Unbroken (42 page)

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Authors: Jasmine Carolina

BOOK: Unbroken
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I feel close to her, and I feel even closer to Colin because of how similar our situations are. Just a few months ago, the day after prom, we were sitting in this exact hospital, waiting to hear about Nickayla, who’d been directly hit by a drunk driver. We were all Colin’s strength then, and they were all mine, while I waited on news about Brody.

It’s because of them being here for me that I started championing for Brody to tell Nickayla about his adolescent years. I demanded that he tell her every gory detail, even if it was hard for me to hear.

So once they returned to the hospital after taking Cason and Dalis home, I made sure Brody made it his first order of business to tell her.

Understandably, she was upset to know that for years, she’d been in the dark. I could even understand her feelings of betrayal when she found out her mother knew what was going on with Brody all this time and neither of them thought to keep her informed or in the loop. She was upset, and she was angry, but once Brody broke down and explained why he kept her in the dark, she understood his reasoning.

She’s his best friend. I see that. They have the most beautiful connection, and if Colin or I weren’t in the picture, I’d say they’re perfect for each other. The way they interact, though, it’s like they’re two of the same person. They act exactly alike.

“So,” Brody says, glancing at my hand. “Sabrina and I were wondering if you wouldn’t mind sticking around for another week or so.”

Nickayla takes his spare hand, nodding. “Of course, B. We were going to stay anyway, but if you need us, we wouldn’t mind postponing our move a few more days.”

He nods at me, and I grin.

“Um, we wanted you both to stay because Brody and I are getting married.”

Nic raises her eyebrows, a smile lighting up her entire face. “When?!”

I avert my gaze, feeling shy. “Next weekend?” Her eyes widen, and I give her a shy smile. “I know it’s soon. But…we’re in love. Insanely in love. And we want to get married as soon as possible.”

I feel bad, a bit, like I’m stealing Nickayla’s thunder. She and Colin got engaged on prom night, and they’ve got plans to marry within the next two years. Not that our love diminishes theirs or vice versa, but I don’t want them to think that we got engaged, or are getting married before them because this is some kind of race. Because it’s not.

“Of course we’ll stay for your wedding! You guys! This is fantastic news!” Nickayla squeals, wrapping me in a hug. “I can’t believe this! Let me see the ring!”

I extend my left hand for her to see, and the minute she lays eyes on the ring, they fill with tears. She shakes her head and covers her mouth with her hand. I know immediately that she recognizes it. I smile, knowing that everyone knows precisely what this ring means, besides the fact that I’m going to marry this wonderful man.

“This is Aunt Rissa’s ring,” she whispers. “Oh, Brody. I’m so proud of you. And I’m so happy for you. I’m
happy for both of you!”

Colin, ever-silent, chooses this moment to speak up.

“Whatever you need, man, we’ve got you. Congratulations, you two.”

He’s being released today.

The doctors came in shortly after Nic and Colin finally left, each on their cell phones and making arrangements for our shotgun wedding. They told us what we needed to do to ensure Brody recuperated as quickly and successfully as possible, and he brought us Brody’s discharge papers.

I am so happy to finally be going home. I haven’t been able to leave his side knowing he’s unable to go with me. But knowing that he can come home today, and we can sleep in our own bed again, that’s a hell of a relief.

We’ve been told that his physical state should improve as long as we follow the strict orders of his doctors, but his mental state is what I’ll be worrying about most. He hasn’t had any nightmares since he’s been in the hospital because he’s been drugged up the whole time. But I’m nervous about whether or not the nightmares will resurface once we’re back home and there are no medications at work. Regardless of if they resurface or not, we decided together that he’s going to see a psychologist for a while. I think he’s perfect, but I’d sleep a lot better at night if I knew guilt, shame, and self-loathing weren’t plaguing him every time he closes his eyes.

It’s going to be a Hell of a ride trying to get him to understand that what’s happened to him is far from his fault, especially when it’s been so ingrained in his mind that it
But I’m willing to work with him. And I’m damn sure willing to fight for him, just like his mother said I should.

We found out, after we received Brody’s discharge papers, that no charges will be pressed against Dalis. She did what she had to do to protect herself and her brothers, and after Brody’s retelling of what happened on my birthday, there’s no doubt in the world that they were all in danger. The world is a much better place without Andrew Durham around to hurt his children.

He’s set to be cremated, and his mother came to identify his body. There’s going to be a small service next week, and Brody and both his siblings decided they would much rather not attend. Dalis still has to live with the guilt that she took her own father’s life, and Brody, well, he was damn near killed, too. I can see why they wouldn’t want to relive any of that, when the mental scars are going to be forever etched on their souls.

Brody is sitting in a wheelchair, ready to be taken downstairs and out to the car. I’ve packed his bags for him and made sure that he had everything. Now, he’s just waiting for me to whisk him away.

“You ready?” I ask.

He nods, glancing around the hospital room. “I don’t want to see another hospital for a long,
time, Dove. Too many bad memories.” He presses a gentle kiss to my stomach and smiles. “The next memory I have in a hospital will be a good one.”

I flush, touched by the sentiment.

I understand what he means, though. My first time in a hospital was when Mom committed suicide. There was a moment—a short one—where the doctors thought they could save her. But she’d lost too much blood by then, and there was nothing they could do. And then Nickayla’s accident, and now Brody’s ordeal…yeah, I don’t want to see another hospital until it’s time for Jelly Bean to arrive.

After his initial shock, all Brody can talk about is the baby and the wedding. Hell, I don’t blame him. That’s pretty much all I can think about. I’m just glad he’s taken to the idea of fatherhood, and he’s not thinking of running away or something.

“Yeah, it will be.” I kiss his cheek and place his bag in his lap. “Let’s blow this popsicle stand, babe.”

He laughs, and I roll him out of the room.

There’s a small reception in the waiting area. Everyone who was here while I waited to see how he was doing is here, balloons, flowers, and cards in hand, and they’re cheering over the fact that he finally gets to go home.

Damn, if I only had a camera with me so I can capture his reaction to all this. He’s grinning from ear to ear, not expecting something like this to be waiting for him.

I push him to the elevator and wait for it to rise and meet us. While we wait, I hug all the nurses I’ve come to know while being here with him. I’m not going to lie, I’m going to miss them a bit. He had wonderful nurses tending to him during his stay. I’m incredibly grateful to them and all they did for him while he was here.

When the doors to the elevator open, I lead us both inside, press the button for the first floor of the hospital, and I feel like I can finally
, knowing we’re walking out of her, both of us in one piece. We ride the entire way down in complete silence, and once we’re outside of the hospital, Colin and Nikkolas—Nickayla’s twin brother—help him into the Denali without straining himself.

I close the door behind him, climbing into the driver’s seat. I turn the car on, then look at the front of the hospital.

“Good riddance,” I say.

“Ditto,” Brody agrees, turning away from the hospital as I drive off.





It’s surreal, thinking how much has changed. A year ago, I was moping over Michele. Today, I’m thinking about how it will feel to be married to the woman of my dreams.

With the wedding and the news of the baby, I made the decision to take Eddie up on his offer. By the time I’m up and back to my normal self—minus the bruises and aching ribs—Hastings will become Durham’s. I’ve hired Henry as my head mechanic, and Eddie is set to step away from the shop completely in December, as he originally planned.

Things couldn’t be better.

My future mother-in-law is standing before me, making sure that my tux fits exactly how it should, while we wait for Vanessa, the stylist Ana has hired, to come by and cut my hair.

I haven’t left the apartment since I got home from the hospital, following the doctor’s and my fiancee’s orders to take it easy so as not to strain my ribs. I thought Sabrina would stay by my side the entire week, but instead, she’s been running around with Nic and her sisters, taking care of things for the wedding. I only see her at nighttime, and early in the mornings. I honestly hope this isn’t becoming a pattern, because I miss her like crazy.

“Okay, you’re all done,” Ana says, smoothing her hands over my shoulders and taking a step back. “Now we just have to wait for Ness and you’ll be good.” She stares up at the hair on top of my head, and then takes in my growing goatee. “We have to do something about that facial hair.”

I shake my head.

The hair on my face isn’t going anywhere because my girl prefers me with scruff. “The facial hair stays. I’ll clean it up a bit, but that’s all.”

She shakes her head in a disapproving manner and I laugh. I thought Sabrina was a force to be reckoned with. Her mother is much worse when she has her mind set on something. For instance, I wasn’t planning on having my hair cut. I was going to leave it long and just…sort of cowlick it back like that one actor she likes. But Ana was having none of that, and she had Vanessa on the phone in 0.5 seconds.

“Fine. The hair stays. But Vanessa is going to be here any minute, so you need to decide what you’re doing with that mop. While you think on it, I need to ask you a few questions. Bree has requested that you pick your first dance song, since she picked the song that’ll play when she walks down the aisle. So, what’s the song?”

It doesn’t take me long to come up with my answer. I know exactly what song she’d want to dance to for the first time as husband and wife. I smile at Ana as I examine my reflection in the mirror.

Must Be Doin’ Somethin’ Right
by Billy Currington,” I say, without hesitation.

She nods, writing that down in a notebook and then looking back up at me. “How long will you two be on your honeymoon?”

I raise an eyebrow. That’s not something I thought I’d have to share. Our honeymoon isn’t anything special. We’re going on a cruise to Cabo San Lucas, courtesy of Eddie and Alice. It’s their wedding gift to us, which I’m incredibly grateful for.

I’m excited. After me almost dying and getting the news that we’re about to bring a new life into the world, I think a week away will do us more than good. We’ll get to be away from the hustle and bustle of Harlow life before everything about our lives changes forever.

“We’ll be away for a week.”

She nods, writing that down, too, and I get suspicious of what she needs to know all of this for. I don’t get the chance to ask her, though, because a knock sounds at the apartment door.

Ana steps away from me, points, and gives me strict instructions to take my tux off without wrinkling it while she gets the door.

I nod, doing as I’m told. I know by now not to argue with any of the Matteo women.

Once I’m out of my tuxedo, I make my way back into the living room. Vanessa is standing in the middle of the room, a giant bag in her hands as she waits for me to emerge.

“This is him?
is the guy who captured my Sabrina’s heart?” she asks, pointing at me. I nod slowly, unsure of how she’s going to react—and unsure of how to act around her when this is her greeting for me. “Come give Auntie Ness a hug!”

I’m reluctant to approach this woman. She’s a little weird to say the least. I just stare at her, because as of right now, she has two heads sprouting from her body. It’s not until Ana grabs my hand and spurs me into action that I even take a step toward Vanessa.

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