Tycoon Takedown (11 page)

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Authors: Ruth Cardello

BOOK: Tycoon Takedown
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Melanie clapped happily when the owners of the restaurant had a similar reaction. “Now that is a chili you won’t forget.” She was grinning from ear to ear as she took off her apron.

She was back at his side still laughing when Charles was rocked by a realization: He didn’t want her to leave. Like one of the objects she would have drawn in her sketchbook, she had a place where she was meant to be.

Here with me.

It would mean bringing her son to New York, but people had nannies. He could provide for her and for her child, without having to actually raise him.

“Are you okay?” Melanie asked, and he realized that sh
been saying something to him that he hadn’t heard. He took another sip of water. “Do you hate it?”

He shook his head.

No, I like it too much.

Too much to let you go.

Chapter Eleven

elanie awoke with a start and realized Charles was sitting straight up in bed beside her. She rolled over onto her side and strained to see more than his outline in the darkness. “What’s wrong?”

“I’ve been thinking,” he said and flipped on the light beside the bed, temporarily blinding Melanie.

Covering her eyes with one arm, Melanie groaned. “What time is it?”

“A little past three.”

“Any chance I can convince you to turn that light off?”

“You should stay.”

Melanie sat up abruptly. “What did you just say?”

“You don’t have to go back. Stay in New York.”

“And do what?”
You? Daily? Because that is great for a vacation fantasy fling, but not so good as a life plan.

Charles frowned. “Live with me. You won’t have to work.”

“Just sleep with you.”

He studied her expression for a moment. “Of course.”

Maybe it was the serious consideration he seemed to give his answer, but Melanie wasn’t offended—in fact, she bit back a smile and decided to have a little fun with him. “How often?”

“As often as you want.”

“Will I have to sign a written agreement?” she asked, fighting to appear sincere.

“I could have my lawyer draw up some paperwork if yo
like, but I don’t feel it’s necessary.”

“Oh, I think it is. I want to read that agreement and, if possible,
like a video of you asking your lawyer to write it.” No longer able to conceal her amusement, Melanie rolled her eyes dramatically.

Charles frowned, then a half smile tugged at his lips. “You’re mocking me.”

Raising one hand, Melanie used her thumb and forefinger to measure an inch in the air. “Maybe a little.”

He pulled her close and rolled her beneath him, kissing her deeply until she forgot everything but the feel of him. He nipped her lower lip gently and said, “I’m not used to women laughing at me.”

“Well, after this weekend you can replace me with one who is appropriately respectful.”

Charles frowned down at her. “You’re not leaving.”

He wants me to stay.
Although his words sent a warm rush through Melanie’s chest, they didn’t change their situation. “What about Jace?”

“Of course h
come, too.”

There was no
of course
about it. Oh my God, he wants us to move in with him. He’s serious.
Putting a shaky hand to her mouth, Melanie said, “It’s not that easy. Jace is happy where he is. I can’t take him away from the only home he has known.”

“He’ll like the city. Children adapt,” Charles said dismissively.

“You don’t know that.” She shook her head doubtfully. “If you saw him with his horse
s . . .

“He can ride in Central Park if he likes horses so much.”

His tone was a cool splash of reality.

He leaned down and kissed her neck. “We are so good together. Why pretend you don’t want to stay?”

His words flamed her doubts. Fighting the licks of desire that shot through her at his caress, she pushed at his chest. “It’s not just about us.” When he didn’t move off her, she glared up at him. She was a jumble of emotions that tangled and folded over each other in a bundle of desire, frustration, fear, and sadness.
Of course I want to stay with you, you big oaf, but not like this. I won’t settle for less than I deserve—than my son deserves.
“Get off of me.”

“You’re mine.”

She shook her head. “No, I’m not.”
And I can’t let myself forget that.

“You may lie, but your body doesn’t.” Sh
gone to bed in only his nightshirt. He sat back and with one forceful move tore the front of her covering open, sending buttons from it scattering around them. He laved one of her nipples, and desire shot through Melanie. She couldn’t stop herself from arching backward and offering herself more fully to him.

Their time together had a fantasy element to it, one that would end when she flew home in a couple of days. Sh
be back in her normal, solitary existence. Back to a life that held few if any surprises and revolved mostly around what others wanted.

He thinks this is about him, but it’s really about me.

I want to go where only this man can take me.

Melanie ran her hands over his bare muscular shoulders. She dug her fingers into them when his teeth grazed her neck.

“Tell me you don’t want this.” Charles ran a possessive hand down her stomach and slid a finger between her folds. “You’re already wet for me.” His finger circled her clit slowly, teasing her until she was squirming, wantonly rubbing herself against his hand. “Say it. Tell me to stop and I will.”

He took her breast deeply in his mouth and mirrored his lower tease, circling her nipple with his tongue but not giving her the direct contact she craved. Melanie grabbed his head with both hands and held him, willing him to repeat what h
given so freely before. Instead, he raised his head and growled, “You can’t because you want this as much as I do. You know you belong to me, Melanie. Don’t fight it.”

He reached down and took the belt from the bathrobe sh
worn earlier and tied it around one of her wrists, then quickly looped it around the other and pulled the knot tight. He took the other end of it and tied it to part of the headboard.

If asked, Melanie would have said she wasn’t the type of person who could enjoy being restrained, but her heart was thudding with excitement and her skin was on fire in anticipation of his touch. He wanted to dominate her and that knowledge was excruciatingly hot.

She twisted and tested her restraint. He pulled the knot tighter.

“I could get out of this,” she claimed, even though she had no desire to.

“But yo
have to want to. And you don’t.” He shed his lounge pants and opened a drawer of a table beside his bed.

Although Melanie didn’t know what Charles was reaching for, her breathing became ragged as her excitement grew. He held up a blindfold.

“Do you trust me?” he asked.

“Yes,” she answered honestly.

He gently placed the blindfold over her eyes and settled himself beside her, running a hand slowly down her neck, down the middle of her chest, and farther down to cup the inside of one of her thighs. “When you can’t see, all you can do is feel.” He took one of her hands and wrapped it around his jutting cock. “Feel what you do to me.” Then he kissed his way down the path his hand had traveled. The warmth of his breath tickled her thighs as he continued to speak. “Feel what I do to you.”

He started his passionate assault on her legs. Claiming every inch of them first with his hands and then with his mouth. He took his time exploring her. Each touch shot through Melanie so intensely she shuddered beneath it.

He spread her legs and thrust his tongue deeply inside her while rubbing her clit with one hand and gripping her ass from beneath with his other. He withdrew and used the slight stubble on his chin against her sensitive nub, and Melanie groaned with pleasure. Had her hands been free, she would have buried them in his hair and held him there, but he was in control.

When she felt the heat of an orgasm beginning to build within her, he lifted his head. “Are you close?”

“Yes,” she practically sobbed. “Don’t stop.”

“Say you belong to me. Tell me you’re mine.”

She shook her head and his kisses moved to her stomach. “No,” she said, hearing the frustration in her husky voice.

Just when she thought h
cheated her of her pleasure, he began to tease and suckle her breasts, and the wondrous heat from before returned tenfold. She thrashed back and forth, unable to think past the need that was building within her. His mouth continued its assault while his hands kneaded and caressed, warming her skin until there wasn’t an inch of her that didn’t crave him.

She heard him open a condom wrapper and whimpered at the momentary lack of his touch. Unashamed, she spread her legs, eager to feel him inside her.

He untied her hands from the headboard, but left them bound together. She felt him lie down beside her. “Sit up,” he ordered.

She did. She could easily have moved the blindfold now so she could see, but h
been right—sh
have to want to. And, God, she didn’t want to. Every touch, every breath she felt on her skin shot through her more intensely than sh
known it could.

And from the way he was breathing, she knew he was enjoying their game as much as she was. In that moment she was both vulnerable and powerful.

“Ride me,” he commanded.

With her hands tied in front of her, Melanie stood and placed one foot on either side of his waist, then lowered herself down until she felt his rigid tip graze her sex. He gripped her hips and guided her onto her knees and moved his hips so his sheathed cock moved back and forth against her wet clit.

He dipped his tip inside her, withdrew it, then thrust powerfully upward and into her. Melanie cried out and threw her head back with pleasure as he guided her to meet his thrusts, taking him deeper each time. An orgasm rocked through her, clenching her inner muscles around him and she bent over to kiss him as she came.

His lips clung to hers, but his thrusts were relentless. They took her through the lull after her climax and toward another, even stronger one. With an animallike cry, she untangled her hands and freed herself, grasping at his shoulders, clawing at his back while she ground down against him.

He nipped at her breast and finally gave himself to his own release. She joined him, then collapsed down on top of him.

“Mine,” he whispered in her ear.

Melanie awoke again at the first light of dawn. She was naked and tucked against Charles. Careful not to wake him, she rested her head on his chest and let the steady beat of his heart soothe her.

At what point will I wake up and realize I’m still at home and this was one wild erotic dream?
She smiled.
My dreams were never this good.

Who would have thought h
be the one asking her to stay and sh
be the one sprinting away?

But it didn’t matter. Jace deserved a father who wanted him. And she deserved a partner. A real partner.

Not just someone who gave her mind-blowing orgasms.

And right now she needed, more than anything, to remember Jace was why she was in New York. Not Charles.

She carefully inched away from him, pausing when he stirred.

Melanie gathered her clothing off the floor and dressed silently in her jeans and blouse. She tied her hair back in a simple ponytail and took one last look at Charles, then closed the bedroom door softly behind her. She saw the time on a clock on the wall: seven


The perfect time to call Greece.

Time to stop letting fear hold her back. No more excuses.

She dug through her purse for the paper with Todd’s parents’ number.
I’m not perfect, but I love my son and that will guide me through this.
She stepped out onto the balcony.

It rang once.

It rang twice.

“Hello?” an older woman’s voice answered cheerfully.

Melanie’s first attempt to speak came out as a nervous croak. She shook her head and started over with determination. “Hello, I’m looking for Todd Jones.”

The line went dead silent. Then the woman asked cautiously, “Who is this?”

Looking down at the already busy streets below, Melanie cleared her throat and plowed forward. “My name is Melanie. I’m a friend of his from college. I’m in New York for a few days, and I was hoping to see Todd while I’m here. Could you help me find him?”

The receiver was muffled for a moment and then a man’s voice asked, “Who am I speaking to?”

Don’t hang up.

“My name is Melanie Hanna. I knew Todd in college. I heard he moved to New York, but no one had an address after yours. Please. It’s important. I need to speak with him.”

There was another long pause, then the man said, “I’m sorry. My son passed away last year.”

It took a moment for his words to sink in, then Melanie dropped to her knees on the balcony as bile rose in her stomach. “He’s dead?” she whispered in shock.

“Yes.” The man’s tone softened as he heard the emotion in hers. “He was running in a marathon and had a sudden aneurysm. Were you close?”

The balcony began to spin around Melanie and she couldn’t catch her breath.
Todd’s dead. I waited too long. I can’t make this better.
Tears clogged her throat and blurred her vision, and she dropped the phone into her lap.

“She’s crying,” Todd’s father said to his wife. “Maybe you should talk to her.”

“Melanie, are you alone? Can we call anyone for you?” Even at the distance the phone was from her ear, Melanie heard the concern in the woman’s voice and it tore through her. She didn’t deserve their concern.

“No, I’
m . . .
m . . .
I need to go.”

Overwhelmed by the guilt washing over her, Melanie hung up and stood. Still breathing shallowly, and feeling like she was on autopilot, she gathered her luggage and paused at the door.

She needed to leave. She had to get back to Jace.

Through the years since sh
found out she was going to have Jace and through all the excuses sh
given herself to put off contacting Todd, sh
held on to the belief that there would be time to make it right later. It was that loss that sent her spiraling into a panic.

I can’t fix this.

I waited too long.

She paused and considered writing a note for Charles.

But what would I say? I’ve found out what I came for. Both Charles and I knew this wasn’t forever. I’m just ending it early.

Besides, Charles is probably as interested in messy good-byes as I am.

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