Unchained: A Biker Erotic Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Unchained: A Biker Erotic Romance
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“Or maybe it was all just talk.” She looked around quickly as she realized that she was talking aloud, but no one had heard her. Or, at least, no one had paid any attention to her. No one ever did.


Her phone chimed to indicate an incoming text. It was one word, from Neil.




“Yes,” she texted back, “we can talk.”


“Can you tell your parents that you’re meeting with a girlfriend down at the diner tonight for a couple of hours? Maybe from 8:00 until almost midnight?”


“Yes,” she replied, “I often do that.”


“Be there at 8:00. I’ll have you back before midnight.”


“People will see me leave with you,” she sent back. “Someone will call Daddy.”


“No they won’t.” he replied. “Get there at 8:00. Don’t order anything. Go to the restroom as soon as we get there. No one will know you left with me.”


“K,” she texted back. Then she added “ILY” just before sending.


Her heart seemed to stop as she realized what she had just done. Then his reply appeared on the screen.






At little before 8:00 p.m. that night, Raina was pacing her room. Would she really do this? Was she going to sneak out and meet someone her father hated? Was this just to defy her father? Or was there something about Neil that was drawing her toward him like a moth to a flame?


“Maybe it’s both,” she said to herself. “Defying my father is what’s making me tremble with fear. But the idea of going to Neil is what’s making me wet with anticipation.” She looked at the clock on her dresser. It was almost 8:00. Then she looked at herself a final time in her bedroom mirror and said aloud, “Wet wins.”


With that, she walked downstairs and announced to her parents, “I’m going up to the diner for a couple of hours for some coffee and girl talk. I should be home before midnight.”


“Have fun,” her mother answered.


“Call if you’re going to be later than that,” her father instructed.


“Love you,” Raina said as she started out the door.


Her mother’s voice responded, “Love you, too, honey.” Raina paused in the doorway waiting for her father’s voice, but heard nothing. It would be nice to hear him say it just once in a while.


At exactly 8:00 p.m. she pulled into the parking lot of Dottie’s Diner. Remembering to park her car toward the back of the lot, she hurried inside. A waitress offered to show her to a table, but she said, “Meeting somebody. I’ll just wait up by the counter until they arrive.”


A few minutes later, Raina could hear the roar of a half-dozen or so motorcycles. Most of them pulled up and parked directly in front of the doors, but one parked farther back in the lot near her car. Three male and three female bikers entered noisily. They were almost a caricature of how people thought bikers should act. They were loud and vulgar and distractive to everyone in the place, but Raina could see from their faces as they glanced over at the counter that it was all an act. One of the girls, who was carrying an oversized purse, looked over at her and nodded toward the restrooms.


, she thought.
I’m supposed to be in the restroom.
She hurried toward the back of the diner and entered the restroom. The Reaper Girl entered immediately behind her.


“Put these on,” the girl said, holding up a set of leathers and a long, blond wig.


A few minutes later, two Reapers Girls left the restroom. One went back up front with the rest of the Reapers, who suddenly settled down and began examining their menus. The other turned and went out the back door. Shortly thereafter, Neil Gunn pulled out of the parking lot with a Reaper Girl riding on the back of his bike. Her long, blond hair was flowing behind them as he headed out of town toward the Crossed Reapers’ clubhouse.


Raina had never seen the inside of a motorcycle club clubhouse. It reminded her a little of some of the bars she and Daddy had eaten in while traveling in small towns, only cleaner and brighter. There was a small bar, obviously self-serve, along one wall. Two pool tables took up the main portion of one room, and a very large-screen TV was mounted on the wall of the adjoining room. When you adjusted for economic status and preferences, it was actually not very much different from the country club Daddy insisted they eat out at every Sunday afternoon.


Neil was looking at her as though expecting her to say something.


“Just like the country club, but no swimming pool,” she said with a grin.


He grinned back. “They have a small pool. We have a large hot-tub. That almost counts.”


“How large?” she asked, and he motioned with his hand toward a back deck than ran the length of the house. The hot tub, though empty, looked as if it could hold at least a dozen people. You could almost swim very short laps in it.


Raina gasped slightly as they walked onto the deck. It wasn’t the hot tub that surprised her, it was the view. The ranch the Reapers had purchased sat on a slight rise just outside of town. That meant that standing on the deck, you could see the lights of the entire town of Porter, and beyond that, in the moonlight, vast stretches of Texas cow country could be seen in the back ground. It was truly beautiful.


“Can we sit out here and talk?” she asked.


Neil responded by saying, “Here?” pointing to a couple of padded chairs and a padded couch-like bench, “or in the hot tub?”


“Here, for now.” she answered, patting the couch. “I didn’t bring my swimsuit.”


“I don’t own one,” he replied.


Raina again felt her face warm and redden, but the heat of her face was nothing compared to the heat that was starting to build between her legs.
You came out here to talk,
she told herself silently,
Didn’t you?


As she sat on the padded bench, she could see the curtains being pulled closed on the sliding doors going back into the clubhouse. Neil saw the question in her face and said, “I told them I wanted some privacy tonight.” He chuckled. “There are some advantages to being the President of the Reapers. My wish is often their command.”


He sat beside her and turned slightly toward her. “Your father and I are a lot alike in many ways,” he said. “We are both in positions of power.”


He was sitting with his arm on the top of the couch so that his shoulder was available, but he made no attempt to pull Raina onto his chest. When she snuggled against him, however, he did bring his arm around her.


They sat in silence for several minutes. Finally Raina replied, “The difference is in the way you use your power. You offer it to people. Daddy forces it on people.”


There was another long pause. This was not a conversation that could be hurried because there was much more happening than just the words. The mind and body and emotions behind the words needed time to catch up with the whirlwind of events that had brought them to this moment.


Neil broke the silence. “Sometimes you have to use force. Your father and I both know that.”


“Sometimes you don’t,” Raina answered. “He doesn’t know
.” She was surprised at how rapidly she had answered and at how cold her voice had suddenly become.


Neil said nothing. He gently pulled her more tightly into his chest. Then they sat in silence looking at the lights of the town, and the moon and stars in the night sky. In the far distance, the hills created a darker shadow where the sky met the ground.


“I’ve never met anyone like you,” he finally said softly. “Or maybe I’ve never met anyone I was attracted to as much. I want to know you better. I want you to know me.” His voice changed, “But I won’t force you. You have the freedom to refuse at any point. Just say, ‘Take me home,’ and
wish is


Raina stood up. Neil’s face was almost expressionless, but his eyes showed his fear that she was going to ask him to take her home. Instead, she began unbuttoning the tight leather jacket.


“The freedom to refuse is also the freedom to choose,” she said. “I’m not truly free unless I can make either choice. For now, I choose to get in the hot tub and watch the stars.”


Neil sat on the couch and watched her slowly remove the leathers, and then the light blue blouse and white shorts she wore under them. She turned away from him as she undid her bra, and hesitated slightly before sliding her panties to the floor. Then she turned to face him.


“Are you going to join me?” she asked. “Or am I going to have to guess where the other end of that snake tattoo actually ends?”


He laughed, and a few moments later pushed a button on the side of the house and joined her in the bubbling hot tub. The snake, whose head was visible on his right bicep, curled across his back and coiled down around his left leg, stopping just short of his knee.


They sat in the bubbles and talked. Fifteen minutes later, he got out of the tub and again pushed the button to turn on the pump. When he returned, she lay with her back against him as he stroked her breasts and stomach. Fifteen minutes later, he again reset the pump timer. She was now more or less floating on the water in front of him with her hands on his shoulders as he stroked her back. After the next 15 minutes, it was Raina who got out of the tub. When she returned, she didn’t float on the water or sit alongside Neil on the tile step. Instead, she straddled his legs and set her knees on the underwater bench alongside him.


“Are you sure you want this?” he asked.


“Yes,” she breathed heavily. “If I didn’t, I would’ve said no.”


She moved herself slightly forward and he slid slightly down so that his now very rigid member aligned with her opening. She was not a virgin. This wasn’t her first, or second, or even third time, but this was different, and not just because it was in a hot tub. There was something special about this moment. She felt more free about this time than any of the others. As she lowered herself onto him, she was more than choosing to make love to Neil. She was choosing between him and her father.


The climax which quickly overwhelmed her was more than a sexual release. It was her release from years of captivity. It was her body and mind and spirit’s declaration that she was free. And it was explosive.


As Raina’s world slowly came back into focus, Neil was holding her tightly against him. “Whoa,” he said. “I’ve never had to ask a girl this before, but are you all right?”


“Mentioning other women you’ve slept with is not real good after-sex pillow talk,” she said somewhat groggily.


“We’re in a hot tub,” he replied. “There are no pillows, and I’m not trying to be suave or cool. You scared me. Are you OK?”


“Yeah,” she laughed, “I’m OK. But I think a lot of pent-up things just got released.”


She laughed again as Neil said, “Something like that could drown us both.”


Neil started to say something else, but
Deep in the Heart of Texas
suddenly started blaring from Raina’s cell phone. “That’s my mom’s ringtone,” she said suddenly, and quickly pulled herself out of the tub to grab her phone from her shorts.


She spoke into the phone. “Yeah, mom.”


Neil could hear a female voice on the other side of the line.


“Honey, I don’t know where you are, but your dad thinks you are out at that motorcycle place. I don’t know why he thinks that, but he’s waiting for the sheriff and a couple deputies to get here before he goes down to the diner to look for you. If you’re not there, he’s going out to that clubhouse looking for blood.
be at the diner when he gets there.”


Neil scrambled out of the tub and handed Raina a towel. “So much for pillow talk. Does your old man have a GPS unit stuck on you somewhere too, or is he guessing?”


“He’s guessing,” she replied. And then she added with an anxious frown, “I think.”

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