Under Karin (2 page)

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Authors: Andrea Jordan

Tags: #bondage, #femdom, #facesitting, #chained and loving it, #handcuff erotica, #public bdsm, #keyholder, #lingerie bondage, #headscissors, #smotherbox

BOOK: Under Karin
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"Only good boy
have air." She said as she returned to her work, her thighs resting
menacingly close together.

Karin continued
to read her notes and then started to answer questions from a
previous exam paper. She filled one page with her scribbles and
then turned over and continued to write. It was going well, if this
question came up in this year's exam then she would be fine. An
hour had passed and she hadn't once thought about the guy beneath

James lay still
beneath her in his sealed prison, now knowing what would happened
if he made a noise. The big thighs above him would touch, skin
against skin. Barely any movement on her part, but it would cut his
air supply and as far as he knew that would kill him.

Karin was
giving him exactly what she’d promised. All was black and silent.
He was in complete sensory deprivation, apart from her scent. He
was turned on for sure, but he also felt very relaxed. Beneath
Karin was a very calming place. There was nothing he had to do,
indeed absolutely nothing he could do.

The hole in the
lid of the box was his only window on the world and Karin’s butt
and thighs filled it completely. As such he was fully focused on
those parts of her body. Occasionally she would shift her weight,
slightly changing the way she was sitting. Although these movements
were slight, they represented big news down in his tiny world.

Karin finished
the exam paper and turned on the radio. Although the sound of the
radio was barely audio to James, he could feel the small vibrations
as she tapped her foot on the bench. She wriggled her body and felt
the contours of his face beneath her. She loved the power this work
gave her. It wasn't often in life that you could snap shut padlocks
and leave someone helplessly in chains. And then stimulate yourself
by sitting on their face. And with her personalised panty blindfold
pressing directly on his eyes and taking away his sight, there was
no risk of him seeing what she was doing.

She lent to the
left and lifted her butt off one side of his face. She’d been
sitting for so long, her skin had stuck slightly to the black
padding of the lid. Her pink satin underwear had also stuck to his
face and it peeled off as she moved.

“OK in

James looked up
at her with his one free eye trying to read her expression, which
seemed a mix of confidence, arousal and sleepy all at once. He
opened his mouth to reply, but was too late as she sat back down,
once again putting his mouth into a panty straitjacket.

Karin stood up
exactly three hours after she had sat down. "Lunch now."

James’s face
had become accustom to her weight and felt strange without it. His
eyes watered as he blinked into the light and he could still smell
nothing but her scent. When his sight recovered, he angled his eyes
as best he could to see her, but with his face held firmly in
place, there was little he could see but the old peeling paint on
the cracked ceiling.

"Wow, that was

Karin smiled as
she eased her jeans back up. "You welcome." She then perched on the
edge of the still locked smother box and looked down at him.

"You like

"Yes, very

Karin smiled
and edged a little closer so that the denim was touching the side
of his nose. Her hair hung down, partially covering relaxed

"I can do dress


Karin stood up
and stretched and flicked her dark hair back over her shoulders,
sleepy from the lack of physical movement. Seemingly in a world of
her own, she started to unlock the padlocks and open the box.

By the time
James had climbed to his feet, Karin had already disappeared into
her bedroom leaving James to stretch and then hunt around for the
toilet. The bathroom was small and badly decorated, but well
ordered and clean. He found the bottle of perfume that he had been
breathing in all morning. It wasn’t a big name brand, just a cheap

When he
returned, Karin was standing in the middle of the small lounge
wearing a short black cocktail dress and heels. She had also put on
a little make up and her hair was up in a bun. She’d also removed
her glasses even though everything was now slightly blurry. The
truth was she liked her attractive, polite guest and despite their
brief and very unusual encounter, she wanted to make an effort.



"And special."
Karin pulled up her dress to reveal the briefest of black

James smiled,
even though he preferred her previous choice of underwear, the
thong leaving nothing to the imagination, with the g-string buried
almost out of sight between her cheeks.. But it did reveal her
whole beautiful butt which now looked slightly larger and therefore
more intimidating.


"That was a
quick lunch break," James replied as he obediently climbed back on
to the bench and positioned his head in the open box. Karin quickly
closed the lid and sat down on one edge. James playfully tried to
reopen the box, but Karin just edged a little closer, looked down
and shook her head.


James continued
to try and lift the lid and as he did so accidentally placed his
hand on her thigh. Karin didn’t say anything, but stopped moving
and closed her eyes. James watched her, leaving his hand there for
a few seconds more before slowly sliding it off.

“Staying!” she
ordered, embarrassed by the silence that had followed.

She stood up
and walked away, her little black dress bouncing as she went. James
listened as cupboards opened and closed in the kitchen. He could
have escaped, the smother box wasn't locked and there was no girl
sitting on top, but he remembered the look she'd given him earlier
when he’d disobeyed her and decided he should ‘staying’.

When she
returned, Karin dragged her table to the other side of the smother
box. She relocked the chains around James hands and feet and
re-padlocked the lid. She then sat on the edge of the lid now
facing away from his body. She opened her legs, pulled back her
dress and looked down at James’s face that was showing between her
bare thighs.

"Face other

"Sure, that’s
...." James was getting used to his replies being cut short as
Karin slid forward to sit on his mouth and nose. His one remaining
feature was his left eye that could just be seen peeking out from
deep in her crotch.

"......." His
lips tried to move but only managed to massage her butt.

"What?" She
slid back just enough to let him talk, although even then his lips
were in contact with her thong.


Again she slid
forward just as he was about to speak. She giggled as she saw the
look of frustration in his one visible eye. Karin slid backwards
again but this time James decided to stay quiet.

“Good boy.”

With the lesson
learnt, Karin took some of the bread and cheese that she had
prepared and pushed it down between her thighs and into his barely
exposed mouth.

She had
deliberately positioned herself on his chin and lower lip as she
knew from experience that she would get a very pleasant massage as
he ate. The poor hungry guy would try and move his jaw, no matter
how difficult that was, producing a beautiful feeling between
Karin’s legs. And the bread that Karin had chosen certainly needed

Karin threw her
head back and enjoyed the moment. All she had to do when the
feeling stopped was to open her legs, push down another piece of
bread and then close up. Mealtime spent this way could last an hour
or more.

"Bye bye." With
lunch over, Karin pulled her cheeks out and slid forward until his
nose was once again resting comfortably against the front of her
underwear. To start with her legs were apart and James looked out
through the crack between her thighs. However that didn’t last
long, as she moved her legs together creating total darkness

James lay there
trying to keep his nose as far from her panties as possible.
Breathing was dependent on there being at least a small gap, but as
Karin continued to study and her mind wondered, the stimulation
from his nose made her sub consciously edge forward.

After a few
minutes with his nose buried deeply into the front of Karin's
underwear, James started to rattle his chains. At first Karin was
annoyed, she was halfway through a timed question, but then she
realised the problem and slid back off his face.

"You want

“Please!” he

She reached
over and picked up a flexible plastic tube from the nearby
cupboard. She placed one end in James’s mouth and let the spare end
hand over the side of the box.

"Really bye bye
now," she said with a stern look on her face.

She slid
forward, pulled out her cheeks and sat on him so that she engulfed
his face entirely. She jiggled up and down for a few seconds until
his nose was where she wanted it and then sat completely still,
closed her eyes and looked up to the ceiling. Her butt had now
completely seeled the hole in the lid.

Karin lifted
her dress and tucked the other end of the plastic pipe down the
front of her panties. She positioned it by her clit so that she was
stimulated by the suction created by his breathing. Maybe this was
unprofessional, but to her it was just a perk of the job. With
James gulping down mouthfuls of air straight from inside her thong,
she carefully spread her black dress out to make the guy beneath
her ‘disappear’.




Three hours
later and James was asleep. Karin could hear his slow rhythmic
breathing beneath her and could feel the beautifully steady suction
against her clit. The front of her panties were now wet and she was
a little concerned that some of the moisture may be getting sucked
down the tube and into his mouth.

Karin sprayed
her skirt out around her again, to double check he couldn't see
what she was doing and played with the ring that held the keys to
the padlocks. If she was to lose one of them or even break one, he
might have to stay the night. That idea excited her. She placed the
tip of one of the keys into a small gap in her desk and pushed down

She looked
behind her at her guest. An attractive guy and he had voluntarily
chosen to spend part of his precious life being sat on by her. He
was also trusting her with his life. She liked that idea too. She
returned to the key that was pushed into the desk and pressed down
a little more. It unlocked one of James’s wrists. What would they
do if the small key was to snap? She knew there was no spare.

At 3pm Karin
closed her books and piled them up as this was the time she'd
planned to finish both her study and her face sitting. She removed
her glasses and rubbed her tired eyes and held her palms over her
eyes to let the heat sink in. Reluctantly, she stood up and looked
behind her at the sleepy face that had been her seat for the last
six hours. She removed the plastic tube from his mouth and ran her
fingers around the profile of his lovely chiselled features.

"What’s the
time?" James asked sleepily.


James smiled
and tried to stretch before remembering that his hands and feet
were still chained down. He rattled them gently and looked up

She held up the
small key ring. "Chains on."

"Oh yes."

"Did you

"It was

"Orgasm for
you?" Karin reached down and touched his cock through his suit

He could help
but smile at her pronunciation. "No thanks."

He couldn’t
believe he’d just turned down the chance of a hand job. He’d wanted
to come earlier, but now the feeling had turned from sexual into
something else. He wasn’t sure what.

“No?” she was
also surprised.

"For you?" he
offered in return.

Karin looked
shocked and shook her head.

“Why not?”

Karin had often
been tempted to getting off by rubbing herself against the guy in
the box, but had been too embarrassed to try. She knew from
experience that she could be quite loud and anyway the whole point
of her service was to arouse the guy, not her. But here was a sexy
guy offering her the service. Maybe he would use his lips on her,
maybe even his tongue. She sub-consciously put her hand to her
mouth as she thought through the possibilities.

She looked down
and saw his expectant eyes staring up from the box. They really
were cute. He was willing and anyway she had him helplessly chained
up, so maybe she should go ahead.

she turned and sat back down on the lid, once more facing towards
his body. She lifted her skirt and positioned her clit as close as
possible to his mouth. In this position, the rest of his face was
buried out of sight beneath her. She moved slowly back and forth
using his face to stimulate herself, with all the action discretely
hidden away under her black cocktail dress.

She cried out
as she felt his tongue slide into her tight black silk panties and
touch her. Again she put her hand to her mouth, ashamed of her
outburst. Ten minutes later and her cries of pleasure were still
getting louder, she wasn’t sure how much more of this she could
take. Her panties were wet, her thighs had goose bumps and her
hands were clutching the side of the box as if desperately hanging

Twenty minutes
later and gasping for breath, Karin finally stood up.

"Fuck." she

She stood up,
smoothed down her dress and retrieved what looked like a shallow
box from the other side of her room. It was actually a cover or
second lid for the smother box and could be used to cover up the
prisoner. “Thank you,” she breathed as she placed the second lid
over James’s face.

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