Tykota's Woman (Historical Romance) (35 page)

Read Tykota's Woman (Historical Romance) Online

Authors: Constance O'Banyon

Tags: #Historical, #Romance, #Fiction, #19th Century, #American West, #Native Americans, #Indian, #Western, #Adult, #Multicultural, #White Man, #Paleface, #Destiny, #Tribal Chieftain, #Stagecoach, #Apaches, #Travelers, #Adventure, #Action, #Rescue, #Teacher, #Savage, #Wilderness, #Legend, #His Woman, #TYKOTA'S WOMAN

BOOK: Tykota's Woman (Historical Romance)
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"I wasn't sure you would come back to
Biquera, Tykota."

His voice was deep with feeling. "Why would
you think that, Makinna?"

Her words were almost inaudible. "I don't know. I
thought..." She paused. "Well, I'm glad you came
now, or I would have missed seeing you."

"Oh. Why is that?"

"I'm going away tomorrow. Oh, you probably
don't know yet that John Kincaid and my sister

"There is nothing that happens on this ranch that I don't hear about, Makinna. I even heard
that you were leaving. But I do not think you

"And why is that?"

He stepped closer but still didn't touch her.
"What makes you think I will allow you to

A flash of lightning made a jagged pattern
across the sky, and he held out a hand to her. She
stared at him, then gave him her hand. His clasp
was warm, and she trembled when he raised her
palm to his lips and placed a passionate kiss

"I forgot to thank you for removing the bullet
from my shoulder, Makinna."

She could not speak because he was gathering
her closer to him. When she would have pulled
away, he glared at her, and she relented.
Blissfully, she lay her head against his shoulder.

"I have been so worried about you," she

There was uncertainty in his voice, a trait he
had seldom displayed before. "When Mangas
told me you were going back to New Orleans, I
feared I would not get here in time to stop you."

Makinna's heart was thundering inside of her,
and there was a tightening in her throat. "I don't
know what you mean."

He tilled her chin up and smiled down at her.
"Do we play games, beloved?"

"No, I"

"Your lips beg to be kissed."

"You shouldn't say things like that." She
shook her head. "Don't do this to me, Tykota."

"I will never hurt you again, Makinna."

There was something different about him, but
she didn't know what it was. He seemed calmer
and somehow... lighthearted. "If you were to
speak the truth, Tykota, we have both hurt each

"I always speak the truth with you." He
smiled. "Well, almost always. Some thoughts
about you are private, and I keep those to

She moved away, not trusting herself to be so
near him. "What about the tribe, Tykota?"

"They will do much better with Coloradous to
lead them."

"But your father-"

Reaching out, he touched her face lovingly
and stared into her vivid blue eyes. "My rather
was sometimes wrong, Makinna. I never want
our sons to be burdened with the secret of the
Perdenelas' treasure."

His statement brought a gasp to her lips. She
wanted to feel Tykota's arms around her, but she
still did not trust her own heart. "Our son?" she
echoed weakly.

His dark gaze probed hers. "Yes, our son. For
this I swear, Makinna, you will have no man's
sons but mine."

A sob escaped her lips as he tore off his sling
and hugged her to him. "Tykota! she cried.

"I want to fill you with sons and daughters,"
he whispered against her hair, closing his eyes
and absorbing her essence. "I do not believe that
any man has ever loved a woman as I love you."

She raised her head and saw the passion in his
dark eyes. "If I can't have your children, Tykota,
I will have no other man's child."

He growled as his arms tightened about her.
"We had better have the wedding soon, because I
do not think my mother will like what I am

She laughed. "The tack room?"

"How soon will you marry me?"

She placed a finger over his mouth. "Tykota,
are you sure this is what you want? I know how
you felt about your tribe and safeguarding them
and the treasure."

Tykota reached inside his vest and withdrew
something, which he placed in the palm of her

Makinna glanced down at the two leather
armbands with the golden eagles, and the
significance of his gesture struck her like
lightning. "Oh, Tykota."

"Beloved, I have found in you something
more precious than any treasure, and a love more
timeless than the sacred mountain."

His lips brushed hers, and he held her tighter against him. Neither of them spoke. It was
enough to touch, to feel, to let their love for each
other transcend the pain of the past.

Finally Tykota raised his head and lightly
kissed her lips. "Makinna, you are so much a
part of me, that when you breathe, I take a
breath; when you are hurt, I feel pain. Say you
will walk through life with me."

Happiness flowed through her, and she
pressed her cheek to his. "Yes, oh, yes, Tykota."

He took her hand and led her toward the
house. "Come, let us tell my mother." He
stopped and quirked an eyebrow at her. "Unless,
of course, you would rather I take you to the tack

She steered him toward the front door. "No. I
think that will wait until I am Mrs. Tykota

"You had better plan a wedding quickly then,
because I do not intend to wait much longer to
take you to bed." He slid a hand across her
breast, and she felt him tremble. "I have known
the joy of your body, and I want to know it every
day of my life."

He gave her a long, drugging kiss, but finally
Makinna broke it off and moved a safe distance
away to look up at him. "You have no doubts?"


"Where will we live?"

"Here, Makinna. Here on Biquera Ranch we
will raise our sons and daughters." He looked down at her. "With you, I have found peace for
my restless soul. You have brought true love into
my life." He closed his eyes for a moment.
"Peace is wonderful."

"Oh, I do hope so, Tykota," she said with
feeling. "That is what I want for you above all
else. I have watched you struggle, watched you
torn between two worlds. The pain of your
struggle has been like a knife in my heart."

Tykota raised his eyes and stared at the distant
lightning as the first drops of rain begin to hit the
roof of the ranch house. "I like to think my
father knows and would approve. If he loved my
mother half as much as I love you, he is smiling
from the Spirit World right now."

Makinna closed her eyes as Tykota enveloped
her in his arms. "If there is love," she said softly,
"it will find a way."


Makinna shaded her eyes against the glare of the
Texas sun and laughed down at her daughter,
Yalinda, a dark-eyed, dark-haired little beauty
who looked so much like her father. The child
was giggling and tugging at Makinna's skirt.

She lifted her into her arms and walked toward
the corral. She braced Yalinda on the top rung of
the rail fence, and they both watched Tykota
instruct young Coloradous.

"My son," he said, "you must never have any
fear of a horse. Here in the desert country, your
horse will be your best friend. He will often be
your only hope between life and death."

Makinna watched Tykota place their threeyear-old son, Coloradous, on the back of a pinto.
Unlike his sister, who had the coloring of her Indian heritage, Coloradous looked more like
Makinna. His hair was light brown, and his eyes
were a startlingly beautiful golden color.

With pride shining in his eyes, Tykota stood
back and watched his son clutch the reins. He
caught Makinna's gaze and called out to her.
"Our son fears nothing. Do you see the way he
sits his horse?"

Makinna felt pride and love well up in her.
She and Tykota had been married for four years,
and they had been wonderful, loving years. "Our
son may not fear horses, but he might have
reason to fear his grandmother. Hannah wants
both children to bathe-she's taking them to
visit their Aunt Adelaide."

Tykota lifted the boy from the horse and set
him on his feet. "You had better run along. I
learned early in life that it is not wise to keep
your grandmother waiting."

While Coloradous scampered toward the
house, Tykota reached for his daughter and
hugged her to him. His expression softened when
she threw her arms around his neck. After a
quick kiss on her cheek, Tykota put her down
and watched the child run after her brother.

Makinna linked her arm through her
husband's and lay her head against his shoulder.
"We make wonderful babies together."

His dark eyes suddenly flamed with desire.
"We could always make another one."

"Oh, I am certain we will." They walked
toward the house, and he stopped her, encircling
her in his embrace. "We could start this
weekend, since we will have the house to

She looked into his bronzed face, watching the
way the wind rippled his long hair. There was
contentment in his eyes, his spirit no longer
seeking and restless. "Then let us get your
mother and the children on their way."

He touched her hair and let his hand drift
through the silken strands. "My lovely Makinna,
what joy you have brought to my life. I wake up
each morning not knowing what to expect out of
you. And"-he arched an eyebrow-"I can't
keep my hands off you. I wait for the night so
you can be completely mine."

"Tykota, I never knew that life could be so
good. Sometimes I am afraid."

"Of what?"

"That no woman should be this happy, that it
will be taken away from me."

He rested his chin on the top of her head.
"Take each day as a gift, Makinna. We have
been blessed as few people ever are."

Her hand slid into his, and they walked toward
the house. "I'd better help your mother get the
children ready."

"Uh-huh. The sooner they leave, the sooner I
can take you to bed."

She laughed, feeling her stomach flutter at the thought of their lovemaking, which was so
exciting and good.

He stopped her at the door and swung her
around, his mouth covering hers in a passionate

She turned her head, untangled his arms, and
scolded. "Not here in front of everyone."

He laughed and pulled her back to him. "Why
not? Everyone already knows how I feel about
you." He caught her face and raised it to his.
"They all know I am in love with you."

Tears brightened her eyes. "Oh, Tykota, never
stop loving me."

"Not until the day I close my eyes in death,
and even then, I believe I will love you from the
Spirit World."

They kissed long and deeply, and then they
heard the children's laughter from inside. Tykota
opened the door for her, and they went into the
ranch house-a house where two worlds had
once collided, then come together, bonded with


Constance is a native Texan who makes her home in San
Antonio with her husband, Jim and their son, Jason. Her
books range from historical to contemporary and include
several novellas. Many of her books have been published in
trade paperback. Her books have been published in Canada,
England, Australia, Africa, Spain, China, Germany, Italy,
Russia and France. Among her many awards, she is the
recipient of the 1996 Romantic Times Career Achievement
Award. There are eight million copies of her books in print.

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