Uncensored Passion (Men of Passion) (15 page)

BOOK: Uncensored Passion (Men of Passion)
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Damn, she’s a woman after my own heart
! “Good to know.”

He paid the check and they left the dining area. Kayla excused herself briefly in the lobby, walking away to make a quick phone call before rejoining him at the elevator.

Once in his room, Kayla immediately kicked off her shoes. She curled comfortably on the two-seater couch while Trey watched in utter fascination.

“Now, why don't you sit down beside me and get comfortable, as well, and let’s really talk,” she suggested, patting the place next to her.

Trey sat down but was far from feeling comfortable. Having her this close, he couldn’t help but visualize her on the bed, naked and inviting. He hoped his thoughts, growing warmer by the minute as he inhaled her enticing flowery perfume, wouldn’t become an embarrassment he couldn’t hide.

“I take it you had the proverbial perfect childhood, Kayla. All the luxuries, the right schools, and so forth?”

“It wasn’t perfect by any means. But yes, I did have the opportunity for the best education. So it was probably better than a lot of others. My parents expected me to do well in school, and I did because I didn’t want to disappoint them. And actually I always strove for academic perfection for my own sake, as well, because I wanted to accomplish things and knew the proper education was the way to do that.”

Trey inwardly flinched, remembering those years when he had determinedly stayed in school, regardless of his hand-me-down clothes and the way some of the kids made fun of him in his younger years and then later, regardless of the times he had to go with his back and butt raw and sore from a beating. He had, however, managed to live through it and get that diploma that he, too, had felt was important, before he left to join the Army.

“Tell me about your parents,” he said, to cover up his own bitter memory flashes.

“They were very socially conscious and expected me to be ever aware of how my actions reflected on our good name. If I could fault them for anything, it might be their overzealous desire for me to walk a social-acceptance line. That’s hard to do when you really want to ‘run with the bulls,’ if you know what I mean. But I was a dutiful daughter.”

“I believe I read that they were killed in a car accident.”

“That’s right. Right after I graduated from university. You know, Devon, I’ve noticed that you aren’t taking notes. Do you have a photographic memory, by any chance?”

Trey silently cursed his lack of judgment and decided to add yet another lie to the pile. “Yes, I do.”

“How interesting. We share that trait and I know that, at times, it becomes a nuisance, doesn’t it?”

Add to the pile!
“So you are blessed, or maybe I should say cursed, the same way? And yes, it does sometimes.”

“From experience I know that those of us with photographic memories usually have total recall, yet in some instances not. So, tell me, do you recall every detail of practically everything said to you?”

God, it’s getting deep
. “Not really. I’ve learned to block some things out, as I’m sure you have. But I assure you I will recall your every word, Kayla,” he said it in a soft, inviting tone that he hoped said more than just those words. He held her eyes as he smiled. She returned the smile and for a minute, they didn’t speak. There was no need for words. That electric current was vibrating between them again.

Feeling drawn to her, overwhelmed by her nearness, Trey leaned toward her, his eyes holding fast on those inviting, luscious lips. Simultaneously, she leaned toward him and their lips touched, lightly at first. Then he pulled her closer, deepening the kiss, his tongue seeking hers, delving into her open and receptive mouth.

When their lips parted, he expected her to pull away, but she didn’t. He stood, pulling her up, and melded her against his rock-hard shaft wedged against her yielding body.

“I know this is unprofessional, but damn, Kayla, I want you.”

“I can tell,” she said bluntly, her green eyes alight with a mischievous gleam as her hand reached to touch him, to fondle and explore his turgid length.

“My heavens, you’re impressive.” she chuckled.

“God! You know what you’re doing to me? But I’m not sure what I’m doing to you,” he said as he kissed her again, hungrily and imploringly.

Trey could feel her trembling, with what he hoped was desire as they parted.

“You could write a very revealing story about me if I gave in to what I really wanted to do right now. You don’t write exposés, do you, Devon?”

“Story be damned! This is a private time, between the two of us and nobody else,” he assured her.

“So what happens from here on is off the record?”


Without speaking, she led him toward the bed. She began undressing him, slowly, seductively, her eyes holding his as she tossed his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it from his trousers.

Trey watched her watch him, awestruck by her intense expression. He could almost feel the heat emanating from her, and everywhere she touched his skin, he felt branded.

“You’re so gorgeous, Kayla.”

“And you’re probably the most handsome man I have ever seen. I can’t wait to see the perfect body that goes with that perfect face,” she said as she unbuckled his belt and slid it through the loops, and then tossed it to the floor. Then she unzipped his trousers and pushed them down. Her fingers hooked the elastic of his boxers and pushed them down, releasing his swollen, fully extended shaft.

“Turnabout is fair play,” he said as he began undressing her.

When they were both naked, Trey looked her up and down, shaking his head in disbelief. “Damn woman, speaking of perfect!”

He ran his hands down her body, his fingers coming back to tweak her taut nipples before lowering his mouth to taste the hardened buds. Unaware he was moaning a soft
, he lifted his seeking mouth to ravenously claim hers as he backed them both onto the bed and pushed her down.

Rolling to her side, he studied her face, delighting in the open look of raw desire he saw reflected in those green eyes.

She surprised him when she said, “Let
make love to
, Devon. Have you ever had a woman be the aggressor? “

Trey successfully pushed down the bitter memories her question brought to mind. He simply shook his head. No way was he going there.

“Well, let me. I want to make this my fantasy night come true, with my fantasy stranger.”

“Night? Are you saying you’ll stay the night?”


“What say we make love to each other?”

“Me first. You just lie there and let me please you.”

Her tongue began a warm, licking exploration of his body, beginning with his closed eyes as she commanded, “Lie still. Close your eyes. I want what I do to be a surprise. I want this to be a night, Devon Walker, you won’t ever forget. You know that old saying about ships passing in the night? Well that’s us. And I don’t want you to ever forget me as you sail on by.”

“Hell, who could ever forget you?”

He did as she said, feeling the flicking warmth of her tongue first on his closed eyelids, then lightly across his lips before moving down to slide along his neck, to flick into his ear, which sent shivers down his spine, before she moved down to his chest.

She suckled his aureoles the way he had hers, only harder, almost painfully, nipping each, soliciting his surprised grunts. Trey felt each electrifying bite skitter downward and lodge in his groin.

He lifted his hips involuntarily as her tongue delved into his navel and then slid down lower, warmly and wetly sliding along his cock, all around it, flicking and teasing the tip.

“Damn Kayla. I don’t want to….”

“Don’t say you don’t want to cum, Devon. I want you to. More than once. I want to see how many times I can make you cum. Remember this is my fantasy, so relax and give in to it.”

She fondled his balls as she took him fully in her mouth and sucked him, furiously, demanding his shuddering release, which he finally could not hold back.

Breathing hard, emitting guttural satisfaction, Trey was disgusted with himself for ejaculating so soon.

“I’m sorry, Kayla.”

“Don’t be. I wanted that. Now relax and let me make you hard again. Like I said, I want this to be a night you won’t ever forget.”

“It already is,” Trey admitted with an exhaled breath.

She went to the bathroom and returned with a warm cloth. Kissing his stomach and thighs, she began bathing him, lifting his flaccid cock to reach his balls, caressing each, licking and lightly nipping each, invoking the shivery response she wanted.

She leaned over him, moving her breasts close enough for him to suckle for just a moment before moving back.

Once again she began that hot exploration with her mouth, kissing his side, his hips, then his legs, her wet tongue teasing all the way down to his feet. She even took one of his toes in her mouth and sucked it while he muttered expletives he was unaware of as waves of titillating pleasure washed over him.

“You’re the one who’s perfect, Devon Walker,” she whispered as she reached to fondle his rapidly reawakening shaft.

When he would have rolled on top of her, wanting to claim her body this time, to plunge deep into her core, she shook her head. “No. Not yet. It’s still my play time.”

Having said that, she began doing things to him that Devon had never imagined a woman doing, her fingers and mouth probing, finding sensitive areas he hadn’t known existed, and moving him toward a nerve-tingling ecstasy yet again. He couldn’t lie still. He writhed beneath her expertise until he shuddered in yet another release, crying out, “Son-of-a-bitch!”

Kayla laughed softly, seductively as she asked, “I take it you liked that. This is just the start, Devon.”

He wanted to ask where she had learned to do all those erotic things, but he suddenly didn’t want to know. He didn’t want to think of her with other men.

“Turn over,” she demanded.

Like an automaton, Devon mutely complied.

Kayla frowned when she saw the marks on his back. The scarring was a sign of obvious abuse. Later she decided she would find out about that. Now she straddled him, pretending she hadn’t seen. She leaned to kiss his shoulders, and then said, “Raise your arms.”

He did.

She ran her hands down each arm, her grating fingertips causing goose bumps before they slid into his armpits to scratch in the patch of hair, to pull in a mild torturous way as she kissed and nibbled his neck.

“Your name should have been David,” she breathed as she nipped his earlobe. “Because you are Michelangelo perfection, Devon. Damn, what a body you have!”

He felt her heated, wet clit grind into the small of his back as she rose back up then pressed down against him, riding him, pleasuring herself with soft moans, placing yet another image within his mind that grew hotter until he began to grow hard again.

She rolled off him and he turned over, pulling her down on him, claiming her mouth in a hard, possessive kiss, his hands tangling in her hair.

“God, I’ve got to get inside you, Kayla!” He said as her lips left his.

“Patience, my virile stud,” she admonished. “We have all night.”

“But I want to satisfy

“You have satisfied me, more than you know. I love seeing you cum, watching that magnificent cock of yours swell, then release. It’s the best foreplay ever. Now, answer me this. Have you ever fucked breasts?”

Damn. She calls this foreplay! She’s killing me. But what a way to go.

“Well, let me show you how.”

She slid down until her full breasts were even with his revitalizing cock. Capturing it between them, pressing them against and around him with her hands, she started to move back and forth in a simulated sexual melding, slowly at first, then faster as she knew his excitement was increasing.

Trey grabbed her hair involuntarily, needing something to hold onto as she brought him to yet another almost painful, shuddering climax.

His breath was escaping in raspy gusts as she rolled away and went into the bathroom to clean up.

Trey had never felt so drained yet so stimulated in his life. It was as though every nerve ending in his body had been stoked to a fiery, fractious raw edge that left him weak and trembling. He could feel his heart pounding, hear the roaring thump in his ears, and wondered if a thirty-seven-year-old man could be fucked into a heart attack.

When she returned from the bathroom, again with a warm cloth, she smiled at him.

“Kayla, damn, woman, you’re something.”

Without speaking, once again she began to bathe him, slowly, seductively as she repeated, “I want to embed this night in your memory, Devon. I want you to remember me.”

“That’s a given.”

Dropping the cloth on the floor, she laid her head against his damp groin.

“I’ll just rest here until you’re ready to cum again.”

“Kayla, I don't know if I can. Three times is probably my limit.”

“Oh, I doubt that. But we’ll see. We have the night.”

Sliding her hand beneath his cock she played with his balls as she snuggled against him. “I can wait. I love touching your body, Devon.”

“I love you touching my body.”

“Rest. Maybe in a little while we can order that dessert we didn’t have with our lunch. Something with lots of chocolate. I can’t wait to lick chocolate off you.”

Man, I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.
“Don’t you want to come up here and let me hold you?”

“No. I want to stay close to this,” she said, grasping his flaccid cock. “Even momentarily depleted, it’s a lot to hold. And soon you’ll be leaving, going back to San Antonio, and all I’ll have are the memories we make tonight.”

Trey almost said he wasn’t going back to San Antonio, that he wouldn’t have a job there anymore anyway. But then he would have to explain, and he couldn’t. That thought brought a flood of desperation washing over him. He could just imagine how Kayla would look at him when she knew the truth. He briefly entertained the thought of telling her now, just coming clean and asking for forgiveness. But he couldn’t bear to shatter this sensual spell, so the words wouldn’t come.

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