Unconditional Love (37 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Unconditional Love
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“Oh. My. God.”

I began clicking on all the links and reading. They all said the same thing and it all started to click.

Lark. Marines. Missions. Sniper. Gunshot wounds.

I picked up the phone and called Scott and Jessie’s number. When no one answered, I ran and grabbed my cell phone.

I quickly pulled up my last text from Lark and began texting him. I knew he would still probably be traveling to wherever he was going.

Me: I heard you one night on the phone talking about a Carlito Vazquez. Tell me who he is.

I stared at my phone and waited for his response. About a minute later my phone pinged.

Lark: Please, Azurdee. Leave it alone.

Me: I want to know who he is. Right after that conversation you came back with a gunshot wound and I just found out this Vazquez guy was shot. By a sniper. That’s when you pushed me away.

Lark: Please. Stop. I’ll talk to you when I get back.

Me: No! I’m tired of you pushing me away. I want answers. You’re a sniper in the Marines, aren’t you? That’s why you leave. Your missions…that’s what you do.

Lark: I’m turning off my phone. I’ll talk to you when I get back.

Me: No! Don’t turn off your phone. Lark, please. I deserve to know.

I sat there and stared at my phone. Nothing. I jumped up and headed into the bedroom. I walked in and came to a halt. I slowly brought my hand up and covered my mouth.

A red rose
. There was a red rose sitting on the pillow where Lark used to sleep. There was a piece of paper under the rose.

How did I not see that when I first walked in?

I began to send him another text.

Me: When did you leave the rose?

Lark: Before I left earlier. Please stop texting me. I’ll talk to you in a few days when I get back.

My stomach dipped at the idea that Lark was here. In my house. In my bedroom.
Why didn’t I just leave before him?
I would have been home and would have been able to talk to him.

I walked over and picked up the rose and smelled it like I did every time before when he left one.

I picked up the letter, opened it and began reading it. Two sentences in I realized what it was, and I began crying as I sat down on the bed.

“Oh shit. I’m gonna need more ice cream.”

I walked into the living room and picked up my melted ice cream. I headed to the kitchen to get a rag to clean up the melted mess.

After cleaning it up, I called Ralph. “I need ice cream. A lot of ice cream.”

“What do you think I am? Your bitch? I worked all day managing
restaurant while you played in the country.”

I let out a sigh and said, “You can totally have tomorrow off. I’ll take care of the restaurant all day.”

He let out a chuckle. “Are you going to close it up by yourself? Meg isn’t going to be there tomorrow.”

“Yes. It’s my damn restaurant and I know how to close it up by myself.”

“Fine. Cherry Garcia?”

I smiled and said, “You may be getting a raise soon.”

“I’d be happy if you just got some action soon and stopped being such a bitch.”

“Hurry! I’m going to need it.”

I hung up and sat down on the sofa. I pulled the blanket over me and grabbed one of the pillows. I opened up the letter and took a deep breath as I began reading it.

My Dearest Azurdee,

I never thought in my wildest imagination I would ever feel the way I’ve felt since I’ve been with you. Each moment with you causes me to fall more and more in love with you. The only place I want to be is next to you. The only person I want to kiss is you. The only person I want to make love to for the rest of my life is you.

There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Nothing I wouldn’t give to you. I want to give you everything, Azurdee. Not just material things. I want to give you my love, happiness, contentment…all the things you deserve. I want to protect you from everything that could possibly hurt you. I’d lay my life down to protect you. I want to be your rescuer just like you’ve been mine, mi amor.

The day we met fate looked down upon destiny. I knew it the moment you smiled at me. The moment you touched me. We were meant to be together and I want you to always remember that. Please never doubt it or forget it.

Sometimes I think this is all too good to be real. It’s like I’m the sand in an hourglass and I’m falling deeper and deeper in love with you, yet I’m so scared my sand will run out.

Every breath I now take is taken with new meaning. I can’t wait to start our life together. I can’t wait to wake up next to you every single day for the rest of my life. To see your beautiful face first thing every morning I imagine would be some of the most beautiful moments of my life.

You’ve bewitched me, Azurdee. You’ve made me want to be a different man. You’ve taught me how to love again. You’ve showed me there is so much more to life. I can’t imagine a life without you in it now.

I’ll love you always. I’ll always be faithful to you. I’ll always protect you.

I’ve never been so ready in my life to start a new journey. I’m so blessed I’m starting that journey with you.

My love to you always and forever,


I could barely see the words through my tears as I read the letter again, and again, and again. I folded it up and held it to my chest as I sat on the sofa and cried. When I heard my doorbell ring, I flew up and ran to the door. I opened it and said, “It’s about damn time! I’ve been…”

I stopped talking when I saw a gentleman standing there smiling at me.

“Azurdee Emerson?”

I nodded my head. “Yes. May I help you?”

“May I come in?”

I planted my foot in front of the door and smiled while I said, “No. I don’t think so. May I ask who you are?”

He turned and looked at the car that was pulling up. When I looked and saw it was Ralph I almost broke down crying again.

“Lark has a message for you.”

I sucked in a breath of air. “What?”

He took a step closer as he said, “I’d feel more comfortable if we were able to talk to you in private.”

I frantically began looking around.


Ralph got out of his car and when I saw Mark getting out too, I let out the breath I was holding.

“What’s going on?” Ralph said as he walked up. The guy standing at my door smiled and said, “It’s a personal matter. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

I shook my head and Ralph took another step closer to the guy. “I believe the lady doesn’t know who you are and is not comfortable with you approaching her.”

My phone beeped and I realized it was stuck in my sweats. I pulled it out and saw a text from Lark.

Lark: Baby listen to me. If anyone tells you that I sent them or they work with me, they are lying. Try to get away from them as quickly as possible.

Me: Okay.

Lark: I’ll text you when I get service again.

Me: Okay.

Lark: I hope you read the letter.

Me: I did.

Lark: I meant every word I wrote. I still mean it. I swear to you.

I looked up at everyone staring at me texting. “My mother. She is having some weird pains. I’m sorry, Mr…?”

I waited for him to give me his name.

“I can see now is not a good time to talk to you, Ms. Emerson. I’ll come back tomorrow morning.”

I nodded my head and said, “Fine.”

When he turned and walked away, I thought I was going to fall to the ground. Mark grabbed my arm and led me into the house and I sat down on the sofa.

I could no longer hold back my tears, and I typed my last text to Lark.

Me: I believe you. Someone just stopped by and wouldn’t leave his name but said he had a message from you. Lark, please hurry home. Please be careful.

I sat there for a few seconds and waited. Nothing. A good three minutes went by and still nothing. Ralph shoved a bowl in my face and said, “Here. You ask and I deliver. Now, who in the hell was Mr. Creepy?”

I shook my head as I ate my ice cream. I handed the letter over to Ralph and he read it while Mark sat down next to me and I curled up to his side. He worked out at least three hours a day and looked like a Greek god. I had to say one thing about Ralph; he had great taste in guys. Every guy he had ever been with was built and good-looking.

Ralph looked up at me and smiled. “I knew he still loved you.”

I shook my head. “He wrote that before we broke up. It was the letter we each wrote.”

“The ones you put in the bottles?”

I slowly nodded my head. “He left it here for me tonight before he left.”

Ralph smiled and said, “Dee, he wouldn’t have left this letter if the things he wrote in it were not still true.”

“I know. I think he pushed me away because…” I stopped talking when I realized I couldn’t share with them what Lark did.

“Because of what?”

I shook my head and stood up. “Will y’all stay with me tonight? That guy kind of freaked me out.”

Ralph stood up and said, “I’m one step ahead of you, darling.” He looked over at Mark and asked, “Would you mind getting the bag?”

Mark smiled and said, “Sure.” He stood up and kissed me on top of the head and said, “Don’t worry. Everything is going to work out.”

I nodded and watched him walk out the door. I glanced over to Ralph and said, “I have the strangest feeling something bad is about to happen and I can’t shake it.”

He laughed and said, “Nonsense. Your hunk of a boyfriend, or ex, soon-to-be not ex, is going to come back, give you some much needed nooky and all will be right in the world again.”

I tried to smile but the feeling I had in my stomach wouldn’t go away. It seemed to be getting worse.

I closed my eyes and began slowly falling asleep. I needed to get just a few minutes of sleep. We got here a few hours ago and humped up the side of this damn mountain and I was more mentally exhausted than anything.

After what only seemed like thirty seconds, someone was bumping my foot. I opened my eyes and looked at the Navy SEAL who was signaling movement. I slowly turned and crawled over to the lookout. Jason was already there glassing the location.

When I got up next to him, he signaled that four guys had just arrived and our target was identified as one of the four. I smiled and felt an instant relief wash over my body. Finally we would get this fucker.
As long as no one screwed up.

I took the binoculars and spotted Jose Vazquez, Carlito’s brother, and the fucker who tried to kill me once before. I slowly gave the binoculars back to Jason and made my way back over to the SEAL team. Their job was to take out the camp after the main target had been taken out.

“You guys ready?” I whispered.

“Yes sir, we are more than ready. We’ll await your signal.”

I nodded and pointed to two and told them to head over behind a set of trees. The other two I had flank us on the opposite side. No one was to shoot until I took the first shot and gave the signal that the target was down.

We moved into position and waited. I had no idea if they would be in the house for five minutes, or five hours. I bunkered down in my spot as I put my ear buds in and pulled up “Gotta Be Tonight” by Lifehouse. I never did a shot without that song playing.

As I sat there I thought back to two weeks ago when I went to my parents’ beach house and found Azurdee’s letter.

I hung up the phone with my mother and let out a sigh. I wanted to come to the beach house to get away from everything and all it did was make me think of Azurdee. I couldn’t get it out of my mind, the time we spent here.

I walked into the library and smiled when I looked over at the desk. My smiled faded when I remembered the look in her eyes when she walked out of my condo that night. I let out a long breath and made my way over to the books. I slowly started walking as I read the titles. When I saw Pride and Prejudice, Azurdee’s favorite book, I reached for it and pulled it out. I walked over to the chair and sat down as I opened the book. My hands started shaking and I wasn’t sure why. I began reading and quickly got lost in the story. When I opened it up to chapter three, there was a folded piece of paper.

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