Twin Dragons: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 7 (27 page)

Read Twin Dragons: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 7 Online

Authors: S. E. Smith

Tags: #fantasy romance, #science fiction romance, #alien romance, #shapeshifter romance, #abduction romance, #dragon romance, #alpha romance

BOOK: Twin Dragons: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 7
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“Tell me what you feel, Melina,” he demanded
as he began to move. “Tell us what it feels like to totally belong
to the Twin Dragons.”

“Complete!” She cried out. “I feel

Calo could feel Cree moving inside her. He
focused on connecting with both of them. The thin thread of control
he had almost shattered when he felt their combined pleasure. He
projected what he was feeling and seeing to them both. The moment
Melina fragmented, she opened herself completely to them.

Brilliant explosions of color swirled
through his and Cree’s mind. Fragments of memories of them together
on the
, Melina’s feelings of despair and loneliness,
her enjoyment whenever she saw them, and the guilt she felt for
wanting to be with them despite knowing her grandfather desired to
return home washed through them.

Cree’s hoarse yell echoed with Melina’s cry
as he stiffened and pulsed deep inside her. Panting, Calo let go of
his control. His fingers bit into Melina’s soft skin as his orgasm
exploded from him. He was vaguely aware that he was probably
leaving bruises.

I will have to get my symbiot to heal
he thought vaguely before he felt the soft warmth of
Melina assuring him that she did not mind a few bruises.


Chapter 30

Almost four weeks had passed since she had
returned to the
. Each day, she learned a little more
about the two men who had claimed her as their mate. The first two
weeks they had seldom let her out of their sight, rarely out of
their bed, and never out of their living quarters. It had taken
some serious threats before she made them realize she was going
crazy in the small cabin area.

Still, they kept her in their sight
insisting that one of them should always accompany her when she
wanted to explore. She admitted she was happy at first to have
their company. She had been nervous about wandering around the
warship. Old fears from the first few months in the Antrox mine had
swept through her, combined with a fear of getting lost in the
massive structure, to make her appreciate having their support and
guidance. That nervousness quickly faded thanks largely to Carmen
and another human girl not much older than her named Sara Wilson.
Both women helped put her at ease and gave her another girl to
spend time with when the guys were busy.

This morning, she had ‘escaped’ for the
first time by herself. Calo was on duty and Cree was in the
bathroom. The moment the door had shut, she had taken off. She was
meeting up with Sara and Carmen. She was supposed to have met them
in the dining hall five minutes ago, but Cree had distracted her…

She couldn’t remember the last time she had
just hung out with the ‘girls’. A mischievous giggle escaped her as
she hurried down the corridor. She had made it almost to the lift
when Cree and Calo’s symbiots appeared out of nowhere.

“You aren’t going to tell on me, are you?”
She asked softly as she bent and brushed a kiss on their

The two sneezed and grinned up at her. Two
warriors, walking further down one of the side corridors, turned
when they heard her delighted laughter. She blushed and smiled back
at them when they grinned at her. Thankfully, the lift opened and
she scooted in along with her two golden companions.

She leaned back against the wall and sighed.
The two guys had barely given her a moment of alone. At first, she
had been delighted by all their attention.

, she admitted silently.
still delighted.

But, after a week of the non-stop attention
she had begun to become suspicious. It wasn’t until the beginning
of her third week that she had finally pushed them to give her a
little more space. It had been an embarrassing moment because she
had started her monthly and was frantically trying to find the
necessary ‘items’ that she needed.

After finally mumbling what the problem was,
both men had scrambled to get her the products she needed. She had
been red-faced the entire week she had been on her period.
Especially when the day after she started, she’d had cramps so bad
that Calo had frantically called for Tandor instead of just letting
her live with it.

Melina hurried out of the lift when it
stopped on the level she needed. She mumbled a hasty apology to the
warrior standing outside of it when Cree’s symbiot nipped at him.
It snorted at her when she admonished it and sent an image of Cree
to her.

“He was not too close,” she argued as she
hesitated at the door to the dining room. “The poor guy was minding
his own business. He didn’t know I was getting off the lift.”

She rolled her eyes when it rumbled at her
in disagreement. The two golden creatures were just as bad as the
two men. If she wasn’t careful, she’d find herself hanging from a
gilded cage.

“Melina,” Carmen called out with a wave of
her hand.

Melina grinned and weaved her way through
the nearly empty room. There were dozens of tables set up, but only
a couple of them had a handful of warriors sitting around eating
and talking. The table in the far back corner was the one she

“Hi,” she said breathlessly. “I made it. I
did just like you suggested, Carmen. The moment he went in the
bathroom, I bolted.”

Laughter echoed as Melina proudly shared her
escape. Melina slid into the chair next to Sara who was picking at
some fruit on a plate. She looked like she was thinking of
something other than the food in her hand.

“Hey, are you alright?” Melina asked

Sara looked up, startled before she gave a
twisted grin. “Yes, I’m fine. Just thinking. I’m ready to get off
this ship. I’m not used to being cooped up.”

“Did you spend a lot of time out in the
field?” Carmen asked curiously.

Sara nodded. “Yes. I loved being out. I took
almost a dozen trips down the Amazon river last year,” she replied
quietly before turning her attention to Melina. “So, what’s it like
having two guys drooling over you instead of one?”

Melina turned a bright red before she
grinned. “Wonderful and crazy and… wonderful,” she admitted

Melina listened avidly as Carmen and Sara
talked about a wide range of things that had happened on Earth. She
didn’t have time to read about any of it when she was there. So
much had changed in the few short years she had been held

“We should be back to Valdier in the next
few weeks,” Carmen was saying with a grimace as she rubbed her
swollen stomach. “I’m hoping we make it before the girls are born.
I really want them to be born there.”

“Do… Do you know if your children… Will they
be normal?” Melina asked. “I mean… will they be able to change

Carmen grimaced as she thought about it. “I
honestly don’t know. It never even crossed my mind. I was just so
shocked to find out I was pregnant, then, to discover I was
carrying twins… Well, let’s just say, I haven’t thought beyond
hoping that they are healthy.”

Melina bit her lip before she looked at
Carmen with troubled eyes. “What about the fact they are twins?
Cree and Calo…” She stopped and looked down at the table.

“What about Cree and Calo?” Carmen asked
quietly. “Melina, if there is a problem with the twins, I need to

“They were told they would never find a true
mate,” Melina said hesitantly. “I saw images when they were little.
There was a set of Twin Dragons. One of the dragons wanted Cree and
Calo’s father to kill them when they were just children. He said
that they would go mad without their true mate and that there had
never been a true mate for a set of Twin Dragons before.”

“Before you,” Sara reminded her. “You are
their true mate.”

“It might be different also because I’m
having girls,” Carmen said with a frown. “I don’t know if there has
ever been a set of twin girls before. I’ll have to ask Tandor.”

Melina reached out and grabbed Carmen’s hand
and squeezed it. “I didn’t mean to upset you,” she said anxiously.
“It was just a thought.”

Carmen smiled and rubbed her belly with her
free hand. Her expression softened, as if she was listening to
something or someone. Her head nodded and she squeezed Melina’s
hand before letting it go.

“I don’t think there will be any problems,”
Carmen said softly, a warm glow relaxing her features.

Melina started to ask how Carmen knew, but a
loud squeak escaped her instead of the question she had meant to
ask. Sara and Carmen both laughed as Melina was lifted from behind
by a set of powerful arms. She barely had time to glare at them
before she found herself facing the very stern features of

“You found me,” she said with a wince.

“Calo will meet us in our living quarters,”
Cree stated in a rough voice as he strode from the dining hall with
the two symbiots trotting behind them. “You are in trouble.”

Melina raised a delicate eyebrow at the
deep, tight tone. She sighed and laid her head against his
shoulder. Both he and Calo were going to have to learn that she
liked to be on her own at times. That was one of the things that
she hadn’t minded during her captivity.

Cree didn’t say anything as he stepped into
the lift. The moment the doors closed, he wound his hand in her
hair and pulled her head back, capturing her lips in a rough kiss.
A low moan escaped him when she opened to him.

He broke the kiss as the lift began to slow.
Resting his forehead against hers, he stared deeply into her eyes
for several long seconds before pulling back. Turning on his heel,
he stepped out of the lift.

“Hi,” Melina breathlessly greeted Calo, who
was standing outside the doors.

“You are in trouble,” Calo growled.

Melina released a deep breath and rolled her
eyes. They were really going to have to take a chill pill. It
wasn’t like she had been in any danger. If they really thought
about it, she hadn’t even really been alone. The twin symbiots had
been right by her side the whole time protecting her.

“I’m not a child, you know,” she said as
Cree stepped into the room followed by Calo. “I can take care of
myself. I did it for four years when Gramps and I were in the
mines. That was a whole lot more dangerous than being on the


Cree set her on her feet and gripped her
shoulders in a firm, but gentle grasp. His heart was still pounding
with adrenaline. He didn’t care if his symbiot had shown him that
Melina was safe. Rationally, he knew she was safe on board the
, but all his heart felt was the fear of her being
out of his and Calo’s sight, away from their protection.

“You should have told one of us where you
were going!” Cree growled, shaking her lightly. “You should have
told me! I would have escorted you down to the dining hall and
waited for you.”

Melina’s eyes softened when she caught the
fear in his eyes that he was trying to hide. Sliding her hands up
his chest, she threaded her fingers through the opening in his
shirt to touch his skin over his heart. The fast beat told her that
he had really been worried about her.

“You’re right, I should have told you,” she
admitted. “But, you should trust me to know not to do anything that
would be risky. I am my own person still. I shouldn’t have to
constantly be watched like I was a child. I like exploring. I like…
being alone sometimes.”

Calo stepped up next to Cree. “You do not
like to be with us?” He asked, a slight tone of hurt in his

“I love being with you. I love you both so
much,” she told him. “But, I’m also an individual. I’ve never been
one to be around someone all the time. Shoot, even Gramps knew I
liked to be alone at times. I’d just go for long walks in the

“He let you go alone?” Calo demanded with a
frown. “You could have been hurt.”

“Calo,” Melina chided.

“Well, you could have,” he muttered

“I was smart,” Melina insisted. “I always
think before I do something. It is who I am. I think being this way
is what helped keep me from being… It saved my life on more than
one occasion.”

A shudder ran through both men. They knew
what could have happened to her. The Antrox were a cold blooded
species that would use or sell anything for a profit.

“It is difficult. I have never felt this way
before and for a Twin Dragon to find his true mate,” Calo said.
“You are a miracle to us, Melina.”

Melina raised her hands and tenderly ran her
fingers down along Calo and Cree’s cheeks. Each were different, yet
so much the same in their vulnerability. Leaning up on her toes,
she pressed a kiss to Calo’s lips before turning to Cree.

“There was a poster in one of my classes in
high school,” she said. “It said, ‘If you love something, set it
free. If it comes back to you, it’s yours.’ I would always come
back to you. I will always be yours.”

“I like the idea of just kidnapping you if
you didn’t,” Cree muttered under his breath, a sheepish grin
curving his mouth. “It worked the last time.”

Melina’s light laughter echoed through their
living quarters. Her eyes sparkled with devious delight as she felt
the shift in the room. They had overcome yet another hurdle in
their relationship. It wouldn’t be easy, but slowly they were
learning each other.

She tilted her head and looked at both men
with a raised eyebrow. “Now, what were you saying about me being in

Both men grinned back at her in delight. “I
think we might need some help with her this time, Calo,” Cree
exclaimed. He sent a swift image to his symbiot as he scooped
Melina up into his arms. “What do you think, brother?”

“I think she needs to know what it feels
like to be truly claimed by Twin Dragons,” Calo remarked. “I want
her to ride me this time while you take her ass.”

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