Uncontrolled Spin: The Power and Danger of Spin ("Un"missable Series Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Uncontrolled Spin: The Power and Danger of Spin ("Un"missable Series Book 1)
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After the briefing concludes, the FBI forensic team begins analyzing and reconstructing the bullet’s trajectory from the data provided at the final briefing. Using laser technology, the team determines the previously searched area is too close, and the fatal shot was actually taken from a distance of more than five hundred yards.

Agent Mather calls the McCall fire department team captain and requests assistance for Sunday morning with a new area to grid-pattern search.

“If any potential item is located, please just mark it in place and one of my certified diving agents will accompany anyone you send to retrieve it. We don’t want to risk disrupting the chain of evidence, and two pairs of eyes are better than one,” he tells the captain. “Thank you in advance for your team’s assistance, and I’ll see you all tomorrow morning at nine.”

Next, Mather requests assistance from the Valley County sheriff, asking her if her marine patrol deputies can block off the portion of the lake that still needs to be searched to keep the area clear of nosy boaters. With everything scheduled and the crime scene secured, the teams all get some much needed rest for the evening.

Early the next morning, the FBI team arrives to relieve the local deputies and take control of the scene for complete processing. With the bullet trajectory established to their satisfaction, measurements, sketches, and overall photographs, as well as those that require a one-to-one scale, are taken, documenting the blood spatter. Samples of the spatter are collected, and electrostatic technology is employed to lift foot and shoe impressions off the deck, kitchen floor tile, and the entry tiles. Swabs for DNA are taken from the coffee cup on the deck and a glass in the kitchen sink. Latent fingerprints are lifted, and a video documenting the scene as well as the reconstruction is made and entered into evidence. Late Sunday afternoon, the dive team completes its grid search of the new coordinates, unfortunately revealing nothing of evidentiary value to the case. The house is finally secured for the evening and released to Sean’s groundskeeper, who decides cleanup will begin the next morning.

Sean has already returned to San Francisco when Bob calls to inform him that the FBI forensics team has released the house back to him. Sean instructs him to have the home thoroughly cleaned, with repairs made as soon as possible, and to have the entire deck replaced immediately, regardless of the cost. The groundskeeper sounds doubtful.

“My best friend and number one client was just killed on that deck. I want it replaced and I don’t care what you have to do to make that happen,” Sean says firmly.

Finally, Bob agrees, promising it will be done with no hassle for Sean.

Sean thanks him, saying, “If I forget, remind me I told you there is a ten-thousand-dollar bonus coming to you if this is all done before I have to return to Idaho.”

“Yes, sir!” comes the excited response from Bob.



essica and Bonnie send Sean a text saying, “We are about fifteen minutes from the front gate of the estate.” Sean alerts security to anticipate their arrival, reiterating that no press, not even the limited amount currently outside, is to get near either of them.

As the women pull into the estate, there is surprisingly little commotion from the minuscule gathering of reporters. Sean thinks,
the security team has done their job exceedingly well tonight, thank goodness
. Still, he wonders if the same will hold true after the major news stations learn of the tragedy that has befallen the Stevens. He pauses a moment longer, thinking of how McCall will never really be the same for him again.

When Bonnie and Jessica enter the house, they are amazed at the overwhelming smell of fresh cut flowers and visually moved by the prominent array of their beauty. It is all too much for Bonnie, who slumps to the floor and weeps, all the while cursing herself for not being a stronger woman. Both Jessica and Sean sit on the floor in the estate foyer, crying with Bonnie and reassuring her that she is, in fact, an amazingly strong woman to whom the world has delivered an immensely brutal blow.

“You are amongst friends, Bonnie, and we’ll be here to help,” Sean murmurs reassuringly.

Jessica agrees. “It’s safe to let down your guard and grieve. We will support you, no matter what.”

Bonnie looks up through tear-filled eyes, mascara running down her cheeks, and asks, “Will you—will you stay with me tonight? I don’t believe I can handle being here alone.”

Sean and Jessica agree they will both stay at the estate tonight, and maybe even for the next few nights to come. Bonnie rises from the floor, and Sean and Jessica stand with her. She gives them both a hug, then goes to the flowers to read the many cards attached.

After a few moments, she turns and says in a wobbly voice, “You both are good friends. Thank you for the flowers and lovely sentiments.” Sean has Bonnie’s staff take his things to the guest bedroom, while Bonnie has her and Jessica’s things taken to the master bedroom.

She asks, “Jess, would you stay up and talk with me a little longer tonight?”

Jessica just nods. Sean excuses himself, sensing they need some time alone, and retires to the room he is staying in. Upon entering his bedroom, he receives a phone call from Frank Dodge, president of the board of Global Metal Refining.

“I apologize for the late evening call, Mr. Green, but I have to request your presence at the press conference tomorrow morning at eleven. Is that manageable?” Mr. Dodge asks.

Sean agrees, albeit a little reluctantly.

“Thank you. Also, corporate counsel was able to pull enough legal and political strings to get the Security Exchange Commission to freeze Global Metal Refining’s stock and suspend trading for Monday. The stock will be able to reopen first thing Tuesday morning, after investors have some time to consider the ramifications and options presented during the morning’s press announcement of Mark’s murder.”

Sean asks, “Who else is going to be at the press conference?”

Frank replies, “The initial lineup consists of SAC Dominic Hughes, who will be flying in from Boise in the morning and will start off the conference with a very brief series of events. Hughes will be followed by SAC of the San Francisco FBI office David Hill. SAC Hill will comment on what steps are being taken nationally and internationally and hopefully dispel concerns about terrorist or criminal associations on the part of Mark or Global Metal Refining. Then I’ll give the information the two of us deem is appropriate. If you wish, I’ll turn the microphone over to you so you can say something. If not, I’ll conclude the press conference.”

Sean says, “I don’t wish to speak tomorrow. Even if I did, I’m not sure I would be able to at this point.”

Frank replies, “I understand. I just wanted you to have the opportunity if you wished.”

“Thanks, but not this time,”

The two of them lay out Frank’s press statement and then say goodnight. Sean goes to speak with Jessica and Bonnie to let them know when the press conference will be tomorrow. He alerts the security team to be prepared for an onslaught of press shortly after the conference and reminds them of his instructions to keep the media away, primarily from Bonnie and secondarily from Jessica.

“Any reporter crashing the gate or entering the property without permission is to be detained until local authorities can deal with the criminal charges,” Sean orders. The security supervisor reassures Sean he understands his instructions completely and there won’t be a problem. Feeling slightly better, Sean retires yet again to his bedroom.

He attempts, without success, to get some sleep. His thoughts and emotions haunt him during the night. At three in the morning, he finally gets up, leaves the estate, and drives to his Sacramento Street penthouse. Sean takes a long shower, fixes some really strong coffee, and then heads to his office to gather some things he will need to work on for Global Metal Refining and the Beauty Boutique. Evelyn is surprised to see Sean in his office when she arrives at seven-thirty.

“I couldn’t sleep, and I have a press conference with Mr. Dodge in about an hour,” Sean explains to Evelyn’s curious look.

She nods and says, “I cleared your calendar for two weeks. You need to take some time for yourself, to grieve.”

“Thank you for all you have done and for putting up with me for so many years, but I’ll be okay.”

Evelyn responds with a nod. “I had to, because no one else is as much of a saint as I am. Besides, you would irritate a lesser woman.”

Sean chuckles for the first time in two days, then says, “You’re right, and I’m lucky to have you.” Evelyn smiles and softly closes the door behind her, allowing Sean some time to be alone with his thoughts.

He emerges from his office in time to head to Global Metal Refining’s corporate headquarters just a few blocks from his office. He is greeted by Frank Dodge’s executive assistant and ushered into a private office.

Sean glances around at the polished wood furniture, then says, “Hello, Frank. How are things around here?”

Frank is visibly antsy and responds with his usual sarcasm, “Couldn’t be any better. It’s a freak show here today, what did you expect?”

Sean smiles and answers, “Yeah, I guess that was a stupid question, wasn’t it?”

“You bet your sweet ass it was,” replies Frank.

SACs Dominic Hughes and David Hill arrive a few minutes later. Everyone properly introduces themselves and condolences are offered by the FBI’s agents for the loss of Mark. The four men walk into the press conference area, and Sean immediately takes a seat as SAC Hughes takes the podium.

When Hughes looks up, he sees the room is packed with local and national reporters. He takes a quick sip of water, then in his usual soft spoken and articulate manner begins with his opening statement. Hughes introduces himself first, as the special agent in charge from Boise. He then introduces the other speakers for the day, starting with David Hill and then referring to Frank Dodge. No mention is made about Sean, per his prior request. SAC Hughes offers condolences, first to Mark’s family, then to all of the employees of Global Metal Refining.

“I’ll begin with the facts,” Hughes says. “Sometime, either on Friday evening or Saturday morning, Mr. Mark Stevens was fatally shot at a private home in McCall, Idaho. His body was found fairly early Saturday morning by his personal friend, business associate, and owner of the residence, Mr. Sean Green. Local authorities were summoned to the residence and the McCall Police Department secured the scene, followed by deputies of the initial lead agency, the Valley County sheriff’s department. The deputies recognized their need for assistance, due to the departments inadequate experience level, and requested assistance from the Idaho State police forensic crime lab. Several hours into their investigation, the teams recognized potential jurisdictional conflicts could possibly involve international issues, and both agencies requested assistance from the FBI. After being briefed of the findings to that point, I felt it was necessary to assign Jay Mather as our lead agent and dispatched the FBI regional forensics team from Salt Lake. The forensics team arrived on scene and was briefed by all local agencies. Then the case was officially handed over to Agent Mather and the Boise field office. I contacted SAC David Hill to request his assistance with interviews and further follow-up investigation needed here in California. That is all I have currently. SAC Hill will advise you of the preliminary concerns addressed by the San Francisco field office. SAC Hill?”

David Hill is a no nonsense hard driving man who is known for his expertise in financial analysis and white collar crimes, blunt speech and profanity. He takes the podium and expresses his condolences to the relevant people. Next, he outlines for the press the fact that initial concerns included any possible links to hostile foreign governments, terrorist organizations, and organized crime on the part of Mark Stevens.

“However,” Hill continues, over the mutters of the press, “I am glad to report that no nefarious business associations were discovered involving Mr. Stevens, his family, Global Metal Refining, or subsidiaries. We will be happy to answer your questions at the conclusion of the opening statements, but for now, I will turn the microphone over to Frank Dodge.”

Frank nods to Hill as they trade places. “I have no words to express my dismay and deep sorrow on behalf of everyone associated with Global Metal Refining. I extend my utmost condolences to the Stevens family and Mr. Green. The board of directors has appointed Ms. Charlotte Evans as the interim CEO of Global Metal Refining.” Dodge continues, describing Evans’ twenty-year work history and her education, which also includes her rise through the ranks to chief operating officer and then to president of the international division. “Ms. Evans is currently enroute back to San Francisco from Hong Kong and will be available to the press early next week.” Frank concludes his remarks with assurances that while everyone is deeply saddened over Mr. Stevens’ tragic and untimely death, he would have wanted and expected Global Metal Refining to go on without him, and that is precisely what everyone within the organization must do, even while grieving his loss tremendously.

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