Two to Tango (Erotic Romance) (13 page)

BOOK: Two to Tango (Erotic Romance)
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“Speaking of hailstones, it’s supposed to rain today,” he said.

“April showers bring May flowers.”

“What are your favorite flowers? I’ll bring you some if you let me take you out on a date.”

I was about to answer, when we were interrupted by the younger blonde we’d seen earlier coming up to our table.

“Charlie, who’s this?” she asked.

“Erin, this is Skye. Skye, Erin.”

“Whatever.” She kept glaring at him, not even turning to look at me. “I thought you had rules. I thought you weren’t supposed to date members.”

“Erin, I’m not.” He held his hands up. “This is my friend. She’s not a member here.”

“Oh yeah?” Erin flipped her ice-blond hair over her shoulder and gave me a brief, scathing look. “Lucky you. I guess that’ll make it easier for you to avoid her after you pump her and dump her.”

Charlie stood, his nostrils flaring and eyes blazing. “Erin. That’s enough. If you have a problem with me, we can discuss it.
In private.

“She looks cheap,” Erin said to him, practically snarling. “You can dress her up, but I know cheap when I see it. I bet she sucks your cock like a ten-dollar whore.”

He stared down at her, not even blinking. “Even a ten-dollar whore has more self-respect than you. Move on, Erin. What happened with us was a mistake.”

She slapped him. “I loved you.”

He held his hand to his cheek, stunned. “Holy fuck, Erin. Are you off your meds?”

She hauled off to slap him again, but he easily caught her wrist in his hand.

“Back off,” he said. “Back off or I’ll have your membership revoked.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Try me.”

She shook her hand out of his grasp, then ran out, disappearing as rapidly as she’d appeared.

Charlie took his seat across from me and picked up the small menu that had been placed on the table after our lunch plates were cleared.

“Do you have room for dessert?” he asked.

I picked up the menu and pretended to read it, though the words were blurry. My eyes couldn’t even focus. My pulse was racing, and emotions and images swirled through my head.

“That’s all you have to say?” I asked. “Dessert? No explanation about that girl?”

He looked me straight in the eyes and said, “You’re a smart girl, Skye. You were the one who said women must throw themselves at me. I’m not going to insult your intelligence by telling you I’m without sin.” He glanced down at the menu in his hand. “Mmm.
Speaking of sin.
Mud pie. I haven’t had mud pie in ages.”

“Are there rules about you not dating club members?”


“How many times have you broken the rules?”

“I have my own rules, and those are more important. There is something I haven’t told you, but I haven’t lied to you, and I don’t plan to.”

“What haven’t you told me?”

He batted his eyelashes, a smile quirking on his lips. “A thousand things, starting with your eyes. They make me think of the winter sky, and snow falling. Your turn. Tell me something I don’t know.”

“I can’t tell what color your eyes are. I’m calling them hazel, in my mind, but the truth is I never believed that was a color before now. I thought it was just people with brown eyes, trying to act like they’re more special than they are.”

“I’m really happy you didn’t get up and leave in disgust after that ugliness with Erin. I’m sure that was her intent.”

“It turns me on that you broke her heart.”

He leaned forward, his elbows on the table, whispering, “Pardon me? You’re turned on?”

I nodded, a tightness in my throat… paired with a tightening of muscles and flesh between my legs.

Leaning in, I whispered, “That rich little brat thinks she’s so special, but she’s not. You had enough of her after how long? Never mind, don’t say. I bet she sucked you off while you were texting on your phone, because she’s so boring. And you couldn’t wait to get away from her, couldn’t wait to tell her there were rules, and you two couldn’t be together, except for the occasional blowjob. Am I right?”

“You’re not wrong.”

The glass sunroom wasn’t sunny anymore. Clouds rolled in.

“I don’t want dessert, Charlie. I don’t want mud pie.”

“What do you want?”

“I want to get you alone, unzip your jeans, and suck your cock like a ten-dollar whore.”

“Wow.” He reached for a glass of water and took a sip. “I should have Erin come over and yell at me in front of you more often.”

The room darkened even more. It was a completely glass room, basically the same as sitting outside. More dark clouds moved in, obscuring the sun. A thunderstorm was on the way.

We both looked up just as lightning flashed.

“Storm,” he said. “So much for golf. You’ll have to come back tomorrow.”

“No. Enjoy my company today, because you won’t see me again after this.”

“Why not? Don’t you like this? Me and you?”

“You already know too much about me. I don’t tell people about where I came from. I started over in this city, with a clean slate, and that’s how I live.”

He nodded slowly. “You take care of yourself. You don’t want pity.”

“Back home, I’m the illegitimate daughter of a whore.” I glared at him, daring him to look away from my ugliness. “My mother was a prostitute. How do you like that? Am I still beautiful to you now?”

He took a moment to digest the idea of my mother being a prostitute. It was something I never told people, because if I did, they’d assume it was something in the past. Something that used to happen. Even Gloria didn’t know, and she was my closest friend in the world.

“You like me,” he said.

“You’re hot, and I want to fuck you, but that’s it. Don’t get any ideas about me, because you don’t know me, and you never will.”

He pushed his chair back and stood. “Come on.” He grabbed my hand and hauled me up. Instead of leaving through the restaurant, he opened a glass door in the atrium and pulled me across the lawn, between beds of flowers.

Lightning struck again, and thunder rumbled through the valley.

“I should go home,” I said, pulling at his hand and looking around, trying to determine where the parking lot was.

Gripping my hand tightly, he led me through an opening in a hedge, down an incline, and then through a gate. We were at the edge of the golf course.

Rain began to splatter down, cool drops on my forearms, the tops of my cheeks, and along a straight line on my scalp, where I parted my hair.

Charlie grabbed my hips and pushed my back against the wall of the fence we’d just come through. Over his shoulder, I could see a golf cart in the distance, driving away. The golfers were abandoning the course, driven away by the rain.

He kissed me, his lips wet from the rain, and then wet from mine.

“I don’t need you to love me,” he said. “I just need you.”

I looked up into his eyes. “I don’t need you.”

He reached down and pulled my skirt up to my waist, then slid his hand down into my panties, hooking his fingers around me.

“You need me,” he said. “You just don’t know how much.”

I groaned and closed my eyes as he stroked me with his fingers, rubbing back and forth in my hot crease.

The rain began to come down harder, soaking my shirt and his.

I tugged at the hem of his shirt, pulling it up so I could rub my hands over his back, his skin radiating heat and turning the raindrops warm.

Charlie pushed two fingers inside and gently fucked me with them. I gasped against his lips, sucking in his breath as he exhaled. He stroked in and out as the world stood still in the rain.

“Say you need me,” he growled.

“Shut up and fuck me already.”

“Not until you beg.”

He gave me one more kiss on the mouth, his tongue driving hard against mine, then pulled away and sank to his knees before me.

He pulled down my panties, his fingernails scraping deliberately and slowly down my thighs. He lifted one of my feet, clad in a lace-up boot, and then the other, removing my panties entirely and tucking them in a back pocket.

“Those legs,” he said.

“If you like my legs so much, why are you staring at my pussy?”

“Because I can’t eat your legs.”

With that, he dove mouth first between my legs. My head snapped back so quickly, it banged the fence and made me see stars.

His hands swept up and down my legs, cupping my buttocks, then squeezing them before sliding back down again. At the same time, he threaded the tip of his tongue between my lower lips, over the same terrain his fingers had blazed a moment earlier, but with a maddening lightness.

He asked a question, his mouth on my pussy and his words buzzing me and losing themselves.

“What?” I asked, realizing as I heard my voice that I was panting, my breathing out of my control.

He repeated the question. “Do you need me?”

I turned my face up, the cool rain pelting my closed eyelids. I wasn’t cold. In fact, I was so hot, I imagined steam rising off my face.

His tongue twirled around my clit, one way and then the other. I ached to feel him inside me, even just his fingers, but his hands kept to my legs and ass. He brought me to the edge of coming, but not over, his touch always turning gentle and tentative as soon as my muscles tensed.

I tapped him on the shoulder.

He looked up, his chin glistening. “Yes?”

“Charlie, I need you.”

“You need me to what?”

I bit my lower lip, hesitating. Finally, I spat it out. “I need to feel you, inside me. And I want you.”

He got to his feet slowly, pausing to pull off his wet shirt. His body was magnificent, just as I remembered. His torso was lean, but not too skinny, and muscular—much thicker than male dancers, who have beautiful bodies, but in a different way.

“You want me,” he said, a smirk on his face as he looked down at my soaked blouse and the skirt hiked up around my waist.

I grabbed him by the waistband of his trousers and unfastened the button.

“I want you inside me,” I said, watching his mouth to see his smile waver. “And I want you to love me.”

He didn’t flinch as he met my gaze, his dark eyelashes covered in beads of rain. “To love you?”

I grabbed his cock in my hand. He shuddered, his shoulders rolling forward.

“Too far?” I asked, kneading him with my hand.

“Your hand was cold,” he whispered.

I stroked up and down, rolling around the head to mix his moisture with the rainwater.

“Warmer now?” I asked.


I tugged him closer to me, then guided him between my legs.

He rocked the tip of his cock forward and back, along the slick crease.

“That’s much better than your cold hand,” he said.

I groaned with pleasure and rolled my head back, hitting the wood fence again, but not as hard this time.

He bent down, letting his cock rise upright between my legs, and then he plunged in.

The wooden fence squeaked in protest, swaying under our movement as he pounded me, driving hard as the rain came down in torrents.

I clutched at his back and buttocks, urging him to go harder, faster.

My boots were barely touching the ground.

Harder, faster.

He held back, until he couldn’t.

My head kept hitting the wood, but it was steady now, and I couldn’t feel anything but pleasure, pulsing out from Charlie’s cock inside me and wicking through my body. The rain on my skin was a lover’s kisses. The lightning strikes in the distance charged the air and reminded me to gasp for breath.

Charlie was hot. Burning up. His kisses were salty with his sweat.

My pussy was so wet around him, so slick, I was like pool water and he was a swimmer, diving through me effortlessly.

I couldn’t get him deep enough inside me.

“My leg,” I gasped.

He grunted, a question sort of grunt.

“Lift my leg,” I said.

He slowed, slipping out of me with delicious slowness. I bent my left knee, lifted my leg and pushed him back with my muddy boot sole on his chest.

He responded by bowing his head down and sinking his teeth gently into the inner edge of my knee, above the boot. I shook the sole free of his skin and stretched my leg way up. I rested my heel on his muscular shoulder, at the edge of his collarbone.

He looked down at me, where I was completely spread and visible for him. My legs were split, the sole of one boot on the ground and the other facing up, catching drops of rain. My legs formed one line, pink at the center. Pink at the heart.

I looked down as well, my gaze landing on his beautiful cock. He was fully engorged, not wavering one bit during the shuffling of our position. His cock gleamed, slick with my juices and the rain.

He shuffled in closer, mindful of his pants, caught at his knees. I couldn’t take my eyes off the head of his cock, deep pink and shining, as it slid into my pink folds. The dark slit seemed impossibly small, given his size, but stretched to take him inside.

His flesh was cool on the surface, refreshing as he slid into me again.

He groaned, “You’re so tight.”

“Fucking hell, you’re so big. Where do you park that thing when you’re not using it?”

He let out a short laugh. “Don’t make me laugh, or we’ll be at this for hours, and we’ll both catch pneumonia.”

“Totally worth it.”

He was only halfway in, and hesitant.

We both looked down, tilting our heads to the side and watching with fascination as his shaft slid in and out, a little deeper every time. My eyes blurred from the raindrops, just as the space between us disappeared. The short, damp curls of his pubic hair touched my skin. Cool with rainwater, I watched as the curls flattened against my skin.

Distracted by my fascination with the visuals, I was surprised when my pussy began to tremble. I was coming. Just like that.

“I’m coming,” I said, just in case the internal tremors hadn’t tipped him off.

Charlie grunted a cross between an acknowledgement and a warning.

“Oh, fuck,” I moaned, my eyes rolling up as my eyelids closed.

He muttered that he was coming, too.

Lightning struck nearby, and the sound of the thunder rolling in covered the sound of my lover moaning as he came, deep inside me.

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