Under His Skin (9 page)

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Authors: Emeline Piaget

BOOK: Under His Skin
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Chapter 17



Her house was relatively easy to find.  I pulled up about five minutes early.  I was expecting to have to wait because I usually did, without complaint, when I picked up a date.  I’m not one to complain when I know a woman is getting ready just for me.  I was mid knock when the door swung open.  She smiled up at me looking absolutely spectacular in a strapless knee length white floral summer dress.


“Come on in,” she said.  “I just need to grab my shoes and I’ll be ready to go.”


“No rush, take your time.”


I stepped in and she shut the door behind me.  I followed behind, enjoying the view.  She led me through a long hallway lined with photos of her little girl at various ages. She was a strikingly little one from early on.  She looked a lot like her mother.  This morning, Addison mentioned her ex-husband Chad.  I had to assume it was the same Chad from high school.  What are the odds that she met and married another Chad?  W
hat a douchebag,
I thought and shook my head.  We entered a quaint living room when she turned back to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.


“Sorry, I should have done that before, but I have really nosy neighbors that are friends with my ex-husband.  The last thing I feel like hearing is mouth when he drops Chandi off.”


“He is your ex right?”  She laughed at my question.


“Yes, he is but I think he forgets that sometimes.  Anyway, I’ll be right back. Have a seat.”


I took a seat on a comfortable brown leather couch.  I looked around at her house.  From what I could see it was small but very well maintained. 
I wonder who does the repairs for her.
Her living room was covered in photos of her from high school through college and her daughter.  In some there was an older, gorgeous mocha-skinned woman with the same almond-shaped eyes as Addie, I assumed that was her mother.  There was one of the three of them together that looked recent.  The resemblance between them was undeniable.  I stood up and walked over her entertainment center that held that picture. 
She gets her beauty honestly
, I thought.  I was still admiring photos when she came back in the room. 

“Admiring my Chandi shrine?”

“She’s a beautiful little girl,” I said, turning to face her.


She had put on white sandals with her dress.  Her toes were painted a light blue that matched the flowers on her dress.  I’m not a foot man, but even her toes were sexy. She even had toe rings on both feet. 
How did I miss that last night?


“You look… beautiful.”


“Uh oh, you paused that can’t be good,” she teased.


“No, it’s just that I felt beautiful didn’t really do you justice.”


“Magnificent?” She asked, biting her lip and poking me in the side.

“Magnificent works until I can think of something better,” I chuckled.


“Works for me," she smiled.


“All set and ready to go?”


“I am indeed.”


We walked out to the car, I helped her in, and we were off to the winery.  I picked a place that I’d heard a few clients talk about but had never been myself, a place called Arrowhead Spring Winery.  During the drive she commented again on how wonderful dinner had been and how excited she was for the tasting. 


“Wine is a new found passion of mine.  I’m always excited to find new ones that I might like.”


“I’ve heard nothing but positives about this place.  I even looked it up online and it has a close to a five star rating.”


“That’s fantastic.  I can’t wait.”


We pulled up on a gorgeous sprawling estate on a hillside.  I had good vibes about this place already.  Once inside we looked around and ended up in the tasting room which overlooked the beautiful hillside and acres of grapevines.


“Oh, wow, this is absolutely gorgeous,” she said.


“I admit I’m pretty impressed myself, the view of the winery is the second best I’ve had all day,” I said with a wink. She smiled demurely.  “From what I read about them, they focus on dry wines.  So are you ready to try some wines?”


“I’m so ready,” she said seductively.


“I hate to keep a lady waiting.”


We walked over to the counter to begin our tasting experience.  It was a dollar per taste which I felt was appropriate.  They seemed to specialize in dry reds and all of them were delicious.  By the time we got around to their specialty wines we’d probably tried about 10 and I could tell she was getting a little tipsy.


“This one is my favorite,” she said of the Vidal Blanc Icewine.


“Then you must have a bottle,” I said as I picked up a bottle to purchase.


“Oh no I couldn’t ask that of you.  You’ve already done so much, dinner last night and the tasting today. It’s all so…”


“You didn’t ask, I offered,” I said cutting her off.


“Thank you, that is so nice of you.”

“Ouch,” I teased.


“What did I say?”  I laughed before answering.


“Nice is little Timmy down the street when he helps you carry in the groceries or when Grandma Sally bakes you cookies for no reason.  I was hoping for more than nice.”


“Oh ok,” she smiled. “What about that’s very gentlemanly of you.”


“Nothing wrong with that at all,” I grinned. 


“Excuse me for one moment, I’ll be right back.”


I went off to purchase the wine for Addison and felt her eyes on me as I walked away.  I felt a stirring in my groin. 
I could take her home right now and fuck her four ways from Sunday¸
I thought.  I shook my head as I reached the counter.
I want her to be fully aware and remember every delicious second.


“That’ll be thirty-four, ninety-five plus tax,” a voice said shaking me back to the present.


“Huh?  Sorry, excuse me?”

“Thirty-four, ninety-five plus tax.  Just letting you know before I ring it up.  Most people come up here to ask how much,” the older salesman said.


“Oh no, that’s fine.  I’m getting it regardless of the price.”


“Ok, no problem.  Your total is thirty-eight, oh-one.”


I pulled out my money clip and gave the guy a fifty.


“You guys were great during our tasting, please keep the change.”


“Thanks buddy.  Have a good day.”


“Thanks you too.”


I motioned to Addison that I was ready and walked over and met her by the door.  It was time to get a little personal.  I may not be willing to taking advantage of her sexually while she’s full of wine samples, but I have no problem prying info from her.


“Let’s get some coffee in you to help fight against that wine.”


“I love coffee,” she giggled.

“What do you think about Tim Horton’s?”


“I love Timmy Ho’s.  I used to go there all the time until I got hooked on Starbucks.”


“Alright Tim’s it is.”


As we walked to the car, we compared all the wines besides the Icewine and rated our favorites.  I would definitely be back to the vineyard.  I helped her in the car and walked around the front to the driver’s side.  I felt her eyes on me the entire time.  I glanced out of the corner of my eye and she was biting her bottom lip and twirling her hair.  I hopped in the driver’s seat and it took all of my will power not to drive her back to my place and devour her. 


“So tell me about Chandi,” I said, pulling out of the parking lot.


“Oh my sweet Chandi, she’s my pride and joy.  The only good thing to come out of that relationship.  For a while I didn’t think I could have kids.  We tried unsuccessfully for three years.  I had just about given up and then one day I felt really sick and… well… there were other signs too, but I’ll spare you the details,” she laughed.  “So I took a test, and it was positive.  It was probably the happiest day of my life.”


“She’s six?”


“Yes, six and a half to hear her tell it,” she chuckled.  “Her birthday is in January.”  I glanced over and saw her eyes sparkle.  It made her look even more radiant. 
Fuck she’s so sexy, 
I thought.


“Does she like school?”


“She loves it.  Of course, its summer now, but she just finished up her first year in Kindergarten.  She loved it.”


“That’s good.  Mom used to say it’s always easier when you love school,” I said as we pulled into the coffee shop parking lot.


“I hated school,” she said.


“Really?” I asked, putting the car in park. 


“All of school or high school?”  I opened my door and walked around to help her out.


“High school.”


“Really?” I asked again.


“Does that surprise you for some reason?” 


“It does, I feel like you were probably popular in school.”  She sighed. 


“Let’s order and we can get into it,” she said, almost like it was something she didn’t want to talk about.  We each ordered a specialty drink and a pastry, then grabbed a seat.


“What were we saying?” She asked.


“You were telling about how you were uber popular and everyone loved you and you hated every minute,” I said jokingly.


“Yeah, yeah.  Ha, ha!  You laugh but it’s true.  Yes, I was popular.  I was a cheerleader and I look back at my high school self and cringe.”


“Why is that? And why did you hate school if you were popular?”


“Being popular was not that great.  Everyone pretended to want to be your friend.  They really just want to use you or be in your spot.  From the outside I was living the high school dream.  I was a cheerleader dating the star hockey player.  Girls always want to be the cheerleader.  Plus, he was good looking and popular, everyone always told me how good looking and popular he was and how lucky I was to have him, but he was really a jerk.  I never knew who I could trust and who I couldn’t.  Then there were the rumors.  People would make up stuff just to feel like they were a part of things.  I was self-conscious for a long time.”


“I’m sorry to hear that.  I hope you’re past that because you are beautiful.”


“Thank you.  I’m sure you had plenty of girls flinging their panties at you in high school.”  I laughed.


“Maybe not quite as many as you think.”


“Yeah, right, come on.
You’re way too good looking for them not to.”

“I was a late bloomer,” I said teasing.  “So how long were you married?”


“Oh goodness, we were married for almost eleven years, but we were together for much longer than that. Way too long if you ask me.  We started dating our freshman year of high school and dated all through high school and college, we married two years after college graduation.  All in all we were together for seventeen years.”

“Wow.  That is a long time.  Why did you guys split up?”


“I got tired of him sleeping around on me.  Pure and simple.  It was a constant theme through our whole relationship.  I don’t think there was a faithful few months in there, let alone years.”


“He must be crazy. I can’t possibly find a possible reason why any man would cheat on you.”


“I don’t know, but thank you.  It seems to be a common theme.”


“What do you mean?”


“After Chad and I divorced it took me a minute to get back out there.  I dated a few people, one or two dates here and there, but nothing too serious until Travis.  We actually went to high school together as well.  We ended up reconnecting on Facebook through a mutual friend.  I found out that he actually liked me in high school.  We dated for almost two years.  We actually just broke up a few months ago.  He was cheating with my former best friend Trish.  My daughter is actually named after her.  Chandi Trishelle.”

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