Unbeatable Resumes (66 page)

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Authors: Tony Beshara

BOOK: Unbeatable Resumes
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September 2005–Present

Department of Corrections Credit Union

40–50 hours per week; Salary: $63,000 per year (includes car allowance)

Supervisor: Ellen Dunn, Chief Operating Officer, 225-342-6618, extension 205. May contact.

Manage and Direct the Operations of 8 Branches Statewide
and the main office operations with assets of $65 million. As part of the Management Team, perform strategic planning, budget functions, implement new products and services, and conduct marketing activities. In the absence of the Accountant, work with the CFO to complete tax liens, accounts payable, prepaids, fixed assets, and more (4 months in 2005–2006 and again for 6 months in 2008).

Supervise, Develop, and Monitor the Performance of 29 Employees.
Plan and assign work, create schedules, set goals, and devise action plans. Appraise performance, recognize achievers, and provide disciplinary action as needed. Recruit and hire managers and employees. Staff branches.

Travel Statewide to Visit Branches.
Provide technical advice and oversee operations. Communicate orally to provide briefings and branch updates to Branch Managers, Tellers, Member Service Reps, and Loan Officers; updates on Branch progression for Board reports; training for Board Members on the Bank Secrecy Act; and other varied oral and written briefings and updates.

Prepare Written Reports
such as summaries for loan and teller transactions, performance appraisals, training for employee files, OFAC reporting, FINCEN reporting, Currency Transactions Reporting; review 5300 call report for Office of Financial Institutions, cash over/short reports, ATM reports/outages, and more. Prepare compliance audit/report findings, consumer complaint investigations, noncompliance audit/report results, and briefing packages for senior management.

Use Automated Systems
for accounting functions, customer account management, communication, and more. Includes Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook), Computer Marketing Flex System, Online Banking Setup, and Audio Response Setup. Knowledgeable about Windows XP and Vista and in-house computer network configuration. Administrate user accounts, manage security profiles, and manage backup operations.

Continuity of Operations Planning.
Member of Disaster Recovery Team involving policy writing, generator installation, alternate IBM AS400 hot site, personnel placement, transition of duties for staffing for continuance of electronic transmissions, and Visa ATM, debit, and credit cards with third-party vendors.

Loan Approval Authority.
Independently approve loans up to $50,000 and supervise approval of loans for Branch Manager/Loan Officers. Assess credit risks and work with high-risk borrows. Member of In-house Loan Committee review board.

Coordinate with State Examiners, Supervisory Auditors,
and external parties for compliance issues. Perform cash audits for tellers and vaults, audit key/combinations security breaches, and investigate cash over/short/outages for embezzling. Present documentation on compliance issues (such as training and disclosures) to auditors and examiners. Provide technical advice and guidance to subordinate Branch Managers with regard to consumer regulations including FACT act and Privacy of Consumer Information.

Regulatory Oversight.
Assistant Compliance Officer in charge of compliance with and programs related to Community Reinvestment Act, fair lending, consumer regulations, and more. Perform internal audit functions and serve as a key contact for external audits and exams. As part of the management team, involved in all OFI (Office of Financial Institution) exams, participating in 3 annual exams during this tenure.

Key Accomplishments

Oversaw the build-out and opening activities of the last four branches.

Developed and updated policy manuals for tellers, branch managers, member service reps, lending, personnel, ATM policy, internal security, and first IT policy.

Developed training materials and standard operating procedures for lending, tellers, and member services.

Reduced staff and expenses by utilizing Web-based online loan and new account applications; promoted online banking and bill pay services.


December 1996–September 2005

Maple Federal Credit Union

50+ hours per week; Salary: $40,000 per year

Supervisor: Barry Daigle, Board President, 337-873-6815 (home). May contact.

Hired to Transform Small City-Employees Credit Union
and position for growth and expansion. Supervised up to 7 employees and guided the work of a 7-member Board of Directors plus a 3-person Supervisory Committee and a 3-person Loan Committee. Created full-service financial institution from organization previously focused on savings and small loans.

Implemented Significant New Programs,
including checking accounts, Debit/ATM cards, Electronic Transmissions (ACH, share draft, debit card), and Visa card program. Developed CRA-type loan programs for low income and underserved members, providing affordable rates and repayment options.

Developed Policy and Procedures.
Recruited, hired, trained, and developed new employees. Oversaw payroll and performed other administrative tasks.

Directed Expansion and Build-Out of Second Branch.
Chose location by demographic member base, prepared rough designs for architect, coordinated with builder/contractor, paid all
bills. Coordinated and tracked building structure materials, landscaping, new computer installation, furniture, banking equipment, security equipment, and the amortization schedules for assets. Coordinated computer upgrade, security system upgrade, and move to new location.

Security and Compliance Officer.
Ensured compliance with all federal government rules and regulations and instituted compliance procedures as new electronic products and services became available. Performed internal audit functions and worked with external auditors and examiners. Improved NCUA CAMEL rating from 2 to 1 for five consecutive years. Assisted federal examiners and Supervisory Auditors for internal reviews that involved the FACT (Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions) act, privacy of consumer information, and other compliance issues; gathered preexam documentation. Participated in 9 annual exams during my tenure. Ensured employees were trained and in compliance with all of these and provided follow up action for audit/exam areas of recommendation.

Prepared Financials and Board Reports.
End of Year report filing to regulatory agencies and other internal reports. Prepared monthly financials (P&L) for board report, monthly board package, Annual Meeting financial report, credit committee report, supervisory committee report, and annual election of board and credit committee reports. Coordinated annual meeting including reports, food, elections, door prizes, and minutes for all committee/board meetings.

Oral Communication and Public Speaking.
Presided over all Board meetings, presented updates and briefings, facilitated discussion on business before the Board, acted as parliamentarian, and made formal and informal presentations in an official capacity. Addressed groups of up to 50 to convey member services and grow membership.

Key Accomplishments:

Increased assets from $2 million to $10 million, creating full-service financial institution.

Successfully designed and executed build-out of new location.

Facilitated major technology upgrades, including upgraded IBM AS400, all PCs, software configuration, assisted with installation of hardware, coordinated with Phone Company for IP addresses and installation of phone system, and new system training for employees.

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