TYCE (32 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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“Why the fuck did you tell em to leave?” Biz yelled at Bruce.

“I thought you wanted em to…plus I can handle Tyce, I wish that nigga would come up in here…I’ll plug his ass!” Bruce woofed.

“Nigga that was stupid…don’t you know there’s strength in numbers? You thought…you thought…nigga don’t think shit!” Biz shouted. “Call them niggas back right now!”

I crouched below the window of the kitchen and by the sound of their voices, they were close to me. I took a deep breath and jumped up aiming my gun at the window. I saw Biz and Bruce standing in the kitchen a split second before they saw me. Both of their eyes widened as they recognized the man they were talking so loudly about, Biz dove on the floor as I unloaded a round through the glass of the window and into Bruce’s chest. The force of the blast hurled his body backward, slamming him into the refrigerator. Big bad Bruce talking all that shit was dead. I turned my attention to Biz, I looked just in time to see him running out the kitchen disappearing around the corner. The bullet shattered the glass of the window and I cleared the rest out my way as I climbed through it. Glass crunched under my boots as I stepped on the floor. The cold dead eyes of Biz’s bodyguard

stared at me blankly,

“I’ll plug his ass huh…yeah right nigga.” I said out loud.

I put the shotgun down and pulled out my 45. No doubt by now Biz had grabbed a gun and was hiding somewhere in the huge house so I was cautious. I moved slowly past the front room looking for any place where he could be hiding; this fucking house was big…where the fuck was he at. I slid slowly down the lengthy hallway and came up on the doorway to the formal living room. The all white room was empty…I sighed and moved further down the hallway. I was heading to the theatre room when I heard a loud BANG! It felt like someone hit me in the back with a heavy ass rock…the blast forced air out my lungs and stopped my breath momentarily. I whirled around and saw Biz standing behind me holding a gun, he looked surprised to see me still standing but he fired another bullet at me but missed. I crouched down and shot back at him, the bullet hit him in his thigh making him fall to the ground. Another bullet hit him in the shoulder as I walked quickly toward him. He no longer could hold the weight of the gun because his shoulder had a huge chunk of flesh missing from it.

“Tried to shoot me in the back huh! That’s jus’ like you bitch ass nigga!” I shouted kicking the gun away from his reach.

“You aint shit lil’ nigga, I shoulda left your ass on the corner where I found you.” Biz grunted in pain. Blood was soaking the white linen pants he was wearing like spilt red wine. His shoulder was exposed because he was sporting a black wife beater and blood was running down his dark brown arm. “You came to get your bitch? Is that what you came for nigga? Good luck getting the bitch out my cellar…I hope she rots in there!” Biz was breathing heavily as he held his bleeding shoulder.

I glared at him and shot him in the knee cap of his good leg. He howled with pain as he banged the back of his head against the wall repeatedly. His body stiffened and shook as he tried to cope with the immense pain. Biz gritted his teeth, “Why don’t you jus’ kill me and get it over with!”

I smiled, “Patience pops…the devil will wait for you.”

I was satisfied that Biz wasn’t going anywhere and it would be a minute before he bled to death so I left him laying there and went looking for the   girls. I went outside to the back of the house and found the steps that led to the cellar. My back was beginning to get real sore as I came up on a dusty door and banged on it with the handle of my gun.

“Angelique! Dallas!” I shouted through the door.

I could hear the excited voices of the girls as they recognized my voice, “Were in here, were in here!!” They screamed.

Inspecting the door, I knew I couldn’t get them out; that shit wasn’t like the movies, you couldn’t just shoot the locks off and open the door. I needed some help. I grabbed my phone and dialed,

Sway answered on the first ring, “Yo you good?” He asked anxiously.

“Yeah I’m straight…but I need your help my

nigga, the girls are locked in a room and I can’t get in the door.

“I’m on my way.” Sway hung the phone up.

Sway was just around the corner biting his nails with worry, he whipped his new “
through the blocks heading for Biz’s mansion not knowing what to expect. Tyce met him at the gate and let him in. Once Sway drove through the security fence, Tyce jumped inside his truck and they made their way toward the back of the house.

“Good to see you in one piece.” Sway said looking me over.

“Shit why wouldn’t I be…Biz aint shit; I left that nigga bleedin’ on his living room floor. I’ll finish his ass off later but first let’s get the girls out.”

Sway grabbed a black bag from the back of his truck. He’d changed clothes from the robbery and was wearing a blue polo shirt and jeans. His short curly hair made him look like a model for an S curl ad and his shirt showed off his muscular arms.

      “Where they at?” He asked looking around.

      “Follow me.”

I went down the dark steps and stood in front of the door.

      “Ya’ll alright in there?”

“Yeah were ok!” Angelique and Dallas shouted back.

“Ok, jus’ hold on, I got Sway out here workin’ on the locks, He’ll have you out in a minute.”

“Okaaay!” They both sang back.

Sway sprayed the same stuff he used on Diego’s door to freeze the hinges, he also sprayed the cold liquid into the key holes. After about a minute, the hinges began to get brittle.

“On the count of three we gon kick this door down.” Sway instructed.

      “Alright.” I nodded.

“Ay, ya’ll stand back!” I yelled through the

door. “One…two…THREE…BLAAAMMM!”

The door cocked and rocked off the hinges. They could see the black room behind it; all it took was one more kick to send the door crashing into the room. When the dust cleared, we saw Angelique and Dallas standing across the room with their backs to the wall.

“Thank God.” Angelique said stepping forward.

“We heard gun shots…I…I mean; we were so worried about you.” Dallas confessed relieved.

“Aint nothin’ gonna happen to me…especially

not at the hands of Biz or Bruce. Let’s get outta here; I got some unfinished bizness to handle.”

Before we all left the room Angelique walked up to me and gave me a long hug. Her body felt warm as I embraced her; there was a moment when I thought I would never see her again. The thought of her leaving my life was more than I could handle. I knew that I loved her at that moment…I wanted and needed her close to me. The funny thing is I felt the exact same way about Dallas. I couldn’t lose her either. When Angelique and I finally separated, Dallas walked up and stood directly in front of me. We stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed like hours before she kissed me. She kissed me like I just came back from being in a war or something, like she hadn’t seen me in years. I felt the passion of her feelings for me…the trip thing was she put her tongue all in my mouth right in front of Angelique. Sway just stood there watching the scene like a housewife watching a soap opera. The four of us all left the room in silence; we walked around to the kitchen entrance and proceeded to the living room. Biz was still laying on the floor with pools of blood under each leg and a hole in his shoulder. He was unconscious as we walked up on him,

      “Wake up bitch!” I kicked his foot.

His eyes fluttered open as he straightened his head.

He looked at the crowd around him lazily as his

brain tried to register the scene.

“Well well well…hey sweet heart…did you miss ya daddy?” He looked at Angelique.

“Fuck you!” Angelique snapped.

“See, you been hanging around this muthafucka to long; you got a new mouth on you.” He nodded his head toward me, “But don’t you worry, I got a nice fat dick you can suck on that will shut you up. You remember my dick don’t you? Yeah you remember…I used to plug all three of your holes night after night after night.” Biz spoke sadistically.

Before anyone knew it, Angelique pounced on him and started punching him in the face; her right hand drilling him like a jackhammer. We all watched in amazement as she viciously attacked him; her punches dipped in hatred as she broke his nose and split his lip, cursing him the whole time.

“Fuck you! You piece of shit! You thought you could pimp me out? Fuck you and your old ass dick…punk ass nigga!” Angelique spat in a rage.

Nobody moved to stop her. We just let her get it out; this was between the two of them. Angelique finally quit punching him and stood up to admire her handy work. Biz’s left eye was swollen, his

nose was bloody, and both his lips were cut.

“Say somethin’ now muthafucka!” Angelique backed up a little catching her breath.

“DAMN, I need to be training with you…you fucked him up girl.” Sway joked.

Angelique was shaking with rage as Dallas

grabbed her gently by the shoulders; escorting her off to the side. Biz laid there slumped against the wall taking shallow breaths trying to recover from the assault and battery he just received.

But he was still talkin’ shit, “Fuck that bitch…fuck all you muthafuckas. I’m Biz baby…B, I muthafuckin’ Z…ya’ll aint SHIT!”

I was tired of his ass. I didn’t say a word to him as I walked over to the huge floor to ceiling drapes that covered the windows. I pulled out my lighter and lit the bottoms on fire. Sway caught on to my plan and helped by lighting the couch and enormous Oriental rugs on fire too. Within minutes, the flames were spreading all over the room. I grabbed a bottle of expensive vodka from the liquor cabinet and took a sip. I poured the rest all over Biz’s head and body.


He screamed

with all his strength.

I kneeled over closer to him and whispered,

“You shoulda left me, my little brother, and my woman alone.”

I put the flame of the lighter to his alcohol soaked shirt; the flames immediately jumped up toward his face. He began kicking, screaming and rolling around on the floor as the blistering flames burned his flesh. He tried to cover his face with his hands but the fire seared his palms. He was trying desperately to extinguish the flames but the vodka was acting like lighter fluid so there was no use; Biz was burning to death.

      The room was beginning to fill up with thick smoke; that meant the fire department would be on their way soon. We had to get out of there fast or else we would be cooking next. So we all ran out to Sway’s truck and left Biz to burn alive. I made sure to grab my shotgun off the kitchen counter before I left the house. All four doors closed at the same time as we jumped in the truck and Sway sped off down the long driveway toward the gate. You could still hear the high-pitched screams of Biz as we drove away. A smile was on Angelique’s face…a smile was on mine.

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