Two's Company

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Authors: Jennifer Smith

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Two's Company


By: Jennifer Smith





Book Blurb

Ian James was raised in the lap of luxury, but he was also raised knowing that

nothing worth having comes without working for it. Expected to follow in his

father’s footsteps and take over the law firm one day, Ian works as an errand boy

during the summer months between high school and college. One of those

errands sends him to a very young, very wealthy, and very sexy widow who has

plans of her own for Ian. When Ian discovers that older, wealthy women will pay

him for sex, becoming a lawyer is no longer in his future.

Gillian Carmichael needs a vacation, so when her best friend, Sylvia suggests she

accompany her back home to Chicago, Gillian accepts. But when Gillian meets

Sylvia’s brother, Ian, the attraction is instant. There’s just one little thing standing

in the way . . . .


Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

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Chapter 1


He slid his cock deep inside her pussy, filling her completely, and she

moaned softly. It had been so long since she’d been with a man that turned her

on. Not only did he turn her on, he also knew how make her want more; make

her come until she screamed. He grabbed a handful of her hair, pulled her head

back, and bit her on her neck—that sweet spot where it curved into her shoulder.

Wrapping his other hand around one of her tits, he rolled the nipple between his

thumb and finger. With her hands tied behind her back, she could do nothing

but follow wherever he led. While on her knees, he pulled her backward, with

him behind her, his hard cock still inside of her. He wrapped his arms around

her and held her firmly against him.

“You like it rough?” he said against her ear. “You like it when I fuck you

hard?” He pinched her nipple harder and she winced from the pain. “Answer

me, bitch! You like it rough, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she whispered har
shly. “I like it rough. Hard. Fuck me.”

He pushed her forward and she fell onto the bed face first with her ass

high in the air. He grabbed her by the hips and slammed his dick into her over

and over, pulling her against him with every forward thrust. She fought to

control the pleasurable moan escaping her lips. She liked the control he held over

her, craved the sensation of her body jolting with every hard stroke. He pulled

the bonds from her wrists, freed her hands, and pulled out of her. Lying down

on the bed, he held his arms out. She came down on top of him, their mouths

fusing together. He fucked her mouth with his tongue while his hands roamed

over her back, her ass.

“Turn around,” he said. She straddled him, facing his feet. “Raise your ass


Positioning her bottom over his dick, she came down hard, sheathing him

inside her. With a hand on each cheek, he squeezed as she rode him, dictating

her rhythm and speed. Using her hands for leverage, she gripped his ankles and

pumped up and down. On the down
ward stroke, she squeezed her cunt muscles

together, and on the upward stroke released them until just the head of his cock

remained inside her. Then she clenched her muscles again, gripped him tightly

and slid down the length of his dick. The heat built inside her until she could

take no more. Lying forward across his thighs, she shuddered, squeezed his

ankles harder, and came. Her pussy juices leaked out and ran down his cock.

Using his thumbs, he massaged her opening as he pushed against her

puckered ho
le and slid his cock from her cunt into her ass. She jerked as the wide

head penetrated, stretching her. Then she sat up and slid down his cock, her tight

sphincter muscles squeezing him like a vise. Sliding slowly up and down at first,

she soon increased the speed. As big as his cock was, her ass accommodated him,

stretched around him, and sucked him in. Sounding like someone in the throes of

a heart attack, his breaths came heavy and labored.

When his nails raked over her back and sank into the flesh of her hips, she

reached between his legs and grasped his balls. The heavy sack was drawn up

tight against his body, urging him into release. With one fast, hard upstroke, his

body stiffened and he held tight against her, shooting his wad deep inside of her.

“Don’t move, don’t move, don’t move,” he panted.

Stepping into the shower, he rinsed off and washed the shit off his dick.

Even the condom hadn’t helped with the mess or the smell of pussy and sex. He

scrubbed his body, dried off and quickly dressed.

Looking sleepy and completely sated, she asked, “Can I see you again?”

He shoved an arm into his jacket. “You have my number. Just give me a

call and leave a message.”

“No,” she said. “I meant, can I see you again in the real world? You know,

like a real date?”

Adjusting his jacket, he smiled and heard her breath catch. “I wish I could,

but I’m not allowed to date clients. Sorry, it’s just one of the rules. You


With a frown, she nodded. “Can’t you break the rules just one time?”

“As much as I’d love to, darlin’, I can’t. But you give me a call through the

agency any time. I have to run. It was a terrific night.” He leaned over, delivered

a peck to her cheek and left.

He hailed a cab, jumped into the back and gave the driver his address.

Settling in for the ride, he pulled his Palm Pilot from his inside jacket pocket and

read through his messages. Too many to answer now; besides, he was exhausted

and wanted to go home to his own bed. Glancing at his wristwatch, he noted the

time and entered it into the Palm. At three a.m. on a Sunday, everyone should be

in bed—in bed sleeping, that is.

The cab stopped in front of Granger Arms on NW 10th. He paid the cabbie

and stepped out. Stretching his long legs for a moment, he stifled a yawn and

walked to the door.

“Mr. James,” the doorman greeted him, opening the door. “How are you,


“I’m fine, Stefan. And you?”

“Wonderful, thanks for asking, sir.”

“Have a good night,” he replied and headed for the elevator. A few

moments later, he was on the eleventh floor, at his apartment. After locking the

door behind him, he went straight to his room and pushed the button on his

answering machine. He listened to the messages as he undressed and tossed his

clothing in the laundry bag. He’d worry about answering messages later. Right

now, he wanted to sleep.

                                                    ~ * ~

The ring of a phone blared in the room. Glancing at the clock on the

nightstand, he squinted and then frowned when he saw the time. Ten o’clock. He

flopped back onto the pillow and let the machine pick up—the answering service

notifying him of the calls he needed to return. They could wait. He needed sleep,

hadn’t had nearly enough. The phone rang again. With a groan, he rolled over

and picked up the receiver.

“Hello,” he mumbled.

“Ian, why didn’t you answer the first time I called?”

“I was sleeping, Mother.”

“It’s nearly ten-thirty. Did you forget?”

He thought about her question for a moment, but it didn’t make sense.

“Did I forget that it’s ten-thirty? Why do I care what time it is?”

His mother blew an exasperated breath. “Ian Dean James, you’re
supposed to

meet us for brunch at eleven! You put
it in that little computer you carry in your

pocket, for Pete’s sake!”

Ian groaned and shut his eyes. Dammit, he’d completely forgotten! “Of

course I didn’t forget, Mother. I worked late last night, but I’ll be there shortly.”

“Bullshit.” She laughed. “You completely forgot! Now
out of bed,

dressed and
your ass in gear. We’ll wait for you, so
with it!”

“Yes, Mother.” He sighed.

“I love you, dear.”

“I love you, too, Mom,” he said and hung up the phone.

In record time, Ian showered and dressed, took the elevator to the parking

garage, and pressed the button on his key chain. The shiny red convertible

honked and flashed its headlights. He slid behind the wheel and turned the key,

bringing the engine roaring to life. The tires screeched as he pulled out of the

garage into the bright summer sunshine.

Sliding the sunglasses from the visor, he slipped them on and pushed the

button to roll the top down. With a fair breeze fanning his face, he turned onto

the street and headed out of town. In less than ten minutes he pulled up to the

swanky golf course and clubhouse where his parents had been members for

years. Though his father had passed away nearly seven years ago, his mother

never let her husband’s death hinder her social standing in the community. He

pulled up to the front of the clubhouse with a smile. If anything, his mother’s

social standing seemed to have gained momentum since his father’s passing.

After he handed his keys to the valet, he walked inside and found his

mother waiting. He looked her over with a smile. Her hair had been recently

coiffed in the latest fashion, and a string of pearls clung to her slender throat. Ah

yes, she might as well hang a placard around her neck that said,
Catherine James,

wealthy widow.

All smiles, she turned to him with a full champagne glass in her hand and

offered a cheek for him to kiss.

“Ian, my love,” she cooed. “You’re the most handsome man alive!”

“Thank you, Mother, and you’re truly a vision.”

“You do know how to flatter your old mother, don’t you?”

“You aren’t old, Mother, you’re like fine wine—elegant, with a sweet

aftertaste,” he said with a wink.

overdo it, Son.” She raised a delicately arched brow.


He embraced his younger sister and swung her around in a circle. “Sylvia,

don’t you look beautiful? I didn’t know you’d be here.”

“I arrived last night and wanted to surprise you!”

“And that you did. How have you been?”

“I’m wonderful. Guess what?” Before he could guess, Sylvia stood on

s and whispered in his ear, “I’m pregnant! You’re going to be an uncle!

Shush, I haven’t told Mother yet.”

“Congratulations, it’ll be our secret.”

“Here, I’ve been so rude! I want to introduce you to my friend,” she said,

pulling him by the hand to a table. “Gillian, I’d like you to meet my brother, Ian.

Ian, this is my best friend, Gillian Carmichael.”

“Gillian, very nice to make your acquaintance,” Ian bowed and kissed her


“Very nice to make yours,” Gillian said with a smile.

“My brother is a very successful entrepreneur,” Sylvia said, sliding into the

chair. “Gillian is a corporate executive, travels all over the world troubleshooting

and preventing world crises!”

“It’s not quite that exciting,” Gillian said with a smile.

“It sounds wonderful.” Ian pulled the chair out for his mother.

“Sorry,” she said, sitting down. “I swear getting Mildred to stop talking for

a moment is more difficult than splitting the atom! Now, where is my sister? She

said she and David would be here on time. They’re worse than you—”

“Here we are, here we are!” Came a voice from behind them. “So sorry

we’re late, but David couldn’t find his contacts this morning. Ian, aren’t you the

handsome one? Oh, and Sylvia, darling, when did you get here? Catherine, you

said nothing to me about your daughter being here! What a wonderful surprise!”

Helen Staples chattered as she went around the table and placed a kiss to

everyone’s cheek. “And we’ve never met,” she said when she got to Gillian’s


“Aunt Helen, this is..
.” Sylvia started.

“I’m Helen, and this is my husband, David Staples. He’s my fourth. After

the others died on me, I got myself a younger man!”

“My aunt Helen,” Sylvia said under her breath. “Aunt Helen,” she said

loudly to get the woman’s attention. “Why don’t you sit down? I have some

news I’d like to share.”

“Oh my, what is it?” Helen said and took a seat beside her husband.

….” Sylvia beamed. “I’m pregnant!”

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