Uncovering Kaitlyn (5 page)

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Authors: Emma Jane

BOOK: Uncovering Kaitlyn
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“Yes, it’ll
give you a few days rest in LA to recover from jet lag and time to lose the

Escort meant
that he was expecting problems with fans. This could either be self-made for
publicity or mean that somebody else hyped up the public. I never turned down
the extra security as Graham wouldn’t request it without a good cause. It was
like being babysat though. I couldn’t even take a piss in piece. Trust me when
I say that a full grown bulky man watching you is not very pleasant and it’s
enough to give anyone stage freight. But then there was that time when I was
eighteen and some deranged girl decided that it was the perfect time for an
autograph. If Ryan and some total stranger hadn’t grabbed her, I honestly think
I would have peed everywhere. I wouldn’t have minded if I got her, but I would
not have liked being photographed with wet shorts. Not to mention how it would
affect Grahams publicity and image campaign for me. Good heavens imagine what
that would do to my lovable reputation.

“I thought I
had another week here. My parents were expecting me to visit at some point.”

“They fly
out to stay with you in a couple of weeks anyway. It won’t make a difference.
Send some flowers or a gift basket.”

They’re not some director I’m trying to sweeten up. I can’t send a basket,
they’re my parents.”

“So don’t
send one. Either way we need to leave tonight. You will end up sleeping all day
tomorrow, getting sorted on Thursday and then you’ll need to go over scripts
and have a chat with the producer on Friday. If you leave any later then you’ll
be a nightmare to work with.”

I didn’t
feel it was worth telling Graham that actually my day of getting sorted, meant
that I could relax and have a day off to enjoy myself rather than organising my
house and sleeping off more jet lag, like I told him when trips to LA and New
York became more frequent. I felt like I kept missing days off because of
flying so I began to pretend that jet lag was worse than it was. He thinks that
I can cope if I have to but I’d rather ease myself in. I’m sure my parents
would understand if they were in my shoes. Actually my Dad would. Mum would
claim that flying was her time off and book herself solid without including
meals or sleep.

I called my
parents to explain that I had to go back sooner than expected and promised to
visit right away next time I was in the country. I told my dad I would have the
keys to the car I hired for the week sent over to him so he could enjoy it. I
always was given fancy cars by the hire company and it seemed like a waste to
send it back un-driven. Mum would have a heart attack if she knew what he was
driving half the time. I then sent Ryan a text to let him know I was leaving as
well as a photo of him last night, which he knew nothing about and posted it on
Facebook for good measure.

Room service
delivered a fine bacon sandwich with extra mustard, a personal favourite
hangover cure. I ate it, and threw my possessions into various cases and
holdalls. I was glad for the security when I went outside. It seemed my
location had been leaked and every teenage girl in London wanted to meet me.
Some were still in their school uniform and were trying to get my attention in
a very un-childlike manor. There were also a few older women giving out the
same signals. I was hardly going to grab a date with somebody my own age if
they were stalking me so why children or mothers seemed to think that they
stood a chance is beyond me. I waved to them anyway and spoke to a few nearer
the front then got in the car. We drove for around half an hour before stopping
for fuel at the services.

Jamie Stark” I heard people shout excitedly.

“Where?” I
called back over enthusiastically, looking around the forecourt. I got a few
chance glances but carried on pretending I wasn’t me, which amused the security
and driver. Mainly because I didn’t realise that Graham was talking to the man
who spotted me and promising him autographs and a chance to come say hello if
they deleted any photos of me downing a cold beer. It was funny when they
couldn’t tell who to believe, and even more so when Graham got back in the car
to me opening another. I’m not an alcoholic, and I rarely even have one. This
week was supposed to be a break, starting as soon as the show finished
yesterday. As far as I was concerned it still was, only I had to add a flight
to my house into the mix. Before we could pull away a woman carrying a baby
jumped in front of the car.

Please I love you” She started.

The bulky
guy next to me got out and asked the woman to move. When she refused he seemed
to debate what to do. Usually he would pick them up and move them out the way
but she a baby with her. Graham hit his head on the seat in front of him.

“Let the fun
begin.” I climbed out the car and walked up to the woman. She started to scream
and jump.

there, I’m Jamie. Adorable baby.” I cooed.

she’s seven weeks.”

“So which
car here is yours?” I asked casually, well I hoped it was casually. It was rare
I met people who would jump out with a baby that young.

“Oh, my
friend Max drove. He has that Vauxhall in the corner. He’s not my boyfriend you
know. Just a friend.” The woman started to talk rapidly and I looked to the
bodyguard for help. He shrugged his shoulders and looked around. People seemed
to be watching or taking a picture but nobody seemed to be with the lady. My
bodyguard whispered something to a stranger nearby, who then spoke to his
friend. They glanced in our direction before heading into the garage.

nice. So can I meet him?” I decided to ask finally.

She led me
to the garage and pointed to an old man in the corner.

“Max?” I
called out.

He turned
around and looked shocked to see me, but even more to see the lady next to me.

“I’m so
sorry. I thought I locked the car. We should get going.” He said trying to
guide the woman back outside. She wouldn’t budge and jolted the baby when she
stepped back. The bodyguard leaned in a spoke softly.

“I think you
need to take the baby.”

I took a
deep breath and watched as the stranger from outside stuck his thumb up,
signalling to me and the guard.

“Your baby
really is adorable. Mind if I hold her while we go to the car?”

The woman
practically threw the baby at me, and Max held her arm as we went to the car.
One minute I’m waiting for Max to open the car, the next there were slashing
lights and sirens surrounding us. I handed the baby to a policeman and walked
back to my car. I the woman cried when I drove away.

“So much for
your good press campaign, eh Graham.”


The flight
to LA was relatively calm but I could tell something bad was happening because
as soon as we landed I saw extra security patrol the airport. An airhostess
approached me as the captain spoke on the PA asking people to remain seated
while a VIP left the plane. We got up and followed the lady off the plane. We
were whisked through passport control and escorted to a VIP lounge while
somebody collected our luggage. A manager of some sort greeted us, well me

“Mr Stark, I
hope you had a pleasant flight.”

“It was
great, thanks. What’s going on?”

The manager
switched on the TV and turned it onto the news. There were photos of me at the
petrol station standing with the girl. The reporter claimed that I had come
close to being very seriously hurt and saved a child’s life. They interviewed ‘witnesses’
who said that I took the baby when the woman threatened to hurt her. Some more
claimed I was drunk and had hurt the lady and one went as far as to say I had
been stabbed.

“It’s all
over the web. Your fans are going crazy and people want to know why you just
left. You’re headlining several of today’s papers and are breaking news on
three main news channels. That’s BBC, Sky and ITV.” Graham said tapping his
Ipad. “Some American news stations too.”

I turned on
my phone and sent a mass text to let everyone know I was ok and nothing
happened. I had only ever been in a media storm a few times in my life but I
knew how bad they got. This would be the worst so far and I would be lucky to
keep the roles I was here for. A lot of directors didn’t like having to deal
with the craziness when something like this happened.

 It seemed
like a lifetime had gone by before somebody arrived with our luggage. A
security team escorted us out and tried to hold back the crowd outside. Mostly
it was media but there was also fans wanting to check on me as well. I ignored
them all as I walked quickly to the car wearing sunglasses and a cap that
Graham shoved into my arms as we reached the door.

“Who was

“Is the
child yours?”

“Were you

“What does
your girlfriend think of this?”

questions didn’t stop even when the car doors closed. Graham immediately got
out some paper and drafted a statement for me to read when we reached my house.
He called a publicist back in England to check the statement before he shoved
it in my hand to learn. When I got out the car I had to shout several times for
people to listen.

afternoon I was at a petrol station when I was approached by a woman with a
young child. It quickly became apparent to me and my team that she was unwell.
Nobody was hurt and the police were called as a precaution for everyone’s
safety on the site. I will not be commenting any further on this incident.”

I walked
into my house and headed straight for my pool. I brought a nice three bedroom
house with a decent garden when I moved to LA. I didn’t want anything fancy,
especially if I was only home half the time, which is why I stayed away from
the over-elaborate Hollywood mansions and brought a reasonably modest home
instead. I stripped down to my boxers and jumped in.

“We need to
arrange interviews to counteract everything that’s happened. I’ll see what’s
available for tomorrow. This is going to put you behind in rehearsing your
scripts though so I might have to move Friday’s meeting.” Graham rambled on. I have
no idea if he was talking to me or himself but either way it was pissing me

“Would you
shut up already? So what if people have pictures of tonight. That woman is sick
and so far I can’t see that baby knowing her mother. I won’t be giving any interviews
because nothing happened. You were there. Nothing happened. Now if you don’t
mind I need to catch up on some sleep and learn a script. See you Friday.” I
climbed out the pool and went back inside. I was still dripping wet when I
opened the front door and practically threw Graham out. I realised too late
that I was in view of the many cameras outside my house ant the world would now
had a photo of me in wet boxers clinging to my skin. Ryan will never in his
lifetime let me forget this. I don’t think my parents will either. I bet any
money that Ryan will make sure the photo somehow makes it to where ever I go.
When I was eighteen I was nominated by a magazine as being the hottest teen
celeb. That photo ended up in the urinals at our favourite pub. Ryan has never
admitted it but I’m sure he was the one to do it.

“Bye Graham
thanks for the lift.” I waved good bye and gave a nod to the cameras. This was
going to be a horrible week.


Chapter Three



I sat in the
studio waiting for Wayne. I spent the last few nights going over every song
that I have ever written working out what was worth keeping, throwing, changing
or putting away for myself. Over the years I have written hundreds of songs so
today I arranged to meet at the studio with three of them that I was prepared
to share. Often songs I write are equal to my diary entry. They’re private but
therapeutic and over time as that emotion fades I’m more willing to share the
Daddy, don’t cry
was a song I wrote about a year before I started
to play it in public. I liked to test my songs in the café. It was like I was
alone, but I knew people would give advice on the quality. Here at the studio
it was nerve racking, my dad and Jake had heard some of the songs but I hadn’t
sung them for anybody else before. Aaron was joining us after lunch, and it
would be his first time hearing the songs too. Jake was going to call in sick
so he could come with me but Dad put his foot down. He said I needed to test the
water and see how much I could cope with. I was under strict instructions to
call either one if I couldn’t cope. Aaron had also told the label that I must
always have complete control over my wardrobe at all times, he even went as far
as having it written into the contract. People gave us funny looks but he had
argued its necessity. Aaron went for the all or nothing approach and Wayne gave

Wayne would
be at least another five minutes. I picked up a magazine from the coffee table
and flicked through. There was an article about my appearance on the Howard
Collins Show which I quickly turned passed, only to land on the article
featuring Jamie Stark. There were loads of pictures of him at a petrol station
with a woman and him carrying a baby. There was also a whole page dedicated to
a photo of him in assumedly his home wearing only his boxers. He smiled and
waved to the camera. What was he trying to prove? Sexy hero? Yeah, we kind of
got that with the clip of him talking to the woman. I admit I watched it. I was
curious as to what actually went on, there were so many rumours. The clip
seemed to show a body guard struggling and Jamie going to help. The woman was
insane. She barely registered her baby in her arms.

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