Unbeatable Resumes (11 page)

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Authors: Tony Beshara

BOOK: Unbeatable Resumes
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Jan 2007 to Nov 2007 with TEXAS INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, INC., Richardson, TX, as Vice President of Sales

The Institute facilitates, builds, and manages global R&D projects & teams for Oil & Gas companies using its highly developed project management system and an extensive and exclusive network of over 18,000 Ph.D.-level scientists, researchers, and engineers located in 109 world-class universities within Eastern Europe, Russia, and China. The Institute's clients further benefit by retaining all ownership of the Intellectual Property (IP) and patents that were contracted. The Institute's second principal line of endeavor provides for Intellectual Property Harvesting of Pre-patentable Discoveries and funneling of potentially 30,000 new innovations per year, firstly to client under a special retainer basis and then on to the general marketplace.

Key milestones:

Opened up and concentrated on the acquisition of new accounts principally in the Oil & Gas, Energy, and Petroleum Industries including upstream, midstream, downstream exploration production companies and equipment suppliers from the very large global conglomerate to regional small to mid-tier oil patch companies.

Sales hunter bringing in the bounty—Responsible for getting start-up companies successfully launched and into a sustained financially sound orbit in only 6 months, selling all inaugural customers
producing $11M in pipeline, 33 projects, and $2M in short-term cash . . . making company profitable in year zero

Contributed actively in:

Merging Global Optimization Technology
with other technologies several times within a product cycle from early stage of Intellectual Property (IP) to serial production.

Harvesting the discoveries and inventions of participants
in the TxIS network of 18,000+ engineers and scientists.

Identifying thousands of IPs, distilling most mature and relevant into hundreds of marketable IPs and patents per year.

Leading the way for 1/3 of the world's scientists and solving the problems of client companies with practical innovation and solutions

Being the pioneer in the global R&D outsourcing and human capital arbitrage

Oct 2005 to Jan 2007 with TTI TELECOM, Richardson, TX, as Director—Global Enterprise Executive to AT&T

TTI Team Telecom International Ltd. (TTI Telecom) is a leading provider of next-generation Operations Support Systems (OSSs) to communications service providers (CSPs) worldwide. For incumbent and emerging CSPs spanning fixed, mobile, and cable markets, we provide a robust OSS platform that helps manage their networks and services effectively.


Managing the entire business operations encompassing sales, marketing, customer service, and channel development activities for southwestern US.

Selling advanced modular and integrated hardware and software products and services for Telecommunications Operations Support Systems (OSS) and Business Support Systems (BSS) to telecom service providers.

Key Milestones:

Oversaw the company's largest worldwide customer, AT&T, producing $14M
in volume in 2006. Supported the strategic goals and immediate needs of AT&T as a principal and longtime supplier.

Handled a team of over 60 individuals across the country.

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