Tyler's Undoing (32 page)

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Authors: L.P. Dover

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Suspense, #Contemporary Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Sagas, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Sports, #Gloves Off Series

BOOK: Tyler's Undoing
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“Then why were you so cold to me last night? Why would you do that to me?”

His expression darkening, he looked weary. “Because, I never know when one of your brother’s friends are watching. I took a gamble coming after you last night, but I couldn’t let you go. My plan was to find you after the fight on Saturday and tell you everything. And then, when you came in and I saw you in pain, it was the worst feeling I’d ever felt in my life. In that moment, I didn’t care about anything other than finding you.”

“So it
you talking to me last night,” I whispered. “I thought I imagined it all. When I started to black out I heard your voice and held onto it. I didn’t want to wake up.”

Tyler pulled into the hotel parking lot and turned to face me. “Yes, it was me. When I got to Paxton’s and watched him pull you from the car, I rushed over and saw you gasping for air. It was the most terrifying thing I’d ever seen, and what’s worse—I was the cause of it. You never told me you had panic attacks.”

I never liked talking about my attacks. They made me feel weak, like I couldn’t handle the stress. “I’ve only had a couple that grand-scale. The last one happened when my father died. Paxton was who helped calm me down then.”

He shook his head. “I’ll admit, I saw a side to him I never would’ve thought possible. He was terrified when he couldn’t help you.”

I smiled. The times I had with Paxton were some of my best childhood memories. “He’s a good friend, Tyler. The only reason he hung around my brother was so he could stay close to me. He was my friend before he became Kyle’s. I would have been lost without him.”

Tyler groaned and opened his door. “And now I have to watch you and him together this weekend. Are you sure he doesn’t want you back?”

“I’m sure,” I replied, getting out of his truck. “He still has a thing for Gabriella.” I watched him intently to see if I could find any shred of jealousy, but he didn’t tense at all.

“I wish him luck on that one. She’s protective over her brother, so anyone who’s had any ties with Kyle is on her shit list.”

And I guess that includes me
, I thought.

“Well, then I should let you know that Paxton isn’t the only one interested in her. My brother is too, and you know how he is when he wants something.”

Tyler slammed his truck door. “You can’t be serious?”

“I wish I wasn’t. I told Paxton already, so he’s going to make sure Kyle stays away from her.”

Tyler sighed and grabbed my suitcase out of the back seat. “I sure hope so. But I’ve seen Gabriella take on your brother. If there’s any female who could put him in his place, it’d be her.”

Once inside the hotel, I followed Tyler to the check in desk so he could get us a room for the day. After that was all said and done we sauntered to the elevators and as soon as the doors closed, my heart started to race. Tyler set my suitcase down and brought his hands to my face, his lips firm and warm as he closed them over mine. “I’ve missed you so much, beautiful. I have three days to make up for in only one afternoon.”

“So do you understand now why it was so hard to tell you the truth? Actually, I was going to tell you on two different occasions. The first time, we were sitting on my front steps and were interrupted by Cindy telling me Nana had passed. And then again, after our night at the police station, when I told you the other day that we needed to talk and you wanted me to wait until later.”

He kissed me again, except this time it was deeper, his tongue caressing mine. “Yes, I understand, Kacey. I realized it a little too late. I let my anger control me, and I couldn’t see what was really there. All I could see was that you lied to me. I didn’t take the time to think of why.”

The elevator doors opened and reluctantly Tyler let me go so I could follow him to the room. Once he slipped the key in the door, we walked inside and he immediately grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to him. “We only have this afternoon. I want to make love to you. I’ve missed the way you feel in my arms, and the way your skin tastes. I never thought I’d get the chance to be with you again.”

Tilting my chin up, I closed the distance between us and slid my fingers through his hair. “We’re together now, and after Saturday we don’t have to worry about anything coming between us again. I don’t care what my brother does, I know I’m not going to let him win.”

Slowly, Tyler trailed his fingers around the waistband of my jeans and gently unbuttoned them, sliding the zipper down. “Neither am I, beautiful. His end will come.”

Picking me up in his arms, he carried me over to the bed and laid me down, the sheets white and crisp beneath me. The hotel room was small, with a king-size bed, a desk, and bathroom with light green walls. It wasn’t the same as being home, but anywhere with Tyler was home for me.

Tyler stood and lifted his T-shirt over his head, as I did the same—along with discarding my bra. Unbuttoning his jeans, he let them and his boxers fall to the floor. He was already hard between his legs and it made my insides throb.

Crawling across the bed, he gripped the waist band of my jeans and pulled them down my body, keeping his eyes locked on mine.

“Shouldn’t you be refraining from any sexual activities before a big fight? I mean, I know you haven’t the past couple of times, but shouldn’t this one be more important?”

Spreading my legs with his knee, he trailed his tongue up my body, from my clit on up to my breasts, and circled them both before biting down on one of my nipples. “You have nothing to worry about,” he growled. “I hate your brother enough to get the testosterone flowing. Not to mention, I’m still going to be watching you and Paxton together.”

Taking his face in my hands, I kissed his lips, tasting my desire. “And you have nothing to worry about. I’m all yours . . . now make love to me already.”

He grabbed his cock and we both watched as he gently circled his tip around my opening, getting it wet before pushing in slightly, inch by inch. I missed the fullness of having him inside me; there was no greater pleasure. Closing my eyes, I trailed my fingers up his back and down his arms, loving the way his muscles flexed and tightened under my touch. I felt safe in his arms, protected. “I love it when you touch me,” he murmured heatedly.

His warm breath tickled my skin as he kissed his way up my neck and over my cheek to my lips. With his hands on both sides of my face, he held me firm as he kissed me, harder and deeper with each thrust between my legs. My orgasm slowly began to build and even more so when Tyler lowered a hand to my breast and squeezed, massaging it hard. It felt good when he pinched my nipples—the pleasure and pain of it always sent shock waves down below.

Tyler pushed deeper inside of me, holding me tight. He was making love to me, slow and gentle, and I didn’t want it to end. I didn’t want to leave him in California and go back to Vegas without him . . . but I had to.

“Do you promise you’ll come back to me?” I asked, tears welling in my eyes.

Still pushing deep inside of me, Tyler lifted his head and gently kissed my lips. “I promise, beautiful. I’m never going to leave you again.”

He wiped away my tears and picked up his pace, thrusting harder. In his eyes, I could see the pain, and he wanted me to see it. He needed me to know that none of what happened was easy on him either.

Listening to the deep groans in his chest, I knew he was close. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I thrust my hips against him and arched my back when he lowered his lips to my breasts, suckling each one. The harder he sucked, the closer I got.

“Tyler,” I moaned, fisting my hands in his hair.

He fisted his own hands in my hair, pulling tight as his pace picked up. After a couple more thrusts, my body exploded. Digging my nails in his back, I screamed out my pleasure as Tyler growled in my ear, pulsating as he released inside of me. Breathing hard, he kissed me softly and turned over on his back, taking me with him, so I was straddling him. He was still hard inside of me and by the smile on his face he was ready for more.

“That was one day down, beautiful. We still have a few more to make up for. Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

“Oh, I’m ready,” I vowed, reaching behind my ass so I could cup his balls as I rode him. “I’m just getting warmed up.”



SAYING GOODBYE TO Tyler wasn’t easy, considering we had just one afternoon together after the fall out. Thankfully, Bree was waiting for me when I got home. I got her text saying she knew what happened and she wanted to see me.

“You knew the whole time, didn’t you?” I announced, getting out of the car. I grabbed my suitcase from the backseat and set it on the ground.

Biting her lip, Bree slowly trudged toward me and hung her head. “Are you mad? Tyler called me the day he left and told me what he had planned. I’d given it to him hard and it finally sank in.”

“You did, did you?” I teased. “What did you do, threaten to kick his ass? I’m sure you really scared him with that.”

Lifting her head, she laughed and gave me a hug. “Hey, don’t underestimate me. I could’ve sworn I saw him tremble in fear.”

Both of us laughing, I grabbed my suitcase and we headed up the front porch stairs to the door. Once inside, I turned on the lights and rolled my suitcase into my room before joining her in the kitchen. She already had the refrigerator open and was pulling out one of my bottles of white wine.
Mmm . . . Riesling, my favorite.

“After everything you’ve been through, I’d say you need a glass of wine. I hope that’s okay,” she said, setting the bottle down.

I pulled my cell phone out of my back pocket and hopped up on the kitchen counter. “Nope, it’s perfectly fine. I think you read my mind.”

After she opened the bottle of wine, she poured me a glass and handed it to me before pouring her own. I missed my grandmother’s kitchen, the way it smelled as she cooked dinner when I was a kid, and the way her imagination would come up with unique dishes at each holiday. She taught me so much when it came to coming up with new ideas. My desire to open my own restaurant was all because of her.

Hopping up beside me, Bree held her glass out and tapped it against mine. “I’m toasting because I’m thankful I don’t have to keep anything from you anymore. It killed me not telling you the truth, Kace. I saw how upset you were and there were times when I almost buckled.

“I kept telling myself how it was just one week of keeping you in the dark, but then it started to be the longest week of my life. Hearing you cry and knowing you were alone here didn’t help.”

“Tell me about it,” I replied. “I had never felt so lost in my life. But now it doesn’t matter. I know he loves me and he understands.”

Bree nodded. “Yes, he does. He may be a temperamental ass sometimes, and speak before he thinks, but he’s a good guy. I think we both have great men.”

“That we do.”

“I’ll admit though, it hurt you didn’t tell me the truth. We’re friends and you can tell me anything. You don’t ever have to be ashamed. I love you no matter what.”

I bumped her in the shoulder and took a huge sip of my wine. “Thanks, Bree. Just to give you a heads up, I’m not going to be sitting with you and Cole during the fight. I’ll be with Paxton and Kyle’s friends. Apparently, Pax told my brother he and I were together again.”

Bree choked on her wine and coughed, glaring at me with wide eyes. “Does Tyler know you’re doing this?”

Tilting my glass, I drank the rest of my wine and sighed. “Yes, he knows. He’s not happy about it, but until Saturday night, I have to do what I have to do.”

Bree shook her head and poured me another glass of wine. “I swear, your life is never boring.”

Before I could lift my glass to my lips, a text came through on my phone.

“Please tell me that’s not your brother,” Bree groaned.

When I opened it up, I smiled.

I left a surprise in your suitcase. I figured it was time for you to start thinking about your future. I was planning on giving it to you on Saturday as kind of a peace offering. Don’t worry though, I’ll make you work for it. See you in two days, beautiful. I love you.

“It must be something good for you to be smiling like that,” Bree chimed.

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