skin and down to the top of his pants and over his length. He was so hard; I could see the outline of his cock through the material, just waiting to burst free.

As his hand mimicked mine, curving over the waistband of my jeans, I nearly came undone. He rose to his knees and gently unsnapped and then pulled the pants down my legs and tossed them aside.

I had on a pair of plain cotton underwear with yellow flowers, never expecting to be in this position with any man tonight, but I still felt sexy.
made me feel sexy.

When his gaze glided up my legs and landed on my crotch, I moaned without shame. Removing my shirt and bra, he feathered hot and wet kisses up my neck to my mouth. He drew my tongue between his lips, sucking it until I arched against him.

“Your jeans, too,” I said, panting. “I want to see you.”

Cameron’s eyes glittered as he shoved his pants over his knees and then kicked them off his legs. My gaze devoured him in his gray boxer briefs, his cock straining against the cotton material.

“You’re stunning, Cameron,” I said, my fingers trailing lightly over the dark hairs on his taut abdomen. He closed his eyes as if attempting to rein himself in, his dark lashes brushing his cheeks, and he looked so beautiful right then.

“Aurora, do you even know what you’re doing to me?” he whispered, opening his eyes and fastening them on me.

I shook my head and as he traced his fingernails up my thighs, my legs began to tremble. I squeezed my lids shut, my chest heaving, and fisted the covers again.

“Please say I can touch you,” he said as his fingers reached the elastic edge of my underwear.

After my brief nod, he shifted the cotton panel to one side, and I sucked in a breath.

“You’re soaking wet,” he groaned. “So damn hot.”

My fingertips swept over his hardness and then dipped inside his waistband, feeling his silky head, coated with pre-come.

“You touch me and I’m gone,” he said in a warning tone.

My other hand reached for his hair, and I dragged him toward me. My tongue darted inside his mouth, lapping greedily against his while his fingers explored me.

I tightened my grip around him, pumping up and down, and he thrust into my hand, seeking friction.

He nibbled on my bottom lip as his fingers slid through my wet folds, and I was nearly floating on the ceiling in a delirious state of bliss.

When he slipped two fingers inside me and then his thumb inched upward and found the center of my universe, I whimpered and thrashed, right on the edge.

His thumb pressed and circled and rubbed, applying layers upon layers of pressure—until my entire world burst apart in a galaxy of stars.

As I trembled through my orgasm, I could feel his fingers sliding over the top of mine and he helped pump himself into oblivion. He groaned loudly, shuddering and coming over our hands and his stomach.

Cameron sank down next to me, completely spent, both of us heaving and relaxing by varying degrees. He used his boxers to clean himself up before pitching them to the floor.

Talking seemed unnecessary, only a soft kiss to the temple as he pulled me into the confines of his chest. His nose was at my neck, and he inhaled deeply before promptly passing out.

I woke up a couple of hours later, Cameron’s arms wound tightly around me, his upper torso like a furnace. It felt so good that I considered shutting my eyes and falling back asleep, but I knew it would only muddy the waters between us.

“I have to use the bathroom,” I mumbled, and he absently released his hold.

I rolled off the bed and quickly got dressed, looking at his beautiful face once more as it relaxed into sleep, and I stumbled out the door to my room.


and turned until dawn in my own hotel bed. I was supposed to be proving to myself that I could make it a year alone, not touching and kissing somebody who was becoming a good friend, yet made me feel all kinds of amazing things.

Besides, Cameron had his own mess to deal with. The way he looked at his ex as she approached him in the bar last night, I knew she had wrecked him. So what if he gazed at me with that fiery passion in his eyes just moments after? It only meant that we were both horny as hell and had found solace in each other.

I touched my lips, remembering how his mouth fit against mine, his fingers gliding over my skin. How he smelled and tasted. How it felt to be wrapped up in his arms in the dark of the room.

I had enjoyed myself way too much. To have physical contact with somebody again had been heady. In that respect, I understood the one-night-stand draw. But in this instance, I knew Cameron—we had become confidantes. Could I have pictured myself making out no holds barred with Bryce from the bar? I wasn’t so sure.

My headspace was fuzzy and lines had been crossed. We had one more day together and then we’d be headed home. I needed to speak to Cameron with a level head.

Maybe he’d think what happened was no big deal, which was more than likely, since I had come from another man’s room last night. I smirked at myself, wondering what my friends would think of me now.

I took a shower and considered ordering breakfast. Had last night not happened I would’ve texted Cameron anyway, so that was exactly what I did.

You up? I’m thinking room service.

I’m going to snooze for a bit longer. Go for it.

That was the extent of his message, nothing more.

I needed to stop reading into it. I lay back in bed and ordered some eggs and toast and strong coffee. When was the last time I didn’t have anything in front of me to do—errands, chores, more notes from work.

Just time to lie back and chill out. Heavenly.

After I ate breakfast, I slipped back beneath my sheets completely relaxed and fell asleep.

I was woken by the sound of a text.

I’m pregnant.

My stomach bottomed out and I dialed Sydney immediately.

“I took two tests, both positive, and don’t try to talk me out of it,” she said, in a shaky and exasperated voice. “You know tests nowadays are very accurate.”

“I wasn’t going to argue,” I said, my pulse thrumming. “I know that. Just tell me what you’re feeling.”

“Sick to my stomach,” she whined. “Literally.”

“Are we talking early pregnancy here or nerves?” I asked, noting how different my normally confident friend sounded.

“Both.” Then the tears came. I waited them out and let her snuffle into the phone. “What the hell am I going to do?”

“I…I don’t know.” That wasn’t a sure thing to say. She needed strength right now, but I was just as shocked and flummoxed. “You’re going to get through this. We’ll all be there for you.”

“Shit, a baby?” she complained. “I can’t…”

“You can and you will,” I said, sitting up in bed and trying to find the drive to get her through this. “Unless you want me to talk you through other options…adoption or abor—”

“Please, it’s hard enough talking to Nicole about this,” she said, through a sniffle. “She’s got kids, and I feel awful telling her that I’m not sure I can do this.”

“I understand.” I took a deep breath, imagining what it would be like if this had been me. What if Cameron and I had had sex and then two months down the road I was going through this? Or worse, the guy from last night?

A shudder traveled through me.

“So,” I said, easing into the topic gently. “What are you going to do about Maddie?”

“He…” There was more crying and I waited her out. “He’s betrothed to somebody else. His religion…”

So she did know. “He told you that?”

She blew her nose away from the phone. “Why do you not sound surprised?”

I cringed, zigzagging a pattern on the bedspread with my finger. “Because Cameron mentioned something about it. But I didn’t know what to think or even if you knew about it.”

“Oh God, Cameron,” she suddenly gasped out. “You’re away with him this weekend. You cannot say anything.”

“Of course not!” It was also not the time to tell her that I made out like a horny teen in his hotel room all night. “Tell me more about Maddie.”

“I don’t know. Well, I kind of do. I think he’s a cool guy.” She took a shuddering breath. I wish I were there to hug her. Maybe I should go home to be with my friend. Cameron can handle tonight by himself. “That night with him was…God, it was so good.”

She sounded breathless and dreamy and I hurt for her. So darn much. Because I’d just had one of those
Oh my fucking God
nights myself. Maybe they had been careless with protection, but I didn’t want to question her about it. Besides, it was already too late.

I racked my brain, thinking of a solution to this mess. “Why can’t he…”

“He made it very clear that at a certain age he’ll meet his wife and—”

“He doesn’t even know who she is?” I asked, my voice shrill, not so much in criticism of the custom, but in protection of my friend.

“That’s apparently how it works.” She was sounding pretty level-headed and maybe even in awe of the tradition. “They’ll meet eventually. Their families arranged the marriage for various reasons, one of which was because they’re from the same caste and seem to be matched up on values and hobbies, stuff like that I guess.”

She seemed to know quite a bit, which told me that she and Maddie had taken the time to talk about it in detail. I wondered if it was before or after their amazing night together.

“Even still,” I said, attempting to wrap my brain around a belief system that still existed in this day and age. Had it not been affecting my friend so thoroughly right now, I would think it admirable. I thought of the Indian families I’d had on my case load over the years, wondering after all this time if that was how their marriages had been arranged. A few couples seemed close and happy. “With a baby on the way...”

“Oh my God, his family will hate me!” she practically shouted into the phone. “I’m not sure if I should tell him.”

This did not sound at all like my normally fierce friend.

“Not tell him? He was there that night, right? He is not allowed to get out of this,” I bit out. One of us had to stand firm on that principle alone. “He’s responsible for his penis and where he aims it.”

“No, you’re right,” she said, quietly sniffling. “I’m just all screwed up.”

“I know, honey,” I replied, softening my voice. “I think the first thing you need to do is make a doctor’s appointment.”

“Right,” she said. “Look, I’ve got to go. I have so much to do today. I need to show up for dinner at my mom’s house later.”

“Oh, God,” I said, completely confounded by how she was even functioning. “This is the weekend your cousins are coming into town?”

Sydney had such a large extended family; it was hard to keep them all straight sometimes. I relaxed a bit considering how tight she was with her parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I just knew that they would help her through this as well, when it came time to tell them.

“It’ll be okay,” she said, clearing her throat. “At least it’s less time for wallowing.”

“Goodness, you’re allowed to wallow over something as huge as this, my friend.”

“I know,” she said grimly. “When are you due home?”

“Tomorrow,” I said. “But listen, I’m here for you. Just call me any time, if you need me.”

After I hung up, I texted Nicole a sad face emoji.

She texted one back.
We’ll be there for her. So much to talk about. Let’s head over to her apartment together after her family leaves.

Me: Sounds good.

Nicole: Everything cool?

Me: For sure. Talk tomorrow.

I sat staring into space for the next hour, unable to believe what had just transpired. If I didn’t snap out of it, I’d give myself away.

Sydney was going to have a baby. In that instant, I was so thankful I wasn’t having sex with anybody. Or in a relationship for that matter. I needed to be there for my friend.

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