Unbound (21 page)

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Authors: Cat Miller

BOOK: Unbound
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Cayden’s head snapped up and he glared at Samantha.

“I’ll keep her busy. You keep your bloodhounds away from her. I’ll do my part, but don’t blame me if you can’t do yours. Chase is not going to give up easily, and he won’t wanna be with you until he’s forced to by a blood bond.”

“The truth may hurt Sam, but that doesn’t make it any less true.” Sam looked at him as if he had just slapped her.

Just then, Chase came off the elevator with a sleepy looking redhead under his arm. He froze when Samantha came into view. He whispered something to the girl and she left on wobbly legs. “What are you doing here, Sam?”

“Hello, Darling. I’m here for our lunch date. Daddy has been waiting so we should get a move on.” She turned and wagged her ass all the way out to the car.

“What is she up to, Cayden?”

“Looks like you two are going to be spending some quality time together planning the gala. Congrats!” Cayden slapped him on the back in sympathy on the way to the car.

When they arrived at the country club, Griffin had to make the rounds at the bar, socializing and rubbing elbows before taking his seat. Today he insisted Chase go with him to watch and learn. This gave Samantha more time to drive home the fact that Chase was being groomed for the
and prepared to be bonded. Over lunch, they discussed plans for the gala and planned for Chase to come over and meet with Samantha frequently for the next several weeks in preparation. They would be attending several meetings with vendors to assure a smooth-running event. Chase knew this was an attempt by Samantha and their respective parents to kindle a romance between them. He was thinking Brandi was looking better and better every day. After lunch, Samantha was pissed when her father dismissed her so the men could talk. The guys relayed everything they knew about Danielle and the attempted kidnapping.

“We haven’t found Nathan yet, but Vince won’t give up. He feels responsible. He does all the hiring and this guy made it past him.” Chase decided not to admit to knowing her last name. He found it odd that Griffin would not know a member of his family was attending college so close to his home. There can’t be any relation but sitting across the table from Griffin the resemblance between him and Danielle was striking. It was hard to dismiss it when they even had the same hair, the same chestnut color, and the same streaks that looked like purposely placed snow colored highlights.

“I think I should meet this girl. I
f she’s all you boys say she is
we may need to contact her family and place her under our protection until we get this mess sorted out. If her talents were to fall into the wrong hands it would be disastrous.” Both the boys stiffened at this comment. “Do either of you have a number for her? Cayden, maybe you can go pick her up and bring her over? I’ll be home all evening.”

Chase spoke up quickly, “No. I will go get her, Mr. Vaughn. She’s a friend of mine,” he wheedled.

“Really? I was given the impression, by Samantha, the girl wasn’t speaking to you and that I should go through Cayden to reach her.” Griffin turned.

“Are you friends with the girl also, Cayden?”

es, sir,
I know just where to find her.” Cayden beamed and was now thanking his lucky stars for Samantha. He knew Chase was cursing her with a fierce fury for interfering.

“I would be more than happy to speak with her, Mr. Vaughn. I’m sure she’ll cooperate,” Cayden assured Griffin.

Chase was now banking on the fact that once Griffin met Danielle he would want her protected. He had the advantage in this situation.

“Mr. Vaughn, I live five minutes from the university. I would be glad to put her up in my spare bedroom if she needs protection. It would be convenient for her to get to school. I have the space and security in the lobby of my building. You still live at home, about thirty minutes from the university, right Cayden?”

“Yes, that’s correct.” Cayden tried to control his scowl as he answered.

“I will speak with the girl and decide if protection is in order. We’ll speak again after I decide where she will be safest, if protection is called for.” Griffin was beginning to sense tension between the young vampire males. He couldn’t wait to meet the girl that had everyone so worked up. She must be a beauty.

The two young males were now jockeying for position. They didn’t speak to each other directly the rest of the afternoon, and Samantha sat back to enjoy the fruit of her labor. Chase would not want to spend so much time with his party animal of a friend when he stepped in to sweep away Chase’s new toy. She would get rid of Cayden and Danielle in one shot.


* * *

Cayden didn’t bother to say goodbye to Chase when they were dropped off in front of his building. Chase had spent the afternoon reminding Cayden of his authority and social standing. When the driver opened the door for him, he bowed his head respectfully to Mr. Vaughn and exited the vehicle in search of a fight. That could be hard to find. His size alone made most people stay out of his way. He was six and a half feet of hewn muscle that screamed menace. Cayden Paris came from a long line of warrior class vampires. They were the strongest of their species and took great honor in protecting their community and families. So, Cayden had an inborn temper and an aggressive streak that just wouldn’t quit. His father, Gage Paris, was the commander of the warrior class, who reported directly to the
. By all rights, Cayden should be well on his way to following in his father’s footsteps. Until now, he had had no interest in becoming a warrior. It was a source of disappointment for his father. Of course, Cayden had plenty of training. He’d been wrestling and sparring with his father pretty much since birth. He was deadly with a gun, and as accurate as any warrior with a blade, but hand-to-hand combat gave him the most pleasure. He enjoyed making others submit to his strength.

Right now he was pissed off and ready to break someone’s face. Stalking off to his car, he decided to pay his father a visit. Maybe he could work out some aggression at the compound. Samantha should have left him alone. He was used to the way things are. Chase was from a ruling house and Cayden never had a problem dealing with his dominate nature. It had always been that way. They grew up together. Gage, Griffin and Chase’s father were good friends so their families mingled often. Cayden was comfortable in the knowledge of his lower-class status. It never mattered as long as Cayden wasn’t eyeing something or someone Chase wanted. Now, all he could think of was Danielle. He realized that Sam had been playing a head game with him in order to secure her own happiness, but she made some valid points. There was no reason he shouldn’t be able to pursue Danielle. Chase would do nothing but break her heart in the end. She would be nothing but a memory once he was bound to Sam. The one good thing about being lower class was he would bond to someone for love, not out of obligation or duty to his house.

His father was in a meeting when he arrived, so Cayden went to the locker room and changed. There was no shortage of warriors willing to spar, so Cayden made himself busy getting bloody knuckles and working out his pent up rage. He’d need to be calm when he went to see Danielle. His father’s satisfied look of pride when he left the ring was worth the world to Cayden. He didn’t like disappointing his father. Today would be the end of his resistance. Cayden would join the warriors and make his father proud. The thought of having purpose made him feel oddly settled. His life would be about more than just the next party or night out on the town. Cayden would make himself worthy of his family name. He would be worthy of Danielle, and he’d make it his job to protect her. He would use his father’s authority to be assigned to her detail and personally assure her safety. Chase would use his father’s influence to get Dani under his roof. Cayden had to use his father’s sway to make sure he wo
uld be right there beside her, n
o matter where she ended up in the end.

“Dad, we need to talk. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching lately. I need to start thinking about the future and what I’m going to do with my life. I’m ready to join your ranks, if you’ll still have me. I hope you can forgive me for my hesitation in the past, but I wanted to be sure I was ready for the commitment. I am now, Dad. It would be an honor to serve you and our people.” Cayden spoke to his father from the heart. Every warrior in sight stopped and watched father and son staring at each other.

Gage’s always-stern face never changed during Cayden’s brief speech. He seemed to be measuring his son’s sincerity. Finally, after several long moments, the smile that cracked his face stunned the crowd of onlookers.

“Welcome to your new family, son. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say, it’s about damn time.”  Gage wrapped his son in a manly embrace and pounded on his back. The silence in the room broke into hoots of approval.


* * *

Chase knew Griffin would want his Lovely protected after he met her and observed her talents for himself. If the stories were to be believed, it was dangerous for Danielle to be out there alone. Someone was on the hunt for powerful young vamps, and Danielle had spelled out some of her abilities for the hunter. He couldn’t stand the thought of her coming to such a brutal end. He’d protect her at all cost. The problem was going to be Samantha. Would Griffin place Danielle in his care if Samantha disagreed with the arrangement? Chase needed to speak with his father about the situation. He didn’t want to be with Samantha and didn’t want his life ruled as if he were already bonded to her. There had to be another way.

He continued to prepare the spacious spare bedroom in his condo, refusing to accept any possibility of her not coming to stay in his home. He’d ordered new linens and towels, along with a plush bathrobe. He wanted her to be comfortable and his taste tended to run toward a manlier, darker color scheme. He selected the new bedding with the image of her soft skin laid against it. The deep peach and ivory would be warming against her alabaster shade of heaven. With his eyes closed, he could clearly imagine the soft curves of her body sleeping peacefully, wrapped in the warmth of his protection. He imagined her scent filling his home the way it had filled his bedroom when she had slept there. Yes, this was going to be perfect. She was angry with him now, but once she spent some time with him, she would realize how much he cared for her. She would see how sincere his intentions have been from the beginning. Chase would do whatever it took to get her in his arms again.


* * *

Charlie woke to the sound of his door slamming. He was covered with only the blanket Dani laid over him before she left earlier that morning. He was confused and felt like something was missing. What was he missing? He sat up to see Steve standing in the middle of the room holding a pair of black high heels and a little black dress. He looked even more confused than Charlie did.

“Whose clothes are these because you’re the only one here, brother?” Then Steve remembered why they looked familiar.

“Danielle!” They blurted in unison.

Steve was in shock that she had spent the night in their room with Charlie. Charlie realized with a start what he was missing. He jumped out of bed naked and went to search the bathroom himself. She wasn’t there, and Steve was unhappy to see Charlie in the flesh.

hell man, can you put some damn clothes on?” Steve turned his eyes away.

“Did you take my sweat suit? I just washed it and it’s not here.” Charlie yanked his drawers open.

“Well, I hope you don’t think she walked out of here naked.” Steve was still holding her dress. Charlie snatched it from him and put it on his bed. “You might wanna get her pant
ies from the bathroom floor too,
” Steve reminded with a smirk.

“I can’t believe I fell asleep. It’s eleven o’clock. She has to have been gone for hours. I gotta go find her.” Charlie had the rational fear that it had all been a dream and he would wake up at any moment.

“Dude, you’re still naked. Can you please get yourself together? I can’t believe you talked her into bed either, but that’s no reason to go postal.” Steve mocked.

Charlie pulled on another sweat suit and his shoes, not bothering with boxers or socks. With her heels and the little black, dress in hand, he tore across the courtyard in search of Dani. The words she said before they went to his room rang like cannon fire in his head.

“I can’t promise you tomorrow.”

At the time, he could handle that, but the whole world had changed in his eyes since then and now he needed tomorrow. He wanted all of her tomorrows and was going to do what he had to do in order to earn them. He banged on her door until Olivia answered with a disgruntled scowl. Without stopping for an invitation he brushed past her and dropped Dani’s things at the end of her bed. Charlie took a relieved breath at the sight of someone curled up on Dani’s bed. He pulled the blanket from the sleeping girl’s head but it was Lindsay.

“Where’s Dani?” he demanded as he searched the bathroom.

“I assumed she was with you. She never made it home.” Olivia was now imagining a replay of last weekend. “Maybe she went home again.”

“Would she do that without taking anything with her? No cell charger, laptop, or even clothes?” he asked, noticing that everything was in its usual place. He could see her charger and laptop plugged in on her desk.

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