UFOs in Reality (33 page)

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Authors: T.R. Dutton

BOOK: UFOs in Reality
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At 6:15 pm. on the following evening, I received another excited call from Mrs. Jones. The name on the Dymo Tape was disappearing even as she talked to me!

I asked her to remove the name plate from her lapel and to place it on the telephone table as we talked. We discussed the issues until 6:30 pm. Then I asked if the name had disappeared. No, it was just as it had been when she’d removed it from her clothing.

It seemed, therefore, that there was something about its position on Linda responsible for the effect. I asked Linda if she would be able to supply me a piece of Dymo Tape from the same reel and whether I could borrow the tape from her badge. I wanted to experiment with the untouched tape to see if I could reproduce the effect. On the following Friday I travelled to East Didsbury to pick up the specimens. There were then three specimens, because a third had been added to the collection the previous night. If I remember correctly, after returning from school Linda had applied herself to writing Christmas cards. During this, her son had come into the room and noticed that her name was again disappearing from the badge. Remembering the previous episode, Linda had unfastened the attachment pin and in so doing had found the Dymo Tape to be very hot, in fact, too hot to handle as she’d laid the badge down onto the table. So, it seemed that heat was in some way involved. Had she been sitting close to, say, a radiant heater, I asked. The answer was “No”, nor could she in any way account for the hotness of the tape. I couldn’t wait to start experimenting, but it would be several days before I could devise an experiment and find the time to carry it out. This is how I then tested the tapes.

Having created several impressed specimens from the unused tape and having Linda’s actual examples to compare with, I poured a little tap water into a small earthenware pot and placed, submerged, one of my test specimens into the pot. Then, boiling water from the kettle was added slowly to gradually increase the temperature of the water, a jam-making thermometer being used to keep the water stirred and, simultaneously, to indicate the water temperature. At exactly 75°C the markings in my red specimen tape suddenly disappeared. When I repeated the experiment with a black specimen tape, disappearance of the markings occurred at nearly 80°C. No wonder Linda’s tape had been too hot to handle! But how could she possibly have generated so much heat from her body? I wondered whether there might be another explanation, so I decided to consult a scientist friend of mine.

On the evening of December 29th, 1987, I telephoned my friend, the late Dr. John Warwicker. Before his retirement Dr. Warwicker had been Head of Crystallography at the Shirley Textile Research Institute in Manchester. After his retirement he and I had had a series of informal evenings at his home, sharing our thoughts on new scientific discoveries, paranormal happenings and a wide range of topics. So, when I told John, over the telephone, about Linda’s experiences and about my test specimens and the results I’d obtained, he thought that the heat explanation was probably the most likely one, even though, like me, he was baffled by the circumstances. He thought the critical temperatures I’d measured were probably significant for that kind of plastic tape. In fact, he ventured to suggest that at those temperatures that kind of plastic could be persuaded to absorb dye – but, not being an expert in that field he would consult with one of his ex-colleagues who had such expertise. On his invitation, I visited John on the evening of January 5th, 1988. His colleague had confirmed the significance of the temperatures I had measured and had gone on to make the suggestion that some plastics could be heated using RF (radio frequency) radiation.

I checked out that idea with the H.S.A.’s chief chemist at Woodford airfield. He told me that the technique had been used on site, in the past, using radar frequencies. Curious-er and curious-er!

When I shared all this with Mrs. Jones she was both pleased and baffled. She hadn’t been close to an active radar dish when her name disappeared from her name tapes, so how could that explanation possibly apply? A solution suggested itself to me some days later on hearing about another of Linda’s happenings.

On the dark and stormy night of February 9th, 1988, after returning home with husband Trevor and her son, Linda had walked out into the garden, towards the shed. Suddenly she had found herself standing in a pool of blue light and, given the extreme weather conditions, she’d thought she was about to be struck by lightning. Then she saw that the light was being beamed down from a source in the base of a low cloud some distance away. At that, she turned in panic and ran back into the house, damaging an arm and a leg in the process. Had she been monitored by those she had encountered in the meadow? The thought had occurred to her at the time and it also came to me when she told me the story. Could it be that on other occasions her movements had been monitored by beamed high frequency radiation? That might account for the heating of her name badge and, in fact, it seemed to be the only explanation suggesting itself.

Other strange events followed. I received a telephone call from Linda during a subsequent summer. She’d been out in the garden sunning herself and had dropped off to sleep. When she came round her husband, Trevor, came into the garden and noticed a strange reddened pattern on one of her exposed arms. It was a series of concentric rings of red dots about half-an-inch in diameter overall, looking like some kind of vaccination mark. They were both at a loss to know how she came by it.

But Linda also told me that strange things had happened to her when she was much younger and prior to the CE4 event of 1979. As a little girl of about 4 years old, whilst visiting a relative, she and an uncle (who was only a few years her senior) had gone out to play in a nearby meadow. After a while, her companion had returned home without her, claiming that she had just disappeared. He’d searched about, but there’d been no sign of her. Of course this had created something of a hue-and-cry and further unsuccessful searches were made for her. Several hours later, Linda had arrived at her relative’s home ‘under her own steam’. She’d had no idea how long she’d been missing. She’d simply looked around to find her companion was no longer there and had wandered back. That mystery was never solved.

Another strange and inexplicable happening had occurred one day when she’d been out for a drive with husband-to-be, Trevor, as the passenger in his E-Type Jaguar sports car. They were travelling on the A556 road, which linked Manchester to Chester. As they approached traffic lights at the cross-roads at Mere, slowing for the lights,
the car suddenly span round through 360°, twice, on a perfectly dry road, without any fuss or squealing of tyres, and then carried on to stop at the lights.
They had been, to say least, surprised! What had happened? How could it have happened? (It seemed likely to me that, as in so many UFO related car events, their car had been gently lifted from the road and placed gently back down again). Afterwards, Linda had realised that
the event had occurred only a short distance from her birthplace
, situated on one of the intersecting roads.

All these things seem to provide the circumstantial evidence for the often expressed suspicion that some individuals are selected from childhood as human specimens for some sort of monitoring activity. The monitoring seems to cease when female subjects are past childbearing age. There are also few reported CE4s involving men of over, say, fifty.



In Phase 6, I mentioned that, after my lecture at a conference held at Kidlington near Oxford during 1996, I had been approached by a man and a woman who had introduced themselves to me as Mr. David and Mrs. Thelma Glanville. They had wanted to know whether a particular date and time combination had any significance for me. I had to say that it didn’t and then to enquire whether it applied to a particular place. Yes, it applied to Reading, Berkshire, where they lived. They had been given information that they would receive further information from ETs on that date and at that time. They couldn’t tell me the whole story at that first meeting, but I asked for their telephone number and said I would check out the information against the AT’s predictions for Reading. On returning home I did just that and found good agreement with one of the timing predictions for that date. When I contacted them with this news, they were extremely pleased and I was keen to know more about their claimed ET connections.

Time Loss in Florida

They told me that the source of their information was generally their 25 years’ old son,
. Then an amazing story was told to me. During 1995, Jeff, two of his friends, his mother, Thelma and Thelma’s sister, Dilys, had flown to Florida for a holiday break. On arrival at Orlando Airport, they’d hired a car for the drive to St. Augustine, about 100 miles to the north. Jeff had volunteered to drive. As they had set out in the early evening, they’d estimated that they’d arrive at their destination at about 10 pm. and would be able to buy meals before retiring to bed. The weather had been fine until they’d reached near the end of a long bridge over the St. John’s River. Suddenly the heavens had opened and the rain had fallen so heavily that all the traffic in front was braking hard and Jeff had to slow down further to look for the windscreen wiper switch. As he’d been doing this he’d noticed, through the rear view mirror, two bright lights approaching rapidly through the rain. Then there’d been a bumping sensation felt by everyone in the car. Jeff, who had just found the windscreen wipers’ switch, had suspected a possible hijack and had accelerated rapidly away from the scene. Suddenly, the rain had ceased and they’d found themselves driving in perfectly dry conditions again. The lights previously following them had disappeared. When they’d arrived at St. Augustine they’d been puzzled to find the place in complete darkness. All the bars and restaurants were closed. They’d then discovered that they’d arrived well after midnight. They’d had no idea where they’d lost an estimated three hours on that journey.

This seems to be a good point to break into the rest of the story to explain some aspects of my, now, longstanding relationship with the Glanvilles. As I declined invitations to visit their home on the grounds that I did not want to become too involved with the high level of excitement prevailing there and wanted to remain an objective observer, all the information I have about the happenings in Reading have come to me by post or through telephone conversations. For this reason, I do not have a full knowledge of all the weird happenings that have occurred there, but I have received sufficient video evidence that such things have occurred and are still occurring there.
All these things have happened to a normal, hard-working, family who have a thriving family business.
They live on the fringe of parkland and have a large garden. Their home they have extended to include a gymnasium at the east end and an indoor swimming pool at the opposite end. I mention these extensions because they have featured a lot in the story.

Hypnotic Regression

During a subsequent Kidlington conference I discovered that the Glanvilles had also talked with Mr. David Coggins from South Wales. Intrigued by all he’d heard about the Florida time-loss event, he’d arranged, subsequently, to visit the Glanville’s home. Whilst there, he’d been told about my research and had seen some of my material. One day, towards the end of 1997, I received a video recording from him, showing interviews with members of the Glanville family and colour photographs of some of the strange happenings in the household, including one of dining room chairs stacked high and balanced in an incredible manner. The tape also showed a hypnotic regression session with Jeff. David Coggins told me he had been a stage hypnotist and had seen the time-loss incident in Florida as something of a challenge. He had been pleased to receive the co-operation of the subjects and had travelled to Reading from his home in South Wales to carry out his investigations. When I viewed the video, I was very impressed by his softly-spoken technique and his marvellous patience.

Responding to the gentle prompting of the hypnotist, Jeff told the story of the events up to the ‘bump’, but David Coggins, feeling sure that the time loss had occurred between Jeff’s seeing the lights behind the car and that bump, kept patiently taking Jeff back into that unknown time span, even though there was difficulty being experienced in progressing into it. Eventually, through persistent friendly persuasion, Jeff began to remember. He had been looking for the wipers switch when he’d seen three bubbles of blackness approaching the car from the front. These had then passed into the car and one had enveloped him. Another enwrapped his mother and the third went over his head into the rear seat area. Next, he was floating in a plastic bubble, looking upwards and there was bright light shining into his eyes. Then, he was lying horizontally but had no experience of being in contact with a bed. He felt so relaxed he didn’t want to even turn his head to look around. A small bright light was now to his right but, otherwise, he was in complete darkness. At one point in the regression he remembered seeing lower legs and bare human feet standing beside him, but they didn’t appear to be standing on anything. At one time he could vaguely see a face looking at him from the darkness. While he continued to float in that way, the small light over him seemed to grow in size and became a ring of light. Then he began to see a myriad of changing coloured lights, which he tried to identify, verbally, very rapidly. Then something hard was being passed round the back of his neck and, simultaneously, a serrated bar with little teeth seemed to be being used under his chin to keep his mouth shut. Next, he remembered sliding down a steeply inclined tube or channel into another bubble. He began to descend and could see the car below him. Then he was back in the car. David Coggins succeeded in persuading Jeff to return, in his mind, to the time when he was still lying down, in an attempt to fill in the information gap still existing. Just as things were progressing well again, the telephone rang in that room. Jeff, clearly very shocked and shaking, came suddenly out of trance and had to be persuaded by the insistence of the hypnotist to close his eyes and to be counted out of the trance state in the usual manner. Jeff was calmed by this procedure and stopped trembling, but, unfortunately, that telephone call had brought a very revealing session to an untimely end.

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