Unconquered Sun (55 page)

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Authors: Philipp Bogachev

BOOK: Unconquered Sun
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Double-faced game of the solar sorcerer irritated her outright and frightened: what does she prepare? In what trap conducts? But it remained nothing else how to wait until the Invincible Sun makes the first course in this party on which game two lives - its own and Prinze lie...


The first night on the new place passed for the Fairy extremely disturbing. By it it was not fallen down. The prince did not remain to spend the night with it, but, having kissed her on a forehead the obzhigayushche hot lips, told that it has important issues which to it were charged by its Perfection, and left.

"What such important issues at it?" - the Fairy thought. Something was obviously not so here … The Fairy did not like it, it was not pleasant …

In addition lodged her separately from Animals, and it was even impossible to talk to them, to consult. Right after a dinner at its Perfection, Animals were taken away by gold golems servants to certain rooms, somewhere in an opposite wing of the Gold Hall. And it too very much was not pleasant to it …

The fairy vainly turned over from one side on another, but could not fall asleep. It was necessary to do something, but that?

Suddenly the Fairy felt that someone looks at her. Probably, any woman is especially sensitive to foreign views. And this look was pronizyvayushch and is unpleasant. Strange, who could watch it in this Hall?! At the Invincible Sun here all under control!

- No, not all-sss, not all-sss … under control, not all-ssss - whispered in consciousness of the Fairy painfully familiar thin vile golosochek.

- Who are you? Again Murin? What do you do here? - scaredly the Fairy whispered. - Still a step - and I will cry!

- It is not necessary-sss, it is not necessary-sss, dorogush-sh-sh-a, is not necessary-sss. Not in vash-sh-sh-shikh intere - with - with - Sakha, not in vash-sh-sh-shikh, yes-sss!

- Why it? - the Fairy passed to dialogue by means of thought.

- Why to you to lose the friend-sss? Especially in the house yours-sh-shego of the enemy, da-s-s-s-s-s, fierce, kovarnogo-s-s-s-s-s as poisonous z - z - z - z - a snake - ssss, the enemy! Govoryu-s-s-s is correct?

- Interestingly, - the Fairy puzzly thought. - And what with you can be friendship? You kidnapped me, nearly killed, you torment youngs of wild animal and babies, you serve the Invincible Sun, you …

- Tish-sh-sh-sh-e, tish-sh-sh-sh-e, dorogush-sh-sha, ti-sh-sh-sh-she, mum's the word! - again zashepelyavit a voice. - Not znayushch-shch-shch-shchy nothing yes is silent, not uznayet-s-s-s-s-s, yes-ssss, yes-ssss yet!

- Who you are, it be presented, well, otherwise conversation will not be! And why I know nothing it? Speak immediately!

- And we z-z-z-z-are familiar, dorogush-sh-sha, z-z-z-z-are familiar, da-s-s-s, - with these words on an opposite wall of the room got out a huge three-headed creature with six spidery paws, predatory zhvala, nasekomy eyes and a huge tail with a sting of an air vent. From disgust and horror the Fairy covered the face with a pillow.

- Oh - x - x - x - with - with - with-with, z - z - z - we know - with - with-with, are disgusting, och - h - h - en we are disgusting by sight, but that podelayesh-sh-sh-sh-sh - pitalis - with - with - with - vs - with - with - with - syakoy gados - with - with - with - Stew, zh-zh-zh-zh-zhili in darkness, here and s-s-s-s-stali such, da-s-s-s, da-s-s-s!

- Who you are, speak immediately, or I cause the Invincible Sun - and let it deal with you here!

- Well that so s-s-s-sraz-z-zu, dorogush-sh-sha that so with - with - with - sraz - z - the storage to be nervous, yes-sss! Mum's the word - with, mum's the word - with … - the Creature went down on a wall on a floor meanwhile and became near a bed, rubbing forward pads and greedy driving moustaches-vibrissami.

- Well, we will long play cat and mouse? Tell who you are and why came and why you here without the knowledge of your Hostess?

- F-f-f-f-fu, gados - with - with - with - t, to a fff! What it to me h-h-h-oz-z-z-zyayka-s-s-s-s?! F-f-f-f-f-u! As to a tiger dres - with - with - with - with - with - sirovshchik in circus - with! We are s-s-s-s to it s-s-s-sotrudnichayem, sometimes - with, yes-sss, sometimes - with. And my name to you izves - with - with - stno, och - h - h - en izves - with - with - stno, not, why proiz - z - z - znosit - with, yes-sss …

- Azail?! - having forgotten about "conspiracy" the Fairy screamed, and in a breast at it grew cold, it became insufferably heavy.

"Creator! - she thought. - Really, this a vile three-headed insect has the general name with that gray-eyed and zolotovolosy handsome?! N are N - no, cannot be!"

-, mozh-zh-zh-zh-et, dorogush-sh-sh-a, mozh-zh-zh-zhet … - and the Fairy seemed that his black body somehow trembled, and in compound eyes something similar flashed on feeling of pain …

- But how? How? Why? Oh, Creator! Why? You are a husband and the father … Triune Knowledge?! You!!!!

- Da-sss, yes-sss, I-sss, - sadly moved short moustaches the three-headed monster and shuddered all over once again. - With - with - with - Stella, As-s-s-s-try also Es-s-s-s-ster, yes-sss which e-shch-shch-shch-shchyo were not any Premudros-s-s-styyu and furthermore, Triune, yes-sss, yes-sss … - and in compound eyes of a creature some long ago forgotten feelings flashed again. Probably, she remembered something light, kind, infinitely expensive, deeply buried in dark chasms of soul - and these memoirs were pleasant to her …

The Fairy did not sustain it any more! Her celestial-blue eyes were filled with tears. Large peas they began to flow on its pink cheeks. She silently began to sob and … rushed to a paukomonstr. Having forgotten about disgust, about fear, suddenly began to iron his ugly semi-cat's heads, its curved black, covered with a firm armor, a body, his moustaches and paws and to kiss them, shuddering all over with pity and mental anguish.

"Oh, if I could if I could make something for this unfortunate being if I could return it former shape, return it to Skies to the wife and daughters! Oh, if I could!" - the Fairy thought about herself and sobbed, sobbed, sobbed, without restraining any more …

And the creature stood without having stirred. Only tips of moustaches and pads slightly shook - whether for nervousness from awakening of the feelings forgotten a millennium ago long ago, whether from excitement from the come very close production …

Then the creature sharply jumped aside aside.

- It is not necessary-sss, it is not necessary-ssss, dorogush-sh-sha, I am a hishch-shch-shch-shch-nickname, da-s-s-s, hishch-shch-shch-shchnik, I can ukus-s-s-sit, da-s-s-s!. I s-s-s-sebya control, so far - with, da-s-s-s but difficult with - with-with, difficult with - with-with …

- Why you came to me, unfortunate?! - wiping eye nightgown cuffs, the Fairy weepingly whispered, - That I can make for you, poor you a being!

- Beregis-s-s-s, beregis - with - with - s, Zh-zh-zh-zh-eltaya the Witch prepares for you death, da-s-s-s!!! We vs - with - with - with - with - e znayem-s-s-s, vs - with - with - with - se znayem-s-s-s … Begi-s-s-s, s-s-s-so mnoy-s-s-s. Prokh-h-h-h-hod … ventilation … I will remove tebya-s-s-s, directly to moryu-s-s-s … There are your druzya-s-s-s!

- But I cannot leave without Prinze! He is my beloved husband, I love it, I came to rescue it and I will not leave without it from here anywhere! Help to rescue also it better!

At words "I love" a being who just language does not turn to call "Azail", again shuddered all over and short moustaches of a zadrozhzhala are stronger.

- Akhkhkhkh, akhkhkhkh as long ago-sss we are not s-s-s-s-slysh-sh-sh-sh-shali such - with s-s-s-s-slovechek … Chudnenky, chudes-s-s-s-snenkikh s-s-s-slovechek! Akhkhkhkh, as long ago-sss … - but here his voice broke and became the rigid, executed poison of hatred and rage again. - Your muzh-zh-zh-zha not to return, no-sss, it preobrazh-@-@-@-wives, it preobrazhzh-@-@-wives, vs - with - with - with - se to s-s-s-s-sgorelo, everything-sss, yes-sss! He is not a person, it is chudovishch-shch-shch-shche, lzh - - - - live, s-s-s-s-silnoye, dead as s-s-s-s-ama Zh-zh-zh-zh-zheltaya Vedma-sss, yes-sss!

- From where you know, Azail? I do not trust you! - the Fairy in a fright exclaimed.

- Khe-khe-khe … Whom are you s-s-ssprash-sh-sh-shivayesh-sh-sh-sh, dorogush-sh-sh-sha whom-sss? I s-s-s-am developed tekh-h-h-hnologiyu-s. This Zh-zh-zh-zh-zheltaya Witch deception vyz-z-z-knew it! Posreds-s-s-s-stvennos-s-s-s-st!

- All the same I do not trust you, Azail! I am very grateful to you for the fact that you want to help me, but I do not trust. Fairies have a strong intuition, and my husband and I feel Prinze in him human, live, and in the Invincible Sun too - in them there is a good! As well as in you … In all of you there is a good, and you can be rescued, and you too - I trust in it! - almost the Fairy cried again rushed to the dark spider who was once Azail Premudry and Fine.

But the monster quickly scrambled on a wall on the ceiling level as if being afraid to get to embraces of the Beautiful Fairy again.

- Kind, kind beles - with - with - with - saya the girl - with … As my dochurki-s-s-s, yes-sss, - Azail prosipelyavit. - I s-s-sraz-z-z-zu understood who you are such, s-s-sraz-z-z-z-u … Sh-sh-sh-sh, ti-sh-sh-she, here vez-z-z-z-zde u-sh-sh-shi! Mum's the word, ti-sh-sh-sh-e! The @-@-@-@-yellow Witch NEVER of S-S-S-S-SPIT and vs - with - with - with - segda thinks, thinks, thinks, yes-sss, as if s-s-s-s-sdelat to somebody z - z - z - the evil!

- And nevertheless, Azail, - again moved to a thought level the Fairy, - what you want from me? Speak! Not only you wanted to tell me!

- Not only, yes-sss, not only, dorogush-sh-sh-a, not only … The EU - with - with - with - whether the Zh-zh-zh-zh-zheltaya Witch will fall, yes-sss, will fall - not s-s-sprash-sh-sh-ivay from where z-z-zznayu, a lot of things are opened for me, yes-sss, a lot of things that to you and not s-s-s-s-nilos-s-s-ý, yes-ssss! The EU - with - with - sli belobrys - with - with - sye letun vorvuts - with - with - with - sya in the Ant hill-with - to us konets-s-s-s-s, yes-sss, konets-s-s-s-s, will not shch-shch-shch-shch-spare, yes-sss! Pres-s-s-s-stupleniya, yes-sss, over us, press with - with - with - with - stupleniya - with - with-with, there is a lot of blood, zh-zh-zh-zh-iz-z-z-z-zney is a lot of … Vs-s-s-s-pomni then me! As I am s-s-s-s-pas-sss-s you in a cave and z - z - z - z - z - z - zdes - with - with - s, and still I will help, then …

- But we execute nobody, we only lull, we clear memory and we re-educate, unless not so?! - puzzly the Fairy exclaimed - she was always proud of humane laws of Community, unlike cruel and barbarous orders of Dark centuries, with their uncountable fanatic executions and tortures, even whom did not want to remember about the Fairy.

- Tak-sss, so-sss, darlings-sh-sha, so-ssss, - Azail agreed. - Only not Murin, yes-sss, only not murin-sss … Murin of bes-s-sposhch-shch-shch-shchadno, yes-sss, bes-s-s-s-sposhch-shch-shch-shch-shchadno-sss …

To the fairy it became sad. She became silent. Also her disgusting interlocutor became silent. What is the time this pause lasted - it is unknown. The fairy did not know, than to help this unfortunate creature, and the creature thoughtfully looked at the Fairy, thinking of something or, perhaps, remembering something.

At last, the Fairy did not sustain and asked:

- Tell, Azail, I will not understand one how you could turn from the divinely beautiful Wizard into such monster?

- With - with - with - a smog, s-s-s-mog, dorogush-sh-sh-sha, s-s-s-smog … - prosipelyavit golosochek, and then slowly crept up to the Fairy and sharply thrust the short moustaches to her in ears. This time the Fairy did not scream any more and was not frightened, and honor pains and did not feel. The stream of images, as well as covered last time her consciousness with the head and the Fairy saw …


Great number of beautiful young men with transparent wings behind the back, on an open big stone plateau somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. All hotly discuss something, it is a lot of dissonance, disputes. Young men are dressed in a brilliant armor, they on belts have a weapon, and in hands - multi-colored staffs. They are dressed in multi-colored long raincoats with hoods.

In the middle, on an eminence, there is a young man in a silver-white armor and silver-white, almost pearl, a raincoat, with golden hair and light gray eyes. His face is loftily fine, terrible and aggressive, and its aquiline nose gave it similarity to a noble bird of prey.

- More quietly, brothers, more quietly, stop a market, you as human women on a market square, but not creators of Skies! - its clear and clear voice was distributed.

- And what you will order to do to us, oh, Wise Azail?! - the voice from crowd was distributed. - You promised us to create one thousand new worlds, and we stick out here, in wild lifeless rocks, and our former wives and daughters catch us as rats and lull as hopelessly sick animals! You promised us power, and we have even no food here! Where our pollen giving us youth? Where the cotton candy from pink clouds giving strength? I already had wrinkles on a forehead - here, look - and several gray hair! I am hungry and tired, I began to GROW OLD, and what will be farther? We lost all battles - these women were stronger than us! You deceived us, Azail!

- Do not squall as the woman, Natael, be a man, be a soldier! - spoke in a bass a voice of other young man, with a snow-white-white staff and in snow-white-white clothes. - If you want, go, give up to these tow-haired silly women! Let they will lull you, will erase at you memory and will turn you into a drone! Apparently, only such role also suits you! - words of the speaker were muffled by burst of laughter of a good few of young men; the others gloomy were silent, without deciding to support either that, or another.

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