Read Twin Wolf Trouble (Shifter Squad Six 2) Online

Authors: Anya Nowlan

Tags: #BBW, #Werewolf, #Ex-Navy SEALs, #Forbidden Pregnancy, #Menage, #Romance, #Shifters, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Forever Love, #Adult, #Erotic, #Shifter, #Mate, #Suspense, #Violence, #Supernatural, #Protection, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Shifter Squad Six, #Aspiring Scientist, #Wrong Place, #Wrong Time, #Witness, #Robbery, #Moving Train, #Alpha Twins, #Second Chance, #Loyalty, #Future, #Friendships, #Terrorists, #Destiny, #Brutal

Twin Wolf Trouble (Shifter Squad Six 2) (13 page)

BOOK: Twin Wolf Trouble (Shifter Squad Six 2)
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“You’re beautiful,” he blurted out, not giving the thought a moment to ruminate before he said it out loud.

She looked stunned, but finally smiled, looking down and blushing. It made her even prettier, the way her red hair licked at her cheeks.

“Thank you,” she said, looking up.

Tex couldn’t help it. He crossed the small distance between them and pulled her against him tightly, crushing his lips against hers with hunger he hadn’t known he was hiding since the last time he saw her. He kissed her like both their lives depended on it and as far as he was concerned, they might have. His chest filled with relief when he felt her kissing him back with matching eagerness, her hands on his chin while his traveled down to her hips and pulled her tighter to him.

He couldn’t help but growl under his breath, nipping at her lower lip, catching it between his teeth. She tasted fucking amazing and he couldn’t get enough of it. Her eyes were shining like beacons when he finally pulled away from her, heaving for breath, barely containing his desire for her. A thought shot through him and he grinned wickedly, grabbing her hand and tugging her out of the room after him.

“Where are we going?” she yelped, grabbing the baby monitor as Tex already rounded the corner to the hallway.

“We’re going to go find Thatch and see how much we’ve forgotten about each other,” he said, his voice dark and twisty, but the grin on his lips promising more fun than any of them were prepared to handle.




“What if someone hears us?” Madeline protested weakly, though she wasn’t doing a single thing to slow Tex down as they practically ran toward his and Thatch’s room.

“Barkley’s downstairs, I bet Mary’s asleep already,” Tex said, slamming against the door leading to his room with his shoulder.

Thatch was sitting on the windowsill, glaring at his phone as he usually did, but he jumped up immediately and put the phone down as they entered.

“What’s going on? Is something wrong?” he asked, a worried frown crossing his features.

“No. Everything’s right,” Tex said, pushing the door shut and clicking the lock on it as soon as Madeline had entered.

He plucked the baby monitor out of her hand and set it up on a shelf, coming so close to Madeline again that she was practically swimming in his presence. Yes, her knees were getting a little weak. Yes, her pulse was picking up. And yes, she wanted to be nowhere but with them in that very moment.

“I’m sick and tired of playing this one-night game, Madeline, but we don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow or any day after that. And I’ve fucking missed the hell out of you. I can’t tell you how glad I am that we found you, or that you are the mother of my children, of
children. But tonight is not about any of that. Tonight is about the fact that we want you like oxygen and if I have to sleep another night away from you, knowing you’re right there in the next room, I’m going to lose my mind. Comments?” Tex asked, giving a blazing look at Thatch.

Thatch just grinned, shaking his head as he crossed the room and came to stand next to his brother, the both of them towering over her. She felt like she was looking up at the sweetest daydream ever, one that she’d imagined in excruciating detail since the night they spent together. And now it was happening? Madeline swallowed dryly.

“I think you’re right, brother. Reading my mind as usual,” Thatch said, licking his lips. “What do you say, Madeline? Fun now, consequences later?” he asked, surprisingly cavalier considering his usual reserved nature.

She hesitated, but a second later she reached out and pulled both of the twins to her by their belts, gasping at her own forwardness. Both of them grinned like the demons they were and next thing she knew, she was being picked up by Tex and pushed up against the wall, his mouth on hers again as Thatch kissed her neck.

“Oh my God, I missed you two,” she mewled softly, her nails raking down their necks as they kissed and lapped at her, tasting her.

Her fingers twisted around Thatch’s hair as he unbuttoned her shirt swiftly, his motions sure and controlled. Tex grinded against her and she could feel his massive and still-growing bulge straining to be released. Last time, it had been her calling all the shots, but this time that was the furthest thing from what she wanted. She’d given herself completely to the memory of the Crawley brothers, and what she wanted was for them to take her now and claim her like she’d dreamed of.

She clung desperately to Tex as he peeled away from the wall, walking over to one of the messy beds and throwing her down on her back on it. Somehow, Thatch had pulled her shirt off on the way and by the time she hit the sheets, her bra was undone. Madeline giggled, euphoric with expectation. Her pants were ripped off unceremoniously while Thatch got down on the bed on his hands and knees, kissing her and nibbling on her neck, making her whimper.

Tex removed her panties and parted her legs with rough hands, diving between them. She hissed in a breath as his hot tongue licked over her clit, making her shake and shudder from the very first touch.

“You’re as flawless as I remembered, Madeline,” Thatch muttered as he shucked off his shirt and his pants in quick succession, giving her a full view of his strong, carved body.

She could see a tattoo she hadn’t seen before on his ribs, but she couldn’t quite make it out in the dim light of the room. It scarcely mattered. Her hand was already scratching up the length of his inner thigh and she cupped his heavy and shaved balls in her palm.

“Did you miss this?” Thatch growled and Tex stopped for an excruciating second, removing his own shirt and making Madeline groan as she saw the perfect planes of his abs catching the light.

He looked ravenous, almost possessed with her, and she loved it. Thatch’s eyes were on fire and his cock was so hard, so rigid and ready for her. Any uncertainty about whether or not she’d done the right thing by going with them originally was wiped away. If she hadn’t spent that night with them, she wouldn’t have had her babies. And if she hadn’t shared her body with them, she would have never known how mind-blowing pleasure could really be.

“I missed all of this,” she admitted willingly, her hands reaching out for both of them, either of them, at least one of them.

Being without their hands on her was pure fucking torture! Madeline curled up, moaning happily as Tex’s tongue found her clit again and he shoved two fingers into her fast, making her spread around them as he started pumping them in and out of her. Thatch smoothed back her hair and kissed her again, this time taking his time to really let both of them enjoy it thoroughly.

Her fingers were coiling in Tex’s hair and she was bucking her hips against his face, though he kept her mostly in place with one hand on her stomach. Still, her core pulsed madly and she was twisting herself up in need, all the danger and worry forgotten for this one flawless moment with the twins. When Thatch pulled her chin up and let her lick at the head of his cock, she was already shuddering violently, mewling as Tex drove her on mercilessly.

The taste of pre-cum, the smoothness of the head, and then the way it filled her mouth just right as Thatch eased into her made her spasms even harder. She knew she had to be hurting Tex by now, tugging at his hair, violently shuddering every time he lapped at her, but he wouldn’t stop. Neither of them would. Sucking at Thatch hungrily, she moaned throatily as his hands pinched and kneaded her heavy breasts, worshiping them. She was pinned between the two strong, powerful werewolves and honestly, she couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.

When Thatch bent down and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, she couldn’t hold on any longer. Her moans turned into screams, muffled by Thatch’s thick cock in her mouth and throat, and she felt what could only be described as flashes of lightning coursing through her. Madeline could faintly feel how Tex pulled away from her, his fingers leaving her aching pussy, and she let out a wail of protest. It only lasted a second, though.

A moment later, he was filling her up with his thick, pulsing cock, sliding into her like her pussy was tailor made for him. Her back arched and she grabbed hold of Thatch, desperate for a moment of stability, some sense in the world because hers was completely spinning. At the height of her orgasm, Tex started pumping into her, his thrusts agonizingly full, powerful, and long.

She couldn’t imagine that she could feel so filled, but every stroke proved her wrong. Her vision blurred at the edges and Madeline clung to her consciousness, the orgasm wanting to take what little self-control she had left with it and leave her with nothing but pleasure. That seemed like a damn fine idea.

It was Thatch who gave her the first moment of relief, pulling back enough that she could breathe again normally, and take a moment of time to get her head screwed on straight again. Her chest was rising and falling heavily and his hands were still on her, always touching, always caressing, always teasing. She whimpered a cry of pleasure as Tex pressed his thumb on her sensitive clit, rutting into her with shorter, faster strokes now.

Still shaking like a leaf, her grip on Thatch eased a little as she suckled on him, eager to let him taste with as much enjoyment as she had. Her pussy clenched around Tex, demandingly milking him, wanting all he had to offer. A little part of her asked her whether she would mind having another one of their pups. A very loud part of her answered that as long as they were by her side, she would do that and a whole lot more for her wolves.

Pressing her lips together a bit more, she put pressure on Thatch, her tongue curling around the throbbing veins and coaxing his length. She loved the way he shuddered, and when Tex butterflied kisses on her chest, she tightened every muscle she could, drawing a quick gasp from Tex.

“Dammit, Madeline, you’re going to be the end of me,” he hissed, grinding into her with shorter strokes now.

She smiled privately when Tex’s hands grasped her hips and he came with a howl, spilling his load in her. Thatch wasn’t far after that and when the thick, hot cum spurted into her mouth and then down her throat, she eagerly swallowed it all down. Dammit, he tasted good, and Tex had blown her mind even harder than last time. Whatever those two wolves did to her, it was always akin to magic and she couldn’t get enough of it.

They both pulled out of her gently, making her body spasm regardless, and then fitted themselves on the bed with her, damp with sweat and tousled as it was. All three of them were left staring up at the ceiling for a few good minutes, the lazy flickers of light from outside breaking the shadows every now and then. It was a moment of utter bliss, and if Madeline could have, she would have distilled it in a bottle and kept it with her.

“We have to do this more often,” she said with a sigh, laughing.

“You mean the ideal setup isn’t to lose track of each other for more than a year at a time? I didn’t even realize that,” Thatch snorted with his trademark sarcasm.

“You won’t get any objections from me,” Tex said, twisting around and stealing another kiss from her lips.

She grinned happily, a hand on the hips of both of her wolves. If only a moment could be captured and kept… but someone’s always out there to ruin it…




It was hell rolling out of bed when Madeline was nestled between him and Tex. His arm was draped over her stomach and her steady breathing was music to his ears. He’d been up for at least half an hour by the time the next person stirred, it being Tex this time.

Thatch yawned, but pressed a finger to his lips when Tex scooted himself up on his elbows, blinking sleep out of his eyes. Thatch couldn’t help but smirk and shake his head a little as his twin gave a beaming smile, looking at Madeline’s outstretched body on their narrow bed, all three of them pressed together like happy sardines in a can. Amazing they’d slept through the night like that.

The things the love of a beautiful woman can do,
Thatch thought wryly, carefully getting out of the bed while Tex did the same.

They tucked Madeline in and both of them gave her a peck on the cheek. Thatch snatched his pants from the floor and pulled them on as Tex hunted down his. He was closing the zipper when his phone went off suddenly.

“Shit,” he hissed, fumbling with it.

There were about fifteen missed calls and texts from Blake, making Thatch snarl under his breath.

“You cool?” Tex asked as Thatch thumbed the call button and raised the smartphone to his ear, shushing Tex.

“Yeah?” he asked, the number being unrecognized.

BOOK: Twin Wolf Trouble (Shifter Squad Six 2)
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