Under His Command (7 page)

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Authors: Annabel Wolfe

BOOK: Under His Command
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looked more relaxed when he relieved me this morning than I’ve seen

in a long time. By the stars even the prospect of dealing with your

sister didn’t seem to bother him.”

“Tara?” Peyton did her best to ignore the heat that climbed into

her cheeks at the reference to her changed relationship with the ship’s

commander and the intimacies they’d exchanged. “Why would he

have to deal with her?”

“She’s incensed over the idea you are being reprimanded. I did

my best to explain it all to her, but I get the impression she’s

somewhat of a rebel when it comes to the rules. She even managed to

get permission from Minoa to gain access to the bridge.”

Tara was a scientist by profession, but a free spirit by heart.

Peyton shook her head. “She can be very determined. I did my best to

talk her out of going to Epsilon months ago when she accepted the

assignment. The reports on the military frequencies about the

instability problem were frightening. She found the prospect of

analyzing a dying planet fascinating. I still don’t understand why they

didn’t begin the evacuations earlier.”

“I don’t either,” he admitted. “If my family were there, I would

have gotten them out right away. I was told some of the colonists

were third and fourth generation. They refused to leave their homes

until it became clear the situation was out of control. A mass

evacuation is difficult to manage but most of them got off in time.

The party you rescued was the last of them willing to go and at that,

they waited too long to send a distress signal.”

She was well aware of the situation because of her sister. Peyton

gazed at him curiously. “Do you have a family? Brothers,


Under His Command


“Am I married? No.” He shook his head. “I have two younger

brothers, both civilians. My parents live in the First City on Minoa.

What about you? Anyone besides the militant Dr. Valmont?”

“You have my personnel file, Colonel. I’m sure you know both

Tara and I are half-bred. Our mother is from Earth and though they’ve

never married, our parents are fond enough of each other they still

communicate. She decided to go back to her home planet once both

my sister and I became adults. We went to visit her last year.”

“My mother is half-bred, so I’m only three-quarters S-species

myself,” he said matter-of-factly. “I’ve never been to Earth, though

I’ve thought about it. It seems like I’ve been everywhere else. Tell

me, what’s it like? I’ve seen the data, but it can’t be the same as with

your own eyes.”

He really
seem to wish to talk. Peyton obliged, describing the

mountains, the vast oceans, the odd variation in temperatures due to

the planet’s orientation to its one sun so it was warm in the middle

regions and frigid in the north and south. While she spoke he asked

questions and refilled her glass. Though he didn’t have Kelton

Gallico’s distant reputation, he was professional in every way and she

certainly had never had a casual conversation with Colonel Naiad. It

relaxed her without her even realizing it was happening, and it wasn’t

until she looked up and caught the singular gleam in his aqua eyes

that it occurred to her he’d done it on purpose.

Peyton dwindled off in mid-sentence and shot an accusing glare

across the table. “I believe, Colonel, I’ve done all the talking.”

Broad shoulders lifted in an unrepentant shrug. “We’re going to

get to know each other on a personal level. It seemed like a good

place to start. We can move on if you like.”

* * * *

The beautiful young pilot that had shown such wild daring the day

before looked adorably confused. Not caught up in the usual


Annabel Wolfe

regulation style, her shining hair was loose around her slender

shoulders and the tiny garment she wore revealed more than it

covered of what he’d imagined under her uniform. Jake lounged in his

chair, well-aware the minute he stood she’d see his erection, now both

prominent and uncomfortable. From the brief exchange he’d had with

Kel as they changed commander shifts he gathered that the night had

been highly satisfying. Given her lissome body and those full breasts,

Jake felt a powerful physical attraction to Peyton Valmont, but he

really wasn’t one to just casually take any female to bed for the sheer

relief of it. Intelligence and personality mattered to him and he knew

Kel felt the same way, if not more so. Their tastes were similar

enough they were often attracted to the same female.

Like now, they often
the same female. Jake clarified, “To

the bed.”

Her gaze flickered across his bare chest—and not for the first time

during their conversation either. “That’s what I’m here for, isn’t it?”

“Maybe so.” He gazed into her eyes, hoping she’d register his

sincerity. “But if you ever think Kel or I would either of us force you,

you’d be mistaken, Peyton. There is nothing remotely sexy or

gratifying about an unwilling partner. I think you’re beautiful, and

I’m more than curious to find out if the daring you exhibited when

you initiated one of the most courageous missions I’ve ever heard of

translates to sex, but only if you find me attractive also.”

There was faint pink in her cheeks and she said nothing for a

moment, but then she nodded. “I’m going to venture a guess and say

most females do, don’t they, Colonel?”

He grinned. “Call me Jake when we’re together here and save my

rank for when you’re back on active duty.”

“You’re nothing like Commander Gallico.” Her lush lashes

lowered a fraction.

Jake stood. “Did you expect me to be?”

Under His Command


As predicted, her gaze flew to the prominent tent in his loosefitting pants. “Well,” she said dryly, “you’re alike in one way


With a smothered laugh, he outstretched his hand. “If there’s

going to be a running comparison I need to warn you our styles are

somewhat different. Kel likes to be dominant in bed. I’m a bit more

flexible. If a female wants to take charge, that’s fine with me.”

Peyton looked startled but put her slim fingers in his. “How would

you know what he’s like?”

So the unconscious air of innocence Lieutenant Valmont exuded

was genuine. To his surprise, Jake found the lack of sophistication a

turn-on. “Most males find watching arousing, even if it is a female

with someone else. Kel and I sometimes take a female to bed at the

same time.”

She said nothing, but something flickered in her eyes. It was brief,

but he didn’t miss the flare of excitement.

“Intrigued?” Jake stepped around the table and tugged until she

was closer, sliding his arms around her. He brushed her temple with

his mouth. “We’ll show you sometime if you’d like.”

“I never said—” She started to protest, blushing. He could feel the

increased heat from her skin.

“But for now,” he interrupted, “it’s just you and me.”

His lips drifted across the graceful curve of her cheekbone, lower,

until he found her mouth. The kiss was long and slow, a journey of

discovery. She tasted of sweet wine and the soft contours of her body

fitted against him as she pressed closer and her hands came up and

slid into his hair.

Just like that…

He cupped her ass and rocked his erection against her, the

throbbing in his cock increasing. Tongues brushed, breath mingled,

and he stifled a groan as she moaned into his mouth. They’d been out

too long on this mission, he thought in a haze of need. He was going

to have to exert control, which usually wasn’t a problem but he had a


Annabel Wolfe

feeling it might be this time. Peyton Valmont was one of those

fascinating females who could hold their own with males

professionally and yet everything about her was intrinsically feminine

and alluring.

Subtly he eased down her gown—which wasn’t difficult because

it was barely there to begin with anyway—and cradled a firm breast.

“Very nice,” he murmured against her lips, giving a gentle squeeze.

The nipple puckered against his palm and she quivered.

“Believe it or not, what you’re almost wearing is still too much.

Here.” He lifted her easily and walked toward their sleeping quarters.

“Let’s get comfortable and proceed from there.”

When he deposited her on the bed, he straightened and pulled

loose the tie on his pants, easing the material over his straining

erection so it fell to the cool tile of the floor. “Mind getting naked,

Lieutenant? I’ll make it worth your while.”

The way she shimmied out of that ridiculously transparent gown

had a very adverse effect on his self-control. Jake watched her slip it

down, revealing perfect, firm breasts, a taut stomach and long legs.

The smooth shaved mound of her pussy gleamed with moisture

already and he was pleased at her arousal, but not all that surprised.

All the females on the ship whose sole duty was sexual relief for the

males were given an enhancing injection for their libidos. Her chest

heaved and she stared at him with what almost seemed like a

challenge as she dropped her gown over the side of the bed.

Fine. He could meet it and take it up a notch.

Jake sat down and smoothed a hand over the curve of her hip. His

fingers found wet heat between her thighs and she arched, a breathless

sound fluttering from her throat. He probed, sliding in deeply, and her

inner muscles clenched against the invasion.

“So soft and warm,” he muttered, wondering if he might ejaculate

from just touching the silken tightness of her hot pussy, adding

another finger as he mimicked the act of sexual intercourse with his

hand. “I need a taste.”

Under His Command


Peyton watched him through heavy-lidded eyes as he lowered his

head between her legs. He loved female bodies: the way they felt

beneath him, the primal, perfumed scent of desire, the delicious taste

of arousal. As he pushed her thighs apart and began to gently lick her

labia, she jerked in reaction.

Just what he wanted.

“Delicious,” he murmured. His tongue delved between those

luscious folds and brushed the swollen nub of her clitoris. A tremble

racked her slender body and she arched with a small cry, her hands

fisting in the lightweight blanket.

With his fingers he parted those moist folds and exposed that

sensitive bundle of nerves, nibbling lightly, then exerting gentle

suction, listening with an inner smile to her inarticulate sounds of

pleasure as he brought her closer and closer to climax. Peyton’s

fingers threaded into his hair, clenching against his scalp. She spread

her legs wider and shuddered.

It was a signal he understood perfectly, knowing she was close.

Jake gave her what she wanted, increasing the pressure of his mouth

on her pussy just the right amount to push her over the edge. In the

rush of orgasmic release she screamed, a short wild sound he found

sexy as hell. He kept her there on the brink until she twisted and

gasped out, “Stop, please…oh.”

He lifted his head, telling himself to give her a few minutes to

recover, his hungry body reacting to sight of her open legged and

flushed in the aftermath of erotic satisfaction. Peyton still had her

eyes closed, the lashes long and silky against her pink cheeks, those

delectable breasts quivering provocatively with each breath.

“I can’t wait,” he adjusted his position and muttered in hoarse

apology. “By the stars, I need to be inside you now.”

Those lush lashes drifted upward. “Who’s asking you to wait?”

The saucy provocation wasn’t exactly what he expected and he

stopped for a minute in the act of sliding on top of her, gazing down

into the hazel depths of her eyes. “You want this?” he asked softly,


Annabel Wolfe

admiring her audacity and using his hand to guide his rigid cock. The

opening he sought was slick with her sexual fluids, but small, and he

began penetration with excruciating slowness, taking his time though

his jaw locked with the effort.

“Yes,” she admitted, her hands drifting up the tense muscles of his

arms as he braced his weight above her. “After what you just did to

me, I think I owe you anyway, Col…Jake. That was pretty


Even through the haze of intense desire, he took a minute to

wonder about her previous lovers, excluding Kel. It wasn’t really his

business, but maybe he’d ask her.


The tantalizing lift of her pelvis in acceptance didn’t help his

patience but it was a promise of not just capitulation but enthusiasm.

Jake pushed, finally sliding deep, his hips against the satin skin of her

inner thighs, their bodies completely joined. Exquisite pleasure

coursed through every nerve-ending in body, swamping his senses.

And when he began to move it got even better. He managed to

make it about four thrusts before he exploded, his climax slamming

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