Unbelievable (11 page)

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Authors: Lori Foster

BOOK: Unbelievable
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or a simple occasion could change everything. Brandi left her bedroom feeling much more in charge, sure of herself and her intentions. Now dressed in the long, button-down denim skirt she wore yesterday, slip-on flats and a light cotton shirt, her hair brushed and her face washed, she was ready to face him again.

She was still shy about following through on her new plans; they kept changing on her, expanding, growing more exciting. But she was also anxious to get started.

She found Sebastian standing in front of the living-room window, looking out at the storm. He’d pulled on jeans and a white T-shirt, but that was all. His bare feet looked as strong and sturdy as the rest of him. His dark, damp hair had only been finger combed. She liked the look. She liked him.

He’d started a fire and the cabin no longer felt chilly. It seemed perfect to her, to be alone with him this way, on this particular rainy day, closed inside together, safe and warm and isolated from the rest of the world.

Brandi walked up behind him, and when he started to turn, she placed her hand on the solid muscles of his back. “Wait,” she said.

He went perfectly still, just as she’d known he would.

The sense of power gave her a forbidden thrill. She smoothed her open palm over the massive expanse of his shoulders. He was such a big man, she marveled.

He was also a gentle, sensual man, and he thought she was beautiful.

“I have a few things I want to say to you, Sebastian, and it’s easier if you’re not looking at me.”

He relaxed, shoving his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. “Shoot. I’m listening.”

She drew a deep calming breath, then let it out slowly. “What you did for me this morning in the bathroom? I liked it very much. Thank you.”

He turned his head a little toward her, then caught himself and faced the window again. “That was my pleasure. Any time you want to do it again, just say so.”

“I intend to, but we’ll get to that in a minute.” She saw his shoulders tighten, heard him make a rough sound of surprise. She smiled to herself. “I feel a little
silly, so bear with me, okay? And don’t interrupt,” she added when he started to do just that. Brandi knew he’d intended to chastise her for feeling silly, but she couldn’t help how she felt, and she wanted him to know. For some reason, sharing her thoughts and feelings with him had become important to her.

“I’ve been thinking about all this a lot. And since you’ve convinced me you really do want me, I’ve decided to make the most of this vacation package. It’s never been so easy for me to talk to anyone. But with you, it’s like I’m finally free again.”

“I’m glad.”

She heard the tenderness in his tone, and wrapped her arms around him from behind, pressing her cheek into his shoulder blade. She barely reached his shoulders, even when he was barefoot. But his size no longer intimidated her as it had earlier. Now it intrigued her. He was big and hard and he wanted her.

Pressing a kiss to his flesh, she tried to absorb all the ways he appealed to her. He felt so warm and smelled so good. She loved his scent. Without thought, she opened her mouth and lightly bit him. He sucked in his breath, but didn’t move. “Will you take your shirt off for me?”

He did, stripping it quickly over his shoulders and tossing it onto the floor. He made no move to turn toward her, but every muscle in his body was now clearly defined.

“Since it’s raining, we can’t really go out today. And I don’t want to anyway. I’d much rather stay here and get acquainted with your incredible body and the wonderful way you make me feel.”

“Do you realize you’re killing me, honey?”

She chuckled, feeling her cheeks warm and her confidence soar. “I know that means you’re aroused. And I’m glad.” She began touching him again, loving the hot silk of his taut skin, the firm muscles of his shoulders and lower back. “I’d like to do everything, Sebastian, but I don’t think I can. At least not yet. But what you said about…about the bed…”

There was a moment of silence, then he swallowed hard and said, “You want to tie me down?”

His voice was almost breathless, holding a mixture of dread and anticipation. Brandi slid her hand around to his hard abdomen and heard him let out a soft hiss. His stomach muscles were ridged, lightly covered by crisp curls that led from his navel down.

“Yes,” she whispered, “I’d like to do that. But in a little bit. Right now, I like this. I like touching you without you looking at me. I can see every inch of you, but I’m not embarrassed, not with you turned away.

“I can’t be with you in the dark,” she continued. “It frightens me. I don’t mind admitting that now. When the men raped me, it was so very dark. It took a long time for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, but the panic made it even more difficult. They seemed to be everywhere, and I couldn’t tell where I’d be grabbed or groped next. I didn’t know what part of my body to try to protect.”

“Babe, don’t.”

It was the only time he’d ever asked her to stop, and she knew it wasn’t the words he wanted to end, because Sebastian let her talk. Somehow he knew that talking about it made it easier for her. She wondered now if
someone had been attentive, had listened as closely as he did, if she might have gotten on with her life sooner.

But it wasn’t the talk, it was the touch that Sebastian protested. Brandi had dipped her hand down until she felt the long solid swell of his erection under his fly. As she spoke, she stroked him, her fingers dragging up and down the rigid length of him. Sebastian was obviously uncomfortable with the mix.

“This is my time, remember? I want to touch while I talk because feeling you, knowing your body, makes the rest seem unreal and unimportant. That’s strange, I know, but I’d always associated this with pain and fear. But with you, touching and knowing your body is just…exhilarating.”

He tipped his head back on his shoulders and made an attempt to relax. Brandi stepped closer until her thighs were pressed to the back of his. His legs were so much longer, so much stronger than her own, and for now, she thrilled in the differences. His hands were still in his pockets and she said, “Put your hands up behind your head. I want to touch you everywhere.”

He groaned, but did as she asked, slowly, like a man being sent to the gallows. Brandi gave him time to get positioned, then she looked him over.

“You’re such a beautiful man, Sebastian. So big and hard and powerful.”

As she stroked him, her palms finding his taut buttocks, the steel of his upper thighs, his throbbing arousal, she said, “Do you know what I’d really like?”

“Tell me.”

“I’d like to give you pleasure.”

His knees locked. “You are, babe. You are.”

“No, I mean,
pleasure.” This was even more embarrassing than she’d imagined, because now she’d have to face him. But first… She unbuttoned the top of his fly.


Her name sounded like a warning, but she ignored it. The sound of his zipper rasping down joined the rasp of his harsh breathing. “Tell me if I hurt you.”

Another rough groan was her only answer. She felt the power of him through his briefs, then slipped her hand inside the elastic waistband and touched him. Startled, she whispered, “You feel like hot velvet. But alive, and so hard.”

The entire line of his tall body went taut. His hands knotted together at his neck, his elbows pulled forward as if straining against imaginary bonds.

Brandi closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of him. Her fingers curled around his swollen length, sliding and exploring. Her arms were stretched around him, her body flush against the back of his. Her fingers found the tip of his erection and discovered a spot of moisture. It surprised her, and at the same time gave her stomach an instinctive little curl of pleasure. “Sebastian?”

“Brandi, I can’t take much more.”

In the face of his need, her embarrassment evaporated. Not looking at him had made this easier, but now she wanted to see his eyes, to judge his reactions, to see him wanting her.

Moving in front of him, she kept her gaze lowered to where her hands touched him, working up the nerve to meet his gaze. Sebastian immediately dipped his head and
pressed his cheek to hers, but his arms remained behind his neck. “I want to touch you, too, Brandi. Please.”

“I…I’d like that. I really would.” She buried her face against his broad, comforting chest.

“You said you wanted to give me pleasure. That would surely do it. I’d die to touch you right now.”

She whispered, “I’m very afraid of disappointing you and myself.”

“I won’t let that happen, I swear. Trust me.”

She did trust him, but trust had nothing to do with it. Right now it was safe because she knew he’d respect her wishes. But if they removed all boundaries, what might happen? The fact of her body and her fears was all encompassing, taking over other considerations regardless of how she wished it to be.

Slowly, not startling her at all, Sebastian lowered his arms until his hands clasped her wrists. He pulled her hands away from her fascinated study of his erection and put them on his waist. “Okay?”

Brandi nodded. She did feel okay. A little off balance, but okay.

“I’m going to kiss you now.”

Brandi knew it wouldn’t be a shy or gentle kiss; that’s why he’d warned her. But at the moment, she didn’t want shy or gentle. She wanted all his greed, all his desire. She only hoped she could accept what he gave. She drew herself up straight and determination filled her.

Turning up her face, she looked into his beautiful green eyes and said, “I’m going to kiss you back.”

Sebastian grinned, but as he very slowly lowered his head to hers, the grin faded. He covered her mouth with
his own and Brandi didn’t have room in her swirling mix of emotions for fear. His mouth was hot and damp and it ate at hers, pulling in her tongue to gently suck on it, then giving her his, stroking over her teeth, teasing and enticing. He nipped her bottom lip and then slanted his head for better access and made love to her mouth.

Through it all, he held back, careful not to loom over her, making certain not to threaten her in any way. His mouth was devouring, but his hands were gentle, merely holding her, not pulling her closer, making no demands.

When she leaned fully into him, her arms around his neck, her body subtly urging against his, he pulled far enough away to say, “Come to the kitchen with me.”

A nervous giggle escaped her. “Don’t you mean the bedroom?”

“No. The bedroom seems too blatant to start, though we’ll eventually get there. I want to make love to you so damn bad. But I’d rather start safe. This means too much to me to screw it up.”

“And the kitchen is safe?”

He nodded. “Will you come with me? Will you trust me?”

She really had no choice. Her body pulsed with wanting him and the thought of stopping now made her ache with dissatisfaction. The fear was still there, but it wasn’t as strong as the wanting. “All right.”

Sebastian took her hand and led the way. Once in the room, he went to the small round kitchen table and pulled out a chair. Brandi started to sit, but he stopped her. “The chair is for me.” He caught her around the waist and lifted her to the edge of the table, facing his chair. “I want you here.”

Brandi blushed. When he took his chair, the position put him below her, which she felt certain had been his intent. But it also put him between her legs with her long skirt stretched tight between them. His hands rested on the tops of her thighs and his eyes were even with her breasts. He took advantage of the view, his gaze seemingly glued to that particular spot.

“Is this okay?”

Painfully aware that she’d not put on a bra, Brandi nodded. Already she could feel her breasts tightening, her nipples growing stiff, pushing against the fabric of her blouse.

Sebastian muttered something low, then licked his dry lips. “If you don’t like this, tell me.”

That was all the warning she got before he leaned forward and his hot mouth closed around the tip of one breast, completely enveloping her swollen nipple.

Her breath came in with a whoosh, but with Sebastian situated so much lower than she and his hands idle on her thighs, she didn’t in any way feel overpowered by him. She did feel protectively surrounded by him, though.

Twining her fingers in the silkiness of his dark hair, she closed her eyes and relished the feel of his tugging mouth. Even through her cotton shirt, the stroke of his tongue was exquisite torture.

He switched breasts, tantalizing the other nipple while lifting a hand to the abandoned breast. His fingertips found the damp material of her shirt, smoothing it over and around the nipple, as if to soothe it. The dual assault was more than she could take, and she instinctively started to lie back.

Sebastian’s other hand supported her spine, keeping her upright. Brandi whimpered.

“Easy, sweetheart.”

His voice was a deep rumble, barely heard through the sound of her own heartbeat thundering in her ears. He nipped the tip of her breast, much like he’d done to her mouth, and Brandi felt the small sting all the way to her womb. Her fingers tightened in his hair. “Sebastian…”

She had no idea what she wanted, only that she needed something. He stood, but kept space between them.

“Let’s unbutton this skirt a little, okay, sweetheart?”

The possibility of just such a scenario had entered her mind when she’d chosen the skirt. It hung almost to her ankles, but her legs were bare beneath. She’d pulled it on, thinking how convenient it would be to adjust to his greedy hands, and now the fantasy would be a reality. Brandi slipped her feet out of her flats and nodded.

Sebastian had a way of doing things that made them seem so natural and right. He didn’t leer at her, didn’t start caressing her. He merely unbuttoned the bottom button, down by the hem, then gave her a moment to change her mind.

She remained quiet, waiting, and after a second, he slipped another button free. All his attention was on his hands and her skirt, so Brandi could watch him freely, without him detecting her bright blush or the anxious fluttering of her pulse.

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