Unclaimed (2 page)

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Authors: Sara Humphreys

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Frustration flared, and despite Dominic's best efforts, his sharp brown eyes flickered and shifted into the glowing amber eyes of his tiger. He breathed deeply as he struggled for self-control and willed them back to their human state.

“A mate is irrelevant,” Dominic said evenly. “As Guardian, my loyalties and responsibilities lie with the prince and his family. Wounded or not, I will continue as Guardian and keep our prince, and everyone else on the ranch, safe.”

“Right.” Steven ran a hand through his shaggy blond hair and shook his head. “I get it, dude. You are not one to fuck with. You more than proved it when you killed that Caedo assassin and ripped his head off like he was made of tissue paper.”

“I would've done the same with the other one if I'd found him, but Eric's wound looked severe and—”

“And you did what anyone would do. You stopped to help your friend and fellow Guardian. Eric healed as quickly as you did, by the way. It's too bad we can't figure out what's making the horses sick, but from what I hear, they've got someone in mind to help.”

“Yes.” Dominic's mouth set in a tight line. “One mare died this morning, and given the recent Caedo activity and the continued animosity with lingering Purists, Richard is reluctant to bring in the local veterinarian.”

“You're pretty good at changing the subject, Dominic.”

Dominic swore and hopped off the bed. He snatched his black T-shirt off the chair before quickly pulling it on. “Why do you feel the need to bring up the issue of a mate, or more to the point, my lack of one?”

Dominic knew he sounded like a defensive asshole, but he couldn't help it. Steven was right. He still hadn't found his mate, and if he didn't find her soon, his Amoveo abilities would vanish, leaving him to live the rest of his existence as a human.

That was the fate of any Amoveo who didn't bond with a life mate by the age of thirty, and it wasn't one he was interested in participating in. However, with his thirtieth birthday just a year away, he knew the reality of what awaited him.

No shapeshifting, minimal strength, no powers of visualization.

How would he effectively serve as Guardian if he was void of his Amoveo abilities? Dominic shoved the dark thoughts from his mind, refusing to believe that it was actually a possibility. His military training brought him to this place, and he would be damned if some bullshit legend of fated mates would take that away. Mate or no mate, he would stay the course and fulfill his duties.

Even if it meant dying in the process.

“Hey, man.” Steven raised his hands in surrender. “I'm just stating a fact, and it's only out of concern for you as a healer and a friend.”

Dominic nodded and tucked his dog tags beneath his shirt. Even though he hadn't been in the human military for four years, it was still a part of who he was, and he'd feel naked without that cool stainless steel pressing against his skin. It was where he learned his combat skills and intense focus, both of which were crucial to his position.

“Have you connected with her at all?” he asked. “Any sign of her in the dream realm?”

“Not exactly,” Dominic bit out, unable to look Steven in the eye.

All Amoveo connected with their mates in the dream realm before the physical plane. It was a crucial part of the mating process and one he hadn't experienced yet.

“I don't see her, but sometimes I can feel her there in the shadows and mists. I can sense her energy signature, and just when I think I have it, it slips away. It's frustrating as hell, and if I didn't know better, I'd think she was intentionally avoiding me.”

“I see.” Steven went to his desk and connected the tablet to his computer.

“And vanilla.” Dominic crossed his arms over his broad chest and breathed deeply as the memory of the scent filled his head. “Sometimes I catch the scent of vanilla and cherries.”

“Interesting.” Steven shucked his white lab coat and draped it over the back of the desk chair, revealing an Iron Maiden T-shirt and torn jeans. Without his lab coat he looked more like a roadie than a doctor. “I never saw Courtney in the dream realm either, not clearly at least, and if I hadn't stumbled on her at that blasted Purist compound, I may never have found her. Don't use us as an example though, our mating has been… unorthodox.”

“How do you mean?”

“Never mind.” Steven waved him off. “As far as your mate avoiding you, that is certainly a possibility, and if you're concerned, I would suggest having a chat with my boy, Willie.”

“Layla avoided him?” Dominic's brow knit in confusion. “That doesn't make any sense. Why would our mates avoid us?”

“Dude, are you serious?” Steven smiled and punched a few buttons on his computer before looking back at Dominic. “If she's a hybrid and has been raised away from our people, God only knows what she
doesn't know
about us.
she knows what she is, she may think all Amoveo are like the Purists and want her dead for being a hybrid.
she thinks we're all a bunch of chauvinistic pigs looking to drag our women into servitude. Hell, she may be a human and not even
that the Amoveo exist.”

Dominic was quiet as Steven's words settled over him, and he felt like a dope for not thinking of these things sooner. This whole mate business was far more complicated than anyone ever let on.

“Or—” Steven sighed. “She could think you're butt-ass ugly and be running in the other direction.”

Dominic cracked a smile in spite of himself and ran a hand over his cropped black hair.

“My point is,” Steven said solemnly, “avoiding your mate or ignoring it isn't doing you any good, my friend. Your mate is out there somewhere, and if you don't find her soon, then you'll have to face the music one way or another.”

Dominic clenched his jaw and strapped the leather weapons belt securely around his waist. He pulled the massive hunting knife from its sheath and briefly inspected it. Seeing that shiny blade instantly put his anxious heart at ease, but the reality of what Steven said still weighed heavily.

“I appreciate your concern, but I can assure you that finding, or not finding my mate, will not impact my ability to protect the prince. I would give my life to protect our people from anyone who threatens our existence.”

“Yeah, I'm getting that,” Steven said through a laugh. “Listen, I don't want to sound like an ungrateful ass. Courtney and I live here too, so your quick actions with those Caedo assassins protected her and the baby. She's already been through so much and still isn't fully recovered emotionally. The pregnancy is making it so much worse.”

Steven's face darkened at the memories. Dominic heard about what some of the women were put through as involuntary participants in the Purist breeding program. He couldn't imagine the helplessness and rage that Steven must have felt knowing his mate had suffered. Whatever it was, it must've been bad, because he never talked about it.

“It's good to know that you and Eric have our backs.” Steven stuck his hand out, and Dominic promptly accepted. “Thank you.”

Dominic shook his hand quickly and gave him a brief nod of understanding before opening the door.

“Hey,” Steven called. “Catch.”

Dominic turned around and caught a lollipop as it came flying in his direction. He gave Steven a friendly smile as he stuck the lollipop in the pocket of his camo pants and headed out the door.

It's not that he didn't appreciate Steven's gratitude, but it made him uncomfortable to be thanked for doing his job. Hell. He hadn't even done it that well. One assassin got away, and as far as Dominic was concerned, that was a failure.

However, it was not one that would be repeated.

As Dominic headed up the steps from the medical facility to the main floor of the house, he couldn't stop thinking about what Steven had said. Perhaps he was right. What if his mate had been avoiding him all along out of fear or ignorance?

Dominic swung the door open at the top of the stairs and instantly sensed familiar energy signatures, the spiritual fingerprints made by all Amoveo. Then an unfamiliar ripple in the air sent his protective instincts on high alert. He detected fear and apprehension flickering through the enormous house, and it was coming from an unknown Amoveo… and a human.

Caedo? That was all he could think. Another Caedo assassin or a Purist had infiltrated the property.

Dominic cut through the grand entry hall and in a blur of speed, he went immediately to the lavish living room to the left of the main hall. The scent of vanilla swamped him as he came to a halt in the doorway, ready for battle with glowing eyes and his knife drawn. The room was empty, but movement to his left captured his attention.

Without thinking, moving only on gut instinct, he spun to the left and grabbed the intruder, throwing them to the ground. In a matter of seconds, he straddled the small body and pinned the stranger easily beneath him. His knees held struggling arms to the floor, one hand curled over a slim shoulder, as the other held his knife poised high in the air, ready to strike.

As the haze of rage receded and the imminent danger was stifled, Dominic found himself staring into a pair of beautiful, furious golden eyes. A stunning hybrid Amoveo woman who smelled of cherries and vanilla glared at him, and if looks could kill, he'd be toast.

Shoulder-length dark hair framed a heart-shaped face stamped with anger, but through it all he detected a hauntingly familiar energy signature. It was the same one that slipped in and out of the dream realm and eluded him night after night.

Layla's voice drifted over his shoulder.

“Do you think you could get off my sister?”

Sister? Dominic blinked in surprise and sheathed his knife as he stared at the woman still trapped beneath him. Her eyes burned brightly in their clan form as her intoxicating scent filled his head.

As he remembered those nights in the dream realm, his body tightened and responded to her on an instinctual level. She wiggled, attempting to get out from under him, but he kept her there as the pieces fell into place.

That one word ran through his head over and over like an ancient mantra. This woman, the one he just tackled, as if she were a Caedo or Purist assassin, was his mate.

Chapter 2

The weight of his body held her to the floor, but it was the predatory look in his eyes that kept her from moving. Tatiana didn't notice the knife at first. She couldn't think. All she could do was feel.

The pressure of his hard, male body and the heat of his gaze were frightening and intriguing. Her heart hammered in her chest as she wrestled for calm amid the storm of emotions that battered her. If it had been any other stranger, she would have cried out for help, but this man wasn't exactly a stranger.

Tatiana knew those eyes.

They were the same amber eyes she hid from night after night. This man, whoever he was, was the one who stalked her in the dream realm. Although this was the first time she had seen him in his human form, there was no mistaking him. Between the intense, piercing stare and the vivid energy signature, she knew exactly who he was.

This was her Amoveo mate.

The man had been powerful and intimidating in his tiger form. As a human, he was equally formidable and had a penetrating gaze that sent her body into overdrive.

Sparks flickered over her skin, and her heart thumped uncontrollably in her chest. What was it she said to Layla? She wanted to get knocked on her ass by sparks? Apparently, the universe was listening and had a sense of humor.

Jet-black hair cut short in a military style and dark eyebrows framed fierce glowing eyes. He was ruggedly handsome with a well-chiseled face that was marred only by a jagged scar running down his left cheek. Instead of making him seem macabre or scary, it made him dangerously sexy.

Tatiana resisted the crazy urge to reach out and touch it, to soothe the raw-looking flesh with tender strokes. In spite of the bizarre situation, every cell of her body lit up beneath his touch and intent observation. Her stomach fluttered with a heady combination of nerves and lust, making her cringe at her body's ridiculous response.

This guy had tackled her for God's sake. The last thing in the world she should have felt was
, but that didn't change the fact that she was.

Gritting her teeth, she glared back at him, meeting his challenge. The man embodied danger. He was relentless, aggressive, and intense. The thought of denying him was both empowering and terrifying. Somewhere through the haze of sensations she heard Layla's voice drift in between them.

A smile curved his lips, and the spell was broken. Fingers, which were curled around her shoulder, loosened and brushed over her skin as he immediately stood up and offered her a hand.

Tatiana shot him a look of contempt and hopped to her feet without help. He studied her quietly, and she did her best not to squirm under his inspection, praying all the while he didn't suspect the same thing she did.

Perhaps he didn't recognize her? Maybe her efforts to hide from him had worked. However, as his eyes twinkled wickedly, she knew she was out of luck.

“Charming.” She sighed as she brushed off the back of her shorts and adjusted her tank top. “Well, you get points for the most original greeting I've ever gotten, and considering I've been tackled by animals twice your size, although markedly more civilized, that's saying something.”

The smile faded from his lips. The man actually looked contrite, and it gave her hope that perhaps, beneath all that aggression, there was a
willing to overlook the fated mate nonsense. Sparks or no sparks, she would not be told whom she could love or spend her life with, and she had zero interest in being dragged into the crazy Amoveo world.

“Apologies,” he said tightly with a tilt of his head. He held his hands behind his back and stood at attention before casting an accusing glance to Layla. “I was unprepared for visitors this morning. I didn't think our guests were arriving until later this afternoon.”

“Sorry, Dominic. I forgot to tell you they caught an earlier flight,” Layla said with a short laugh. She brushed past him and quickly grabbed Tatiana in a warm hug. “It's so good to have you here, Tati. Don't mind Dominic, he's a little quick on the draw ever since those Caedo guys started acting up.”

Tatiana hugged her sister, and they giggled like children. She pulled back and tugged one of Layla's long red curls.

“I'll be sure to announce my presence before I enter a room.” Tatiana gave Dominic a sidelong glance. “I wouldn't want to get tackled again.”

“Sorry.” Dominic shrugged as he held her gaze. “Your energy signature wasn't

“Right.” Tatiana looked away and ran a hand through her dark hair. He did recognize her, or at least he sensed something. Shit. “Well, now it is.”

“So you talk to animals?” He cocked his head to one side as he looked her up and down. “Like Dr. Dolittle?”

“Not exactly.” Tatiana lifted one shoulder and adjusted her top as she tried not to notice the way his eyes lingered on her body. “I don't hear them speak with words. I read their energy signatures and feel their emotions. I sense things. That's all.”

“I sense things too. Like a human,” Dominic said quietly. “I can smell one all over you.”

“Oh really? Well, that would be my vet tech, Matt,
it could be any human I was on a plane with today.”

“Oh man.” Layla laughed and walked to the picture window. “You made him wait in the car?” Dominic flicked a glance toward the window but didn't move from his spot as Tatiana continued. “Hell, it could even be
because in case you haven't noticed, I'm half human.”

Tatiana shot him a look of annoyance and folded her arms over her breasts. He referred to it as though it was the worst odor he'd ever had the displeasure of experiencing.

“So, tell me, Dominic. Are you one of those Purist Amoveo assholes that I've heard about? If that's the case, then I'll get back in my car and go home.”

“What?” His features darkened, and his stubble-covered jaw clenched. “I am not a Purist.” Dominic's dark eyes locked on her, and though Tatiana's heart raced faster, she refused to give an inch. “I am a
and it's my business to know who is here on the ranch.”

Dominic stepped closer as he spoke, but she held her ground and looked him in the eye.

assassins snuck onto the property recently and attempted to kill the prince and his family.” His tone grew gentler as did his expression. “I
hate humans. I do, however, have a bone to pick with anyone who would harm the people I care about. That includes humans

Heat spread over her skin as she held his stare, and Tatiana's breath caught in her throat. She hoped like hell she could get a hold over her out-of-control hormones before she embarrassed herself and let her eyes shift. That only happened when she got really mad, or turned on, or in this case, both.

Dominic stilled and arched one eyebrow. “Did Layla say there's a human waiting in your car?” His voice dropped low. “You brought a human to this ranch?”

“Yes.” Tatiana stepped to the side and picked up the backpack she'd tossed on the couch when she came in. “If you hadn't been so busy lecturing me and telling me how badly I stink, you might've realized it sooner. In fact, now I'm the one who's being rude, because he's been out there for a while.”

” His eyes flickered and snapped to their clan form as his hands balled into fists at his side. “You traveled here with a man? Alone?”

Holy crap. He was jealous.

Tatiana suppressed a smile as she realized the tide had turned in her favor. Matt's presence would not only keep the Amoveo at bay, but he could also keep Dominic at arm's length. How could he pursue her and claim her as his mate if she was already spoken for?

“Yes.” Tatiana threw her backpack over one shoulder casually. “Matt's my vet tech
my boyfriend.”

“What?” Dominic and Layla said in unison.

Before Layla could call her out on her big fat lie, two of the most beautiful people Tatiana had ever seen swept into the room. The woman had a little girl about eight or nine months old in her arms. They radiated power, and based on the strength of their energy, they had to be the royal couple.

Her heart pounded as they moved toward her. She had never been around this many pure-blood Amoveo in her life. Long-held fears flooded her, and she gripped the strap of the backpack, praying for the strength to at least
like she wasn't terrified. She was relatively certain that her energy signature revealed her for the coward she was. It practically screamed

“Outstanding,” the prince said as he entered the room with his wife at his side. “We're glad to see you've arrived safely.”

Dominic stepped aside but didn't take his intense gaze off her. Tatiana tried not to notice the way he looked at her, but it was unavoidable.
was unavoidable. She did her best to ignore him and focused her attention on the prince and his wife.

Richard had long, shoulder-length black hair and light blue eyes. Dressed in jeans and a tailored shirt, he radiated casual confidence and approached Tatiana with an extended hand. The two of them didn't look a day over thirty-five, but according to Layla, they were over three hundred years old.

Maybe that mating thing wasn't

“I am Richard Muldavi, Prince of the Amoveo. This is my mate, Salinda, and our daughter, Jessica. Welcome to the ranch, Tatiana. We are immensely grateful that you agreed to treat our horses.”

“We can't tell you how much we appreciate this,” Salinda said as she leaned into her husband's embrace and gave him a loving look. Jessica gurgled and smiled at her parents as she grabbed a lock of her mother's long, dark hair. “Richard was worried you wouldn't be willing to do it, but Layla assured him you would rise to the challenge.”

“I'd do anything for my sister.” Tatiana smiled tightly and stuck her hand in the pocket of her shorts. “Even come to a ranch full of Amoveo.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Dominic interrupted. Everyone looked at him in surprise, and Layla moved across the room. She stood protectively at Tatiana's side and sent her comforting waves of reassuring energy. “You are Amoveo, a hybrid from the Wolf Clan—Timber Wolf Clan, if I'm not mistaken—so why are you reluctant to be among your own people?”

“Dominic—” Layla began.

“No, Layla. I am the Head Guardian of this property,” Dominic continued. “It is my duty to protect everyone here from
threat. Purist. Caedo.” He leveled a deadly glare at Tatiana. “
who is a threat to our people will not be tolerated, so I think we deserve an answer to my question.”

A heavy silence filled the room, and just when Tatiana thought she'd scream with frustration, the baby laughed and reached toward Dominic. The sound of Jessica's gurgling immediately broke the tension, and without missing a beat, Salinda passed the baby to Dominic.

The transformation from beast to man was instantaneous and rendered Tatiana speechless.

“It seems your girlfriend is vying for your attention again, Dominic,” Salinda said with a laugh. “She adores him.”

Tatiana watched in stunned silence as the hulking brute of a man was reduced to jelly by the chubby little baby in his arms. Dominic grinned at Jessica as her pudgy fingers found the chain around his neck. He pulled a set of dog tags from beneath his T-shirt and gave them to the baby, who promptly drooled all over them.

“The feeling's mutual,” Dominic said as he glanced at Tatiana.

Tatiana's gaze met his briefly, and even that momentary connection made her stomach flutter. What was it about the sight of a man holding a baby that could make a woman swoon? A couple of minutes ago, Tatiana would never have suspected that he was capable of anything other than caveman-like behavior, and yet here he was, wrapped around the finger of an adorable little girl.

“Dominic,” Richard said. “Tatiana is our guest, and she has come here, after much convincing by her sister, to help us.” Richard faced Tatiana as he placed his arm over Salinda's shoulders. “She is not only a hybrid, but also a talented veterinarian, and if Layla trusts her, then we will as well.”

“I'm sure that before long, the trust will flow both ways,” Salinda said warmly. “We have set up one of the guest cabins on the property for you. I hope you will be comfortable there. I can assure you that your privacy will be respected, and Dominic and Eric will do their best to keep all of us safe.”

“Yes, well, I heard about the incident you had here recently. How can you be certain something like that won't happen again?” Tatiana asked the question as though she wasn't totally unnerved by the entire situation. She glanced at Dominic and the baby, and when the cherub-faced little girl smiled back, some of her nervousness eased. She turned her attention to Richard. “Are you concerned about other surprise visits?”

“We've taken a few extra safety measures. I've placed a shield around the property, which should alert us if any other Amoveo visualize themselves here.” Richard smiled at his daughter who reached out to him with chubby little arms. He took her from Dominic and placed a kiss on the child's head. “The people I care most about in the world are here on this ranch, Tatiana. The last thing I want is violence taking place at my home and around my daughter. I won't lie to you. Ever since Artimus and his followers declared war on the rest of our people, we have all been in danger.”

“Artimus?” Tatiana looked at Layla for answers.

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