Two Are Better Than One

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Authors: Suzanne Rock

Tags: #romance, #summer, #menage, #beach, #erotic, #irish heros, #shy heroine, #exchange students, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Two Are Better Than One
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Two Are

Better Than One









Two Are Better Than One


Written by: Suzanne Rock


This e-book is contains
excerpts that are works of fiction. While reference might be made to actual
historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and
incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used
fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business
establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © April 2012 by
Suzanne Rock


All rights reserved. This copy
is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may
be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form
without prior written permission from Suzanne Rock. Please do not participate
in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's
rights. Purchase only authorized editions.



Available in Adobe PDF, HTML,
MobiPocket, and MS Reader


Printed in the
States of America


Cover Artist: Suzanne Rock


Table of Contents



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three


The Great
Escape Excerpt


Biography and Other






“Are you going to
the beach party?” Becky flashed an innocent smile, but Hannah knew that her
friend was fishing for information.

Play it cool.
Hannah shrugged and slipped on her peasant skirt. “I don’t know.”

“Declan and Quinn
will be there.” Becky nudged Hannah and gave her a knowing wink.

Hannah already
knew that the sexy Irish exchange students would be at the party. It was why
she was considering staying home with her cat, Buster, and her erotic novels.
For the entire school year she was wedged between the hot hunks during
chemistry lab. She had tried to concentrate on recrystallizing phthalic acid
for her organic synthesis class, but all she could think about was how the two
athletic scholars were not only the most handsome men on the planet, but
charming and incredibly smart as well.

Case in point,
they both aced the class, while Hannah was forced to repeat it again in the

It wasn’t as if
they made her feel inferior on purpose. They were just so, well, perfect.
People like that didn’t exist in Hannah’s world, not even in her erotic novels.
They were a little
ideal. It was easy to imagine herself pressed up
between the two hard, masculine bodies. She could almost picture that errant
lock of Quinn’s dark hair falling across his forehead, or Declan’s tattooed arm
reaching around her waist.

It was no surprise
that she failed her lab class. No sane woman could concentrate on her
Erlenmeyer flask with so much testosterone surrounding her. Just seeing them enter
the lab put her libido into overdrive.

“Earth to Hannah.”

Hannah shook her
head and focused on her friend. “Yeah?”

Becky gave her a
knowing smile. “You were thinking of them, weren’t you?”

“Sort of.” Hannah
felt the heat rise to her cheeks and cursed her fair skin.

“You need to put
yourself out there more, girl. You can’t waste your life holed up in your
apartment with those romance novels.”

“Erotic novels.”
Some were romantic, some were more about sexual exploration. There was a
difference. While Hannah loved romance, she also loved reading about a woman’s
sexual awakening. She probably liked it because she never had such an
experience herself.

Becky flashed her
a frown. “Whatever. You need to get out and enjoy life while you’re still

“Yeah, but could
anyone really enjoy life at a science department party?”

“You can if two
handsome hunks are hanging on your every word.” Becky sighed. “Don’t be
difficult. It’s an end of the year party, and all of the other grad students
will be there. You should go.” She picked up one of the bikinis from the pile.
“But not in this.”

“No.” When Hannah
told Becky that she needed new swimwear for her trip to her family’s cabin in Rhode
Island in July, her friend was a little too eager to help her out. Now Hannah
knew why—her roommate had an ulterior motive. Becky was determined to get
Hannah to that party wearing the skimpiest, most revealing outfit on the
planet. Hannah was too much of a wimp to put up much of a fight.

swimsuits never looked good on Hannah, ever. She wasn’t skinny enough, and her
skin was too white. Why did she let Becky convince her to try them on?

never had the confidence to stand up for herself. She loved her erotic novels
because the women seemed so strong and self-assured. Hannah wished that she
could be like that, to seize the moment and take life by the reins, but she
didn’t know how.

She had to try to
stand up for herself. Otherwise she was going to wear a postage stamp to the
party tonight.

“I’m going to wear
that one.” Hannah pointed to the sensible black one-piece with the elastic
inside. It would hide the tummy she had gotten from too many late-night pizzas.

“No, that makes
you look like a grandmother.”

Hannah frowned.
“But it hides my fat.”

Becky laughed and
pinched her friend’s abdomen. “You’re not fat, you’re curvy. It’s different.”


“Men like curvy.
Here.” She handed Hannah a skimpy red bikini with small white polka dots and
ruffles around the bottom. “This looks fabulous on you. It matches your eyes.”

“Really?” The
swimsuit had slightly more material than the others Becky picked out, but it
still didn’t cover much of her body. Hannah looked at the washcloth-sized
outfit with doubt.

“Be confident. You
look gorgeous in it.”

“I don’t know.”

Becky put her free
hand on her hip. “Hannah Jane, you’re going to wear this and you’re going to
that beach party tonight.”

Great, now she’s
being talked to as if she were a child. “I don’t think so.”

Becky stared at
her for a moment, her brow wrinkling in concentration. Was she trying to use a
Jedi mind-trick or something? Why couldn’t her roommate just take ‘no’ for an

“I’ve heard a
rumor,” Becky said after a moment.

Hannah put the
bikini aside in disgust. “Yeah?”

“Quinn and Declan
have the hots for you. Some say that they are competing for your affection.”

Hannah laughed.
“Come on, stop it.”

“No, seriously.
Alison overheard Roger tell Janice that he had heard Kevin tell Stacey that
both Declan and Quinn wanted to date you. They just haven’t worked up the
courage to ask yet.”

“Both of them?”

“Yeah, isn’t it
romantic? To have two sexy Irish hunks fighting over you.” Becky clasped her
hands together and made a wistful noise. “You’re a lucky girl, Hannah. Who are
you going to choose?”

Hannah shrugged.
“It doesn’t matter, because they aren’t going to ask. The rumor is wrong.”

“Come on, I have
eyes. I’ve seen how you flirt with both of them during chemistry lab. Alison
just confirmed my suspicions.”

Hannah stared at
her in disbelief. “You’re kidding, right? That rumor has like, three or four
degrees of separation.”

“But it’s true.”
Becky picked up her purse. “Come on.”

Hannah sighed and
stuffed her wallet back into her bra. Once Becky had set her mind on something,
there was no changing it.

Becky wrinkled her
nose. “Must you
use your bra as a purse? It’s so bohemian.”

That did it. Becky
was really starting to irritate her. “Must you
wear three-inch
heels? It’so trampy.” Hannah retorted.

Becky stared at
her for a long moment. “My, my. Little Hannah has fight in her after all.” She
smiled. “Touché.” Becky grabbed the red bikini and headed out of the changing

It looked like
Hannah was not only going to the party, but she was going to wear that stupid
bikini. Why couldn’t she just stand up for herself? She didn’t want to wear a
washcloth, and she didn’t want to make an embarrassment of herself at some

“Here. This sarong
will help make you feel more comfortable.” Becky pulled a sheer piece of white
cloth from one of the ranks and continued on to the register.

Hannah sulked
behind her. Declan and Quinn had crushes on her? The mere thought was
ridiculous. What would a pair of outgoing and charismatic men want to do with a
shy, insecure homebody? Nothing.

Fine. She’d go to
the party for an hour, maybe two, but then she’d tell her roommate she had a
headache and return home to her novel. Hannah was certain that she’d get more
action from reading her ménage than she ever would at some lame college
end-of-the-year beer-fest.

Although, if the
rumor was true, and the men
have a crush on her…

“Oh, and you’re
losing the glasses,” Becky said as they stood in line.


“You heard me.
Glasses aren’t sexy.”

“But I need to

“No, you don’t.”
Becky smirked. “Just stick your hand out and feel your way around. I’m sure
that you’ll find your way well enough.”

Hannah slapped her
friend’s arm. “The glasses stay, but I’ll wear the bikini. Deal?”

“Deal.” Becky
slapped the clothes down on the conveyer belt and pulled out her wallet. “After
this, we are getting you a manicure.”

A manicure? Hannah
looked at her nails. They seemed fine to her. Short and clean. What more could
a girl ask for? They certainly didn’t need fourteen dollar polish.

“Don’t look at me
like that, Hannah. We’re going and that’s final. I want you to look your best
for tonight.”

“Why? It’s just a
beach party.”

Becky shook her
head. “It will help you feel beautiful and confident.”

Hannah rolled her

“Trust me on this.
You’ll thank me when Declan and Quinn see you.”

Would she? Hannah
wasn’t sure how a little paint and a swimsuit the size of a potholder was going
to make her feel more confident. Becky seemed determined to have her way,

It was going to be
a long afternoon.


* * * *


“Do you think
she’ll be there?” Quinn asked.

Declan shrugged as
he pushed back his medium-length blond hair and looked in the mirror. “She
should be. It’s her advisor’s end-of-the-year party. The entire chemistry
department is going.”

“I hope you’re
right.” Quinn stared at Declan’s lean frame as his blood rushed to his cock.
Declan was more than just a fellow student, more than just a friend. They met
in a nightclub in Dublin and had been close ever since. Quinn couldn’t get
enough of Declan’s firm backside or his dominating ways. There was a problem
with their relationship however, something that they both hoped the lovely
Hannah would help them fix.

right, you’ll see.”

Quinn forced his
desire aside and leaned back on the bed of their one-bedroom apartment. “If
she’s there, I think we should make our move.” Just thinking about Hannah made
Quinn’s cock thicken and his skin heat. She was beautiful, with all of that
long, raven-colored hair and sensual curves. Hannah wasn’t bone-thin like the
rest of the women in the department. She had this lovely hour-glass shape that
men drooled over. There was something about her brown eyes, too. Not many
people in Ireland had brown eyes. Quinn found it to be exotic and intoxicating.

When he realized
that Hannah was not only open to his advances, but flirting with both him and
Declan, the idea of a threesome began to blossom. He mentioned it to Declan and
both of them had found it difficult to let the idea go.

Sharing a woman
always seemed to bring Quinn and Declan closer together. It had been a long
time since they had a threesome, and to know that the possibility was within
their reach was almost too much to bear. It had taken every ounce of
self-control for Quinn to sit back and let the relationship grow. He flirted,
but didn’t come on strong. Declan did the same and they were both rewarded with
Hannah’s wry sense of humor and rich laughter.

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