Twin Deception: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (6 page)

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              The doctor smiled. “Oh yes, that’s right. Sorry, it’s been a busy day. All the same, I would still like you to go for a pregnancy test.”

              “What?” Sadi asked, her voice coming out as a squeak. “There’s no way I could be pregnant.”

              “All the same, it’s just routine. We just need a urine sample.”

              “Can I just take a test at home?”

              “If you do one here it will be done within minutes.”

              “Alright.” Sadi sighed. It sounded simple enough.

              As she peed into the glass jar in the privacy of the bathroom, she felt like she was going to be sick from nerves. God, she had said there was no way she could be pregnant but what if she was wrong? She had run out of birth control and just assumed everything would be fine. Oh god, Luke didn’t even want children.

                As Sadi handed in her pee test she noticed that her hands shook slightly. She tried to still them and act calm.

              Finally she was put back into the exam room and her doctor came back in.

              “Well Sadi, I have fantastic news. It seems that you are indeed pregnant.”

              Sadi took one look at her doctor and burst into tears. “I don’t understand how that could happen! I ran out of birth control, but it was only a couple weeks. I heard it took a long time to wear off…. I don’t want to have children right now. My husband doesn’t even like kids!”

              The doctor handed Sadi a tissue. ‘I’m sure it will be fine, dear. If you need help, come back in and see me. You know that you always have other options.”

              Ugh. That sounded so ominous. Sadi thanked the doctor in a haze. As she left, she felt completely numb. How could she have let this happen?

              Sadi called Luke as soon as she got home. “You have to come home, Luke,” she pleaded through tears. “Please.”

                Luke arrived home twenty minutes later, crazy with worry. He ran to Sadi and gathered her up in his arms as soon as he was in the front door. “What’s wrong Sadi?” Luke pleaded, stroking her back.

Sadi could hear the real fear in Luke’s voice. Suddenly she felt very silly. She knew this must look bad. She had just gone to see her doctor and arrived home in tears. Luke would only naturally assume the worst.

              “Luke,” Sadi looked up, wiping away tears with the back of her hand. “I’m pregnant. I’m sorry…” she went on to tell him the whole thing, about running out of birth control and not telling him and how dumb she had been. “I’m sorry,” she finished lamely. “I know you don’t want kids.”

              Luke’s mouth fell open, a blank expression on his face. “What are you talking about Sadi? I’ve never said I didn’t want children? Did I?”

              Sadi slowly shook her head. “No I guess not, you’ve just never said you wanted them.”

              Luke's smile was slow to come, but when he finally did smile it lit up his whole face. “I’m happy about this Sadi! I couldn’t be happier! You have nothing to apologize for.” He hugged her to his chest, holding her until her last few sobs subsided.

                Finally Sadi pulled away. “I’m scared Luke,” she whispered. “I still have so many things I want to do.”

              Luke grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “Me too,” he said. “But we’ll get through it. Every couple does. And in the end we will have a beautiful daughter or son who is our very own. Having a baby is going to change our lives for the better. God Sadi, I feel like you’ve given me my life back. You have given me every reason to hope and to find joy, even without Connor.”

              It was one of the few times Luke mentioned Connor and it took Sadi by surprise. She glanced at her husband and could see that he was still grieving for the brother who remained lost, yet there was something else in his eyes: joy, hope, a light that hadn’t been there before.

                Luke placed his hand on Sadi’s flat stomach. “I hope it’s a daughter Sadi, and that she looks exactly like her mother. So beautiful. You’ve made me the happiest man in the world, Sadi.”

                Sadi smiled. She had felt so desperate only an hour ago but Luke had turned her wild emotions into a joy of her own. She thought about it. There was now a life growing inside her that was half of her, half of Luke. She had a miracle within her body, a child that they had created out of their love for each other.

                Sadi stood on her tip toes and kissed Luke firmly. “I love you,” she whispered. She knew it was true, now more than ever before.




Chapter 6

2 Years Later

              Sadi lay back in bed, flushed with the glow of lovemaking. She glanced at the bedside clock. It was early yet. Only five. She had got up to check on Connor, their beautiful baby boy, and was satisfied when she found him sleeping soundly.

       At eighteen months he was already looking more and more like his father, though when he had been born he had Sadi’s features. It wasn’t Connor that had woken Sadi just after four. It was the cry of their new daughter, Katelyn Rose, only two months old.

      She had been wet and hungry but after a diaper change and a bottle, the tiny girl had settled back down in the bassinet. She slept better than Connor ever had, and for that Sadi was relieved. She had returned from the nursery back to her own bedroom, to find Luke awake.

              He had given her that smile that still sent waves of desire washing through her. It had been a hard eight weeks to wait after Sadi had given birth, but now she was healed and ready. Luke had taken every opportunity he could to explore her body. He had been eager after Connor was born as well, almost going crazy while Sadi was healing from the birth. After she’d been given the green light by her OB, Luke hadn’t been able to keep his hands off of her. Though she had been tired and exhausted, the feeling had been mutual. Sadi had craved Luke with an intensity that almost frightened her. She had been shocked when she had conceived only a few weeks later.

              They weren’t taking any chances this time. Sadi had been back on birth control since right after she’d had Katelyn. The two children were closer in age than Sadi and Luke had planned, though they had known right away after having Connor that they wanted to eventually give him a brother or sister. Now that they had two healthy children, Sadi felt their family was complete. At least for the moment.

              The ringing of the phone somewhere down the hall startled Sadi out of the half sleep that she had found after making love with Luke. She was hoping for a few more minutes of rest before she got up and began her day. Sadi and Luke had spoken about hiring a nanny, but for now it was just Sadi looking after the children during the day. She had loved and enjoyed every minute of being a mother, especially after Connor had been born but now that there were two babies, she felt a little overwhelmed.

              “Are you going to answer that?” Sadi asked Luke. She wondered who could be calling before six in the morning.

              He shook his head. “No. Go back to sleep, it will stop ringing.”

              Sadi was about to roll over but the phone kept ringing and then she heard the shrill cry of a newborn from down the hall.

              “It woke up the baby,” Sadi said, frustrated.

              Luke jumped out of bed, and stalked angrily out of the room wearing only his boxers which he took a couple seconds to put on. Sadi went to grab Katelyn. She could hear Luke’s animated tone from down the hallway.

                Sadi bounced the baby a couple times, who was now studying her with an intense gaze and a crooked half smile. Drool dribbled down Katelyn’s chin. Sadi smiled. She rocked the baby softly, cherishing the feel of the tiny warm body pressed against her chest. She was tired, exhausted really, but she wouldn’t change it for the world. Luke had been right when he said that having children was the best thing that ever happened to them, that it would change their lives for the better.

                It had been a perfect two years. Luke had worked hard to rebuild the company and the pain of losing Connor, while always with them, had turned into a dull ache.

         Their children, their son named for his uncle, gave Sadi and Luke a joy they didn’t realize they had been missing. Connor and Katelyn had brought Luke and Sadi even closer together. Luke had been there for every doctor appointment when Sadi was pregnant with Connor. He had gone to prenatal classes with Sadi. He had been rock solid during labour and delivery, although it had been over twenty four hours.

        Sadi had wanted to give birth naturally and half the time she had been out of her mind with pain, but Luke had coached her through it. She had clung to him and screamed and cried and he had held her.

        Sadi would never forget the look on Luke’s face when he held his son for the first time. Connor had been red and wrinkly and still covered with goo from being born, but Luke had cradled him in his arms, kissing his little cheek over and over again.

              When Katelyn had been born, Luke had actually cried. Sadi’s second pregnancy had been easy all the way through. She wasn’t sick at all. She didn’t even know she was pregnant until she was over six weeks along. It had been a shock but a happy one for her and Luke. Sadi’s second labour and delivery had been much easier and much faster. Katelyn had come out looking as beautiful as she was now. Luke had cried when he held his beautiful little daughter.

                When Sadi watched her husband with the children, she knew she couldn’t have picked a better man. She loved Luke even more now than she did when they got married. She hadn’t known there was a connection that having children would bring.

                Sadi had been worried that Luke wouldn’t find her attractive during her pregnancy or after. She knew her body had changed and that her stomach was no longer firm like it had once been. That her breasts were larger and that she still had some weight to lose. She had worried needlessly. Luke actually seemed more attracted to her now. Maybe it was just the absence makes the heart grow fonder thing. Waiting had always seemed to drive Luke half mad. He had made Sadi feel beautiful when they made love. Even though she was now a mother of two, Luke still worshiped her body. He thought it was the greatest miracle that she had carried their children, birthed them, cared for them. Every mark, the extra weight, everything Sadi had been so self-conscious about, Luke loved all of it.

              Sadi heard the front door of the house slam. What the heck? She walked out of the nursery, holding Katelyn against her chest, rubbing her back in small circles. The baby was almost asleep.  Had Luke just ran out the door? Sadi watched out the window as his car backed out of the garage and down the driveway. Where could Luke possibly be going at six in the morning without so much as a word to her?

                Worry crept up, unfurling like a snake poised to strike. Sadi brought the now sleeping Katelyn back to her bassinet and laid her down gently. She went back to the hall and checked the caller ID on the phone. Retrieving her cell, she googled the number. The hospital. Sadi’s stomach sank. What on earth? Who did they know who could possibly be sick or injured?

                Sadi tried calling Luke’s cell but all it did was ring and ring. Her throat felt choked with worry. Why wasn’t he answering? She thought about calling the hospital but why would they know where Luke was?

                Sadi sat down to wait. She almost wished that the children were awake so she could have something to do to keep her hands busy. As it was, the worry was driving her insane. Finally she got up and went to the kitchen and started sterilizing bottles and washing dishes.

                Finally Connor was awake and his cries woke up the baby. Sadi quickly put on her baby wearing sling and tucked Katelyn inside where she could be safely carried. Sadi retrieved her son, who, although he was walking and tearing through life at an amazing speed, still liked to cuddle with her in the morning. If she tried to put him down right after he woke up it was tantrum city.

                Sadi fed Katelyn and got Connor seated in his high chair with a bowl of dry cereal and fresh fruit puree. She knew that more of it was likely to end up all over the place than in Connor’s mouth but she wasn’t worried. That’s what snack time was for.

                When the sun rose and Sadi still hadn’t heard from Luke she was beyond worried. She tried calling his cell again but he didn’t answer. The only option left was to call the hospital.

              Sadi dialed the number feeling ridiculous. She had no idea what she was going to say. A receptionist answered and Sadi explained what had happened and who she and Luke were. The woman told her to hold on a moment then she put her though to a room number.

        Sadi was so confused as she listened to the tinny ringing sound. Why was she being put through to a room? There was nothing wrong with Luke. He couldn’t be a patient. He had just left the house an hour ago. She hung up quickly, thinking there must be some misunderstanding.

                She decided to get the children ready. She tucked the baby into her car seat with a soft blanket wrapped around her, cleaned and dressed Connor, then was ready to leave the house. It was a small miracle when Sadi could get anywhere with two small babies in under an hour. Both children seemed to sense something was wrong and they cooperated with her for once.

                Sadi drove to the hospital carefully. She had traded in her black sports car for an SUV with a big back seat for the children. She had always dreaded driving the mom mobile, but she found she loved it. Plus it wasn’t a van, although she wasn’t completely opposed to that idea. There was nothing wrong with being a mom. Sadi loved it more than anything on earth.

                It was an odd twist of fate that as Sadi was trying to enter the hospital, carrying a car seat with a sleeping baby and leading a wild eighteen month old by the hand, that Luke should come out. They stared at each other in confusion for a second. Sadi saw the look on Luke’s face. It was one of absolute mortification.

              “What on earth?” Sadi said as she went and hugged Luke. She lifted up Connor so that Luke could take the little boy in his arms.

              “Da da, da da,” Connor said excitedly.

              Luke smiled despite himself. “Hey there, buddy.” He turned to Sadi. “Why don’t we go sit down on that bench over there and I can tell you what happened.”

              Sadi nodded and allowed herself to be led woodenly over to the metal park bench Luke had pointed to.

              “Connor is alive,” Luke whispered as Sadi sat down. It took Sadi a second to understand Luke was talking about his brother.

              “What?” Sadi stammered. “How…. Oh my god Luke! Shouldn’t that be amazing news?” She was totally confused. What was going on? It had been almost three years since the bombing. How could Connor be alive and not have contacted Luke before now?

              “He was in a car accident. He’s not badly hurt, but someone recognized him from the news stories from all those years ago as Connor Pearson. The weirdest part is that he has no memory of who is he. He said his name was William Ryan.”

              “What?” Sadi felt like her head was going to explode.

              “The doctors think he has memory loss from the bombing three years ago, and that he has been alive and well this whole time, but that he had no memory of who he was, which is why he didn’t come home or try and contact me all this time. He’s been living life as someone else entirely.”

              “Wouldn’t someone have recognized him years ago and told him who he was?”

              “I guess he says that he was stumbling around the area, unharmed. He had no memory of being in the building or in the blast. His first memory was finding himself outside, dirty but unhurt.

        He assumed he had been walking by when the blast went off, which maybe he was. I wasn’t sure he was even in the building when it happened. I don’t know how he’s been living and surviving or where he got that name and ID. God none of this makes sense.” Luke put his face over his hands and sighed long and deep, totally frustrated.

                Sadi could tell he was trying to keep it together so he didn’t scare his son, who was watching his father intently.

              “What am I supposed to do with him now, Sadi? I saw him this morning and it freaked him out. He understands that we’re twins. We look so damn alike he had to believe me. But other than that…Sadi, I sold his house and everything off after we thought he was… gone.”

              Sadi placed a hand on Luke’s back. Her head was spinning. How could this be real? After all that time, Luke’s intuition had been correct. His brother was alive. But what did that mean for them now?

              “He’s welcome to stay with us,” Sadi whispered, “until everything gets figured out.”

Luke smiled at Sadi. It was an unsure smile, shadowed with doubts and something else… fear? Sadi couldn’t imagine what Luke was going through right now. They had a daunting task ahead of them. His brother was alive but Connor didn’t even know he had a brother. He didn’t know Luke at all.

                Sadi placed her hand in Luke’s. “We’ve got through everything else Luke, and we’ll get through this.”

              Luke glanced at Sadi, his eyes deep pools of sorrow. It actually scared Sadi because, despite everything, she thought Luke would be happy to see his brother.

              “I hope so, Sadi, I really hope so.”


              “Wow, this place is huge,” Connor whistled after the tour of Luke and Sadi’s home. A home he had been in countless times before but couldn’t remember.

                Sadi gave a shaky smile when Luke didn’t say anything. He had gone to pick up Connor, who was being discharged from the hospital. Sadi had waited at home with the kids. She was nervous about Connor coming to stay with them, but it was nothing compared to how Luke had been acting the past couple days.

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