Read Tymber Dalton Online

Authors: Out of the Darkness

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

Tymber Dalton (32 page)

BOOK: Tymber Dalton
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She tried to loosen his belt, and he gently pushed her away. Instead he knelt beside the tub, cradling her in his arm. With his lips on hers, he trailed his other hand up one leg, across her belly, and around her far hip, teasing.

She moaned at his touch. Her eyes closed and her breathing grew faster.

If he only had one night, he wouldn’t waste it.

She clung to his neck as she devoured his lips, nearly frantic in her desire for release. His fingers traced a slow, lingering path inside her far leg, up toward her thigh. She opened for him, ready, willing.

Some memories don’t die. The flesh and heart and soul remember. His hands recalled every nuance of her body, every stroke, every gentle curve, and they found their way without him having to think about it. He lowered his mouth to her left breast, flicking her nipple with his tongue as his fingers slipped between her legs. Already wet, she arched her hips to meet his touch.

He closed his eyes and savored every moment, enjoying the feel of her hands in his hair, then her nails raking across his shoulders as he brought her closer to orgasm. Making love with her had always been a joy, and his heart nearly broke at how many years it had been since he’d held her in his arms.

Too many years.

He moved to her right breast, teasing her nipple into a stiff nub while he slipped two fingers inside her. His thumb stroked her swollen clit. He could do this all night with her despite how his cock ached to be inside her. Minutes later she moaned, gasping as he brought her release.

She clung to him, not wanting to let go, sobbing with emotion he knew might be in no small part due to the drinks and the day’s events rather than his skills.


* * * *


Steve awoke with a buzzing rage in his head, voices from his dreams swirling down a dark drain as he fought his way to consciousness.

His heart raced and he gasped.
What happened?

Another bad dream, that’s all.

Out of the darkness, more phantom voices invaded in his brain.

Lisa, daddy told you to come here…


Poisoning whore!

All I’m asking for is tonight.

That last voice was Sami’s. He knew it through the very core of his being.

“God, will this ever stop?” He squeezed his eyes shut and prayed to wake up, certain he was still dreaming.

They never should have left Ohio. It was a horrible mistake. Everything went wrong when they came here, everything spun out of his control.


* * * *


Matt flipped the drain handle. Nuzzling Sami’s neck, he kissed her behind the ear, making her moan again. “Do you want another drink?”

She nodded and pressed her face against his neck.

“You dry off, I’ll go get it.” He helped her out of the tub, and she clung to him, kissing him, reluctant to let go.

“Okay,” she said, taking the towel he handed her. He took her glass and followed her from the bathroom. Not that he wasn’t having a hard time walking from that encounter, from the effect she had on him, but he hoped to get her drunk enough to fall asleep. He’d have to take a long, cold shower, but she might be better off in the long run, without guilt.

, then again, who was he to judge what was best for her? She was an adult.

He made her a fresh drink and looked at the plastic grocery bag on the counter, the box of Trojans visible through the opaque plastic. He knew she’d been half joking, but he also knew how persuasive she could be.

And how much he wanted her.

Better safe than sorry.

He put the condoms in his back pocket. He flattened the box and buried it in the kitchen trash. He’d empty it in the morning, before Steve came home.

He carried her drink upstairs and found her stretched out across her bed, a playful smile lighting her face. “Why, sir, I do believe you’re trying to seduce me.”

He laughed. Yeah, she was buzzed. “I think it’s the other way around, madam.” She sat up and took the drink from him.

“Which way around would that be?” She rolled over on her tummy without spilling her drink and wiggled her hips at him. “This way around?”

He fought a losing battle for control. She wasn’t the only one who’d gone months without sex.

Try years.

He took her drink and rolled her over, grabbing her good hand and pulling her to her feet. “Not here,” he said, serious. “Not in this room.” He pulled her to him and kissed her, backing them out of the bedroom and into the guest room.

He set her glass on the dresser without breaking their kiss, and they worked their way to the bed. He slipped the condoms out of his pocket and put them on the bedside table.

In for a penny, in for a pound.

He put his arms around her and gave up all pretense of resisting, devouring her with his lips, working his way from her mouth down her neck to her breasts. She moaned, pulling his face tight against her, as he drifted lower.

He knelt before her and pushed her thighs apart. Seconds after his lips and tongue started working on her clit, he had her gasping for breath, begging, pleading for him not to stop.

He didn’t. He slipped two fingers inside her pussy as he wrapped his lips around her clit and lightly sucked.

He felt the muscles of her pussy contracting around his fingers as she exploded. She held on to his shoulders as he made her come three times, hard, in quick succession. Her body trembled when he stood and lowered her to the bed to finish what he started.

Her eyes fluttered open. “Wow,” she whispered.

He smiled. “Wow.”

He dropped his pants, and she pulled him closer to the bed, not letting him sit. As he twined his fingers in her hair and felt her mouth on his cock, his knees nearly buckled.

She apparently remembered things, too. Without hesitation her tongue circled the head of his cock, exactly as he remembered. She gently flicked the underside of his head, in the sensitive spot there that she’d always taken great pleasure in tormenting when giving him head. With one hand she held the base of his cock, and with the other she cupped his sac.

She stopped short of giving him release. She pulled him onto the bed and rolled on top of him, pinning him, teasing him, forcing him to cool down to a slow simmer.

He gave in, letting her remind him of all the nights they’d spent exploring each others’ bodies, learning ways to make the other moan.

He heard a rustling noise. In seconds, she had the condom on him and he easily slid his cock inside her. She was more than ready.

He gasped, resting his hands on her hips and thrusting up to meet her. They were both a few pounds heavier but still fit perfectly. She leaned forward, still in control, kissing him. His hands caressed her breasts, and he played with her nipples while she set a slow, steady rhythm that even this close to the brink would keep him simmering for a while.

He slipped a hand between them, finding the spot he knew would melt her, rubbing her clit and wanting to feel her come around his cock. She moaned. In a few minutes he felt her contract around him, knowing she’d come again.

He rolled her over and thrust while she wrapped her arms and legs around him and held on, increasing in tempo and force until he exploded inside her and he added his cries to hers, pulling her hips tightly against him while he crested the waves of his climax.

They collapsed, breathless. “Wow,” he whispered. Had it always been that good? What kind of idiot let a woman like this get away? He’d father twenty, fifty kids with her if she wanted them.

Jesus, I’m a moron

“Wow,” she echoed, kissing him. “I’ve never stopped loving you, Matt.”

He propped himself up on one elbow so he could look into her eyes. “I’ve never stopped loving you either.”

She wiggled free and disappeared, returning with a towel.

“Kind of a buzzkill, I know,” she said.

He nodded, lay there with his eyes closed. A moment later he realized she was doing more than cleaning up and responded.

She slipped another condom onto his cock. This time he started on top, slow and gentle, with long, deep thrusts. He knew she might not be able to come again, but he wanted to feel her body as long as he could for tonight.

He didn’t know how long it might be until they could be together again.

He took his time, nibbling her shoulder and smiling when she still responded the same way. Memories flooded back, nights he’d tried not to think about for so long.

He wished he hadn’t wasted so many years.


* * * *


Matt fit her perfectly, like two halves of a whole. Sami never felt like this with Steve. Yes, Steve was a courteous lover and always satisfied her. For her part, she never felt the fire, the passion she’d shared with Matt.

“God, I missed you,” she whispered.

Their rhythm was perfectly synced. Even if she didn’t climax again, she enjoyed feeling his cock fill her pussy, being a part of her.

He slowed his pace and his hand once again slid between their bodies. She gasped as he stroked her clit with his finger. He somehow managed to slow his thrusts and hold back, wanting to come with her. She felt every stroke as the muscles of her pussy grabbed at his cock.

He looked down into her eyes, and she knew that, no matter what, she wouldn’t let him walk out of her life again.

As he felt her start to climax, he picked up the pace of his thrusts, enjoying the feel of sinking his cock deep inside her. While his timing wasn’t perfect, it was close enough.

She was slower to reach for the towel that time. He cradled her, nuzzling her neck and kissing her shoulder. “I’m not letting you get away again, Sam. You know that, right?”

“Who says I want to get away?”

If there were any noises from the hall or attic that night, they didn’t hear them.

Matt awoke around dawn to the sensation of her wonderfully warm mouth engulfing his cock. His fingers gently fisted her hair, and she lifted her head.

“Good morning. I didn’t think you’d ever wake up.”

“I thought we agreed it was only going to be last night until you’re divorced,” he said with a smile and wishing he hadn’t interrupted her.

“There’s still one condom left. Why waste it?”

He couldn’t argue with that logic.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


They took a long shower and used all the hot water. Then she perched on the side of the tub in the guest bathroom and watched him shave. He still used an electric razor, the same brand.

He smiled at her in the mirror. “Did you sleep okay?” The bump on her forehead was visible, but not as bad as he feared.

She nodded. “Wish we didn’t have to get up.”

They looked at each other and giggled, both catching the unintended double entendre.

She hugged him from behind. “God, I missed this. I missed you, I missed our talks, I missed our banter. All of it.”

He turned to face her, serious. “You realize you’re going to have to put on one hell of an act. You can’t let him see you looking at me like that, or joking with me, or touching me, or any of that stuff. Not just you, me, too.” He looked at her, reaching out and stroking her hair. “God, it’s hard for me to keep my hands off you.” He kissed her, and she playfully shoved him.

“Finish shaving. Your face is like sandpaper.”

“I’m serious. We have to pretend this didn’t happen. I have to be the concerned best friend. You have to be the loving but distanced wife. It’ll be easier for you, because you have a damn good reason to be distant, and he expects it. I have to pretend like nothing’s changed. You can’t go around sneaking longing looks or playful winks. I’m not that good an actor. We’re not playing a friendly game of tennis, we have to pretend we’re just friends.”

“But now he knows we used to sleep together.”

“We don’t know that. He might not know what was in the file. You said he was sleepwalking, maybe he was sleepwriting.” He checked his watch. “Which reminds me, you need to get moving.”

“What about you?”

“I never printed the file. I need to copy it to my laptop, along with the others, so I can read them later. Plus I want to delete that section so maybe if he doesn’t remember reading it, or if he didn’t read it, it won’t be there for him to find. Not to mention I need to do something with his desk.”

“It’s not like he won’t notice it’s gone.”

“I’ll move your desk into his office and put your laptop on the dining room table for now. I need to get the pieces of his desk out of the yard so he doesn’t see you did a Jack Nicholson on it. That would be pretty hard to explain. We’ll tell him there were termites and the ‘exterminator’ said it had to go.”

She nodded. “That’s good. I can work with that.”

“Plus I need to seal that secret room in the closet. We can’t tell him about any of this for now. It needs to be business as usual until Julie gets back to us with a plan.”

He kissed her once more, deep and longingly. “That’s the last one, for now. Okay?”

BOOK: Tymber Dalton
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