Two Doms for Christmas (5 page)

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Authors: Kat Barrett

BOOK: Two Doms for Christmas
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“I like board games. I have a
friend who comes over, and we always play something.”

“That’s interesting. Good friend?”

“Yes. We have been friends for
years. We met in high school, and share similar interests.”

She smiled as she rolled the dice.
“I’ll bite. What interests?”

He chuckled. “Ah. Um, we both like
to be outside. We both like to sculpt and had similar upbringings. Obviously,
we both like to play games and get away from the pressures of being an adult.”

At face value, he was discussing
board games, but the slight smirking smile that played on his lips made her
wonder. Maybe she was just making too much of it because of her writing
experience. The question rose from her curiosity to her mouth before her brain
could stop it. “What kind of games brings such a sheepish grin to your face?”

He released a cropped chuckle of
sound. “I was just remembering things we did when we were younger. Then I got
married and divorced. He has mentioned it a few times, but I wasn’t interested.
Lately we just play regular games.”

“You have my curiosity drooling. Do
I get to probe further into that comment or should I let it go?”

He rolled a Yahtzee and marked it
on the pad, handing the cup to her. “I’m not really sure. We haven’t gotten
into the stage of things where sex has been broached.”

The comment sent a pang of
sensation from his lips directly into her cunt. He was really attractive and
the idea of having sex with him was certainly on her bucket list. If he asked
at the moment, she might just take him up on it. Of course, her sensible side
replied. “No they haven’t. Are your games involving sex?”

“They were.”

That was brief and to the point,
but didn’t give her much insight. “Care to delve further or am I pushing

“I’m actually airing on the side of
caution. If you want the honest truth, I have dated since my divorce, but…” He
grinned. “I guess you could say my dick has been dragging in the snow.”

“Either you are very well endowed
or simply hesitant.”

“What I have is ample. I guess I
kind of outgrew casual sex before I got married. Now I need more of an
emotional connection to make it happen. If I just want the sensation, I can use
my hand.”

She could understand that. It had
been years since her divorce and she hadn’t even dated. Sex hadn’t been high on
her list of priorities. She had been too emotionally damaged to want to start
over again. “So you haven’t had sex since your divorce?”

“A few times last year with a woman
I met. It was just lacking. That movie where the guy doesn’t have sex for a
month and acts like he is losing his mind is bullshit.”

He rolled again, getting a large
straight on his first roll. He was the luckiest man on earth. “Do you gamble?”

“Gamble at what?”

“Like the casino?”

“No. Why?”

“You are beating the shit out of

“Oh. Sorry. Have you been out since
your divorce?”

His question was a bit more
politely worded than hers. She shook her head no. “I guess I’ve become somewhat
of a hermit since I lost my daughter. I only go out to shop for food and to
give the dogs some alone time. I’ve only slept with one man beside my husband
and that was before we got married.”

“Wow. So do you at least do it for
yourself? I can’t imagine writing in your genre without some of kind of sexual
relief. Isn’t it a turn on when you write a sex scene?”

“It can be. Sometimes I close my
eyes and imagine I’m in the scene I’m writing. If my daytime imagination is
good enough, then it carries over into my sleeping dreams. Other than that, no.
I have never gotten up the nerve to go into a place that sells dildos and buy

“You can buy one online without
facing a sales clerk.”

“I know. I just never did.”

“That is stunning. So the only sex
you have had in over three years was in the form of wet dreams?”

When he said it that way, it
sounded pathetic. “Yeah.” It was the sad truth and it had been longer than that
because her divorce had taken over a year. Other than his one encounter, they
were pretty much even. She wanted to take the spotlight off herself and asked,
“So what’s the deal with this friend?”

“Everyone calls him Med. His mother
gave him this long, ornate name Maruarcus Ethanial Damascus. He always said it
made him sound like the pope. He’s a good friend and he helped me get through
my divorce. I know it may sound a bit prissy, but I hated to be alone and the
feeling would overwhelm me. I would call him in the middle of the night and he
would come over and sleep in the kids’ room. It was oddly comforting to know
there was someone else here. Does that sound wimpy?”

She had gone through something
similar, but hadn’t had anyone to call. For a while, she would only sleep in
the daytime and at night, she would scare the shit out of herself over every
little unusual noise. It was what had prompted her to get the dogs. It wasn’t
like they would be much protection, but they would at least bark. “No, it
doesn’t. I don’t know when that switch happens. I was perfectly fine before I
got married to be on my own. Then suddenly after my daughter was gone, I
couldn’t stand it. I know exactly what you are talking about.”

“Why do we keep coming back to our

“I don’t know, but you still
haven’t answered my question.”

That ended the seriousness that had
fallen between them like a dimming cloud over the sun. “No, I haven’t. I’m not
sure if you really want the answer. Our games were sexual.”

“As in you are bi-sexual?”

He shook his head. “No they weren’t
sexual with each other, but with a woman.” He shoved back his hair, a gesture
she had come to associate with discomfort on his part. “I really don’t want to
get into it at this point.”

She wanted to push the subject, but
didn’t. The room suddenly brightened with sunlight and she turned to the
window. In the time they had been playing the game, the snow had ended and the
sun was peeking through the clouds. “It’s over.”

“I honestly hope so. Wanna go
outside and play?”

She wanted to stay inside and play,
but her preferred game was not Yahtzee. Their conversation had carried the fire
from the hearth into her pussy and she wanted it sated. “I guess.” Why the hell
did she have to be so prim and rational? There was a tigress in her soul that
was trying to claw her way into reality. Haley just refused to release her. It
wasn’t proper.


Chapter Five


They had gotten through sledding
and she had only fallen off once. He had been right in that the slope was
shallow enough that she had time to stop before hitting the trees. They had
used large strips of heavy plastic that were meant for construction as sleds,
and it had been a lot of fun.

As they piled snow into a large,
packed mound, Austin’s attention was not on the sculpture. He was wondering
about their conversation. She had gone for three, or maybe it was four years
without sex or even a male companion. Why was she now here with him? He wanted
her here. She was proving herself to be a playful and intelligent woman, and he
really needed someone like that in his life. He just wasn’t sure if she was
going to stick around. Should he have further explained himself as they sat
before the fire? He had wanted to. What had sex been like for her with her
husband? Had he been a good lover?

For that matter, what had Haley
been like? She oozed sexuality and had certainly been uninhibited with her
questions. There was also something about her that was completely reserved, as
if she was two different women in the same body. She laughed, smashing a large
heap of snow into the pile. “Do I have a bird on my head or something?”

That was an odd question. “No,

“Because you are standing there
stroking the snow and staring at me.”

“Oh. Sorry. I was just thinking.”

“About what?”

“About you.”

Her shoulders jerked in a shrug.
“Should I ask?”

“I was wondering what you are
thinking about us? Is there
an us
or are you going
back into seclusion?”

“I would rather not.” She leaned
with her elbows on the snow. “I enjoy your company. I would like to continue
with us and see where it goes. I lied a bit also. I wasn’t exactly looking for
a relationship, but I wouldn’t be against one.”

That was good to know. He wasn’t
against one either. “Then I guess we see what happens. So far, I have really
enjoyed your company.”

“Me too. You didn’t even have to
call an ambulance.”

He chuckled. “That’s a good thing.
I’m sure they have better things to deal with today than an old woman falling
off a sled.”

Her mouth opened wide as she glared
at him, and he laughed. “I’m breaking your balls. That’s what you were saying
last night. You’re not old and you are very beautiful inside and out.”

“Okay, I guess you are forgiven.” She
grabbed a handful of snow, but rather than add it to the pile, she threw it in
his face.

Sputtering, he shook it off and
leered at her in a menacing fashion. Austin leaned down, packing a snowball as
he stood back up. Haley was already running away from him. He judged which way
she would zag and pitched the snowball. It caught her in the back of the thigh
and sent her crumbling to the ground. “Shit,” he muttered as he hurried over to

Falling to his knees beside her, he
rolled her to her back. She had a huge snowball in her hands and smashed it
over the top of his head.

Austin gasped as it fell between
his jacket and neck, slipping down inside his coat like icy tendrils. He sat up
quickly, shivering as he glared at her. “I guess you’re okay?”

“Not really,” she said with a
laugh. “I have a massive cramp in my leg. Damn, you throw a mean snowball.”

“I used to be a pitcher for a
baseball team I played on. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“I know.”

Her grimace made him feel horrible
as she tried to stretch out her leg. Standing, he helped her to her feet. As
she put more pressure on her leg, she gasped and he slipped her into his arms.
Austin carried her into the house and sat her down beside the fire. “Are you
sure you’re okay?”

“I think so. It’s just a cramp that
doesn’t want to ease up.”

What was better for a cramp, heat
or ice? Ice was better for a bruise and probably more prudent for the
situation. He headed into the kitchen and pulled the ice pack from the freezer.
As he walked back into the living room, he realized she had so many layers of
clothing on the ice wouldn’t penetrate. She had shrugged off her jacket, but he
had seen the pink thermals under her jeans. “I got you some ice, but it means
taking off your jeans.”

“I would say no, but I’m thinking
that a big bruise is forming on my thigh. It might actually be a good idea if
you checked it. Do you know anything medical?”

“I have basic knowledge from
playing softball and shit.” Putting the icepack aside, he helped her tug off
her jeans and the thermals underneath. Her legs were smattered with small
spider veins and when she rolled to her side, he grimaced. He had actually hit
a webbing of veins dead center and there was a vicious looking purple bruise
already forming. “Okay, I feel like shit,” he said, rolling her to her stomach
and putting the ice pack carefully on her leg.

“Why? What are you seeing?”

“Probably the same thing you are
feeling. You have a big bruise on your leg.” She also had a deliciously plump
ass that was cloaked only in a pair of bright pink boy shorts. He found them
oddly sexy and had always disliked G-strings. They always looked so damn
uncomfortable crammed up between the cheeks of a woman’s ass. Now he was
wondering what else was conceal under her oversized sweater. “Aren’t you hot in
that sweater? The fire really warmed the room while we were outside.

She turned her head to look at him.
“Yeah, you’re right. It is warm.”

Haley tried to tug the sweater up
over her head, but she was in a bad position to do so. He helped her, putting
it on the side table. It was slightly depressing that she had an equally lose
T-shirt underneath and he still couldn’t really see anything specific.

She propped herself up on her
elbows, leaning her head in her palms. “So much for your sculpture. How long
were we outside?”

“An hour or two.” Austin stepped
over her to add more logs to the fire. It had burned down considerably. When he
turned back around, she had righted herself and was sitting up.

“The ice is too damn cold. Do you
have a mirror I could look into?”

“Sure.” Reaching down, he gave her
a hand up and led her down the hall. There was a full-length mirror on the
bathroom door. Haley raised her eyebrows and whistled. “Is that a hot tub?”

“Yeah, well… a bathtub whirlpool to
be exact. Why?”

“It’s nice.”

“Want me to fill it up? It might
help with the cramp.”

* * * *




She was standing half naked in
front of him and her leg wasn’t the primary thing on her mind. Her inner
lioness was banging against her cage, rattling her cunt with vibrations of
desire. Why was she being so demure? At her age, she knew what she wanted and
what the hell was wrong with going after it? It wasn’t like she was a shy
teenager anymore. Whatever happened to them was not going to be broadcast over
the rumor web like in school.

Her mother would be appalled and
say it was wrong. Of course, her mother was barely speaking to her. “I would
love that, as long as you get in with me.” The words were out of her mouth
before she could stop them. The lioness was snickering, sitting back on her
haunches, the cage door flung open. She had not completely ventured out into
the big wide word, but the question had at least given her the opportunity.

“I would like nothing better,”
replied Austin as he leaned over and turned on the water. She was in it now,
like it or not. She had made the first move and it felt oddly enlightening to
do so.

The water bubbled up around her as
she slid into the tub. It was silky heaven, making her shiver against the chill
that had consumed her flesh. She turned her eyes to Austin. He was watching her
with an enticing intensity she hadn’t seen before. She had to wonder what he
was thinking. Did she look different than he imagined? Did the varicose veins,
stretch marks, and slight sag under her arms bother him?

She hadn’t always looked like this.
If anything, she had been too tall and skinny. Her metabolism had changed after
Jane was born. Her inability to gain weight had morphed into a helpless
downward spiral that had gotten worse after her divorce. She had first lost the
thinness, her bones no longer visible. Then her legs and stomach had gotten
bigger and thicker. As the years had progressed, even her best efforts to
exercise hadn’t held back the hands of time. Once her knees began to bother
her, she had slacked off and then everything had gone to hell.

He tugged off his sweatshirt and
then the tank top he had beneath. He had an amazing chest and abdomen, muscular
and sleek. Her eyes roamed over him, up to his very serious face, the almost
boyish quality of his gaze heightening her concern. His fingers flipped open
the brass button of his pants and then slowly slid his zipper down. “What are
you thinking?”

“I was wondering the same thing. I
guess I was thinking I have no idea what you are thinking.”

“I was thinking that you are
beautiful. I already told you I don’t particularly like really skinny women.
You are a healthy size and nicely proportioned. I find that sexy as hell.”

“Thank you.” He had a completely
different perspective on her body than she did. To herself, she was overweight.
Her thighs were too big and her stomach too saggy.

“How’s your leg?” He slid his jeans
down to reveal absolutely stunning legs. They were muscular and perfectly
balanced. He slipped the fabric over his ankles and set it on the sink. He had
adorable smiley face boxers beneath his jeans and she wondered if he had
planned for her to see them.

“My leg is better and those are

“I hadn’t planned to be taking my
pants off in front of you. I actually need to do clothes. I’m running low on
white pieces.”

“I could use to do clothes myself.
You could always bring them over and we could put them together. I never have
enough to fill the machine.”

“That’s an idea.” He shrugged the
yellow briefs off and she tried not to grin. He wasn’t kidding. He was more
than ample. He was quite a bit larger than Jack, and it wasn’t even hard. Did a
man’s dick expand exponentially? Would a man with a larger dick swell more, or
would it be the same as a smaller cock and only gain a slight bit? She had no

Austin stepped into the tub and sat
down opposite her. He slid his legs to either side of her and lifted her feet
up onto his thighs. “Can I get some feedback here?”

“What kind of feedback? This tub is

He pursed his lips, one cheek
bunching up as he leered at her. “I was referring to me, not the tub.”

“Oh,” she said with a cheeky grin,
feeling completely ridiculous. “I’m delighted and impressed. You have a very
nice body. Can I ask a stupid question?”

“I guess.”

“Okay.” She could feel the heat
rising into her face. “Jack, my ex had a smaller dick than you. What I’m
wondering, if this makes any sense, is…” She was suddenly unsure of how to
describe what she was thinking. “Okay, I know that Jack’s dick would get slight
larger when it got hard. I imagine that yours would also. What I want to know
is does a bigger dick, get
more bigger
than a smaller

More bigger
And you are correcting my grammar?”

She shrugged and laughed. “I
couldn’t figure out how else to say it.”

“So you want to know if a bigger
dick grows more than a smaller
I don’t think so.
Each one has its max dimension that directly correlates to its original size.
If I’m a five when I’m limp then I’m going to be a six when it’s hard. Just
because my dick is bigger doesn’t mean it is going to blow up into a nine or
ten when it’s erect.”

“Oh. That is interesting. I
obviously don’t have much to go on.”

He ran his palm softly up her leg.
“Grab that bottle behind you and pour a few drops into the water.” As she did,
he asked, “So who was the first guy?”

“An asshole.” She inhaled deeply,
the scent of Pina Colada wafting upward from the water. It smelled absolutely

“Why was he an asshole?”

“It was my second year of college.
I had been dating this guy for about three months, and I thought things were
getting more serious. I had dreams of spending my life with him. We had talked
about doing things together when school was over and what our futures would be
like. I was a bit drunk one Friday night and gave him my virginity. When I went
to school on Monday, everyone in the entire school knew about it. He had made a
big joke that he had fucked the
remaining virgin. I was humiliated. Someone even hung a poster over my locker.
It said, “Welcome to being a whore.”

“Oh shit, that’s cruel. Wow. What a
horrible thing to happen to any young woman. The first time is supposed to be
special and sacred, not a joke for some idiot guy.”

“I know that. At the time, I just
wanted to crawl under a rock. I almost didn’t graduate because I started
skipping my classes. I got caught and was reprimanded, and…well, things died
down eventually. It still sucked.”

“I can’t even imagine.”

It had been a really shitty time in
her life. Then she had finished college and gotten a job in a food research
facility. After that, she had met Jack and when Jane was born, she quit her job
to become a stay at home mom. Later, when Jack filed for a divorce, she was too
far removed from her trade and was completely lost. Luckily, the judge for
their divorce was far more giving than the one in the custody battle. He had
awarded her the house and sixty percent of their savings which was quite

He ran his finger up the bottom of
her foot. “You still here?”

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