Tyler, Lynn - For Her Honor [For Her] (Siren Publishing Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Tyler, Lynn - For Her Honor [For Her] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Will had the good grace to look ashamed to be caught by his older brother and laird and mounted his own horse more reservedly. Robbie checked Jocelyn’s position, making sure she was seated securely and rode in the direction of home.

Time passed uneventfully until he became aware of Jocelyn’s discomfort. She wriggled in the saddle, rubbing her ass against his cock. She shifted again, and Robbie had to resist the urge to thrust up into her.

He blew out a frustrated breath and gripped her hips to stop her from moving. “What are you doing?” he growled, wincing at his own tone. The way to his wife’s heart was certainly not to growl at her.

Jocelyn stiffened and turned to look at his face, her expression cold and distant. “I have to see to my needs,” she informed him in an icy voice.

Robbie almost passed out at the image of his petite wife with her hand between her legs, stroking her clit. His cock jerked, and his heartbeat sped up. “I can help you with your needs when we get home,” he offered in a husky voice.

“Robbie, I do believe Jocelyn needs to empty her bladder. I am not quite sure how you will help her with that,” Will said as he pulled his horse up next to them.

Robbie glared at his brother and cursed his own stupidity as he halted his horse. He jumped off and helped her down, supporting her when her legs buckled. He held her tightly to his body as her legs adjusted, only letting her go when she pulled away from him and disappeared behind a bush.

Will pulled Robbie aside and whispered frantically, “What are you doing? Why are you being so rude to her?”

Robbie ignored the question in favor of asking one himself. “Why are
being so nice to her?”

“Are you telling me I should not be nice to her?” Will asked incredulously.

Robbie struggled to find the words to put to his feelings. “Just the other day you were telling me I should break my marriage contract. Now you are telling me to be nicer to her.”

“Aye, well, I did not know her then. I find I like her now that I know her. She is good for you.”

“Good for me?” Robbie echoed.

“She challenges you.”

Now Robbie was truly confused. “You told me I needed a sweet, biddable lass.”

Will nodded quickly. “I did think that. But I see the way you look at her. I see the spark of life in your eyes every time she challenges you. Robbie, I have not seen that spark for going on thirteen years now. Jamie cannot even remember you ever being happy. She can make you happy.”

Jocelyn arrived again before he could think of a suitable reply. She grinned at Will but cooled considerably when she looked at Robbie. “Shall we continue on, my lord cranky?”

Will hooted with laughter, clearly delighted someone was willing to take on his older brother in his black mood. Even Robbie himself failed to suppress the grin that stretched across his face. “Aye, angel. Let us continue.”

Jocelyn snorted at the endearment but allowed him to help her back into the saddle. “I suspect my father would disagree with the title of angel. Hellion, perhaps, but not angel.”

Robbie felt his bad mood float away as he laughed at her wry tone. “Aye, well, angel did seem more appropriate than nymph.”

“Why would you want to call anyone nymph?” she asked, twisting around to look at him when he boosted himself up behind her.

“Well, one of my fondest memories will be when I came across a beautiful water nymph down by the river just yesterday. It was a very unsatisfying encounter,” he replied, lowering his voice so that only she could hear his words.

She blushed and dropped her eyes to his chest. Sweet Lord, she enchanted him. She was a mix of innocence and seductress. True to form, her shyness didn’t stop her from answering boldly. “I thought it was a very satisfying encounter.”

Robbie just about swallowed his tongue at her coy confession. He cleared his throat and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Well, perhaps a certain nymph can find a way to help me to a satisfactory conclusion when we get home.”

Jocelyn turned around so she faced forward again. She giggled and leaned back into him a little, relaxing into his supporting arms. He rested his chin on her head and thought about their situation. He liked her intelligence and wit. He was intrigued by her skills. He wanted her body, but more than anything else, he wanted her friendship and trust.

* * * *

Jocelyn leaned into her husband, relishing the feel of being supported by strong arms. Somehow she knew she could trust him to keep her safe, that he would never let her fall.

The change in his mood was an almost tangible thing, and she savored each time he leaned down to point out something of interest to her. He pointed out a doe, a sleeping wolf, and a brilliant green plant he said reminded him of her eyes.

She thought back to their time at the river. Of course he had brought her great pleasure, but what had really struck her about the encounter was his playfulness. His later awkwardness made her think he did not let that side of his personality free very often.

Her thigh muscles cramped suddenly, and she stiffened. “What is wrong, imp?” Robbie asked in her ear.

“Cramp,” she gasped, her eyes watering from the pain.

Robbie immediately called his men to a halt and dismounted. He lifted her off the horse and placed her gently on the ground. She vaguely heard some chatter about making camp for the night, but the pain in her leg drowned out everything but the need to ease her seized muscle. “It is from riding too long,” Robbie said, appearing in front of her. She tried to work up a glare, but the concern on his face held her tongue.

“Can you straighten your knee?” he asked softly. She shook her head then let out a long string of curses when he gently but firmly straightened her knee. Apparently he found her colorful language amusing as his shoulders began shaking with poorly disguised laughter. He snorted again when she let out a particularly descriptive curse and walked his fingers along her thigh, probing lightly for the tight muscle. She moaned when he found it, and she gripped handfuls of grass as he worked at the muscles. Sharp flashes of pain were traveling up her leg. Jocelyn gritted her teeth and concentrated on not muttering anything else inappropriate.

“Try and relax,” he encouraged, and suddenly, her muscle loosened. She drooped and took a deep breath. “Better?” he asked.

“Aye,” she breathed. His fingers still massaged her thigh, moving a little closer to the inside and a little more north than before.

She tensed for an entirely different reason. Goose bumps rose on her skin, and her breasts tingled. His touch changed from therapeutic to caressing, and her body responded enthusiastically.

She remembered the feel of his mouth on her breasts, and her nipples hardened immediately. Her core welled with cream, and she silently willed his fingers higher. Another part of her body was now throbbing, and it wasn’t her thigh. His hand slid higher, and his fingers brushed the crease where her leg met her groin. He traced a single fingertip over one of her outer sex lips, and her breath caught.

A groan ripped from his throat, and he yanked his hand out from under her plaid. “Sweet Jesus, you are wet for me.”

“Aye,” she whispered. Shivers raced up and down her spine, and she felt like weeping when he stopped. “When will we be at the keep?”

Robbie’s eyes heated, and he shifted onto his knees. He leaned forward until his lips hovered just a scant distance from hers. “We will arrive just before nooning if we get an early enough start.”

His warm breath flowed over her lips. She remembered how soft his lips had felt against hers. She leaned even closer until the distance between their lips was less than a hair’s width. “Can we not ride through the night?”

He smiled and tilted his head so that their lips were barely brushing. “I have already given the order to stop for the night.”

Jocelyn sighed in disappointment and reached up to stroke back his hair. He moaned low in his throat and placed his lips fully against hers. She kissed him back enthusiastically and whimpered when he ran his tongue along the seam of her lips.

She opened her mouth, and he slipped his tongue inside, withdrawing and thrusting with an incredible rhythm. Jocelyn mimicked his actions and was rewarded with a groan. Her fingers tightened in his hair, and she tugged at him, desperate to get him closer. She practically sang with joy when Robbie’s palm covered her breast and squeezed gently before he pinched her nipple lightly between his thumb and finger.

“Harder,” she whispered against his mouth.

Obligingly, he gripped her nipple tighter, pulling on it softly, making her insides squirm with pleasure. He rolled the hard nub between his fingers almost roughly, drawing a whimper from her when the small pinch of pain did nothing save emphasize the pleasure. He ripped his mouth away from hers, breathing heavily. Her own breath was coming out in short, quick pants. “We must stop,” he murmured, regret causing a shadow in his eyes.

Jocelyn wanted to stomp her feet like a child. She did not want to stop in the least. Her whole body ached with want for the same release he had given her just the other day. “Why?” she whined plaintively.

“I want you too much,” Robbie said, picking up her hand and kissing her knuckles. “And I refuse to take you here.”

She blew out a frustrated breath. “But you nearly had me by the river,” she countered hotly.

“Aye, my little imp. But my men were not milling about. Besides, it was not proper,” he said.

Jocelyn thrust out her lower lip, well aware she was pouting but unable to help herself. Her body was throbbing with need, and it seemed she would have to wait at least another night before those needs got met. Besides, she had never been proper before, and she couldn’t see why it was important to start now. “Why are you calling me imp? I thought I was a nymph,” she said grumpily.

Robbie leaned forward and nibbled on her lower lip before he answered. “It rolls off my tongue better than nymph. Besides, I think you are more mischievous than a nymph. Imp suits you better.”

He kissed her deeply again, letting his tongue slip into her mouth once more. “Oh, do not do that,” she breathed after he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, nipping it softly before releasing it. “I will not be able to wait if you keep that up.”

Robbie’s breath caught in his throat at her statement, and he shuffled a short distance away from her. She pouted a little at the loss of his warmth against her front. A loud bark of laughter caught her attention, and she turned around to find the men had already set up a fire and were serving whatever they could scrounge up for their evening meal. “My lady?” Robbie asked, offering his hand.

She grinned at him, pleased he obviously felt the same urgency as she did, and placed her palm into his. “My laird,” she said, allowing him to help her to her feet.

They strolled over to the fire and sat down next to it. She accepted an oatcake and a handful of berries someone had obviously found.

Robbie looked at his own meager portion with disgust and sighed. “The fare will be better at home,” he said apologetically.

Jocelyn smiled at him and patted his arm. “It is all right, my laird,” she said. “Not everyone can hunt as well as me.”

The men snickered into their oatcakes at Jocelyn’s obvious challenge. Jocelyn giggled at Robbie’s playful frown. “I am, of course, referring to my new brothers-in-law,” she clarified, managing to keep a straight face in light of Jamie’s and Will’s expressions.

She savored the delighted expression on Robbie’s face at her swift remark and popped a berry into his open mouth. “We cannot have you expire from hunger, now can we?” Robbie’s eyes twinkled as he chewed the berry.

Later, while Robbie was off attending to some personal needs, Will sat down next to her and nudged her with his shoulder. “Are you ready for your new home?” he asked curiously.

She took a quick breath in, having forgotten her destination because of all the fun she was having with these men. “I suppose,” she answered.

Will smiled at her encouragingly. “It will not be so hard,” he said, patting her arm. “Robbie has everything taken care of. All you will have to do is concentrate on birthing those bairns of his.”

Her disappointment returned at Will’s words. Of course Robbie would expect her to drop all of her interests to birth and raise his children. That was why he had agreed to marry her in the first place. Not that she minded children. In fact, she wanted one or two of her own some day. But she didn’t want to become nothing more than a broodmare.

“Are you ready for bed?” Robbie asked quietly as he spread out the blanket they had been using to cover the ground.

She nodded and said a subdued good night to the rest of the men. She lay awake for a long time, staring up at the stars. “Are you all right?” Robbie whispered in her ear, smoothing her hair back.

“Aye,” she whispered back. “Just anxious about arriving at your keep.”

Robbie rubbed her arm soothingly. “You do not have to worry about anything. Everything has been running smoothly there for years now.”

She sighed and closed her eyes. That was what she was worried about.


Robbie shifted in the saddle and winced when his horse stepped over a fallen tree branch and his achingly sensitive cock came into brief contact with her soft ass. He couldn’t wait until he got her home and into his bed. He was going out of his mind for the desire she ignited in him. She was not the most physically beautiful woman he had ever seen, though she was comely enough, but there was a spark of life in her he itched to tap into.

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