Unbeatable Resumes (56 page)

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Authors: Tony Beshara

BOOK: Unbeatable Resumes
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Was awarded Nurse Manager of the Year for service of excellence.

During this employment manpower distribution and labor cost budget was restructured. Kept patient satisfaction above 95% for a full year in the cardiovascular department. Was team member of the Joint Commission that prepared the hospital for Joint Commission inspection.

March 2001 to March 2003

McDaniel Medical & Heart (HCA), New York, N.Y.

Director of Cardiovascular Services

HCA is a 300-bed for-profit facility, and it focuses on cardiac services. Responsible for 96 FTEs in CVICU, CVSU, CCU, and MICU and running the daily operations of Cardiovascular Services, which included staff management, quality assurance, JCAHO ready preparation, financial, and patient-care monitoring. The heart program did over 4,600 Cardiac Cath, and 400 open heart procedures.

Significant Accomplishments at McDaniel Hospital:

1. Involved in JCAHO preparation that led to a 98% score and no type.

2. Restructured staffing and eliminated contract-labor travelers nurses and agency-contract nurses, which led to a major financial savings and resulted in a strong core staff focused on high accountability and professionalism.

3. Fostered teamwork approach and staff engagement. Patient satisfaction as a result increased (Gallop) from 2.9 to 4.0 and later plateaued to 3.8 (4.0 is a perfect score).

4. Headed a committee that established cardiothoracic protocols, post-op cardiac surgery orders.

5. Conducted and arranged for clinical critical care seminars that the staff attended to improve clinical experience.

September 1993 to March 2001

Twin Falls Hospital, Rockford, Idaho

Staff Nurse in CVICU

Responsible for the total care of patients undergoing cardiothoracic and vascular surgery. Took care of patients ranging from cardiac bypass and valve replacement to thoracic surgery. Operated a wide range of machines in the CVICU, ventilators, L-VAD, and Integrated Cardiac Monitoring System.

August 1989 to May 1993

Twin Falls Medical Research, Twin Falls, Idaho

Staff RN and Charge Nurse

A very busy Emergency Department. Took care of a variety of trauma and emergency patients, ranging from gun shots to traumatic injuries, to cardiac and medical problems. Member of local emergency response team.


Hospital Executive Committee:
Worked along with CEO and other department chiefs to ensure the strategic direction of the hospital. HEC oversaw and approved dept. budgets, and approved capital budget. In addition, discussed quality reports, financial reports, and others.

JC Leadership Committee:
Responsible for making sure the hospital is prepared for Joint Commission visit. Established a system where the hospital is ready for visit at any time of the year.

Pharmacy Nursing Liaison:
Evaluates medication accuracy, recommends ways to improve pharmacy/nursing communication to improve medication safety.

Meets with cardiac surgeons and cardiologists monthly to discuss cardiac surgery and cardiology statistics that includes number of cases, complications, deaths. This committee approves changes that would take place in cardiac division.

Critical Care Counsel:
Made up of directors of divisions, all nurse managers, charge nurses, and 2 staff members of all units. The counsel meets monthly to discuss quality issues, improvement initiative, and information sharing for all units.

Patient Satisfaction Committee:
Focused on evaluating patient surveys and suggesting ways to improve care and patient satisfaction.


Registered Nurse, State of Florida # RN 91675060

RN Licensed, Kansas #1- 054568,

RN Licensed, New York #1-985524

Advance Cardiac Support Instructor, ACLS Instructor


Master of Science in Health Administration, University of Alabama Bachelor of Science in Nursing, University of New York Diploma in Nursing, School of Allied Health and Sciences


FACHE (Fellow of American College of Healthcare Executives)


Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Kronos Payroll System, Ansos Staffing System, and Financial

Hospital Software (Budgeting, Cost Analysis, and General Ledger Analysis)



An excellent résumé that describes all the duties in an easy-to-read format.

Mary Jones

Address Phone Cell #



Office Manager, CRNFA

May 2008–Present

Responsible for ordering surgical office supplies and maintaining all sterile supplies, as well as instrumentation for busy surgical office

Provide support for surgeon and patients during pre- and post-operative office visits

Ensure all medical paperwork, labwork pre- and post-op completed

Schedule all surgical cases with a variety of hospitals and outpatient facilities

Schedule consult appointments for patients and follow-up with consults

Provide cosmetic services

Provide first-assistant services during the operative procedure, general/vascular/GYN

Support the professionalism and technical needs of the surgeon

Take calls with surgeon


Staff Nurse, Operating Room, Open Heart Team

CRNFA, Charge Nurse


Performed multiple roles in the OR, including secretary, circulating nurse, scrub nurse, certified first assistant holding care nurse, and evening charge nurse in a busy OR

Took full load of calls, both main OR and heart team; very active in the clinical role

Assisted during off hours or nights when called

Exhibited motivation and dedication to providing the highest quality of care to each patient

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