Unbound (36 page)

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Authors: Cat Miller

BOOK: Unbound
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Chase was doing his best to keep the peace, but while he was arguing with Sam, his mind kept returning to Danielle. She had seemed so happy over breakfast. Damn Sam for ruining their oasis again. Lovely had said things to Sam that were hurtful and true, but he knew it had also hurt her. Lovely was living with the pain of his situation just as he was. He could hear the anguish in her voice and sensed her hurt at having to stand by and watch this bonding happen. No matter how hard she tried to push him away, he knew she loved him. No matter how many other guys she used to fill her time, he was the one she wanted. His suffering would end. Hers would continue. At least until she found a mate of her own.


* * *

Okay, that was harsh. Dani didn’t know what had come over her, but that bitch needed to hear the truth. She should just gather her stuff and go back to campus. It wouldn’t be long before Sam cried to her devoted Daddy. He would put her out of there soon, anyway.

Hell no! She wouldn’t leave! She’d stay there until they dragged her out, just to spite nightmare Barbie. She was so pissed at the world. She felt... she felt like she needed to feed. Anger made her hungry. That’s what she’d do. She’d take her chances and leave alone. Who was going to notice anyway? She could pull her hair up or put on a hat to hide her hair. Chase and Sam were too busy fighting in his room to notice her leaving. Dani left a note on her bed

it read.

Looking at herself in the gleaming elevator wall, she was sure she could get out unrecognized, as long as Cayden didn’t catch her. She’d found a skullcap in Chase’s coat closet. Once she pulled the front of her hair back in a barrette and added the hat her streaks disappeared.  The trendy and slightly too big sunglasses covered her eyes and she wore a plain gray sweat suit. She wasn’t a complete idiot so she tucked the blade Gage had given her into a sock, just in case. She had her cell phone on her but turned it off. Exiting the elevator, she saw Cayden coming toward her, juggling coffee and donuts. Quickly, she turned and ducked into the lobby ladies room. She couldn’t help but laugh when she thought of the hell Cayden was going to raise when he realized she was gone. As soon as the doors closed on Cayden, she scurried out without drawing attention. Dani wanted to wander the streets like a normal person and find some blood like a normal vampire, alone.

It was a beautiful fall day and the streets were busy. She wandered around the town ducking in and out of stores and taking in some daylight by the park, before ending up in a big bookstore with the big puffy chairs and quiet corners for reading. Her standard café mocha from the coffee joint made her think of mornings on campus, browsing the racks. Funny enough she found herself in the section filled with vampire novels and books about fairies and werewolves. Paging through a random book, she felt eyes on her. Trying not to be obvious, she returned the book, moving to get another and turned slightly, trying to get a feel for her surroundings. There was a man watching her from a nearby chair. She’d just turned down the next aisle when he approached. He was older and very attractive.

He reminded her of Dr. McSteamy, only a little younger. He had tawny hair and blue eyes. Normally she would have dismissed him as an older guy looking to take advantage of her naivety, but today she was hungry. No time like the present to learn how to be a black-eyed freak.

“Do you like vampires?” he asked teasingly.

“Why yes I do. I’m dating one and another one is in love with me. I’m quite in demand with the vamp population.” This truth-telling thing was fun. That was probably the second worst move she’d made that day and it was only noon.

The guy looked at her wide-eyed for a second until she cracked a grin, and he laughed. “You’re funny and beautiful. Seriously, what are you looking for? Maybe I can help.”

“Let me see what you’re reading.” She took his book and was surprised to see Anne Rice’s, The Vampire Lestat.  That was too funny. “Maybe I’ll buy this one.”

“I actually have an extra copy at my place. I live just around the corner if you would like to borrow it.” He gave her a suggestive half smile. Could it really be this easy? She didn’t even have to enthrall him to leave with her. Sweet!

“Alright, I’m game if you don’t mind. I promise to return it. I’m Dani,” she said, shaking his hand.

“I’m Danny, too.” He winked. “You can call me Dan or Daniel if you prefer. I’ll be expecting a review when you return the book to me, Ms. Dani. Maybe over dinner you can give me your opinion?” he flirted on the way out to the busy sidewalk.

Dani touched his arm on the way and scanned his mind for bad intention. All his intentions were of a sexual nature but no more than that. He lived in a nice brownstone across from the park.  Inside, they went to his study where, damn if there weren’t medical school diplomas hanging on the wall. She knew he was related to Dr. McSteamy. He had a library full of books and went right to the one he was after bringing it back to her and standing way too close for comfort. “So do you date vampires exclusively or would you be willing to give a plain old human a chance?”

Starting to feel uncomfortable, she tried to joke, “If you can get the job done. Maybe I need to see what you have to offer.” That was just what he wanted to hear. He led her happily to his big leather sofa and pulled her down on top of him. Shit, this really was easy. She let him touch her. She touched him and nuzzled the crook of his neck trying to find the right spot.

“Just relax, Dan. I will do all the work.” He moaned when she found the spot with her tongue.  It was torture feeling his pulse tick against her tongue. Her fangs extended painfully. The experience turned to an instantly delicious and sensual high when those teeth sunk into his succulent vein. He sucked in a sharp breath and clutched wildly at her waist. Then he went limp beneath her and moaned in ecstasy. He begged her not to stop and ground his hard length against her belly while she lapped at him. She had to remind herself not to listen to his hot pleading for more. They both wanted more.


Feeling energized and in better spirits, Dani strolled down the street. The blood seemed to be revitalizing her in a big way. They’d been bringing her bags of blood that she drank like juice boxes. It helped the healing but fresh blood was a different experience. Fresh blood was warm and deliciously like thick hot chocolate. It filled you with a feeling of sated warmth. Dr. McSteamy may become a regular donor.

The busy streets were full of shoppers and milling pedestrians. After several long hours out, she figured checking for messages was in order. There were fifteen messages and as many texts. She didn’t bothe
r to check them, opting to text
Cayden to let him know all was well and she’d be home when she cooled down. He tried to call her immediately. Turning the phone off really was the best idea. Enjoying her day out alone was an even better idea and she wasn’t ready for it to end yet. It was a beautifully cool, sunny day. She couldn’t bring herself to go inside and hide from the world just yet. Being stuck in the penthouse between Chase and Cayden was constantly taxing and after Charlie’s departure last night and Sam’s appearance this morning, she just couldn’t take it.

She often wondered what would have happened between her and Chase if he hadn’t been engaged. His magnetism pulled on her constantly and she feared the love she struggled to ignore would eventually take her over. Being around him was becoming way too comfortable as time passed. She was so at ease that morning over breakfast and the newspaper. She wanted to dislike him the way she pretended to. She’d fought the move to his home to no avail. Even her mom had pushed her to go. They needed to find the evil hunting them so she could get back to school and everyone else could return to their normal lives. Cayden would be assigned to something or someone else and Chase would be happy with his beautiful new bride. She would go back to school and study psychology. That idea had crept
in when she was erasing Dr. Mc
Steamy’s memory. She wondered if he had a private practice or if he worked at the hospital. If she became a therapist, it would be a convenient way to get blood. Patients would come to her regularly.

Her thoughts wound their way back around to Cayden. She got deeper and deeper with him every day but the fear of what was going to happen when the truth came out kept her from really letting it happen. Would he still want her knowing she was half-human or would her tainted blood make him forget the person he professed to be falling in love with?

The sweetest little face
peering miserably ou
t of the window of a dress shop
brought her attention back to the street and she stopped. It was JR, her little brother. The thought of that was funny, never having imagined she’d have a sibling. He saw her and came running.

“Danielle!” he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around her waist and hugging her like it was a natural thing he did every day.

“Hey, JR, w
hat have you been up to?” she tousled his hair.

“I heard you got hurt. I’m so glad to see you. Dad said you weren’t ready for visitors yet.” He smiled up at her and she flinched at the word ‘Dad’. “Mom and Mrs. Deidrick are trying on dresses for the gala and I’m bored out of my mind. Are you coming to the gala?” he questioned unhappily.

“Are you going to be there?” Dani was distracted, pondering going in to meet Chase’s mother.

“I have to go and I have to wear a stupid tuxedo and everything,” he huffed.

“If you think maybe you could save a dance for me I would love to come,” she cajoled.

“I can do that,
” he blushed. “I’m not a very good dancer though.”

“Good, I’m not either. We can dance badly together.” Taking his hand she spun him around like they were dancing and he laughed, pink-cheeked. She was curtsying to him wh
en his mom came to the door
in a temper. Sarah was lovely in a floor-length lavender gown that clung to her in all the right places. It felt like a betrayal to her mother to admire her.

“JR, I asked you to stay inside while I’m in the dressing room.” She stopped when she noticed Dani standing there in mid curtsy. “Danielle, how are you? Griffin told me your injuries were still mending. We are all very proud of you for your bravery dear, but I hope you’ll leave the dangerous missions up to the men in the future.”

Dani grasped the warrior charm hanging from her necklace and scowled. “Yes ma’am. The next time I’ll just let them take the kid without a fight. I guess it isn’t my problem if someone else goes home dead. I’ll just run and hide behind the men.” She couldn’t believe how old fashion and ridiculous their society was. She’d be damned if she was gonna turn tail and run because she didn’t happen to have a penis.

“Oh now, don’t get upset,” she condescended, patting Dani on the shoulder. “Why don’t you come in and meet Mrs. Deidrick? She and I were talking about how gracious it is of Chase to give you a safe haven in his home.” She tugged Dani toward the door of the dress shop and JR bounced in beside her. Mrs. Deidrick was coming out of a dressing room. At f
irst Dani thought
she was a girl due to her petite stature. Chase’s mom was a beautiful brunette with hazel eyes. She wore a red strapless gown with a slit up the side. The woman was only about 5”2’, but she was lean and muscular. Her daily workouts were evident.

“What do you think of this one Sarah?” she asked their reflection in the mirror and turned to address them directly when she saw Sarah wasn’t alone. “Who is this lovely girl?” Dani blushed at her use of the word that was Chase’s favorite nickname for her. Lovely.

“This is Danielle Scott. Danielle, I’d like to introduce you to Debbie Deidrick.” She did this annoying Vanna White gesture like she was presenting a gift, or a consonant.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Deidrick.” Debbie stepped forward and shook Dani’s hand firmly.

“Your son has been very kind to me since the day I met him. It’s rare to meet such a gentleman these days.” Dani informed her.

“Please, call me Debbie,” She smiled and her eyebrows knit together. “Are we talking about the same Chase? My son, Chase Deidrick, is a gentleman?”

“Yes Ma’am. He’s very kind to me. Just this morning he made me a big breakfast to cheer me up. He said he used to love to cook with you. He holds every door I walk through and pulls out every chair for me. He even had new bedding and towels ordered for me because he didn’t think I would like his masculine décor.”

Damn. She shouldn’t have said that in front of Sarah. Between her and her daughter she’d be out on her ass before she could say, ‘your daughter is a crazy bitch.’ Dani didn’t miss the look the two women gave each other.

“I see,” Changing the subject, Debbie, said, “Danielle, are you going to the gala?”

“Yes, and she promised me a dance,” JR spoke up at her side.

“At least one dance but I’m hoping for a couple of dances. Is your dance card already full?” she mussed his hair again,

“No, we can dance all you want to.” He blushed again. Dani really felt something for this boy. It could be because she knew he was her brother but she didn’t think so. He had something special inside him and Dani hoped for a chance to know him better.

“You’re obviously as powerful as everyone says you are, Ms. Scott. You have my son behaving like a gentleman and JR excited to go to the gala. It’s a miracle!” Debbie came to hug her warmly. Sarah’s expression accused Debbie of trading sides. “What are you wearing to the gala?”

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