TYCE (23 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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“You like that shit baby?” She looked back over her shoulder at him.

“Hell yeah baby…you got my toes curling girl.” He admitted.

Angelique spun around to face her man, keeping his dick firmly inside of her, that was definitely a trick you couldn’t do to a man with a small dick she thought to herself. Angelique arched her back; sitting straight up. The rocking motion of her hips was making the tip of Tyce’s dick tingle. He put his hand around her neck and choked her making it a bit hard for her to breath. She loved this kinky erotic shit…not too many men could go one on one with her but Tyce was definitely her equal between the sheets. The harder he squeezed the closer she got to having an orgasm. He paid close attention to Angelique’s reaction to his tight grip; the last thing he wanted to do was injure her. But she seemed to love it; the more he squeezed, the faster she moved. Angelique laid her head back and let Tyce choke her harder, she let out a breathless scream as she climaxed for the first time in months! Tyce released his hold on her throat and sat up; he kissed her breast softly while he held her shaking body close to his. Her body was momentarily paralyzed but she managed to speak softly,

“Thank you baby.” She said licking her dry lips. “Now it’s your turn.”

She lifted her body up and positioned her head directly above his big ass dick. She sized up her opponent as she prepared to finish him off. Angelique clutched his dick in her hand and placed all of him in her moist mouth. She swirled her tongue around his dick and hummed slowly while she sucked him again and again. Tyce laid back and watched her in amazement; Angelique sucked his dick like no other woman had before…it wasn’t her skills that was different…it was the fact that she did it like there was nothing else she’d rather do. She made love to his dick with her mouth. It felt so good that when he exploded in her mouth, it was the most powerful yet the most comfortable orgasm he’d ever experienced. He balled his fist up and just enjoyed the roller coaster ride she was sending him on. Angelique didn’t even flinch as she swallowed ever drop of her man’s cum,

“You taste like sweet milk.” She said licking her lips again after he was done.

“You are amazing.” Tyce shook his head.

“Thank you Mr. Adkins…I aim to please. You sir…are the
! You know you’re mine now right?” She said sitting on his chest.“Jus’ try and get rid of me and see what happens.” He gently repositioned her so that they could stretch out.

The exhausted couple just laid there in silence; Angelique rested her head on Tyce’s smooth chest, there was a huge grin on her face that she hid…what she didn’t know was that she wasn’t the only one smiling.




Where My Dogs At?



Bruce walked into the empty hotel room and looked around. Everything seemed to be in place at first until he noticed a big blood stain on the carpet. He leaned over and looked a little harder at the deep red circle; it was then that he heard the sound of water running. Bruce reached for his gun and walked slowly toward the sound coming from the bathroom. He cautiously opened the door and seen the two hired guns from Detroit taking a

shower together……

He laughed to himself, “Look at these fools… Big bad niggas from back east. Yeah right.” He pulled his cell phone out and dialed Biz,

“What’s the word Bruce? Where you at?” Biz asked anxiously.

“Yeah I’m here boss and ummmm…they dead.”

Bruce stared at the phone as it went silent; Biz hung the phone up in disgust when he heard the news. Bruce didn’t take it personal though, he’d  gotten used to Biz by now and knew that his boss was getting
frustrated with this shit. Although he couldn’t stand Tyce, he had to admit…he wasn’t a punk. Before he left he took one last look at the room, he saw something shining on the dresser. He moved closer and saw TJ’s platinum chain curled up like a snake. He smiled as he took it and put it on,

“Shit…Biz aint payin’ that much.” He said out loud.

Bruce closed the door and jogged to his car; he never touched anything in the crime scene room, he even kept the shower running, washing away the rotting fluids from their decaying bodies.




Dinner Time



Filet mignon, crab legs, lobster tails, roasted asparagus, Caesar salads, and creamy mashed potatoes. Sway and Ranae were enjoying the good life. It had been ages since they’d been out to dinner let alone a dinner like this. Sway had to endure a thousand and one questions from his wife about his mystery job and their newfound wealth. He assured her that everything was fine and she shouldn’t worry, but of course, just like all women…
. Ranae was a good woman; she was the kind of woman who was made for marriage. She had old school values and believed in God. The number one priority in her life was her family. She knew she hadn’t married a saint but Sway was a good man to her and a wonderful father to their kids. Her mind told her what he was up to wasn’t exactly legal but her heart told her to trust him. Ranae knew that a man is gonna be a man…and Sway was definitely a man. She had to admit-it was nice
to have to worry about money anymore, but inside, she was a little scared. When she was alone, she asked God to watch over her husband and continue to bless their family.

Sway relaxed in his high backed dining chair as

the young waiter brought the expensive check. Sway pulled out two crispy hundred-dollar bills and slipped them in the black leather folder. Everyone in the restaurant was glancing and smiling at them. They looked good together, both of them sporting a new financial glow. Ranae wore a black mini dress, a maroon blouse coupled with a charcoal colored cashmere shawl; her hair was pulled up in a French roll with two ringlets spiraling down each side outlining her pretty face. She got her make-up done at a spa in “
Beverly Hills”
and the shoes she wore cost more than their mortgage payment. Sway was equally dapper in a grey suit that even “
would ask to borrow. They held hands lovingly as they left the overpriced restaurant and walked outside…the valet took the ticket stub from Sway and dashed off to retrieve the couple’s car. Ranae decided to thank her man for an extraordinary date; standing on her tiptoes, she kissed Sway softly on his lips. While they were publicly displaying their affection, a midnight blue “
pulled up. The valet driver got out and opened the passenger side door for Ranae to get in. As he closed her door gently, Sway slapped a crispy 20 dollar bill in his hand and patted him on the back,

“Thanks for not scratching it homie.” He walked over and stepped up into the luxury


Tonight, they would take the long way home, he wasn’t really in a rush to stop driving his brand new ride.




Eyes On The Prize



      A few days later Tyce returned to the warehouse to hide his money. He told no one where he kept his stash but recently he debated with himself about whether or not to share the secret location with Angelique…just in case something was to happen to him. Angelique had shown him that he could trust her; after all, he wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for her looking out for him. Years earlier he had a carpenter friend build a small storage room behind a wall in the back of the warehouse. The room was not visible unless you knew where to look and he had the only key. Inside there was a nice size fire proof safe and a custom built closet that housed his numerous guns. Tyce walked to a corner in the back of the warehouse and stepped on a spot located on the floor. A wall slid quietly back revealing a steel door; placing the key in the titanium dead bolt he unlocked his personal vault and stepped in. He immediately went to the safe

and opened it; today was a good day to make a deposit; with the new million added to the money he already had, his safe contained approximately 2.6 million dollars.

      For some men that would be enough to retire but for him it only served as motivation to keep stacking. Tyce had a severe allergy to being broke, it made him sick—, and he would do anything it took to remain healthy and wealthy. After putting the money in the safe he quickly left the room, locked the door and hit the floor button to slip the false wall back into place. As he walked outside to leave he thought about Omar. He hadn’t heard from him since the other night. Once he was rolling down the city streets, he pulled out his cell phone to see what his friend was up to.

Omar answered on the first ring, “Wasup T, I was jus’ thinkin’ ‘bout you?”

“Yeah, I was jus’ seeing wasup on your end. You alright?” Tyce asked as he made a left and merged onto the 101 freeway.

“Hell yeah my nigga I’m straight. Shit since the other night a nigga been real busy you know?” He bragged.

“I can dig it…but you know we aint done yet…we got some more paper to get. We need to all be ready for job number two ‘cuz it pops off tomorrow night.” Tyce reminded him.

“Shit T, you know I’m ready, you aint even gotta go there with me.”

Nodding his head Tyce spoke, “That’s what

I’m counting on, I’ma hit you tomorrow, be easy.”

“Yeah yeah…I got you, I’ll see you tomorrow, peace.” Omar ended the brief conversation.

Tomorrow night’s events unfolded in Tyce’s mind as he continued to roll down the blocks of LA. Out of habit, he kept looking for Lil’ Flash on the familiar corners but reality set in when the thoughts of his death came rushing at him like a running back. He missed his friend and that was a very unfamiliar feeling for him.




Work Smarter Not Harder



Things were going well for Biz; with the dope he stole from his rival Diego he was making a killing on the streets. Business was booming but he just had two little problems that irritated the shit out of him;
Tyce and that
Angelique! Lincoln and TJ proved to be useless…he knew they took Tyce way too lightly and they paid for it with their miserable lives. If he could, he would bring them back to life just to kill them again!

His plan B was working according to schedule. Biz had Omar under his thumb and because of him; he knew every move Tyce made. He still had no clue where Tyce lived though…Omar wouldn’t give up that information. He suspected it was because he was greedy and didn’t want Tyce to die before he got paid off the last two hits. Biz could respect that although he’d never tell Omar that; he himself would have done the exact same thing if he were in his shoes. A man’s gotta put paper over problems if he wants to be rich, but the fact is that he wasn’t in Omar’s shoes, he didn’t give a fuck about Omar. He just used him to regain the dope he’d lost in the first place, now he had no more use for him or Tyce. With that in mind, he picked up the phone on his office desk and dialed a number he vowed never to call.

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