Twisted (18 page)

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Authors: Sara Shepard

BOOK: Twisted
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” Emily whispered, her hands trembling uncontrollably. She looked out onto the dark, empty street. That was Ali’s secret name for her. A name very, very few people knew.

Chapter 19

A picture’s worth a thousand tears

On Friday morning, after wedging herself into a jam-packed SEPTA train, Hanna huffed and puffed her way up to Patrick’s fourth-floor photography studio. He’d sent her a note late last night saying that he wanted to see her ASAP. Luckily, she had the day off school for the long weekend, which meant she didn’t even need to come up with an excuse to the front office.

In the light of day, Patrick’s building didn’t seem nearly as charming as it had the other night. The stairwell smelled like rotten eggs. Someone had left a pair of muddy running shoes outside their door. Behind another apartment, a couple was screaming at each other. The door slammed in the lobby, followed by a high-pitched, tinkling laugh. Hanna whipped around, her heart pounding hard. But no one was there.

She heard Tabitha’s voice again, loud and clear:
I bet you weren’t always gorgeous, were you?

Hanna clapped her hands over her ears and scampered to Patrick’s floor. Music pumped softly within his studio. She rang the bell, and Patrick flung the door open immediately, almost as if he’d been watching for her through the peephole.

“Miss Hanna!” He grinned, dark hair falling in his eyes.

“Hey.” Hanna stepped into the room, taking deep, even breaths. The eerie laugh still echoed in her ears . . . as did A’s note from her dad’s screening.

“You look beautiful today,” Patrick said, standing close to her.

Hanna’s insides flipped over. “Thanks,” she whispered.

They stood there for a moment, Hanna’s heart pounding faster and faster. She was dying to kiss him, but she didn’t want to seem like an overeager high-school student. “So, um, where are my photos?” she asked in the most casual voice she could muster.

“Hmm?” Patrick gave her a dazed look.

“You know, those things you took with your camera the other day?” Hanna teased, pantomiming snapping a picture. She was eager to send them to agencies. IMG was her top choice, and then maybe Next or Ford.

“Oh!” Patrick rubbed a hand through his thick hair. “Yes. Of course. I’ll go get them.”

He wandered off into the next room.
, Hanna thought with an adoring smile. Always so absent-minded and lost in their own world.

Hanna’s phone started to buzz. The call was from Emily.

Sighing, she pressed her ear to the receiver. “What?”

“I’ve been getting more notes from A,” Emily said in a shrill voice. “Have you?”

A horn honked loudly outside. Patrick bumped into something in the other room and let out a loud
“Um, maybe,” Hanna answered.

“Are they about . . .” Emily cleared her throat.

Hanna knew exactly what Emily meant. “Yeah.”

“What are we going to do, Hanna? Someone knows!”

Hanna winced. If A knew—really knew . . .

Just then, Patrick emerged from the back room. Hanna gripped the phone with both hands. “I have to go.” She stabbed
like she was killing a spider.

“Everything okay?” Patrick asked from the doorway.

Hanna flinched. “Of course.” She dropped the phone back into her leather bag and whirled around to face him. Strangely, Patrick wasn’t holding anything in his arms. No photos, no digital camera, no leather portfolio, nothing.

Patrick strode over to the leather couch in the corner and plopped down. He patted the seat next to him. “Come sit next to me, Hanna.”

The floorboards creaked as Hanna crossed the room. She slid onto the couch, and Patrick scooted over to her. “You’re stunning, you know that?”

Hanna’s stomach did another flip. She ducked her head bashfully. “I bet you say that to all your subjects.”

“No, I don’t.” He turned Hanna’s chin toward him and stared deeply into her eyes. “To tell you the truth, I’m not that great with girls. It carries over from when I was in high school—I was kind of a loser. And you . . . well, you’re like that popular girl I lusted over but couldn’t have.”

Hanna’s insides melted. “I used to be a loser, too,” she whispered. “I used to be so ugly I couldn’t stand to look at myself in the mirror.”

Patrick cupped her face with his hands. “I doubt you were

Then, he leaned forward and kissed her. Hanna leaned in, too, giddy with anticipation. But as their lips touched, something felt . . . wrong. The kiss was slimy and frantic. Patrick tasted like wheatgrass, and his hands felt like heavy paws on her body, not gentle and sweet like Mike’s had always been. As he eased her down on the couch, an image of Mike flashed in Hanna’s mind, and she felt a twinge of longing.

She pushed against Patrick’s chest. “Uh, can we look through the shots right now? I’m dying to see your work.”

Patrick chuckled lightly. “Let’s worry about that later,” he said, then buried his face in Hanna’s neck.

A sour feeling welled in Hanna’s stomach. Patrick’s weight pinned her on the couch. “But we can do
later too, right?” she said, still trying to sound light and carefree. “Please can I see the photos?

Patrick continued to grope her. All at once, Hanna noticed how his lips made smacking noises. His hair looked oily, and there was a smattering of dandruff on his shoulders. A horrible thought struck her: What if Mike was right about him?

She shot off the couch. “Patrick, I want my photos. Now.”

Patrick leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. With a cruel sneer of his lip, he instantly transformed from a lovestruck photographer into something far more sinister. “So you’re nothing but a tease, huh?”

Hanna blinked hard. “I just think we should keep things professional. You asked me to come over to look at my photos. I thought you were going to send them out today.”

“Come on, Hanna.” Patrick rolled his eyes. “Are you really

In a sweeping motion, he leaned down and pulled out a large manila envelope from under the couch. He undid the string fastener and revealed six glossy photos of Hanna. They weren’t the shots of her at the Liberty Bell or City Hall, though, but six almost-identical photos of her at his studio. The wind was in her hair, there was a slutty expression on her face, and her dress had fallen down her chest to reveal most of her lacy, strapless bra.

They weren’t like the provocative, half-naked Annie Leibovitz
Vanity Fair
photos, either. The lighting was brassy. Certain parts of Hanna were out of focus, and the composition wasn’t artful at all. It looked like bad porn.

Hanna flinched, suddenly light-headed. “What
these? Where are the others? The good ones?”

“The others don’t matter.” Patrick’s smile grew broader and broader. “
are the gold mine. To me, anyway.”

Hanna backed away, her heart sinking. “W-what do you mean?”

“C’mon, Hanna. Do I really have to spell it out for you? What would Daddy do if he saw these? If his
saw these? I have friends in high places. This would make a top story on TMZ. And then . . .
” Patrick snapped his fingers. “Bye-bye, Senate campaign!”

Hanna’s body felt swelteringly hot, then frigidly cold. “You wouldn’t!”

“I wouldn’t? You don’t even
me, Hanna.”

Hanna wilted against the island, her hopes and dreams leaking out of her like a punctured balloon. Everything he’d said, all his kind praise, had been a ruse. “Please don’t show those to anyone. I’ll do anything.”

Patrick placed his finger on his chin and cast his eyes to the ceiling, like he was pretending to think. “I won’t if you come up with ten thousand dollars by the end of this weekend. How about that?”

Hanna’s jaw dropped. “I don’t have that kind of money!”

“Of course you do, rich girl.” Patrick’s eyes gleamed. “You just have to be creative about where to look. I want it in cash in a manila envelope. Give it to a guy named Pete who works at the flower stand at Thirtieth Street Station. If you don’t, you’ll be link of the week. Daddy’s little assistant will have to work very hard removing this from the Internet. And I doubt the public will trust a man whose teenage daughter takes off her top for strangers.”

Hanna stared at him. Her gaze fell to the photos again. Suddenly, the whole scenario was hideously clear to her. “Y-you’re not even a real photographer, are you? You don’t have connections in New York. You just said that to set me up! You

Patrick laughed and held up his palms. “You got me.” Then he lowered his face to Hanna’s. “I guess you’re not the only one who’s good at lying, Ms. Marin.”

Hanna didn’t wait to hear another word. She backed away and ran out the door, slamming it hard. The building seemed even more derelict than it had twenty minutes ago. The couple was still arguing downstairs. The tin ceiling looked like it was about to collapse. Four floors down, Hanna thought she heard the faintest giggle yet again, like someone had heard everything.

,” Hanna screamed. Whoever this bitch A was, Hanna was going to tackle him or her to the ground and tell them to
shut the hell up
. She raced to the bottom of the stairs, her arms pumping hard, her fingers barely grazing the dilapidated railing.

But once she reached the lobby, it was empty. The front door swung on its hinges, the only indication that someone had just been there. A had gotten away again.

Chapter 20

Nothing like that fresh mountain air

The Kahns’ Range Rover, equipped with snow chains and a heavy-duty ski rack, rolled into the circular driveway of the Whippoorwill Lodge on Lenape Mountain. Bellhops and valets in heavy padded jackets rushed to the car and began to remove their baggage from the back. Noel and his two older brothers, Eric and Christopher, jumped out and stretched their legs. Aria followed, nearly wiping out on the icy asphalt. Hello, hadn’t the bellhops ever heard of

Last but not least, disembarking from the car like a fur-clad princess, was Klaudia. The tip of her nose was adorably pink from the cold and her butt was perfectly round in dark-denim jeggings. Every one of the bellhops turned to gape at her. “Do you need help?” they asked in unison. “Is there anything we can carry for you?”

“You so sweet!” Klaudia trilled, shooting each of them winning smiles that made Aria want to puke.

Aria turned to Noel. “Can we go inside? It’s freezing out here.” The digital temperature readout on a bank they’d passed had said two degrees Fahrenheit.

Noel chuckled. “This is nothing—wait till you’re on top of the mountain!”

“You won’t feel cold when you
!” Klaudia said to Aria in an excited voice. By now, Aria knew that
was Finnish for
Why couldn’t Klaudia just say it in English? It wasn’t like it was hard. Three letters long.
Figure it out.

Aria shot Klaudia a tight smile and turned away, feeling as rigid and sharp-edged as the icicles that dangled precariously from the roof. This was just about the last place she wanted to be right now, but she was terrified of what might happen if she let Noel out of her sight. Klaudia might get her talons in him—and how could he resist her? After all, his current girlfriend was nothing but a


Aria blinked and looked up. Noel was calling to her from the lodge door. The Kahn brothers and Klaudia had already gone in.

She followed them into the large lobby. Every surface was paneled in oak, making the room look like a giant sauna. The air smelled like cinnamon and hot chocolate, and people clonked by in heavy ski boots, wooly hats, and oven mitt–sized gloves. Guests lounged on tobacco-colored leather couches and warmed themselves by a blazing fire in the corner. A yellow lab with a red kerchief tied around his neck dozed on a doggie bed next to the big window that looked out on the slopes.

“Nice,” Christopher murmured, walking over to the window. Christopher was three years older than Aria and Noel and home from Columbia on a break. He had Noel’s same clean-cut, golden features, but there was something hard about him, less endearing.

“Perfect powder,” Eric murmured. He was two years older than Noel and went to Hollis—but only as a formality. His real goal in life was to become a ski bum in Montana or a surf instructor in Barbados.

” Klaudia chirped, staring out the window, too. Whatever

Aria looked at the view. The mountain seemed to go straight up at a ninety-degree pitch. Skiers expertly zigzagged down the face. When a boy fell, a cloud of snow billowed in all directions. Aria felt tired just watching them. She eyed the sleeping dog in the corner again.

The Kahns checked in, and the concierge doled out five room keys, one for each of them—thank God Aria and Klaudia didn’t have to share. Once Aria was in her room—which had a king-sized bed with lots of pillows, a tiny kitchenette, and yet another view of the daunting ski mountain—she flopped on the bed and shut her eyes.

Looks like you have some competition, Aria! We both know Noel has a thing for blondes!

A’s text was like a bad song stuck in her head. A must have seen Aria reading Klaudia’s iPhone. But
? Had A hidden behind a rack of snowsuits? Spied on her through the in-store security camera?

Aria had a sinking feeling the note was right—Noel did have a thing for blondes. He’d loved Ali—and he’d definitely noticed Tabitha. Even after they got back from Jamaica, Noel had made passing references to Tabitha, things like
Hey, didn’t that blond girl remind you of someone? There was something about her I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

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